Griffith's Valuation: Aughnish Parish, County Donegal

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Griffith's Valuation in Aughnish Parish

Griffith ’s Valuation was carried out in Aughnish parish and every other parish in county Donegal as well as throughout Ireland. Griffith's valuation is the name widely given to the Primary Valuation of Ireland, a property tax survey carried out in the mid-nineteenth century under the supervision of Sir Richard Griffith. The survey involved the detailed valuation of every taxable piece of agricultural or built property on the island of Ireland and was published county-by-county between the years 1847 and 1864.

The process of valuation was painstakingly thorough, involving multiple visits by valuation teams to analyse all of the factors influencing the economic status of the property: average rents paid in the area; distance from the nearest market town. The aim was to get as accurate as possible an estimate of the annual income that each property should produce. The Griffiths Valuation was carried out in Aughnish parish, county Donegal during 1857.


Griffiths Valuation: Aughnish Parish 1857

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KEY:   Loc: = Location     N: = Notes     V: = Village     T: = Town

Acorn, Eliza T: Rathmelton - Castle St
Adams, Samuel Loc: Croaghan
Aiken, John Loc: Drumherrive
Aikin, James Loc: Drumherrive
Aikin, Sarah T: Rathmelton - Castle St
Alcorn, James Loc: Glenalla
Alcorn, John Loc: Glenalla
Algoe, David T: Rathmelton - Back Lane
Algoe, Robert T: Rathmelton - Back Lane
Algoe, Robert T: Rathmelton - Castle St
Algoe, Thomas T: Rathmelton - Castle St
Allison, James Loc: Ardrumman
Allison, James Loc: Cashelshanaghan
Allison, Richard Loc: Rathmelton
Allison, Samuel Loc: Rathmelton
Atkins, Rev. William Loc: Aghangaddy Glebe
Barker, John T: Rathmelton - Back Lane
Barker, William T: Rathmelton - Castle St
Barrett, James Loc: Glenalla
Bates, George Loc: Glenleary
Bates, James Loc: Rathmelton
Bates, John Loc: Aghangaddy Glebe
Bayne, Peter Loc: Rathmelton
Bayne, Peter Loc: Roughpark
Bayne, Peter T: Rathmelton - The Mall
Beatty, George T: Rathmelton - Back Lane
Begley, Charles Loc: Glenalla
Begley, John Loc: Glenalla
Begley, Myles Loc: Glenalla
Begly, Phelan Loc: Aughnish
Bell, Eliza T: Rathmelton - Back Lane
Bell, Isabella T: Rathmelton - Shore-Road
Bingham, David T: Rathmelton - Church St
Birds, James Loc: Cashelshanaghan
Birney, John Loc: Cashelshanaghan
Black, Aaron Loc: Aughnish
Black, Alexander T: Rathmelton - Little Bridge-Road
Black, James Loc: Croaghan
Black, John Loc: Ballylin
Black, Patrick Loc: Aughnish
Black, William, Jr. Loc: Ballgreen
Black, William, Jr. Loc: Fortstewart
Black, William, Sr. Loc: Ballgreen
Black, William, Sr. Loc: Fortstewart
Bogan, Charles Loc: Drumherrive
Bonar, James Loc: Glenleary
Bond, George Loc: Croaghan
Bonnar, George T: Rathmelton - Church St
Bonnar, William T: Rathmelton - Church St
Boyce, Daniel Loc: Rathmelton
Boyce, James Loc: Killydonnell
Boyle, Bernard Loc: Carrygalt
Boyle, Bryan Loc: Glenalla
Boyle, Daniel Loc: Kilcreen
Boyle, John Loc: Aughnish
Boyle, William Loc: Glenalla
Bradley, Charles Loc: Croaghan
Bradley, John Loc: Ballgreen
Brannon, Edward T: Rathmelton - Church St
Brennon, William Loc: Aughnish
Brien, Hugh Loc: Fortstewart
Brigham, David Loc: Rathmelton
Brigham, David T: Rathmelton - Main St
Brigham, David T: Rathmelton-The Mall
Brittain, James T: Rathmelton - Church St
Brown, Anne T: Rathmelton - Church St
Brown, John Loc: Rathmelton
Brown, John T: Rathmelton - Main St
Browne, Edward Loc: Ardrumman
Browne, Hannah T: Rathmelton - Church St
Browne, Hugh T: Rathmelton - Back Lane
Browne, John Loc: Rathmelton
Browne, Margaret T: Rathmelton - The Mall
Browne, Susan Loc: Cashelshanaghan
