Griffith's Valuation: Aghanloo Parish, County Derry

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Griffith's Valuation in Aghanloo Parish

Griffith ’s Valuation took place in Aghanloo parish and every other parish in county Derry / Londonderry as well as throughout Ireland. Griffith's valuation is the name widely given to the Primary Valuation of Ireland, a property tax survey carried out in the mid-nineteenth century under the supervision of Sir Richard Griffith. The survey involved the detailed valuation of every taxable piece of agricultural or built property on the island of Ireland and was published county-by-county between the years 1847 and 1864.

The process of valuation was painstakingly thorough, involving multiple visits by valuation teams to analyse all of the factors influencing the economic status of the property: average rents paid in the area; distance from the nearest market town. The aim was to get as accurate as possible an estimate of the annual income that each property should produce. The Griffiths Valuation was carried out in county Londonderry / Derry in 1858 and 1859.


Griffiths Valuation: Aghanloo Parish 1858 and 1859

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You should also check the records of Aghanloo parish from the Tithe Applotment books in the 1820's and 1830's



KEY:   L: = Location     N: = Notes     V: = Village     T: = Town     C: = City

Abraham, James L: Ballycastle
Adams, James L: Ballycastle
Adams, John L: Freehall or Moneyvennon
Adams, William L: Magheraskeagh
Adams, William L: Tullyarmon
Allen, Charles L: Drumbane
Allen, Robert L: Ballycastle
Ash, Devina L: Artikelly
Ash, William L: Artikelly
Ashe, Samuel L: Downland
Bacon, Rober L: Ballycastle
Bacon, Thomas L: Magheraskeagh
Bacon, William L: Magheraskeagh
Bacon, William L: Tullyarmon
Bailey, Ellen L: Artikelly
Bailey, Ellen L: Magheraskeagh
Bailey, James L: Ballymaglin
Bailey, John L: Ballybrissell
Balfour, Daniel L: Dirtagh
Bigham, James L: Killybready
Bigham, John L: Killybready
Bigham, Robert, Jr. L: Killybready
Bigham, Robert, Sr. L: Killybready
Black, William L: Drumbane
Blaney, William L: Dirtagh
Borling, Thomas L: Tircorran
Boyd, John L: Killybready
Boyle, John L: Shanvey
Brolly, John L: Cressycrib
Browne, Nathaniel M. L: Clooney
Bryce, James L: Largantea
Campbell, William L: Ballyhenry East
Carson, Nathaniel L: Killybready
Carson, William L: Killybready
Caskey, Nathaniel L: Killybready
Cassidy, Robert L: Tullyarmon
Cathers, William L: Magheraskeagh
Caul, Mary L: Rathfad
Commins, George L: Ballycarton
Commins, James L: Ballycarton
Coyle, John L: Shanvey
Craig, Rev. George L: Glebe
Craig, Rev. George L: Tircorran
Crawford, Robert L: Drumaderry
Crawford, William L: Ballyhanna
Cunning, Robert L: Ballymoney
Davies, James L: Drumalief
Deehan, John L: Rathfad
Deehan, Michael L: Rathfad
Deehan, William L: Rathfad
Dixon, Henry L: Stradreagh
Dogherty, John L: Stradreagh
Dogherty, Marcus L: Lisnagrib
Doley, Hugh L: Tircorran
Douglas, Daniel L: Artikelly
Douglas, John L: Drumaderry
Douglas, John L: Tircorran
Douglas, William L: Ballymoney
Downey, Robert L: Tullyarmon
Dunlop, Robert L: Ballycastle
Dysart, Alexander L: Dirtagh
