Tithe Applotment Books: Derrybrusk Parish, County Fermanagh

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Tithe Applotment Books in Derrybrusk Parish

The Tithe Applotment Books in Derrybrusk parish and throughout the entire country record the results of a unique land survey taken to determine the amount of tax payable by landholders to the Church of Ireland. They are known as the Tithe Applotment Books because the results of this land survey were originally compiled in nearly 2,000 hand-written books. This data set represents a virtual census for pre-Famine Ireland and as it covered most of the country it is very important for historians and genealogists researching family origins or the history of specific areas.

The Tithe Applotments created a lot of civil unrest in Ireland especially from the Catholic population as they vigorously disagreed to paying taxes to a Protestant church. The Tithe Applotments were carried out in Derrybrusk Parish in 1825.


Tithe Applotment Books: Derrybrusk Parish

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Adams, Robert Townland: Gola and Ardnacarrow Year: 1825
Ammorson, Thos. Townland: Ballyreagh Year: 1825
Ammorson, William Townland: Ballyreagh Year: 1825
Ammorson, William Townland: Glassdrummond Year: 1825
Armstrong, John Townland: Largy Year: 1825
Belmore, Earl Townland: Boney Brook Year: 1825 Notes: Earl of Belmore
Belmore, Earl Townland: Thomas-Town Year: 1825 Notes: Earl of Belmore
Betty, David Townland: Boney Brook Year: 1825
Betty, Henry Townland: Faughey and Aughey Year: 1825
Betty, James Townland: Boney Brook Year: 1825
Betty, John Townland: Cappy Year: 1825
Betty, John Townland: Tonnyreagh Year: 1825
Betty, William Townland: Foxwood Year: 1825
Bown, Thomas Townland: Glassmullagh Year: 1825
Busby, Matt Townland: Glassmullagh Year: 1825
Cader, Thomas Townland: Largy Year: 1825
Cader, Widow Townland: Largy Year: 1825
Carlin, Hardy Townland: Ballyreagh Year: 1825
Carlin, Patrick Townland: Ballyreagh Year: 1825
Chapman, Thomas Townland: Killygraney Year: 1825
Cluff, Noble Townland: Ballyreagh Year: 1825
Collum, Archibald Townland: Tullyharney Year: 1825
Collum, Widow Townland: Tullyharney Year: 1825
Corrigan, Charles Townland: Largy Year: 1825
Corrigan, Hugh Townland: Cappy Year: 1825
Corrigan, Martin Townland: Largy Year: 1825
Corrigan, Owen Townland: Largy Year: 1825
Cosgrove, Andrew Townland: Foxwood Year: 1825
Cosgrove, John Townland: Ballyreagh Year: 1825
Cosgrove, John Townland: Largy Year: 1825
Cox, Andrew Townland: Largy Year: 1825
Cox, Andrew, Jr. Townland: Largy Year: 1825
Cox, Andrew, Sr. Townland: Largy Year: 1825
Cox, Hugh Townland: Largy Year: 1825
Cox, John Townland: Drumcullion Year: 1825
Cox, John Townland: Largy Year: 1825
Cox, Mathew Townland: Largy Year: 1825
Cox, Michael Townland: Largy Year: 1825
Cox, Patrick Townland: Largy Year: 1825
Cox, Robert Townland: Largy Year: 1825
Crawford, Francis Townland: Glassmullagh Year: 1825
Crugan, William Townland: Drumcrow Year: 1825
Dane, Richard, Esq. Townland: Boney Brook Year: 1825
Darragh, Andrew Townland: Ballyreagh Year: 1825
Darragh, John Townland: Ballyreagh Year: 1825
Deering, John, Esq. Townland: Berrybrusk and Year: 1825
Doorish, John Townland: Glassmullagh Year: 1825
Earl, Belmore Townland: Boney Brook Year: 1825 Notes: Earl of Belmore
Earl, Belmore Townland: Thomas-Town Year: 1825 Notes: Earl of Belmore
Edwards, John Townland: Ballyreagh Year: 1825
Farmer, Dennis Townland: Cappy Year: 1825
Farrel, James Townland: Gola and Ardnacarrow Year: 1825
Farril, William Townland: Cappy Year: 1825
Gallagher, Edward Townland: Drumcrow Year: 1825
Gardiner, Robert Townland: Cappy Year: 1825
Gardiner, Thomas Townland: Cappy Year: 1825
Good, Thomas Townland: Gola and Ardnacarrow Year: 1825
Graham, Henry Townland: Gola and Ardnacarrow Year: 1825
Graham, William Townland: Gola and Ardnacarrow Year: 1825
Graham, William Townland: Tullyharney Year: 1825
Haran, Peter Townland: Killsallagh Year: 1825
Hare, James Townland: Glassdrummond Year: 1825
Harris, Rev. George Townland: Winnigan Glebe Year: 1825
Haynes, Francis Townland: Drumcrow Year: 1825
Hemphile, William Townland: Gola and Ardnacarrow Year: 1825
Hetherington, James Townland: Ballyreagh Year: 1825
