Griffith's Valuation: Derryvullan Parish, County Fermanagh

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Griffith's Valuation in Derryvullan Parish

Griffith ’s Valuation took place in Derryvullan parish and every other parish in county Fermanagh as well as throughout Ireland. Griffith's valuation is the name widely given to the Primary Valuation of Ireland, a property tax survey carried out in the mid-nineteenth century under the supervision of Sir Richard Griffith. The survey involved the detailed valuation of every taxable piece of agricultural or built property on the island of Ireland and was published county-by-county between the years 1847 and 1864.

The process of valuation was painstakingly thorough, involving multiple visits by valuation teams to analyse all of the factors influencing the economic status of the property: average rents paid in the area; distance from the nearest market town. The aim was to get as accurate as possible an estimate of the annual income that each property should produce. The Griffiths Valuation was carried out in county Fermanagh in 1862.


Griffiths Valuation: Derryvullan Parish 1862

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You should also check the records of Derryvullan parish from the Tithe Applotment books in the 1820's and 1830's



KEY:   L: = Location     N: = Notes     V: = Village     T: = Town

Abercromie, John T: Irvinestown - Main St.
Acheson, Robert T: Irvinestown - Trillick Rd.
Aiken, Eliza L: Burfits Hill
Aiken, Eliza L: Dromore
Aiken, Eliza L: Forthill
Aiken, James L: Cantytrindle
Aikens, Archibald L: Tedd
Aikens, Eliza T: Irvinestown - Main St.
Allen, Andrew L: Drumarky
Allen, Andrew L: Drumshane T: Lisnarick
Allen, Anne L: Rahall
Allen, Robert L: Moneykee
Allen, Sydney L: Forthill
Allen, William L: Milltate
Allen, William L: Moneykee
Allen, William T: Irvinestown - Castle St.
Allen, William L: Tullynagarn
Anderson, Eliza L: Ballindullagh Inward
Anderson, James L: Dring
Anderson, John L: Cantytrindle
Anderson, John L: Dring
Anderson, Robert L: Brownhill
Anderson, Robert L: Castle Irvine Demesne
Anderson, Robert L: Milltate
Anderson, Robert L: Mullybreslin
Anderson, Robert T: Irvinestown - Main St.
Anderson, Robert T: Irvinestown - Trillick Rd
Archdall, Edward L: Glenross
Archdall, Edward L: Rossgweer
Archdall, Mervin L: Drumaran
Archdall, Mervyn L: Ballymactaggart
Archdall, Mervyn L: Bunaninver
Archdall, Mervyn L: Carranboy
Archdall, Mervyn L: Coolisk
Archdall, Mervyn L: Doonan
Archdall, Mervyn L: Drumadravy
Archdall, Mervyn L: Drumarky
Archdall, Mervyn L: Drumbulcan
Archdall, Mervyn L: Drumhoney
Archdall, Mervyn L: Drummal
Archdall, Mervyn L: Drummonaghan
Archdall, Mervyn L: Drumpeen
Archdall, Mervyn L: Drumshane T: Lisnarick
Archdall, Mervyn L: Duross
Archdall, Mervyn L: Islands - Gaffer Island
Archdall, Mervyn L: Islands - Gull Rock
Archdall, Mervyn L: Islands - Isle Namanfin
Archdall, Mervyn L: Moynaghan North
Archdall, Mervyn L: Mullies
Archdall, Mervyn L: Mullybrack
Archdall, Mervyn L: Rahall
Archdall, Mervyn L: Rossachrin
Archdall, Mervyn L: Rossmore
Archdall, Mervyn L: Shallany
Archdall, Mervyn L: Whitehill North
Archdall, Nicholas L: Monalla
Armstrong, Adam L: Drumcrin
Armstrong, David L: Keeran
Armstrong, Francis L: Druminshin Beg
Armstrong, George L: Drumshane T: Lisnarick
Armstrong, James L: Ballindullagh Inward
Armstrong, James L: Boyaghan
Armstrong, James L: Bunaninver
Armstrong, James L: Derrynanny
Armstrong, James L: Drumcrin
Armstrong, James L: Keeran
Armstrong, Jane L: Moynaghan South
Armstrong, John L: Ballylucas
Armstrong, John T: Irvinestown - Church St.