Browne, Thomas T: Rathmelton - Main St
Browne, William Loc: Newhill
Browne, William Loc: Rathmelton
Browne, William T: Rathmelton - Main St
Brunton, James T: Rathmelton - Castle St
Buchanan, John T: Rathmelton - Castle St
Buchanan, John T: Rathmelton - Church St
Bunton, Rebecca T: Rathmelton - Back Lane
Caldwell, Eliza Loc: Aughnish
Callaghan, Mary T: Rathmelton - Church St
Callan, Edward Loc: Kilcreen
Callan, John T: Rathmelton - Back Lane
Callan, Mary Loc: Croaghan
Callan, William Loc: Kilcreen
Callion, Alexander Loc: Newhill
Campbell, Joseph T: Rathmelton - Church St
Canning, Charles T: Rathmelton - Main St
Canning, James T: Rathmelton - Main St
Cannon, Daniel T: Rathmelton - The Mall
Cannon, James Loc: Ballgreen
Cannon, James Loc: Rathmelton
Cannon, James T: Rathmelton - Main St
Carberry, John Loc: Croaghan
Carbery, Patrick Loc: Newhill
Carson, John T: Rathmelton - Church St
Cassidy, Samuel T: Rathmelton - Back Lane
Cathcart, Ellen Loc: Aughnish
Cathcart, John T: Rathmelton - Church St
Cathcart, William Loc: Croaghan
Cathcart, William Loc: Glenalla
Clarke, William T: Rathmelton - Church St
Colhoun, Alexander Loc: Cashelshanaghan
Coll, Charles T: Rathmelton - Church St
Coll, John T: Rathmelton - Back Lane
Coll, John T: Rathmelton - Church St N: and Lodgers
Collins, Bernard Loc: Gortaway N: Grocer
Collins, Brice Loc: Ballylin
Collins, Charles Loc: Gortaway
Collins, James Loc: Fortstewart
Collins, James Loc: Gortaway
Collins, James T: Rathmelton - Castle St
Collins, Neal Loc: Gortaway N: Big
Collins, Neal Loc: Gortaway N: Little
Collins, Neal T: Rathmelton - Back Lane
Collins, Rebecca Loc: Ardrumman
Collins, Rev. Robt. T: Rathmelton - Castle St
Cooke, George Loc: Rathmelton
Cooke, George T: Rathmelton - Shore-Road
Cooke, George T: Rathmelton-The Mall
Corscadden, Robert Loc: Newhill
Cowan, James T: Rathmelton - Castle St
Coyle, Catherine T: Rathmelton - Church St
Coyle, Denis T: Rathmelton - Church St
Coyle, Hugh T: Rathmelton - Church St
Coyle, James Loc: Aghangaddy Glebe
Coyle, James Loc: Ballybokeel
Coyle, James Loc: Rathmelton
Coyle, James Loc: Roughpark
Coyle, James Loc: Roughpark N: Hotel
Coyle, James T: Rathmelton - Castle St
Coyle, James T: Rathmelton - Church St
Coyle, John Loc: Aughnish
Coyle, John T: Rathmelton - Back Lane
Coyle, Mary Loc: Rathmelton
Coyle, Mary T: Rathmelton - Church St
Coyle, Peter Loc: Roughpark
Crawford, Henry T: Rathmelton - Pound St
Crawford, John Loc: Glenalla
Crawford, Margaret Loc: Ardrumman
Crawford, Robert T: Rathmelton - Back Lane
Crosbie, William Loc: Rathmelton
Crosbie, William T: Rathmelton - Church St
Crosby, John T: Rathmelton - Church St
Crosby, William Loc: Newhill
Crossan, Bernard Loc: Carnhill
Crossan, Henry Loc: Carnhill
Crossan, Henry Loc: Cashelshanaghan
Crossan, John Loc: Cashelshanaghan
Cunning, James T: Rathmelton - Main St
Cunningham, Jane Loc: Aughnish
Curran, James Loc: Kilcreen
Curran, Manus T: Rathmelton - Pound St
Curran, Robert Loc: Glenalla
Curtis, Robert T: Rathmelton - Back Lane
Darcus, Rev. William T: Rathmelton - Church St
Davis, Mary Loc: Cashelshanaghan
Davis, William Loc: Glenalla
Davison, Samuel Loc: Rathmelton
Davison, Samuel T: Rathmelton - Main St
Deeney, Eliza Loc: Ray
Delany, John Loc: Croaghan
Delap, Rev. Alexander Loc: Ray
Delap, Andrew T: Rathmelton - Church St
Delap, Rep. William Loc: Drumherrive
Deneese, Charles Loc: Croaghan
Deneese, Daniel T: Rathmelton - Church St
Deneese, Hugh Loc: Carnhill
Deneese, James Loc: Killydonnell
Deneese, Patrick Loc: Carnhill
Dermott, Catherine Loc: Killydonnell
Devir, Daniel Loc: Carrowcashel
Devir, Daniel Loc: Glenleary
Devir, Denis Loc: Ballylin
Devir, John Loc: Ardrumman
Devir, Mary Loc: Carrowcashel
Devir, Patrick Loc: Kilcreen
Devir, Rebecca Loc: Gortaway