Hunter, James Townland: Ballyreagh Year: 1825
Hunter, Robert Townland: Ballyreagh Year: 1825
Hurst, George Townland: Ballyreagh Year: 1825
Hurst, George Townland: Boney Brook Year: 1825
Hurst, John Townland: Ballyreagh Year: 1825
Johnston, James Townland: Killygraney Year: 1825
Johnston, Robert Townland: Ballyreagh Year: 1825
Keenan, Constantine Townland: Drumcullion Year: 1825
Keenan, Constantine Townland: Foxwood Year: 1825
Kelly, Michael Townland: Ballyreagh Year: 1825
Kernan, Edward Townland: Foxwood Year: 1825
Killfillen, William Townland: Killygraney Year: 1825
King, Widow Townland: Glassmullagh Year: 1825
Lindsay, James Townland: Killsallagh Year: 1825
Logan, James Townland: Largy Year: 1825
Love, James Townland: Glassmullagh Year: 1825
Love, Terrance Townland: Ballyreagh Year: 1825
Lowry, Joseph Townland: Gola and Ardnacarrow Year: 1825
Loyd, William Townland: Drumreany Year: 1825
Magavirin, Hugh Townland: Faughey and Aughey Year: 1825
Maguire, Bryan Townland: Gola and Ardnacarrow Year: 1825
Mains, James Townland: Foxwood Year: 1825
Martin, Charles Townland: Largy Year: 1825
McAdam, Michael Townland: Drumcrow Year: 1825
McCaffrey, Edward Townland: Ballyreagh Year: 1825
McCawil, Bryan Townland: Largy Year: 1825
McCusker, Rose Townland: Largy Year: 1825
McDonagh, Nail Townland: Gola and Ardnacarrow Year: 1825
McDonald, Francis Townland: Ballyreagh Year: 1825
McDonald, James Townland: Ballyreagh Year: 1825
McDonald, Phillip Townland: Ballyreagh Year: 1825
McElroy, Dennis Townland: Largy Year: 1825
McElroy, Edward Townland: Largy Year: 1825
McElroy, Edwd. Townland: Largy Year: 1825
McElroy, Mathew Townland: Largy Year: 1825
McElroy, Patt. Townland: Largy Year: 1825
McElroy, Thos. Townland: Largy Year: 1825
McHugh, Thomas Townland: Foxwood Year: 1825
McKernan, Patrick Townland: Foxwood Year: 1825
McKinsey, Kenneth Townland: Ballyreagh Year: 1825
McMullen, William Townland: Glassmullagh Year: 1825
Miller, Robert Townland: Glassmullagh Year: 1825
Miller, Widow Townland: Tullyharney Year: 1825
Montgomery, Ralph Townland: Foxwood Year: 1825
Moon, Montgomery Townland: Cappy Year: 1825
Moor, Montgomery Townland: Tonnyreagh Year: 1825
Mulligan, Patrick Townland: Drumcrow Year: 1825
Murphy, Edward, Jr. Townland: Drumcrow Year: 1825
Murphy, John Townland: Glassmullagh Year: 1825
Nixon, James Townland: Glassdrummond Year: 1825
Noble, George Townland: Ballyreagh Year: 1825
Noble, Sergent Townland: Killyreagh Year: 1825
Parker, William Townland: Killyreagh Year: 1825
Perry, John Townland: Gola and Ardnacarrow Year: 1825
Potts, Robert Townland: Killygraney Year: 1825
Potts, Robert Townland: Killyreagh Year: 1825
Rennick, James Townland: Ballyreagh Year: 1825
Robinson, Thomas Townland: Ballyreagh Year: 1825
Robinson, Widow Townland: Tullyharney Year: 1825
Rodgers, Bryan Townland: Largy Year: 1825
Rowe, William Townland: Killyreagh Year: 1825
Rutledge, James Townland: Glassdrummond Year: 1825
Scarlet, George Townland: Killygraney Year: 1825
Shannon, Barney Townland: Foxwood Year: 1825
Sharky, Charles Townland: Foxwood Year: 1825
Smith, John Townland: Ballyreagh Year: 1825
Smyth, Thomas Townland: Largy Year: 1825
Storey, Andrew Townland: Cappy Year: 1825
Swift, Mathew Townland: Largy Year: 1825
Swift, Thomas Townland: Largy Year: 1825
Thompson, Jason Townland: Drumcrow Year: 1825
Thompson, John Townland: Ballyreagh Year: 1825
Trainer, James Townland: Killyreagh Year: 1825
Trimble, William Townland: Gola and Ardnacarrow Year: 1825
Trimonon, Patrick Townland: Ballyreagh Year: 1825
Vaughan, Archibald Townland: Killyreagh Year: 1825
Watkin, Francis Townland: Ring Year: 1825
Watkin, Widow Townland: Faughey and Aughey Year: 1825
Watson, Francis Townland: Ballyreagh Year: 1825
Watson, James Townland: Ballyreagh Year: 1825
Watson, John Townland: Ballyreagh Year: 1825
Watson, William Townland: Ballyreagh Year: 1825
Wherry, James Townland: Ballyreagh Year: 1825
Wilson, James Townland: Glassdrummond Year: 1825
Wilson, James Townland: Thomas-Town Year: 1825
Wilson, William Townland: Gola and Ardnacarrow Year: 1825
Woods, John Townland: Drumcullion Year: 1825
Woods, John, Jr. Townland: Ballyreagh Year: 1825
Woods, John, Sr. Townland: Ballyreagh Year: 1825
Woods, Thomas Townland: Drumcullion Year: 1825