Griffith's Valuation: Inch Parish, County Donegal

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Griffith's Valuation in Inch Parish

Griffith ’s Valuation was carried out in Inch parish and every other parish in county Donegal as well as throughout Ireland. Griffith's valuation is the name widely given to the Primary Valuation of Ireland, a property tax survey carried out in the mid-nineteenth century under the supervision of Sir Richard Griffith. The survey involved the detailed valuation of every taxable piece of agricultural or built property on the island of Ireland and was published county-by-county between the years 1847 and 1864.

The process of valuation was painstakingly thorough, involving multiple visits by valuation teams to analyse all of the factors influencing the economic status of the property: average rents paid in the area; distance from the nearest market town. The aim was to get as accurate as possible an estimate of the annual income that each property should produce. The Griffiths Valuation was carried out in Inch parish, county Donegal during 1857.


Griffiths Valuation: Inch Parish 1857, county Donegal

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KEY:   Loc: = Location     N: = Notes     Vl: = Village     Tn: = Town

Anderson, Rev. James Loc: Carrickanee
Anderson, John Loc: Carnaghan
Anderson, John Loc: Glack, or Bohullion
Anderson, Joseph Loc: Ballynakilly
Anderson, Joseph Loc: Carrickanee
Anderson, Joseph Loc: Moress
Anderson, Nathaniel Loc: Castlequarter
Anderson, Thomas Loc: Carnaghan
Armor, Elizabeth L. Loc: Carnaghan
Bell, Jeremiah Loc: Carrickanee
Bell, William Loc: Carrickanee
Boyle, Hugh Loc: Ballynakilly
Boyle, Hugh Loc: Grange
Boyle, Hugh Loc: Moress
Bradley, William Loc: Baylet
Brassy, Loc: Inch Level (Intake)
Bryce, James Loc: Carnaghan
Bryce, William Loc: Carnaghan
Campbell, Patrick Loc: Carnaghan
Campbell, William Loc: Carrickanee
Carswell, Henry Loc: Glack, or Bohullion
Colhoun, Isaac Loc: Moress
Craig, Alexander Loc: Castlequarter
Craig, Alexander Loc: Glack, or Bohullion
Craig, Alexander Loc: Grange
Craig, Charles Loc: Castlequarter
Craig, James Loc: Carnaghan
Craig, John Loc: Ballynakilly
Craig, John Loc: Grange
Craig, Patrick Loc: Ballynakilly
Craig, Patrick Loc: Grange
Craig, Patrick, Sr. Loc: Grange
Craig, Sarah Loc: Grange
Creswell, Henry Loc: Baylet
Creswell, Henry Loc: Castlequarter
Creswell, James Loc: Castlequarter
Creswell, Thomas Loc: Carrickanee
Creswell, Thomas Loc: Moress
Crosson, John Loc: Glack, or Bohullion
Denny, James Loc: Ballynakilly
Denny, Letitia Loc: Grange
Dermott, Patrick Loc: Moress
Dermott, Thomas Loc: Carrickanee
Dermott, Thomas Loc: Castlequarter
Dogherty, Charles Loc: Ballynakilly
Dogherty, George Loc: Baylet
Dogherty, Henry Loc: Ballynakilly
Dogherty, James Loc: Baylet
Dogherty, James Loc: Grange
Dogherty, Joseph Loc: Ballynakilly
Doherty, John Loc: Ballynakilly
Donnell, Robert Loc: Carnaghan
Duffy, Edward Loc: Glack, or Bohullion
Durning, Charles Loc: Grange
Durning, Sarah Loc: Grange
Ewing, James Loc: Carnaghan
Ewing, Robert Loc: Carnaghan
Farris, James Loc: Carrickanee
Farry, Mary Loc: Glack, or Bohullion
Fleming, Elizabeth Loc: Ballynakilly
Fleming, Fitzgerald Loc: Grange
Fleming, Fitzgerald Loc: Moress
Fleming, James Loc: Grange
Fleming, James Loc: Moress
Fleming, John Loc: Ballynakilly
Fleming, John Loc: Baylet
Fleming, John Loc: Glack, or Bohullion
Fleming, John Loc: Moress
Fleming, William Loc: Baylet
Fleming, William Loc: Castlequarter
Gallagher, Daniel Loc: Carrickanee
Gallagher, Edward Loc: Ballynakilly
Greene, William Loc: Ballynakilly
Grey, Martha Loc: Carnaghan
Griffin, Patrick Loc: Grange
Hagan, Patrick Loc: Moress
Hagarty, John Loc: Ballynakilly
Hagarty, William Loc: Carnaghan
Henegan, James Loc: Grange
Hodge, Andrew Loc: Carrickanee
Hodge, James Loc: Carrickanee
Hodge, Mary Loc: Carrickanee
Hodge, Thomas Loc: Baylet
Kelly, Andrew Loc: Carrickanee
Loghery, George Loc: Grange
McCafferty, James Loc: Carnaghan N: and Partners
McClean, Sarah Loc: Grange
McCollum, Charles Loc: Grange
McConomy, Patrick Loc: Castlequarter
McCormack, James Loc: Ballynakilly
McCormack, John Loc: Glack, or Bohullion
McCormack, William Loc: Baylet
McCormack, William Loc: Carrickanee
McCormack, William Loc: Inch Level (Intake)
McCullagh, Patrick Loc: Moress
McDermott, John Loc: Grange
McDermott, Mary Loc: Grange
McDermott, Samuel Loc: Grange
McDevitt, William Loc: Ballynakilly
McDowell, John Loc: Baylet
McDowell, Thomas Loc: Carrickanee
McDowell, William Loc: Baylet
McGahy, James Loc: Baylet
McGarvey, Charles Loc: Grange
McGarvey, John Loc: Grange
McGlashen, Alexander Loc: Ballynakilly
McGlashen, Eleanor Loc: Ballynakilly
McGlashen, James Loc: Carnaghan
McGlashen, John, Jr. Loc: Ballynakilly
McGlashen, John, Sr. Loc: Ballynakilly
McGrory, James Loc: Glack, or Bohullion
McGrory, Michael Loc: Castlequarter
McGrory, Patrick Loc: Glack, or Bohullion
McIntyre, Hugh Loc: Grange
McIntyre, John Loc: Ballynakilly
McLoughlin, Catherine Loc: Carnaghan
McLoughlin, William Loc: Carnaghan
McMickle, James Loc: Glack, or Bohullion
McMickle, James Loc: Grange
McSwyne, Edward Loc: Ballynakilly
McTier, Edward Loc: Moress
Morrisson, John Loc: Ballynakilly
O'Donnell, Charles Loc: Carrickanee
Porter, Alexander Loc: Carrickanee
Porter, Elizabeth Loc: Carrickanee
Ramsay, James Loc: Carrickanee
Ramsay, Robert Loc: Carrickanee
Robinson, Joseph Loc: Moress
Sharkey, Edward Loc: Ballynakilly
Starratt, Mary Loc: Grange
Sweeny, Catherine Loc: Carnaghan
Sweeny, James Loc: Ballynakilly
Sweeny, John Loc: Castlequarter
Sweeny, John Loc: Glack, or Bohullion
Templemore, Lord Loc: Carrickanee
Templemore, Lord Loc: Moress
Toland, Edward Loc: Ballynakilly