Devir, William Loc: Ardrumman
Dill, Anne T: Rathmelton - Main St
Dinnan, John T: Rathmelton - Church St
Diver, Samuel T: Rathmelton - Shore-Road
Diver, William T: Rathmelton - Castle St
Divers, James Loc: Glenalla
Divers, William Loc: Glenalla
Dobbins, Martha T: Rathmelton-The Mall
Dogherty, Alexander Loc: Cashelshanaghan
Dogherty, Alexander Loc: Killydonnell
Dogherty, David Loc: Cashelshanaghan
Dogherty, Edward T: Rathmelton - Pound St
Dogherty, Hugh Loc: Ardrumman
Dogherty, Joseph Loc: Cashelshanaghan
Doherty, Denis Loc: Glenalla
Doherty, George Loc: Rathmelton
Doherty, George T: Rathmelton - Castle St
Doherty, George T: Rathmelton - Church St
Doherty, George T: Rathmelton - Main St
Doherty, Henry T: Rathmelton - Castle St
Doherty, James Loc: Ray
Doherty, John Loc: Drumherrive
Doherty, John T: Rathmelton - Pound St
Doherty, Thomas Loc: Drumherrive
Donnell, James Loc: Aughnish
Donnell, James Loc: Kilcreen
Donnell, James Loc: Rathmelton
Donnelly, Rev. Charles Loc: Rathmelton
Donnelly, Rebecca T: Rathmelton - The Mall
Donnelly, Samuel Loc: Kilcreen
Donnelly, Samuel Loc: Newhill
Donnelly, Thomas Loc: Drumherrive
Donnelly, Thomas Loc: Ray
Dorrin, James Loc: Ardrumman
Driscoll, Daniel Loc: Ballgreen
Duffy, Francis Loc: Croaghan
Duffy, Patrick Loc: Rathmelton
Duffy, Patrick T: Rathmelton - Church St
Duffy, Patrick T: Rathmelton - Main St
Duffy, William T: Rathmelton - Main St
Dunne, Andrew Loc: Ballylin
Durneen, Sarah Loc: Croaghan
Faulkner, John Loc: Ballgreen
Faulkner, John Loc: Ballylin
Ferry, Charles Loc: Glenalla
Ferry, Mary Loc: Fortstewart
Fleming, James Loc: Aughnish
Fleming, Mary T: Rathmelton - Church St
Foster, William Loc: Rathmelton
Foster McWhoriskey, Jane James T: Rathmelton - The Mall
Frazer, John Loc: Rathmelton
Friel, John Loc: Gortaway
Friel, Michael Loc: Carrygalt
Friel, Myles Loc: Aghangaddy Glebe
Friel, Patrick Loc: Aghangaddy Glebe
Friel, Patrick Loc: Croaghan
Friel, William Loc: Croaghan
Fullerton, John Loc: Ballybokeel
Fullerton, John Loc: Cashelshanaghan
Fullerton, John Loc: Rathmelton
Gaily, Robert Loc: Croaghan
Galbraith, Thomas Loc: Ardrumman
Gallagher, Charles Loc: Cashelshanaghan
Gallagher, Charles Loc: Croaghan
Gallagher, Cornelius T: Rathmelton - Church St
Gallagher, Dorothea Loc: Kilcreen
Gallagher, Hugh Loc: Newhill
Gallagher, Hugh Loc: Shellfield
Gallagher, James Loc: Aughnish
Gallagher, James Loc: Croaghan
Gallagher, James Loc: Killydonnell
Gallagher, James Loc: Newhill
Gallagher, James T: Rathmelton - Back Lane
Gallagher, James T: Rathmelton - Castle St
Gallagher, James T: Rathmelton - Pound St
Gallagher, James, Jr. Loc: Glenalla
Gallagher, James, Sr. Loc: Glenalla
Gallagher, Jane Loc: Rathmelton
Gallagher, Jane T: Rathmelton - Castle St
Gallagher, John Loc: Carrowcashel
Gallagher, John Loc: Fortstewart
Gallagher, John Loc: Kilcreen
Gallagher, John Loc: Newhill
Gallagher, John Loc: Rathmelton
Gallagher, John Loc: Ray
Gallagher, Joseph T: Rathmelton - Church St
Gallagher, Margery T: Rathmelton - Castle St
Gallagher, Michael Loc: Ballybokeel
Gallagher, Michael Loc: Fortstewart
Gallagher, Michael T: Rathmelton - Castle St
Gallagher, Neal T: Rathmelton - Lane Off Church-St
Gallagher, Patrick T: Rathmelton - Shore-Road
Gallagher, Robert Loc: Ballylin
Gallagher, Rose T: Rathmelton - Pound St
Gallagher, William Loc: Carnhill
Gallagher, William Loc: Prablin
Gamble, Miss T: Rathmelton - Church St
Gamble, Mary T: Rathmelton - Castle St
Gamble, Samuel T: Rathmelton - The Mall
Gardiner, Samuel Loc: Cashelshanaghan
Gibbons, James T: Rathmelton - Castle St
Gibbons, William T: Rathmelton - Castle St
Gillespie, Isabella Loc: Rathmelton
Gillespie, Isabella T: Rathmelton - Lane Off Church-St
Gillespie, Isabella T: Rathmelton - Castle St
Gillespie, Isabella T: Rathmelton - Castle St N: Lodgs.
