Griffith's Valuation: Kildollagh Parish, County Derry

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Griffith's Valuation in Kildollagh Parish

Griffith ’s Valuation took place in Kildollagh parish and every other parish in county Derry / Londonderry as well as throughout Ireland. Griffith's valuation is the name widely given to the Primary Valuation of Ireland, a property tax survey carried out in the mid-nineteenth century under the supervision of Sir Richard Griffith. The survey involved the detailed valuation of every taxable piece of agricultural or built property on the island of Ireland and was published county-by-county between the years 1847 and 1864.

The process of valuation was painstakingly thorough, involving multiple visits by valuation teams to analyse all of the factors influencing the economic status of the property: average rents paid in the area; distance from the nearest market town. The aim was to get as accurate as possible an estimate of the annual income that each property should produce. The Griffiths Valuation was carried out in county Londonderry / Derry in 1858 and 1859.


Griffiths Valuation: Kildollagh Parish 1858 and 1859

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You should also check the records of Kildollagh parish from the Tithe Applotment books in the 1820's and 1830's



KEY:   L: = Location     N: = Notes     V: = Village     T: = Town     C: = City

Adams, John L: Mill Loughan
Adams, Martha L: Mill Loughan
Alexander, Rev. John L: Drumaduan
Anderson, Robert L: Coolderry South
Archbold, Hugh L: Coolderry South
Black, Robert L: Drumaduan
Boyd, Edward L: Loughanrea South
Boyd, Thomas L: Loughanrea South
Campbell, Hugh L: Mill Loughan
Campbell, Mary L: Coolderry South
Cochrane, Thomas L: Mill Loughan
Cox, Moses L: Pullans South
Cox, Robert L: Fishloughan
Creelman, John L: Dam Head
Creelman, John L: Pullans South
Cromie, John L: Coolderry North
Cromie, John L: Pullans South
Dalzell, John L: Loughanrea North
Davis, William L: Drumaduan
Doherty, George L: Mill Loughan
Doherty, James L: Mill Loughan
Dunne, Samuel L: Coolderry North
Easdel, John L: Dromore
Fisher, Jane L: Dam Head
Flynn, Thomas L: Dam Head
Freeman, Hugh L: Dam Head
Freeman, James L: Coolderry South
Freeman, John L: Dam Head
Freeman, Robert L: Pullans North
Fulton, James L: Loughanrea South
Galbraith, John L: Coolderry South
Galbraith, Samuel L: Coolderry North
Galbraith, Samuel L: Dam Head
Galbraith, William L: Coolderry North
Gilmore, Samuel L: Mill Loughan
Giveen, Butler M. L: Coolderry South
Gray, John L: Dromore
Hart, John L: Coolderry North
Hayes, Robert L: Loughanrea North
Hemphill, John L: Fishloughan
Henry, Charles L: Drumaduan
Henry, William L: Fishloughan
Highlands, Hartless L: Coolderry South
Hogan, Margaret L: Mill Loughan
Jameson, Mary L: Coolderry South
Johnston, John L: Loughanrea North
Kennedy, David L: Fishloughan
Kennedy, Rankin L: Fishloughan
King, James L: Fishloughan
Kirkpatrick, Andrew L: Dam Head
Kirkpatrick, Archibald L: Coolderry South
Kirkpatrick, Francis L: Dam Head
Kirkpatrick, John L: Coolderry South
Knox, Andrew L: Coolderry North
Larmont, Thomas L: Dam Head
Ledburn, Susan L: Mill Loughan
Leslie, David L: Drumaduan
Licken, Margaret L: Loughanrea South
Lyle, Rev. John L: Drumaduan
Lynn, Jane L: Mill Loughan
Manus, John L: Drumaduan
Maxwell, Robert L: Coolderry South
McCarl, Mary L: Coolderry South
McCarn, Hugh L: Coolderry South
McComb, James L: Drumaduan
McCready, John L: Pullans North
McIlreary, John L: Fishloughan
McKeavy, Archibald L: Pullans South
McMullen, Samuel L: Mill Loughan
McMullin, Mary L: Drumaduan
McNaughten, Jane L: Mill Loughan
McNaul, Benjamin L: Fishloughan
McNaul, Daniel L: Fishloughan
McNaul, John L: Dromore
McNeill, Charles L: Coolderry South
McVetrick, John L: Loughanrea South
McWilliams, James L: Coolderry South
Milliney, Thomas L: Fishloughan
Milling, Thomas L: Fishloughan
Mitchell, James L: Fishloughan
Moore, Hugh L: Pullans North
Moore, James L: Pullans North
Moore, James L: Turnakibbock
Morrison, Hugh L: Coolderry South
Morrison, Jane L: Mill Loughan
Morrison, John L: Loughanrea South
Morrison, Margaret L: Coolderry South
Morrison, Matthew L: Dam Head
Morrison, Sarah L: Coolderry South
Morrison, Thomas L: Coolderry South
Morrison, William L: Coolderry South
Mulholland, Catherine L: Pullans South
Nealy, James L: Dam Head
Nesbitt, Joseph L: Loughanrea South
Nicholl, Martha L: Drumaduan
Nicholl, Robert L: Turnakibbock
O'Neill, John L: Drumaduan
Oswell, William L: Coolderry South
Patten, William L: Coolderry South
Pattison, John L: Dam Head
Perrycock, Jane L: Loughanrea North
Platt, John L: Pullans North
Pollock, Samuel L: Coolderry South
Ramsay, Mary L: Mill Loughan
Rankin, James L: Mill Loughan
Rattrick, Anne L: Loughanrea South
Ray, Anne L: Loughanrea North
Redmond, William L: Turnakibbock
Reid, James L: Coolderry North
Reid, John L: Fishloughan
Roland, William L: Loughanrea South
Ruddan, William L: Coolderry South
Semple, Hugh L: Fishloughan
Semple, Samuel, Jr. L: Fishloughan
Simpson, Thomas L: Coolderry North
Smith, James L: Loughanrea North
Smith, Mary L: Mill Loughan
Spear, James L: Mill Loughan
Spring, James L: Mill Loughan
Steele, Mary L: Mill Loughan
Taggart, William L: Turnakibbock
Taylor, William L: Fishloughan
Thompson, James L: Fishloughan
Thomson, James L: Coolderry North N: Sec.
Thomson, James L: Coolderry South N: Sec.
Thomson, James L: Dam Head N: Sec
Thomson, James L: Loughanrea South N: Sec
Wallace, Samuel L: Drumaduan
Wallace, Thomas L: Coolderry North
Warnick, Thomas L: Mill Loughan
Watt, Andrew L: Mill Loughan
Watt, John L: Mill Loughan
Watt, William L: Mill Loughan
White, Alexander L: Coolderry North
Wiley, John L: Coolderry South
Wilson, Andrew L: Dam Head
Wilson, David L: Dam Head
Wilson, James L: Dam Head
Wilson, James L: Loughanrea South
Wilson, William L: Dam Head
Young, Robert L: Mill Loughan