Armstrong, John L: Tedd
Armstrong, Mary T: Irvinestown - Main St.
Armstrong, Philip L: Cappy
Armstrong, Robert L: Drogan
Armstrong, Robert L: Rossfad
Armstrong, Robert T: Irvinestown - Main St.
Armstrong, Thomas L: Glenall
Armstrong, William L: Bracky
Armstrong, William L: Cultiagh
Armstrong, William L: Drumarky
Auchinleck, Armour L: Cultiagh
Auchinleck, Richard L: Leambreslen
Baird, Anne L: Forthill
Baird, Anne T: Irvinestown - Castle St.
Bakeham, Henry L: Moneykee
Bannon, Bernard L: Cavancarragh
Bannon, William L: Lisreagh
Barber, Samuel L: Milltate
Beacom, Anne T: Irvinestown - Pound St.
Beacom, Henry L: Kilnamaddy
Beacom, James L: Carrowmacmea
Beacom, John L: Kilnamaddy
Beacom, John L: Milltate
Beacom, John T: Irvinestown - Church St.
Beatty, James L: Cultiagh
Beatty, John L: Leambreslen
Beatty, Margaret L: Killygrania
Beatty, Mary L: Derryclawan
Beatty, Mary L: Drumshane T: Lisnarick
Beatty, William L: Rossclare
Belford, Alexander L: Bunaninver
Bell, James L: Drumbulcan
Bell, Johnston L: Drumbulcan
Belmore, L: Agharainy N: Earl of Belmore
Belmore, L: Bonnybrook N: Earl of Belmore
Belmore, L: Carrowmacmea N: Earl of Belmore
Belmore, L: Castle Coole N: Earl of Belmore
Belmore, L: Cavanacross N: Earl of Belmore
Belmore, L: Derryvore N: Earl of Belmore
Belmore, L: Feddan N: Earl of Belmore
Belmore, L: Glasmullagh N: Earl of Belmore
Belmore, L: Lissan N: Earl of Belmore
Belmore, L: Thomastown N: Earl of Belmore
Betty, Mr. T: Irvinestown - Main St. N: White and Betty
Betty, Anne L: Drumbulcan
Betty, John L: Cappy
Betty, John L: Fyagh
Betty, William L: Cappy
Betty, William L: Cleenish
Betty, William L: Coolaness
Betty, William L: Tawnyreagh
Birney, William L: Tedd
Black, Rep. Acheson L: Cloghcor
Black, George L: Cloghcor
Black, George, Jr. L: Leambreslen
Black, George, Sr. L: Leambreslen
Black, James L: Cavancarragh
Black, James L: Cloghcor
Black, James L: Leambreslen
Black, Rep. John L: Cloghcor
Black, Joseph L: Taatnamallaght
Black, Margaret L: Cavancarragh
Black, Rep. Robert L: Cloghcor
Blair, Robert L: Drumsluice
Blakely, Blayney T: Irvinestown - Castle St.
Blakely, Blayney L: Tullynagarn
Blakely, Christopher L: Druminshin Beg
Blakely, Christopher L: Drummal
Blakely, Christopher T: Irvinestown - Main St.
Blakely, George L: Druminshin Beg
Blakely, George L: Keeran
Blakely, Irvine T: Irvinestown - Church St.
Blakely, James L: Druminshin Beg
Blakely, Margaret L: Ballindullagh Outward
Blakely, Mary T: Irvinestown - Church St.
Blakely, Thomas L: Dromore
Blakely, Thomas L: Drumcrin
Bleakley, William L: Castle Irvine Demesne
Bleakly, Christopher L: Forthill
Bleakly, Margaret T: Irvinestown - Back Street
Blessington, Bernard L: Feddan
Boheney, James T: Irvinestown - Main St.