Gillespie, James Loc: Aghangaddy Glebe
Gillespie, James T: Rathmelton - Church St
Gordon, David Loc: Rathmelton
Gordon, David T: Rathmelton - Castle St
Gordon, James Loc: Rathmelton
Gordon, Robert T: Rathmelton - Castle St
Gough, William T: Rathmelton - The Mall
Gray, Alexander Loc: Croaghan
Gray, Jane Loc: Ardrumman
Gray, John Loc: Glenalla
Gray, Thomas T: Rathmelton - Church St
Greenly, Rev. Thomas Loc: Rathmelton
Greer, Isabella T: Rathmelton - Main St
Greer, Jane Loc: Aughnish
Gregg, Daniel Loc: Kilcreen
Gregg, Moses Loc: Ballybokeel
Gregg, Moses Loc: Ballyelly
Gregg, Moses Loc: Kilcreen
Gregg, Moses Loc: Newhill
Gregg, Richard Loc: Carrowcashel
Griffin, Hugh Loc: Ray
Griffin, James Loc: Ray
Griffin, James T: Rathmelton - Pound St
Griffin, William Loc: Ray
Gubbins, Margaret Loc: Glenalla
Hamilton, Robert Loc: Aughnish
Hamilton, Robert Loc: Ballyelly
Harkin, Alice Loc: Carnhill
Harkin, Bernard Loc: Killydonnell
Harkin, Denis T: Rathmelton - Church St
Harkin, George Loc: Cashelshanaghan
Harkin, John Loc: Glenalla
Harkin, Mary Loc: Glenalla
Harkin, Mary Loc: Kilcreen
Harkin, Patrick Loc: Glenalla
Harkness, James Loc: Croaghan
Harkness, James Loc: Killydonnell
Harley, Charles Loc: Newhill
Harte, Thomas B. Loc: Glenalla
Hay, Joseph T: Rathmelton - Castle St
Healy, William T: Rathmelton - Main St
Hearn, David Loc: Rathmelton
Helferty, Daniel Loc: Ballylin
Henderson, Samuel T: Rathmelton - Main St
Heron, David Loc: Rathmelton
Hewston, James T: Rathmelton - Pound St
Hewston, John Loc: Rathmelton
Hume, Charles Loc: Rathmelton
Hunter, Jane T: Rathmelton - Castle St
Hunter, Mary T: Rathmelton - Church St
Hunter, William Loc: Ardrumman
Hunter, William H. Loc: Newhill
Hutton, William Loc: Glenalla
Irvine, Andrew Loc: Croaghan
Irwin, Burton Loc: Ray
Irwin, William Loc: Newhill
Johnston, R. T: Rathmelton - Church St
Johnston, Weir Loc: Shellfield
Jordan, Patrick T: Rathmelton - Church St
Keenan, Hugh Loc: Carrygalt
Kelly, Mr. T: Rathmelton - Castle St N: Kelly and Watt
Kelly, Catherine Loc: Kilcreen
Kelly, Charles Loc: Rathmelton
Kelly, Charles T: Rathmelton - Castle St
Kelly, Charles T: Rathmelton-The Mall
Kelly, Daniel Loc: Rathmelton
Kelly, Daniel T: Rathmelton - Main St
Kelly, James T: Rathmelton - Lane Off Church-St
Kelly, John T: Rathmelton - Church St
Kelly, William T: Rathmelton - Church St
Kennedy, Catherine Loc: Rathmelton
Kennedy, Edw. T: Rathmelton - Main St N: Sadlier
Kennedy, James Loc: Carnhill
Kennedy, Mary T: Rathmelton - Pound St
Kennedy, Patrick Loc: Killydonnell
Kerr, Daniel Loc: Glenalla
Kerr, James T: Rathmelton - Castle St
Kerr, Jane Loc: Glenleary
Killen, Rev. Thomas T: Rathmelton - Castle St
Kincart, George Loc: Rathmelton
Kyle, Alexander Loc: Ardrumman
Kyle, George T: Rathmelton - The Mall
Kyle, James Loc: Carnhill
Kyle, Patrick Loc: Glenleary
Kyle, Russell Loc: Glenalla
Lackie, James Loc: Aughnish
Lafferty, Hamilton T: Rathmelton - Church St
Lafferty, James Loc: Carrowcashel
Lafferty, James Loc: Rathmelton
Lafferty, James T: Rathmelton - Church St
Lafferty, James T: Rathmelton - Main St
Lafferty, James T: Rathmelton - Shore-Road
Lafferty, William T: Rathmelton - Church St
Laird, Samuel Loc: Aughnish
Lawn, James T: Rathmelton - The Mall
Leany, Daniel Loc: Glenalla
Lindsay, Matthew T: Rathmelton - Castle St
Lindsay, Robert Loc: Ballybokeel
Locker, David T: Rathmelton - Church St
Lockhart, Andrew Loc: Farnagh
Lockhart, Anne Loc: Croaghan
Lockhart, Anne Loc: Farnagh
Lockhart, Matthew T: Rathmelton - Castle St
Lockhart, Oliver Loc: Aughnish
Lockhart, Oliver Loc: Aughnish Isle
Lockhart, Oliver Loc: Croaghan
Lockhart, Oliver T: Rathmelton - Castle St
Lockhart, William Loc: Ballybokeel
Lockhart, William Loc: Ballylin
Lockhart, William Loc: Farnagh
Lockheed, David Loc: Ardrumman
Lockheed, Margaret Loc: Croaghan