Dysart, Alexander L: Tullyarmon
Dysart, Robert L: Drumalief
Eason, Jane L: Dirtagh
Eason, Jane L: Stradreagh
Eaton, James L: Ballymaglin
Ersbill, John L: Stradreagh
Farrell, Mary L: Artikelly
Ferguson, Robert L: Ballycastle
Fisher, Jacob L: Stradreagh
Fisher, John L: Stradreagh
Fleming, William L: Rathfad
Forsythe, John L: Tullyarmon
Forsythe, Thomas L: Tullyarmon
Gage, Marcy L: Largantea
Gallagher, James L: Carbullion
Gibbon, James L: Ballycastle
Gibbon, Patrick L: Carbullion
Given, Andrew L: Magheraskeagh
Gorley, Jane L: Ballycastle
Grumley, James L: Drumalief
Harkan, Alexander L: Drumbane
Harken, James L: Stradreagh
Harkin, Thomas L: Tullyarmon
Healy, George L: Rathfad
Hemphill, Robert L: Drumbane
Henry, John L: Dirtagh
Henry, Joseph L: Lisnagrib
Hewston, John L: Ballycastle
Hewston, John L: Drumaderry
Hewston, Mary L: Drumaderry
Heygate, Baronet Fred. W. L: Ballyhenry East
Hodge, James L: Rathfad
Hunter, George L: Ballycastle
Irwin, Charles L: Grannagh
Irwin, James L: Drumaderry
Irwin, John L: Drumaderry
Irwin, John L: Rathfad
Irwin, John L: Tircorran
Jackson, Samuel L: Artikelly
Kane, John L: Ballymaglin
Kearney, John L: Freehall or Moneyvennon
Kelly, Charles L: Ballycarton
Kennedy, Thomas L: Stradreagh
Kilmurray, Mary L: Artikelly
Kilpatrick, William L: Tullyarmon
Lane, Benjamin L: Ballycarton
Lane, Benjamin L: Ballyhenry East
Lane, Benjamin L: Grange Park
Lane, Benjamin L: Rathfad
Lane, Benjamin L: Shanvey
Lane, Hugh L: Largantea
Leech, John L: Rathfad
Lindsey, Mary L: Killybready
Long, David L: Dirtagh
Long, Thomas L: Lisnagrib
Lynch, George L: Tullyarmon
Lynch, Jane L: Drumalief
Lynch, Joseph L: Killybready
Lynch, Mary L: Stradreagh
Madden, Leslie L: Rathfad
Madigan, George L: Ballycastle
Madigan, Philip L: Tullyarmon
Madigan, William L: Dirtagh
Magennis, Catherine L: Downland
Magill, Edward L: Magheraskeagh
Magill, Margaret L: Ballycastle
Malone, James L: Stradreagh
Marshall, Rose L: Freehall or Moneyvennon
Martin, Israel L: Ballyhenry East
Martin, John L: Artikelly
Martin, John L: Cressycrib
Martin, John L: Largantea
Martin, John L: Lisnagrib
Martin, Samuel L: Cressycrib
Martin, Thomas L: Ballycastle
McArthur, Anne L: Tullyarmon
McArthur, James L: Tullyarmon
McCahy, John L: Downland
McCaul, David L: Drumalief
McClary, Rosanna L: Stradreagh
McClary, William L: Shanvey
McClary, William L: Stradreagh
McClelland, Henry L: Drumalief
McCluksey, John L: Dirtagh
McCluskey, Anne L: Ballycastle
McCluskey, Henry L: Ballycastle
McCluskey, Hugh L: Carbullion
McCluskey, Hugh L: Grannagh
McCluskey, John L: Drumalief
McCluskey, John L: Tircorran
McCluskey, Patrick L: Rathfad
McCluskey, William L: Dirtagh
McCluskey, William L: Drumalief
McCoy, Neal L: Artikelly
McCoy, Neal L: Largantea
McCullagh, Andrew L: Ballyhanna
McCully, James L: Ballyhenry East
McDaid, James L: Freehall or Moneyvennon
McDaid, James L: Lisnagrib
McDonnell, James L: Dirtagh
McFeeter, Alexander L: Clooney
McGeehan, James L: Carbullion
McIlmoyle, John L: Stradreagh
McIlmoyle, Matthew L: Stradreagh
McIntire, Anne L: Ballycarton
McIntire, Hugh L: Ballycarton
McIntire, James L: Ballycarton
McIntosh, William L: Stradreagh
McKay, Margaret L: Killybready
McKay, Thomas L: Killybready