Bolston, Alice L: Rahall
Booth, James L: Ballindullagh Inward
Boshell, William L: Castle Coole
Boyle, Terence L: Drumsluice
Brady, James L: Leambreslen
Brady, Rose L: Lisreagh
Breen, Edward L: Drumarky
Breen, Edward L: Drumshane T: Lisnarick
Breen, Henry L: Knockroearchdall
Breen, Jane L: Drumshane T: Lisnarick
Breen, John L: Drogan
Breen, John L: Druminshinardagh
Breen, Thomas L: Drumskea
Breen, William L: Drumskea
Breene, John L: Carrickaheenan
Breene, Patrick L: Carrickaheenan
Breene, Thomas, Jr. L: Carrickaheenan
Brennan, Peter L: Rossgweer
Brooks, Thomas L: Forthill
Brown, Anne L: Drumskea
Brown, James T: Irvinestown - Fair Green
Brown, John T: Irvinestown - Fair Green
Brown, Robert T: Irvinestown - Church St.
Brown, Samuel L: Brownhill
Browne, David L: Tedd
Browne, Edward L: Shallany
Browne, James L: Tedd
Brunt, Thomas L: Druminshinardagh
Bryans, Patrick L: Cavancarragh
Buchanan, Joseph L: Brownhill
Buchanan, Joseph L: Milltate
Burke, Richard L: Curraghlare
Cafferty, James T: Irvinestown - Castle St.
Caldwell, John L: Tamlaght
Campbell, John L: Rossachrin
Campbell, Mary L: Forthill
Campbell, Robert L: Brownhill
Campbell, Thomas T: Irvinestown - Main St.
Carey, James L: Drummal
Carr, Christopher L: Drumskea
Carr, Edward L: Keeran
Carr, James L: Drumduff
Carr, Richard L: Moynaghan North
Carroll, John L: Milltate
Carrothers, William L: Farnaght
Carson, John L: Cultiagh
Cassidy, Bernard L: Drummonaghan
Cassidy, Bernard L: Drumpeen
Cassidy, Connor T: Irvinestown - Main St.
Cassidy, Connor T: Irvinestown - Pound St.
Cassidy, Felix T: Irvinestown - Pound St.
Cassidy, Rep. Hugh L: Drumduff
Cassidy, John L: Drumduff
Cassidy, Michael L: Drumshane T: Lisnarick
Cassidy, Thomas L: Drumpeen
Cassidy, William L: Drumarky
Chadwick, Charles L: Coolaness
Charlton, Andrew L: Druminshin More
Charlton, Irvine L: Dring
Charlton, John L: Cantytrindle
Cheney, Christopher L: Ardlougher
Cheney, Christopher L: Boyaghan
Cheney, Christopher L: Drumcrin
Cheney, Christopher L: Rossfad
Chisholm, George L: Kilmalanophy
Chittick, John L: Glenall
Chittick, Thomas L: Cules Long
Clarke, Andrew L: Tedd
Clarke, George L: Tedd
Clarke, James L: Moneykee
Clarke, William L: Tedd
Cleary, Bridget L: Lissan
Cleary, Patrick L: Lissan
Clegg, Francis L: Bracky
Clegg, John L: Tamlaght
Clegg, Joseph L: Bracky
Clegg, Joseph L: Drumard
Clegg, Joseph L: Tamlaght
Cluff, Andrew L: Lisreagh
Cluff, Isaac L: Derryclawan
Cluff, Margaret L: Derryclawan
Cluff, Thomas L: Derryclawan
Cluff, William L: Derryclawan
Cochrane, Thomas L: Coolaness
Collins, Bernard L: Lissan
Collins, John L: Lissan
Collum, Archibald L: Ballintarsan
Collum, Archibald L: Cultiagh
Collum, John L: Ballylucas
Collum, John L: Cleenish
Collum, John L: Tamlaght
Collum, Robert L: Cavancarragh
Connelly, Thomas L: Leambreslen
Connolly, Anne L: Cavancarragh
Connolly, George L: Drogan
Connolly, George L: Drumcaw
Connolly, George L: Moynaghan South
Connolly, Isabella T: Irvinestown - Back Street
Connor, Bernard L: Bunaninver
Cooke, Joseph T: Irvinestown - Main St.
Cooper, Charles T: Irvinestown - Castle St.
