Griffith's Valuation: Raphoe Parish, County Donegal

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Griffith's Valuation in Raphoe Parish

Griffith ’s Valuation was carried out in Raphoe parish and every other parish in county Donegal as well as throughout Ireland. Griffith's valuation is the name widely given to the Primary Valuation of Ireland, a property tax survey carried out in the mid-nineteenth century under the supervision of Sir Richard Griffith. The survey involved the detailed valuation of every taxable piece of agricultural or built property on the island of Ireland and was published county-by-county between the years 1847 and 1864.

The process of valuation was painstakingly thorough, involving multiple visits by valuation teams to analyse all of the factors influencing the economic status of the property: average rents paid in the area; distance from the nearest market town. The aim was to get as accurate as possible an estimate of the annual income that each property should produce. The Griffiths Valuation was carried out in Raphoe parish, county Donegal during 1857.


Griffiths Valuation: Raphoe Parish 1857, county Donegal

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KEY:   Loc: = Location     N: = Notes     Vl: = Village     Tn: = Town

Alexander, William Loc: Glenkeeran
Allen, James Loc: Mullafin
Allen, Samuel Loc: Glenmaquin, Lower
Allen, William Loc: Glenmaquin, Lower
Ball, James Loc: Glenmaquin, Lower
Bonner, James Loc: Glenmaquin, Upper
Boyle, Bernard Loc: Glenkeeran
Boyle, Donald Loc: Glenmaquin, Lower
Bradley, Patrick Loc: Mullafin
Browne, James Loc: Glenmaquin, Lower
Buchanan, Alexander Loc: Glenmaquin, Lower
Byers, David Loc: Ballyholey, Far
Callaghan, John Loc: Doorabble
Clarke, James Loc: Glenmaquin, Lower
Colhoun, David Loc: Mongorry
Conalogue, Michael Loc: Glenmaquin, Lower
Connell, John Loc: Ballyholey, Far
Coyle, John Loc: Mullafin
Craig, Gerald Loc: Ballyholey, Far
Crawford, John Loc: Doorabble
Crawford, William Loc: Glenmaquin, Lower
Culbert, John Loc: Glenmaquin, Lower
Cullen, Anthony Loc: Mongorry
Davis, Charles Loc: Glenmaquin, Lower
Davis, James Loc: Glenmaquin, Lower
Davis, William Loc: Glenmaquin, Lower
Doherty, Edward Loc: Glenkeeran
Doherty, William Loc: Glenmaquin, Lower
Doherty, William Loc: Mullafin
Doogan, Bernard Loc: Mullafin
Fletcher, John Loc: Glenmaquin, Lower
Friel, Anne Loc: Ballyholey, Far
Glen, John Loc: Ballyholey, Far
Henderson, Samuel Loc: Doorabble
Jack, William Loc: Ballyholey, Far
Jenkins, William Loc: Glenmaquin, Lower
Johnson, Robert Loc: Glenmaquin, Lower
Johnson, Robert Loc: Mullafin
Johnston, Robert Loc: Glenmaquin, Upper
Kelly, James Loc: Glenkeeran
Kelly, Thomas Loc: Glenkeeran
Kennedy, Bernard Loc: Glenmaquin, Lower
Kennedy, James Loc: Glenmaquin, Lower
Kincaid, Robert Loc: Ballyholey, Far
Laird, William Loc: Glenmaquin, Upper
Leeky, Alexander Loc: Glenkeeran
Leeky, James Loc: Glenkeeran
McAteer, Thomas Loc: Doorabble
McBride, John Loc: Glenmaquin, Lower
McBride, Owen Loc: Glenmaquin, Lower
McClean, James Loc: Glenmaquin, Upper
McConalogue, Daniel Loc: Glenkeeran
McConalogue, Duncan Loc: Glenkeeran
McConalogue, Neal Loc: Glenkeeran
McConalogue, Owen Loc: Glenkeeran
McConalogue, William Loc: Glenkeeran
McCorkle, Andrew Loc: Doorabble
McCormack, James Loc: Mullafin
McCurdy, John Loc: Ballyholey, Far
McCurdy, Samuel Loc: Ballyholey, Far
McCurdy, Thomas Loc: Ballyholey, Far
McDaid, Denis Loc: Glenkeeran
McDaid, Francis Loc: Glenkeeran
McDaid, Hugh Loc: Glenkeeran
McDermott, Hugh Loc: Doorabble
McDonagh, Bernard Loc: Glenkeeran
McGinty, James Loc: Glenmaquin, Upper
McGinty, Patrick Loc: Glenmaquin, Lower
McGrenahan, William Loc: Glenmaquin, Upper
McKerron, William Loc: Glenmaquin, Lower
McMenamin, James Loc: Ballyholey, Far
McNaught, Alexander Loc: Glenmaquin, Upper
McNaught, Martha Loc: Glenmaquin, Upper
McNaught, Moses Loc: Glenmaquin, Lower
McNaught, William Loc: Glenmaquin, Upper
McNulty, Anne Loc: Glenkeeran
McSwine, Samuel Loc: Doorabble
McVeigh, Bernard Loc: Glenkeeran
Merrick, William Loc: Doorabble
Moorehead, James Loc: Glenmaquin, Upper
Neill, Moses Loc: Doorabble
Nelis, Owen Loc: Slievebuck
Noble, Alexander Loc: Glenmaquin, Lower
Noble, Alexander Loc: Mullafin
Noble, James Loc: Glenmaquin, Lower
Patterson, Alex. Loc: Doorabble N: Cottier
Patterson, Alexander Loc: Doorabble
Patterson, Margaret Loc: Doorabble
Patterson, Margt. Loc: Doorabble N: Cottier
Patterson, Samuel Loc: Doorabble
Porter, Hugh Loc: Slievebuck
Porter, John Loc: Slievebuck
Rolleston, James Loc: Glenmaquin, Lower
Roulston, James Loc: Mongorry
Russell, John Loc: Glenmaquin, Lower
Shaw, William Loc: Slievebuck
Smith, William Loc: Ballyholey, Far
Smyth, Robert Loc: Doorabble
Spence, Robert Loc: Glenmaquin, Lower
Stewart, James Loc: Doorabble
Stinson, Thomas Loc: Doorabble
Tays, Thomas Loc: Doorabble
Tays, William Loc: Ballyholey, Far
Toland, Philip Loc: Doorabble
Wason, James Loc: Doorabble
Wason, John Loc: Glenmaquin, Lower
Wason, Robert Loc: Glenmaquin, Lower
Wilson, Solomon Loc: Slievebuck
Wilson, Thomas Loc: Glenkeeran
Witherow, James Loc: Ballyholey, Far
Wray, Alexander Loc: Doorabble
Wray, Robert Loc: Doorabble