Tithe Applotment Books: Lambeg Parish, County Down

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Tithe Applotment Books in Lambeg Parish

The Tithe Applotment Books in Lambeg parish and throughout the entire country record the results of a unique land survey taken to determine the amount of tax payable by landholders to the Church of Ireland. They are known as the Tithe Applotment Books because the results of this land survey were originally compiled in nearly 2,000 hand-written books. This data set represents a virtual census for pre-Famine Ireland and as it covered most of the country it is very important for historians and genealogists researching family origins or the history of specific areas.

The Tithe Applotments created a lot of civil unrest in Ireland especially from the Catholic population as they vigorously disagreed to paying taxes to a Protestant church. The Tithe Applotments were carried out in Lambeg Parish in 1828.


Tithe Applotment Books: Lambeg Parish

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Agnew, Charles Townland: Ballyskeagh Year: 1828
Agnew, George Townland: Ballyskeagh Year: 1828
Alderdice, Jas. Townland: Lambeg Year: 1828
Allen, Bob Townland: Tulnacross Year: 1828
Allen, Jack Townland: Tulnacross Year: 1828
Allen, Robt. Townland: Tulnacross Year: 1828
Allen, Thomas Townland: Tulnacross Year: 1828
Allen, Thos. Townland: Lisnatrunk Year: 1828
Barbour, William Townland: Lambeg Year: 1828
Barbour, Wm. Townland: Lambeg Year: 1828
Barclay, Mrs. Townland: Lambeg Year: 1828
Bell, Alexr. Townland: Lisnatrunk Year: 1828
Bell, Henry Townland: Lambeg Year: 1828
Bell, Hy. Townland: Lambeg Year: 1828
Biddulph, John Townland: Lisnatrunk Year: 1828
Black, Widow Townland: Lisnatrunk Year: 1828
Blackburne, John Townland: Ballyskeagh Year: 1828
Blackhall, Charles Townland: Ballyskeagh Year: 1828
Boomer, George Townland: Lambeg Year: 1828 Notes: and Company
Bowyers, William Townland: Ballyskeagh Year: 1828
Bowyers, William Townland: Tulnacross Year: 1828
Breathwait, Jas. Townland: Lambeg Year: 1828
Breathwit, Alexr. Townland: Tulnacross Year: 1828
Breathwit, Israel Townland: Ballyskeagh Year: 1828
Breathwit, James Townland: Tulnacross Year: 1828
Breathwit, Renny Townland: Tulnacross Year: 1828
Breathwit, Richd. Townland: Tulnacross Year: 1828
Breathwit, William Townland: Tulnacross Year: 1828
Bruce, Tom. Townland: Ballyskeagh Year: 1828
Bruce, William Townland: Ballyskeagh Year: 1828
Burrows, John Townland: Ballyskeagh Year: 1828
Burrows, John Townland: Ballyskeagh Year: 1828 Notes: Boatman
Burrows, Tom. Townland: Ballyskeagh Year: 1828 Notes: Carpenter
Cahoon, George Townland: Lisnatrunk Year: 1828
Caldbech, Mr. Townland: Lambeg Year: 1828
Campbell, George Townland: Lisnatrunk Year: 1828
Campbell, John Townland: Lisnatrunk Year: 1828
Campbell, Robert Townland: Lisnatrunk Year: 1828
Chambers, Robt. Townland: Ballyskeagh Year: 1828
Chapman, John Townland: Tulnacross Year: 1828
Charley, John Townland: Ballyskeagh Year: 1828
Charley, Wm. Townland: Ballyskeagh Year: 1828
Corken, Jam. Townland: Lisnatrunk Year: 1828
Crone, John Townland: Tulnacross Year: 1828
Crow, Samuel Townland: Tulnacross Year: 1828
Culbbert, Alexander Townland: Ballyskeagh Year: 1828
De Cuherdis, Capt. Townland: Lambeg Year: 1828
Devenny, Mr. Townland: Lisnatrunk Year: 1828
Ferguson, Wm. Townland: Lisnatrunk Year: 1828
Finlay, Chas. Townland: Lisnatrunk Year: 1828
Finlay, Russel Townland: Lisnatrunk Year: 1828
Fletcher, Mr. Townland: Lambeg Year: 1828
Galway, Robert Townland: Lisnatrunk Year: 1828
Gemmill, Rob. Townland: Ballyskeagh Year: 1828
Gilliland, William Townland: Tulnacross Year: 1828
Gillmore, John Townland: Ballyskeagh Year: 1828
Gordon, John Townland: Ballyskeagh Year: 1828
Hill, Moses Townland: Lambeg Year: 1828
Hogg, Mr. Townland: Lambeg Year: 1828
Hoole, Widow Townland: Tulnacross Year: 1828
Hunter, Rev. Henry Townland: Lisnatrunk Year: 1828
Hunter, Jas. Townland: Lambeg Year: 1828
