Griffith's Valuation: Tyrella Parish, County Down

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Griffith's Valuation in Tyrella Parish

Griffith ’s Valuation took place in Tyrella parish and every other parish in county Down and throughout Ireland. Griffith's valuation is the name widely given to the Primary Valuation of Ireland, a property tax survey carried out in the mid-nineteenth century under the supervision of Sir Richard Griffith. The survey involved the detailed valuation of every taxable piece of agricultural or built property on the island of Ireland and was published county-by-county between the years 1847 and 1864.

The process of valuation was painstakingly thorough, involving multiple visits by valuation teams to analyse all of the factors influencing the economic status of the property: average rents paid in the area; distance from the nearest market town. The aim was to get as accurate as possible an estimate of the annual income that each property should produce. The Griffiths Valuation was carried out in county Down in 1863 and 1864.


Griffiths Valuation: Tyrella Parish 1863 and 1864

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You should also check the records of Tyrella parish from the Tithe Applotment books in the 1820's and 1830's



KEY:   L: = Location     N: = Notes     V: = Village     T: = Town     C: = City

Browne, John L: Glovet
Browne, William L: Carrickinab
Carmount, William L: Carrickinab
Carney, Edward L: Tyrella South
Carr, Eleanor L: Tyrella North
Carr, Mary L: Tyrella North
Carr, Matthew L: Clanmaghery
Clendenning, Henry L: Clanmaghery
Connor, Rose L: Tyrella South
Corry, Robert L: Glovet
Cupples, Arthur L: Clanmaghery
Curoe, Robert L: Tyrella North
Curoe, William L: Carrickinab
Davy, William L: Carrickinab
Denvir, Patrick L: Tyrella North
Digney, Mary L: Glovet
Digney, Richard L: Glovet
Doran, Rose L: Glovet
Downshire, Marquis L: Tyrella North N: Marquis of Downshire
Egar, John L: Glovet
Fitzpatrick, James L: Clanmaghery
Fitzsimons, Rep. Bernard L: Tyrella North
Fitzsimons, Bernard L: Tyrella South
Fitzsimons, Charles L: Carrickinab
Fitzsimons, Mary L: Glovet
Fitzsimons, Mary Anne L: Carrickinab
Fitzsimons, Patrick L: Clanmaghery
Fitzsimons, Sarah L: Commons of Clanmaghery
Foy, John L: Clanmaghery
Foy, Patrick L: Clanmaghery
Gordon, Harriet L: Glovet
Gordon, John L: Tyrella South
Grant, James L: Tyrella North
Grant, Myles L: Commons of Clanmaghery
Grant, Peter L: Glovet
Grimes, Daniel L: Tyrella North
Grimes, John, Jr. L: Tyrella North
Grimes, John, Sr. L: Tyrella North
Grimes, Margaret L: Tyrella North
Hanna, James L: Clanmaghery
Hanna, Patrick, Jr. L: Clanmaghery
Hanna, Patrick, Sr. L: Clanmaghery
Hanna, William L: Clanmaghery
Henry, Anne L: Carrickinab
Hogg, Alexander L: Glovet
Hogg, John L: Glovet
Hogg, William L: Glovet
Holmes, William L: Clanmaghery
Hughes, Thomas L: Carrickinab
Irvine, John L: Glovet
Irvine, Samuel L: Glovet
Jelly, John L: Glovet
Jelly, Samuel L: Glovet
Johnston, John L: Clanmaghery
Killen, Eliza L: Tyrella North
Killen, Rep. John L: Tyrella North
Killen, Mary L: Tyrella North
Killen, Patrick L: Tyrella North
Killen, Richard L: Tyrella North
Killen, William L: Tyrella North
King, Peter L: Clanmaghery
Lavery, Henry L: Tyrella North
Lavery, James, Jr. L: Tyrella North
Lavery, James, Sr. L: Tyrella North
Lewiers, James L: Glovet
Lewiers, Joseph L: Glovet
Lock, Hugh L: Glovet
Magee, John L: Commons of Clanmaghery
Magee, Patrick L: Commons of Clanmaghery
Magennis, Edward L: Clanmaghery
Magennis, Edward L: Tyrella South
Magennis, James L: Tyrella North
Magennis, Patrick L: Tyrella North
Magennis, Thomas L: Tyrella North
Magraw, James L: Commons of Clanmaghery
Maguire, Bernard L: Commons of Clanmaghery
Malony, Michael L: Clanmaghery
McCarton, Edward L: Tyrella North
McComiskey, Arthur L: Tyrella North
McComiskey, Catherine L: Tyrella North
McComiskey, Eliza L: Tyrella North
McConn, Bernard L: Clanmaghery
McConn, William L: Clanmaghery
McConnery, Bernard L: Tyrella North
McCoy, John L: Tyrella North
McGoolahan, Henry L: Clanmaghery
McGoolahan, John L: Clanmaghery
McGrath, Edward L: Tyrella North
McGrath, Francis L: Clanmaghery
McGrath, Henry L: Clanmaghery
McGrath, Joseph L: Clanmaghery
McGrath, Nicholas L: Clanmaghery
McGrath, Nicholas L: Tyrella North
McGrath, Nicholas L: Tyrella South
McGrath, Rosanna L: Clanmaghery
McGrath, William L: Clanmaghery
McKibbin, Robert L: Glovet
McKibbin, Robert, Jr. L: Glovet
McMullen, John L: Tyrella South
McMullen, Sarah L: Clanmaghery
McStay, Daniel L: Carrickinab
McStay, Isabella L: Tyrella North
Montgomery, Arth. H. L: Tyrella South N: Tyrella House
Montgomery, Arthur H. L: Clanmaghery
Montgomery, Hugh L: Glovet
Morgan, Thomas L: Clanmaghery
Murphy, Adam L: Clanmaghery
Murphy, Hugh L: Glovet
Murphy, James L: Clanmaghery
Murray, Bernard L: Tyrella South
Murray, Susan L: Tyrella South
Nesbitt, William L: Clanmaghery
Ray, Samuel L: Glovet
Roney, John L: Commons of Clanmaghery
Rush, John L: Carrickinab
Scott, Charles L: Carrickinab
Smith, Francis L: Carrickinab
Smith, Henry L: Carrickinab
Smith, John L: Tyrella North
Smith, Patrick L: Carrickinab
Smith, Thomas L: Carrickinab
Starkey, Bernard L: Clanmaghery
Starkey, Bernard L: Commons of Clanmaghery
Starkey, Bernard L: Tyrella South
Taylor, Walter L: Clanmaghery
Thompson, George L: Tyrella South
Torrens, John L: Commons of Clanmaghery
Waterson, William L: Clanmaghery
White, James L: Clanmaghery