Logan, Eliza T: Rathmelton - Back Lane
Logan, Henry Loc: Glenalla
Logan, James T: Rathmelton - Pound St
Logue, Anne Loc: Killydonnell
Loughlin, Catherine Loc: Croaghan
Love, Alexander Loc: Ardrumman
Love, Eliza Loc: Rathmelton
Love, Eliza T: Rathmelton - Castle St
Malseed, Henry Loc: Croaghan
Malseed, Richard Loc: Ray
Malseed, Sarah T: Rathmelton - Castle St
Malseed, Stewart Loc: Ardrumman
Malseed, Stewart Loc: Cashelshanaghan
Mansfield, Francis Loc: Ardrumman
Mansfield, Francis Loc: Carrowcashel
Mansfield, Rep. Henry Loc: Ardrumman
Martin, Charles T: Rathmelton - Castle St
Martin, Denis Loc: Ray
Martin, Edward Loc: Drumherrive
Martin, Patrick Loc: Rathmelton
Martin, Robert Loc: Aghangaddy Glebe
McAdoo, Charles Loc: Rathmelton
McAdoo, Charles T: Rathmelton - The Mall
McAdoo, James T: Rathmelton - The Mall
McAllister, Alex. Loc: Cashelshanaghan
McAllister, Alexander Loc: Cashelshanaghan
McAllister, Margaret Loc: Rathmelton
McAteer, Denis Loc: Ballyelly
McAteer, Thomas T: Rathmelton - Church St
McAward, Matthew Loc: Cashelshanaghan
McBride, Anthony Loc: Prablin
McBride, Bryan Loc: Ray
McBride, Catherine T: Rathmelton - Church St
McBride, Charles T: Rathmelton - Church St
McBride, Daniel Loc: Croaghan
McBride, James Loc: Prablin
Mcbride, James T: Rathmelton - Castle St
McBride, Jane Loc: Aughnish
McBride, John Loc: Aughnish
McBride, John Loc: Carnhill
McBride, John Loc: Kilcreen
McBride, John Loc: Prablin
McBride, Joseph Loc: Ray
McBride, Patrick Loc: Prablin
McCabe, Thomas T: Rathmelton - Church St
McCarron, Charles Loc: Drumherrive
McCarron, Charles Loc: Rathmelton
McCarron, Hugh Loc: Ballyelly
McCarron, James Loc: Drumherrive
McCarron, James T: Rathmelton - Pound St
McCarron, John Loc: Drumherrive
McCarron, John T: Rathmelton - Shore-Road
McCarron, Neal Loc: Ray
McCart, Bernard Loc: Glenalla
McCartney, James Loc: Ray
McCay, Henry Loc: Aughnish
McClelland, John Loc: Ardrumman
McCloy, Samuel Loc: Ardrumman
McCluskey, Anne Loc: Ardrumman
McCoach, William Loc: Glenalla
McCollum, Patrick Loc: Aghangaddy Glebe
McConnell, Anne T: Rathmelton - Main St
McConnell, James Loc: Croaghan
McConnell, John Loc: Croaghan
McConnell, Robert Loc: Croaghan
McConnell, Robert T: Rathmelton - Castle St
McConomy, Patrick Loc: Carrygalt
McCormick, Edward Loc: Aghangaddy Glebe
McCormick, Henry T: Rathmelton - Main St
McDaid, Catherine T: Rathmelton - Pound St
McDaid, Daniel T: Rathmelton - Castle St
McDaid, Denis T: Rathmelton - Back Lane
McDaid, Dominick T: Rathmelton - Castle St
McDaid, James T: Rathmelton - Church St
McDaid, James T: Rathmelton - Pound St
McDaid, John T: Rathmelton - Tank-Road
McDaid, John T: Rathmelton - Castle St
McDaid, John T: Rathmelton - Church St
McDaid, Margaret T: Rathmelton - Pound St
McDaid, Patrick T: Rathmelton - Church St
McDaid, Robert T: Rathmelton - Main St
McDermott, Hugh T: Rathmelton - Main St
McDermott, James Loc: Glenalla
McDermott, Jane Loc: Croaghan
McDermott, Robert Loc: Glenleary
McDermott, Roger Loc: Aughnish
McDevitt, Bridget Loc: Glenleary
McDevitt, Daniel Loc: Rathmelton
McDevitt, Denis Loc: Ballybokeel
McDevitt, H. Loc: Newtownfore
McDevitt, Hugh Loc: Ardrumman
McDevitt, Hugh Loc: Croaghan
McDevitt, James Loc: Aughnish
McDevitt, John Loc: Carnhill
McDevitt, Patrick Loc: Aghangaddy Glebe
McDevitt, Patrick Loc: Aughnish
McDevitt, Sarah Loc: Glenalla
McDevitt, William Loc: Cashelshanaghan
McDonnell, Alexander T: Rathmelton - Church St
McFadden, Charles Loc: Drumherrive
McFadden, Charles Loc: Ray
McFadden, Cornelius Loc: Drumherrive
McFadden, Daniel Loc: Ray
McFadden, James Loc: Carrowcashel
McFadden, James Loc: Shellfield
McFadden, Martha Loc: Carrowcashel
McFadden, Mary Loc: Ray
McFadden, Patrick Loc: Ray
McFadden, William Loc: Ray
McFadden, William T: Rathmelton - Church St
McFate, Robert Loc: Drumherrive
McGaghy, Ellen T: Rathmelton - Castle St