Johnson, Jenkin Townland: Ballyskeagh Year: 1828
Kelly, John Townland: Lisnatrunk Year: 1828
Kelly, Widow Townland: Tulnacross Year: 1828
Kelly, Wm. Townland: Tulnacross Year: 1828
Kennedy, Samuel Townland: Lambeg Year: 1828
Lauderdale, Jas. Townland: Lisnatrunk Year: 1828
Lewson, Samuel Townland: Lambeg Year: 1828
Macklin, Robert Townland: Lisnatrunk Year: 1828
Macklin, Robt. Townland: Lisnatrunk Year: 1828
Magee, George Townland: Tulnacross Year: 1828
Magee, Jack Townland: Tulnacross Year: 1828
Magee, Robt. Townland: Ballyskeagh Year: 1828
Magee, Tom. Townland: Tulnacross Year: 1828
Magee, William Townland: Tulnacross Year: 1828
Magee, Wm. Townland: Tulnacross Year: 1828
Maghir, Widow Townland: Tulnacross Year: 1828
Mahir, John Townland: Tulnacross Year: 1828
Major, William Townland: Lisnatrunk Year: 1828
Maxwell, George Townland: Lisnatrunk Year: 1828
McAlice, Dan. Townland: Lisnatrunk Year: 1828
McAnnaly, Arthur Townland: Lisnatrunk Year: 1828
McBurney, Alexr. Townland: Tulnacross Year: 1828
McCall, Richd. Townland: Lambeg Year: 1828
McCoy, Daniel Townland: Ballyskeagh Year: 1828
McCreary, Joseph Townland: Tulnacross Year: 1828
McGurk, Timothy Townland: Tulnacross Year: 1828
McKowen, Jas. Townland: Lisnatrunk Year: 1828
McKowen, Kitty Townland: Lisnatrunk Year: 1828
McKowen, Peggy Townland: Lisnatrunk Year: 1828
McMaster, Robt. Townland: Tulnacross Year: 1828
McMurray, John Townland: Tulnacross Year: 1828
McQuiston, Thomas, Jr. Townland: Ballyskeagh Year: 1828
McQuiston, Thomas, Sr. Townland: Ballyskeagh Year: 1828
Meade, Mrs. Townland: Lambeg Year: 1828
Mercers, John Townland: Lisnatrunk Year: 1828
Morrison, Mr. Townland: Tulnacross Year: 1828
Murdoch, Richd. Townland: Lisnatrunk Year: 1828
Murdoch, Wm. Townland: Lisnatrunk Year: 1828
Mussen, John Townland: Lisnatrunk Year: 1828
Mussen, Richd. Townland: Lisnatrunk Year: 1828
Mussen, William Townland: Lisnatrunk Year: 1828
Neale, Frank Townland: Ballyskeagh Year: 1828
Neale, Widow Jas. Townland: Tulnacross Year: 1828
Neile, John Townland: Lisnatrunk Year: 1828
Parkinson, Corny Townland: Tulnacross Year: 1828
Parkinson, Frank Townland: Tulnacross Year: 1828
Patterson, Wm. Townland: Ballyskeagh Year: 1828
Pelan, Aby. Townland: Tulnacross Year: 1828
Pelan, Castor Townland: Tulnacross Year: 1828
Pelan, Frank Townland: Tulnacross Year: 1828
Pelan, Mat. Townland: Lambeg Year: 1828
Pelan, Mathew Townland: Tulnacross Year: 1828
Pelan, Robt. Townland: Lisnatrunk Year: 1828
Pelan, Robt. Townland: Tulnacross Year: 1828
Pelan, Thos. Townland: Lisnatrunk Year: 1828
Pelan, Thos. Townland: Tulnacross Year: 1828
Pelan, Tom. Townland: Tulnacross Year: 1828
Rainey, Widow Townland: Lisnatrunk Year: 1828
Rainey, William Townland: Tulnacross Year: 1828
Rainey, William, Sr. Townland: Lisnatrunk Year: 1828
Rainey, Wm., Jr. Townland: Lisnatrunk Year: 1828
Read, Mr. Townland: Lambeg Year: 1828
Renfrew, Alexr. Townland: Lambeg Year: 1828
Renfrew, John Townland: Tulnacross Year: 1828
Richardsons Green, Mr. Townland: Lambeg Year: 1828
Sculley, Mr. Townland: Lambeg Year: 1828
Seeds, Harry Townland: Lambeg Year: 1828
Simpson, John Townland: Tulnacross Year: 1828
Simpson, Wm. Townland: Tulnacross Year: 1828
Stewart, Dr. Townland: Lambeg Year: 1828
Stewart, James Townland: Ballyskeagh Year: 1828
Stewart, Widow Townland: Tulnacross Year: 1828
Taylor, James Townland: Ballyskeagh Year: 1828
Taylor, Widow Townland: Tulnacross Year: 1828
Tutan, Jas. Townland: Lisnatrunk Year: 1828
Ward, Jas. Townland: Lambeg Year: 1828
Wheeler, Widow Townland: Lambeg Year: 1828
Williamson, Alexander Townland: Tulnacross Year: 1828
Williamson, Alexr. Townland: Lambeg Year: 1828
Williamson, R. Townland: Lambeg Year: 1828
Williamson, Robt. Townland: Lambeg Year: 1828
Williamson, Robt. Townland: Tulnacross Year: 1828
Wolfenden, John Townland: Lambeg Year: 1828
Wolfenden, Richard Townland: Ballyskeagh Year: 1828
Woods, James Townland: Tulnacross Year: 1828