McKeever, John L: Ballycarton
McLaughlin, John L: Ballymaglin
McLaughlin, Michael L: Ballycarton
McLoughlin, James L: Ballyhenry East
McLoughlin, Margt. L: Ballyhenry East
McLoughlin, Robert L: Stradreagh
McMullen, Alexander L: Downland
McMullen, Robert L: Downland
McNamara, Charles L: Ballycarton
McNamara, Daniel L: Ballycarton
McNamara, John L: Ballycarton
McNamara, Mary L: Ballycarton
McNicholl, Thomas L: Ballycastle
McNicholl, William L: Drumbane
Mesbil, William L: Lisnagrib
Moffett, Joseph L: Freehall or Moneyvennon
Moffett, Rebecca L: Freehall or Moneyvennon
Morrison, James L: Dirtagh
Mullen, Charles L: Ballybrissell
Mullen, Charles L: Drumbane
Mullen, David L: Artikelly
Mullen, Edward L: Ballycarton
Mullen, Edward L: Ballyhenry East
Mullen, Eleanor L: Stradreagh
Mullen, Eleanor L: Tullyarmon
Mullen, Hannah L: Carbullion
Mullen, James L: Tullyarmon
Mullen, Michael L: Rathfad
Mullen, Samuel L: Tullyarmon
Mullen, Thomas L: Ballycarton
Mullen, Thomas L: Ballyhanna
Mullen, William L: Lisnagrib
Murray, James L: Shanvey
Murray, William L: Drumaderry
Murtland, James L: Grannagh
Murtland, John L: Tullyarmon
Neal, Robert L: Artikelly
Neal, William L: Dirtagh
Neal, William L: Drumalief
O'Brien, Alexander L: Artikelly
Oliver, Alexander L: Grannagh
Oliver, Eleanor L: Tircorran
Oliver, James L: Shanvey
Oliver, Samuel L: Ballycastle
Oliver, Samuel L: Downland
Oliver, William L: Downland
Orr, Robert L: Stradreagh
Piper, Sarah L: Carbullion
Quinn, William L: Freehall or Moneyvennon
Reid, William L: Drumbane
Rogers, John L: Grannagh
Sandford, Robert L: Grannagh
Scott, Margaret L: Artikelly
Sherrard, Allan L: Dirtagh
Sherrard, John L: Dirtagh
Sherrard, Robert L: Stradreagh
Sherrard, William L: Stradreagh
Sherrard, William, Jr. L: Stradreagh
Smith, Daniel L: Ballybrissell
Smith, Samuel L: Drumbane
Stewart, Adam L: Drumalief
Stewart, Clarke L: Artikelly
Stewart, Clarke L: Magheraskeagh
Stewart, Clarke L: Tullyarmon
Stewart, Henry L: Lisnagrib
Stewart, Hugh L: Dirtagh
Stewart, Hugh L: Drumalief
Stewart, James L: Ballymaglin
Swan, William L: Ballyhenry East
Taylor, Jane L: Drumalief
Taylor, John L: Ballyhenry East
Taylor, John L: Dirtagh
Taylor, Thomas L: Stradreagh
Thompson, Jane L: Ballyhenry East
Thompson, Joseph L: Drumbane
Toner, William L: Ballycastle
Traynor, Thomas L: Ballycastle
Turbitt, Jacob L: Ballycastle
Turbitt, Jacob L: Drumaderry
Turbitt, John L: Drumalief
Turbitt, John L: Tullyarmon
Turbitt, Matthew L: Ballymoney
Turbitt, Matthew L: Drumalief
Vince, Eleanor L: Cressycrib
Wallace, Henry L: Ballyhanna
Wallace, Henry L: Dirtagh
Wallace, Henry L: Stradreagh
Walls, Henry L: Freehall or Moneyvennon
Waterford, Marquis L: Largantea N: Marquis of Waterford
Watson, William L: Artikelly
Whiteside, John L: Artikelly
Williamson, John L: Drumbane
Wilson, Alexander L: Dirtagh
Wilson, Alexander L: Gortnamoney
Wilson, Alexander L: Stradreagh
Wilson, Elizabeth L: Gortnamoney
Wilson, James L: Clooney
Wilson, James L: Drumaderry
Wilson, James L: Largantea
Wilson, James L: Stradreagh
Wilson, James L: Tullyarmon
Wilson, John L: Stradreagh
Wilson, Mary L: Dirtagh
Wilson, Samuel L: Dirtagh
Wilson, Samuel L: Stradreagh
Wilson, William L: Stradreagh