McGarvey, John Loc: Rathmelton
McGarvey, Mary Loc: Ardrumman
McGeehan, Anthony Loc: Gortaway
McGeehan, Patrick Loc: Ardrumman
McGettigan, John Loc: Croaghan
McGettigan, William Loc: Newhill
McGhee, Susan Loc: Drumherrive
McGill, James T: Rathmelton - Church St
McGinley, Bryan Loc: Carrowcashel
McGinley, Daniel Loc: Roughpark
McGinley, Hugh T: Rathmelton - Church St
McGinley, Jas. Loc: Roughpark
McGinty, Catherine Loc: Carnhill
McGlashan, Sophia Loc: Drumherrive
McGlashin, John Loc: Croaghan
McGoldrick, Charles Loc: Croaghan
McGrath, James Loc: Rathmelton
McGrenera, William T: Rathmelton - Main St
McGroddy, Sarah T: Rathmelton - Church St
McGrory, Andrew T: Rathmelton - Church St
McGrory, John Loc: Ray
McGrory, Robert Loc: Ballylin
McGuinness, Mary T: Rathmelton - Church St
McGurdy, John Loc: Killydonnell
McIlhaw, Margery Loc: Ardrumman
McIlwain, Robert Loc: Rathmelton
McIlwain, Robert J. T: Rathmelton - Main St
McIlwee, Abraham Loc: Killydonnell
McIlwee, Alexander T: Rathmelton - Castle St
McIlwee, Daniel Loc: Glenleary
McIlwee, George T: Rathmelton - Castle St
McIlwee, Hugh Loc: Glenalla
McIlwee, Mark Loc: Ballyelly
McIlwee, Mark Loc: Carrygalt
McIlwee, Neal Loc: Croaghan
McIlwee, Patrick Loc: Drumherrive
McIlwee, William Loc: Gortaway
McIver, Daniel T: Rathmelton - Back Lane
McKay, John Loc: Glenleary
McKenny, Henry Loc: Aughnish
McKenny, James Loc: Glenalla
McKenrick, William Loc: Cashelshanaghan
McKern, Charles T: Rathmelton - Castle St
McKern, James T: Rathmelton - Church St
McKern, Margaret T: Rathmelton - Church St
McKew, Alexander Loc: Rathmelton
McKew, George Loc: Rathmelton
McLoughlin, James Loc: Newhill
McMeerka, Ellen Loc: Ray
McMeichan, Robert Loc: Aughnish
McMeichan, William Loc: Aughnish
McMenamin, James Loc: Roughpark
McMonigle, James Loc: Killydonnell
McNally, Benjamin T: Rathmelton - Church St
McNutt, James Loc: Drumherrive
McNutt, Robert Loc: Drumherrive
McPherson, George Loc: Rathmelton
McPherson, George T: Rathmelton - Back Lane
McPherson, George T: Rathmelton - Castle St
McPherson, James T: Rathmelton - Back Lane
McPherson, John Loc: Newhill
McPherson, John Loc: Rathmelton
McSweeney, Myles Loc: Ray
McSweeny, Charles T: Rathmelton - Shore-Road
McSwyne, Alexander Loc: Ray
McSwyne, Catherine Loc: Ray
McSwyne, Charles T: Rathmelton - Shore-Road
McSwyne, Cornelius Loc: Cashelshanaghan
McSwyne, Edward Loc: Croaghan
McSwyne, Edward Loc: Kilcreen
McSwyne, John Loc: Glenalla
McSwyne, Robert T: Rathmelton - Back Lane
McSwyne, Roger Loc: Glenalla
McTeague, John Loc: Ray
McTeague, Neal Loc: Ray
McTeigue, John Loc: Ray
McTeigue, Neal Loc: Ray
Me Bride, James T: Rathmelton - Castle St
Mecormick, Charles T: Rathmelton - Castle St
Meehan, Bryan Loc: Ray
Meehan, John Loc: Glenalla
Middleton, James Loc: Cashelshanaghan
Mills, Robert T: Rathmelton - Church St
Mitchell, Alexander Loc: Rathmelton
Mitchell, Alexander T: Rathmelton - Church St
Mitchell, Alexander T: Rathmelton - Main St
Mitchell, James T: Rathmelton - Castle St
Montgomery, Samuel Loc: Glenalla
Moore, Alexander Loc: Drumherrive
Moore, David Loc: Ballylin
Moore, James T: Rathmelton - Church St
Moore, John Loc: Carrowcashel
Moore, John Loc: Drumherrive
Moore, John Loc: Drumherrive N: Jack
Moore, Richard T: Rathmelton - Back Lane
Moore, Thomas T: Rathmelton - Castle St
Morris, Thomas T: Rathmelton - Main St
Morrow, James Loc: Ardrumman
Mortimer, Robert Loc: Rathmelton
Mortimer, William Loc: Newhill
Moss, John Loc: Cashelshanaghan
Mulheerin, John Loc: Rathmelton
Mulheerin, John T: Rathmelton - Church St
Mulherin, John Loc: Cashelshanaghan
Mulherne, Thomas Loc: Ardrumman
Mulholland, Michael T: Rathmelton - Church St
Murdock, Eliza T: Rathmelton - Pound St
Murray, Daniel T: Rathmelton - Castle St
Murray, David Loc: Aghahull N: Little
Murray, David Loc: Rathmelton