Copeland, James L: Ederdaglass or Hollybank
Copeland, James L: Taatnamallaght
Corley, Bernard L: Forthill
Corley, Bernard T: Irvinestown - Fair Green
Corley, Charles L: Forthill
Corley, Charles T: Irvinestown - Fair Green
Corr, James L: Glenall
Corr, Mary Anne L: Cules Short
Corrigan, Andrew L: Shallany
Corrigan, Francis L: Lissan
Corrigan, James L: Lissan
Corrigan, John L: Bunaninver
Corrigan, Michael L: Lissan
Corrigan, Patrick L: Lissan
Corrin, John L: Cavanacross
Corrin, Patrick L: Cavanacross
Corron, Bridget L: Rossfad
Corvan, Benjamin T: Irvinestown - Church St.
Cosgrove, Henry L: Forthill
Coulson, Mary L: Rossinnan
Coulter, George L: Cavancarragh
Coulter, John L: Cavancarragh
Cowan, Benjamin L: Burfits Hill
Cowan, Benjamin L: Townhill
Cowan, Christopher L: Glenkeen
Cowan, James L: Coolisk
Cowan, John L: Glenkeen
Cowan, John L: Glenkeen N: and Others
Cowan, William L: Glenkeen
Cox, Andrew L: Shankill
Cox, James L: Derryclawan
Cox, James L: Shankill
Cox, Patrick L: Cavanacross
Cranston, Patrick L: Lisreagh
Craran, James L: Liscreevin
Crawford, Andrew L: Rossgweer
Crawford, George L: Moneykee
Crawford, James L: Cavancarragh
Crawford, Robert L: Drumard
Crawford, Robert L: Tamlaght
Cregan, Patrick L: Tamlaght
Creighton, William L: Drumskea
Crighton, John L: Cavanacross
Crook, James T: Irvinestown - Castle St.
Crookes, John L: Forthill
Crookes, John L: Townhill
Crooks, John T: Irvinestown - Main St.
Crorken, Terence L: Bonnybrook
Crorken, Terence L: Kilnamaddy
Crowe, Christopher L: Ballindullagh Outward
Crowe, John L: Tullynagarn
Crowe, Thomas L: Moneykee
Crozier, Henry T: Irvinestown - Castle St.
Crozier, Jane L: Kilnamaddy
Curran, Patrick L: Tawnyreagh
Curran, Philip L: Carrickaheenan
Dalton, Andrew L: Feddan
Dalton, James L: Feddan
Daly, Thomas L: Drumbulcan
Dane, Paul L: Derrybeg
Dane, Thomas L: Lissan
Dane, William L: Kilnamaddy
Dane, William A. L: Bonnybrook
Dane, William A. L: Derryvore
Dane, William A. L: Killygrania
Dane, William A. L: Killyreagh
Dane, William A. L: Tullyharney
D'Arcy, Henry M. L: Brownhill
D'Arcy Irvine, Henry M. L: Ballindullagh Inward
D'Arcy Irvine, Henry M. L: Boyaghan
D'Arcy Irvine, Henry M. L: Brownhill
D'Arcy Irvine, Henry M. L: Burfits Hill
D'Arcy Irvine, Henry M. L: Cassidy
D'Arcy Irvine, Henry M. L: Castle Irvine Demesne
D'Arcy Irvine, Henry M. L: Derrynanny
D'Arcy Irvine, Henry M. L: Dromore
D'Arcy Irvine, Henry M. L: Drumbo
D'Arcy Irvine, Henry M. L: Drumduff
D'Arcy Irvine, Henry M. L: Druminshin Beg
D'Arcy Irvine, Henry M. L: Druminshinardagh
D'Arcy Irvine, Henry M. L: Drumsara
D'Arcy Irvine, Henry M. L: Drumskea
D'Arcy Irvine, Henry M. L: Islands - Inish Doney
D'Arcy Irvine, Henry M. L: Knockroe Irvine
D'Arcy Irvine, Henry M. L: Milltate
D'Arcy Irvine, Henry M. L: Moneykee
D'Arcy Irvine, Henry M. L: Moynaghan South
D'Arcy Irvine, Henry M. L: Mullybreslin
D'Arcy Irvine, Henry M. L: Rossclare
D'Arcy Irvine, Henry M. L: Rossinnan
D'Arcy Irvine, Henry M. T: Irvinestown - Fair Green
D'Arcy Irvine, Henry M. T: Irvinestown - Main St.
D'Arcy Irvine, Henry M. T: Irvinestown - Trillick Rd
D'Arcy Irvine, Henry M. T: Irvinestown - Castle St.