Murray, David, Jr. Loc: Aghahull
Murray, David, Sr. Loc: Aghahull
Murray, George T: Rathmelton - Castle St
Murray, James Loc: Rathmelton
Murray, James T: Rathmelton - Back Lane
Murray, John T: Rathmelton - Pound St
Murray, Patrick Loc: Aghahull
Murray, William T: Rathmelton - Church St
Noble, David Loc: Aughnish
Noble, Mary Anne Loc: Aughnish
Noble, Mary Anne Loc: Ballyelly
O'Donnell, Catherine T: Rathmelton - Back Lane
O'Hara, George Loc: Rathmelton
Orr, Cunningham Loc: Ballylin
Orr, Cunningham Loc: Farnagh
Orr, Samuel T: Rathmelton - Castle St
Patterson, Alexander Loc: Cashelshanaghan
Patterson, David Loc: Cashelshanaghan
Patterson, Robert Loc: Ardrumman
Patterson, William Loc: Glenleary
Patton, Jane T: Rathmelton - Back Lane
Patton, Latham T: Rathmelton - Main St
Patton, Michael T: Rathmelton - Main St
Patton, Rosanna Loc: Croaghan
Patton, Rose Anne T: Rathmelton - Pound St
Patton, Thomas Loc: Rathmelton
Patton, Thomas T: Rathmelton-The Mall
Peebles, James Loc: Ballylin
Peebles, John Loc: Cashelshanaghan
Persse, Dominick Loc: Rathmelton
Persse, Dominick T: Rathmelton - Castle St
Pinkerron, Alexander Loc: Rathmelton
Pinkerron, Alexander T: Rathmelton - Main St
Quigley, Patrick Loc: Croaghan
Ramsay, John T: Rathmelton - Pound St
Ramsay, William Loc: Croaghan
Rankin, Francis T: Rathmelton - Back Lane
Reed, Andrew Loc: Ballybokeel
Reid, Andre T: Rathmelton - Castle St
Reid, Andrew Loc: Rathmelton
Reid, Andrew T: Rathmelton - Pound St
Reid, Rev. James Loc: Rathmelton
Reid, Rev. James T: Rathmelton - Back Lane
Reid, Matthew Loc: Ballybokeel
Reid, Matthew Loc: Rathmelton
Reid, Matthew T: Rathmelton - Lane Off Church-St
Reid, Matthew T: Rathmelton - Main St
Reid, Robert Loc: Ray
Reilly, John Loc: Cashelshanaghan
Reynolds, Mary T: Rathmelton - Main St
Richey, Loc: Rathmelton
Rochford, Henry Loc: Rathmelton
Rochford, John Loc: Rathmelton
Rochford, John Loc: Roughpark
Rochford, John T: Rathmelton - Church St
Rogan, Sarah Loc: Ray
Rogers, Peter T: Rathmelton - Castle St
Russell, Beatty Loc: Cashelshanaghan
Russell, Margaret Loc: Cashelshanaghan
Russell, Thomas Loc: Cashelshanaghan
Russell, William Loc: Glenalla
Ryder, Anne Loc: Croaghan
Scott, Anne Loc: Rathmelton
Scott, George Loc: Glenalla N: School-Master
Shannon, Eliza T: Rathmelton - Main St
Sheal, Patrick Loc: Ray
Sheil, John T: Rathmelton - Castle St
Sheils, John Loc: Rathmelton
Shiel, John Loc: Carrygalt
Shirley, Patrick Loc: Newhill
Smith, Alexander Loc: Ardrumman
Spencer, John Loc: Rathmelton
Spencer, John T: Rathmelton - Lane Off Church-St
Spencer, John T: Rathmelton - Main St
Spencer, Moses Loc: Aughnish
Spencer, Moses Loc: Craig's Islands
Spencer, Moses Loc: Rathmelton
Spencer, Moses T: Rathmelton - Castle St
Sproule, Loc: Samuel
Sproule, John Loc: Rathmelton
Sproule, John T: Rathmelton - Back Lane N: Lodgers
Sproule, John T: Rathmelton - Church St
Sproule, John T: Rathmelton - Main St
Sproule, Samuel Loc: Rathmelton
Sproule, Samuel T: Rathmelton - Castle St
Starrett, James Loc: Croaghan
Starrett, James Loc: Fortstewart
Starrett, James Loc: Gortaway
Stell, William Loc: Aghangaddy Glebe
Stephenson, Hugh T: Rathmelton - Pound St
Steward, Baronet James T: Rathmelton - Church St
Stewart, Alexander Loc: Cashelshanaghan
Stewart, David T: Rathmelton - Shore-Road
Stewart, James Loc: Aghangaddy Glebe
Stewart, Baronet James Loc: Aughnish Isle
Stewart, Baronet James Loc: Carrowcashel
Stewart, Baronet James Loc: Carrygalt
Stewart, Baronet James Loc: Fortstewart
Stewart, Baronet James Loc: Killydonnell
Stewart, Baronet James Loc: Rathmelton
Stewart, James Loc: Roughpark
Stewart, Baronet James Loc: Tideway
Stewart, Baronet James T: Rathmelton - Little Bridge-Road
Stewart, John Loc: Cashelshanaghan
Stewart, Nathaniel Loc: Shellfield
Stewart, Rebecca T: Rathmelton - Castle St N: Lodgs.
Stewart, William Loc: Newhill
Stewart, William Loc: Rathmelton
Stewart, William T: Rathmelton - Back Lane
Stewart, William T: Rathmelton - Shore-Road
Stewart, William T: Rathmelton-The Mall
Story, Alexander Loc: Cashelshanaghan
Story, Samuel Loc: Cashelshanaghan
Strain, Bryan Loc: Ray
Strain, John Loc: Ray
Strain, Patrick T: Rathmelton - Castle St
Sweeney, Alexander Loc: Cashelshanaghan
Sweeney, Anne Loc: Cashelshanaghan
Sweeney, Charles Loc: Rathmelton
Sweeney, Charles Loc: Roughpark
Sweeney, Charles T: Rathmelton - Castle St
Sweeney, Charles T: Rathmelton - Main St
Sweeney, Edward T: Rathmelton - Back Lane
Sweeney, George Loc: Fortstewart
Sweeney, Hugh Loc: Ballybokeel N: Publican
Sweeney, John Loc: Rathmelton
Sweeney, Myles Loc: Ray
Sweeny, Eleanor Loc: Drumherrive
Sweeny, Francis Loc: Kilcreen
Sweeny, Sarah Loc: Kilcreen
Swiney, Charles H. T: Rathmelton-The Mall
Taylor, Alexander Loc: Aughnish
Taylor, Alexander Loc: Aughnish Isle
Taylor, James Loc: Aughnish
Taylor, James T: Rathmelton - Back Lane N: Lodgers
Taylor, James T: Rathmelton - Castle St
Taylor, Thomas Loc: Aughnish
Taylor, William Loc: Aughnish
Tays, David T: Rathmelton - Pound St
Tays, William Loc: Ardrumman
Thompson, Anne T: Rathmelton - Church St
Thompson, Joseph Loc: Killydonnell
Tinny, Alexander Loc: Glenleary
Tinny, Hugh Loc: Croaghan
Tinny, James Loc: Croaghan
Tinny, Jane Loc: Ardrumman
Tinny, Jane Loc: Glenleary
Tinny, William Loc: Glenleary
Tolin, James Loc: Glenalla
Torrens, Jane Loc: Glenleary
Torrens, Rep. John Loc: Cashelshanaghan
Torrens, Moses Loc: Glenleary
Torrens, Moses Loc: Roughpark
Toy, Bernard Loc: Ballybokeel
Toy, Bernard T: Rathmelton - Castle St
Wallace, James T: Rathmelton - The Mall
Wallace, Joseph Loc: Glenalla
Wallace, William Loc: Glenalla
Ward, Patrick Loc: Carrygalt
Ward, Patrick T: Rathmelton - Back Lane
Wason, George Loc: Croaghan
Wason, William Loc: Croaghan
Watt, Mr. T: Rathmelton - Castle St N: Kelly and Watt
Watt, Catherine T: Rathmelton - Castle St
Watt, James T: Rathmelton - Main St N: Lodgers
Watt, James T: Rathmelton - Shore-Road
Watt, James T: Rathmelton - The Mall
Watt, Robert Loc: Rathmelton
Watt, Robert T: Rathmelton - Castle St
White, Henry Loc: Carrygalt
White, Henry Loc: Rathmelton
White, Henry T: Rathmelton - The Mall
Williamson, Emily T: Rathmelton-The Mall
Williamson, Richard Loc: Glenalla
Wood, James G. Loc: Cashelshanaghan
Wood, James G. Loc: Newtownfore
Young, John Loc: Drumherrive
Young, Thomas T: Rathmelton - Tank-Road