D'Arcy Irvine, Henry M. T: Irvinestown - Trillick Rd.
D'Arcy Irvine, Henry M. L: Townhill
D'Arcy Irvine, Henry M. L: Tullylammy
Deane, John L: Moynaghan North
Deane, William L: Bunaninver
Deery, Peter L: Cules Short
Devers, James L: Druminshinardagh
Devlin, Ellen L: Rossgweer
Dixon, Andrew L: Glenall
Dobson, William L: Lissan
Doherty, Bernard L: Tullyclea
Doherty, Denis L: Cavancarragh
Doherty, James L: Whitehill South
Doherty, Patrick T: Irvinestown - Church St.
Doherty, Simon L: Forthill
Dolan, James T: Irvinestown - Castle St.
Donnelly, Arthur L: Tamlaght
Donnelly, Christopher L: Keeran
Donnelly, Ellen L: Cavancarragh
Donnelly, James L: Drummal
Donnelly, Mary L: Rossinnan
Donnelly, Mary L: Tedd
Donnelly, Patrick T: Irvinestown - Pound St.
Donnelly, Susan T: Irvinestown - Main St.
Donnelly, Terence L: Keeran
Donnelly, William T: Irvinestown - Main St.
Dooms, John L: Carrickaheenan
Doorish, Felix L: Cavancarragh
Doorish, John L: Kilsallagh
Doorish, William L: Ballintarsan
Doran, Henry L: Drumbo
Doran, James L: Lissan
Dorerty, John L: Shankill
Douglas, Samuel L: Forthill
Douglas, Samuel T: Irvinestown - Main St.
Droogan, Andrew L: Whitehill South
Droogan, Bartholomew L: Whitehill South
Drum, Anne L: Lisreagh
Drum, Catherine L: Lisreagh
Drum, Edward L: Lisreagh
Drum, Elizabeth L: Lisreagh
Drum, James L: Kilnamaddy
Drum, James L: Lisreagh
Drum, John L: Lisreagh N: Hatter
Drum, John L: Lisreagh N: Mason
Drum, John, Sr. L: Lisreagh
Drum, Judith L: Lisreagh
Drum, Margaret L: Lisreagh
Drum, Thomas L: Lisreagh
Drumm, Catherine L: Lisreagh
Duffy, Hiram L: Burfits Hill
Duffy, Hiram T: Irvinestown - Main St.
Duffy, Solomon L: Forthill
Duffy, Solomon T: Irvinestown - Back Street
Duncan, James L: Tedd
Duncan, Thomas L: Tedd
Durkan, Patrick L: Coolaness
Durnan, James T: Irvinestown - Fair Green
Durnin, Catherine L: Glenkeen
Durnin, Ellen L: Mullybrack
Duross, Michael L: Shankill
Duross, Patrick L: Lissan
Edwards, James L: Carranboy
Elliott, James T: Irvinestown - Pound St.
Elliott, John L: Cultiagh
Elliott, Mary L: Glenkeen
Elliott, Richard L: Glenkeen
Elliott, Thomas L: Drumduff
Elliott, William L: Brownhill
Elliott, William L: Drumhoney
Elliott, William L: Drumpeen
Emmerson, John L: Druminshin More
Fair, James L: Feddan
Farry, Catherine L: Ballylucas
Farry, John L: Ballylucas
Farry, Michael L: Ballylucas
Farry, Thomas L: Ballylucas
Farry, Thomas L: Cloghtate
Ferguson, William L: Lissan
Ferry, James L: Cavanacross
Fields, Susan L: Drumduff
Fields, William L: Drumduff
Fife, William L: Lissan
Flanagan, Charles L: Drumbulcan
Flanagan, Elizabeth L: Forthill
Flaws, Alexander L: Townhill
Fleming, Stephen T: Irvinestown - Church St.
Fletcher, Catherine L: Carranboy
Fletcher, James L: Whitehill North
Fletcher, William, Jr. L: Drumadravy
Fletcher, William, Sr. L: Drumadravy
Forde, James L: Cavancarragh
Foster, Jane L: Ballylucas
Foster, Robert T: Irvinestown - Castle St.
Foster, Samuel L: Cavancarragh
Fowler, John T: Irvinestown - Main St.
Frith, Samuel L: Liscreevin
Funston, Elizabeth L: Drumhoney
Gallagher, Henry L: Doonan
Gallagher, James L: Cavancarragh
Gallagher, James T: Irvinestown - Main St.
Gallagher, James L: Townhill
Gallagher, John L: Keeran
Gallagher, John T: Irvinestown - Main St.
Gallagher, John T: Irvinestown - Trillick Rd.
Gardiner, John T: Irvinestown - Fair Green
Garlick, William T: Irvinestown - Main St.
Gibson, George L: Rahall
Gibson, John L: Rahall
Gillespie, Elizabeth L: Moynaghan North
Gillespie, Michael L: Whitehill North
Gillespie, Thomas L: Boyaghan
Gilligan, Andrew T: Irvinestown - Back Street
Gilmore, George L: Brownhill
Gilmore, George T: Irvinestown - Main St.
Gilmour, George L: Milltate
Ginn, George L: Ardlougher
Going, William L: Killyvannan
Goodwin, Jane L: Boyaghan
Gorman, George T: Irvinestown - Main St.
Gorman, James T: Irvinestown - Pound St.
Gormley, Edward L: Cules Short
Gormley, Francis T: Irvinestown - Fair Green
Gormley, Thomas T: Irvinestown - Main St.
Gormley, Thomas T: Irvinestown - Trillick Rd.
Graham, Christopher L: Brownhill
Graham, Christopher L: Islands - Inish Davar
Graham, Christopher L: Milltate
Graham, Christopher T: Irvinestown - Main St.
Graham, George L: Cultiagh
Graham, James L: Ballylucas
Graham, James L: Cloghtate
Graham, James L: Drumcrow
Graham, James T: Irvinestown - Church St.
Graham, James L: Tamlaght
Graham, John L: Agharainy
Graham, John L: Castle Coole
Graham, John L: Cavancarragh
Graham, John L: Forthill
Graham, John T: Irvinestown - Main St.
Graham, John L: Townhill
Graham, Mary L: Drumbo
Graham, William L: Drummal
Graham, William L: Duross
Graham, William L: Glenross
Graham, William L: Mullies
Graves, Francis L: Drumcaw
Graves, Francis L: Moynaghan South
Graves, John L: Drumcaw
Gray, John T: Irvinestown - Fair Green
Gray, John L: Townhill
Gray, Robert T: Irvinestown - Castle St.
Gray, Thomas L: Boyaghan
Graydon, Basil L: Cavancarragh
Greene, John L: Coolisk
Greene, Owen L: Bunaninver
Greer, L: Knock Island
Gunn, John L: Cantytrindle
Guy, Rev. William J. L: Milltate
Guy, Rev. Wm. James L: Forthill
Hackett, Bernard L: Whitehill South
Hackett, John L: Whitehill South
Hall, John L: Drumcaw
Hall, Richard L: Derrybrusk
Hall, Robert L: Derrynanny
Halliday, Alexander L: Derrybeg
Halliday, Alexander L: Drumard
Hamilton, Archibald L: Rossgweer
Hamilton, Charles L: Druminshin More
Hamilton, John L: Rossigh
Hamilton, Robert L: Rossfad
Haran, Mary L: Forthill
Hart, Mrs. L: Bunaninver
Hely, Catherine L: Brownhill
Hemphill, Charles L: Drogan
Henderson, Archibald L: Drumduff
Henderson, John L: Ballindullagh Outward
Henderson, John L: Tullylammy
Henderson, Mary L: Drogan
Henderson, William L: Brownhill
Henderson, William T: Irvinestown - Church St.
Hetherington, George L: Ballindullagh Inward
Hetherington, Joseph L: Drumsara
Hetherington, William L: Drumsara
Hethrington, Mary L: Tullylammy
Hewitt, Rev. Robert T: Irvinestown - Pound St.
Higgins, John L: Ring
Higgins, Thomas L: Cappy
Hilliard, Mary Anne L: Clenaghisle
Hilliard, William L: Clenaghisle
Hoey, Geore L: Moynaghan North
Hoey, James L: Glenross
Hoey, James L: Rossclare
Holstead, Mr. L: Townhill N: Holstead and Norton
Hood, John L: Cassidy
Hood, John L: Dromore
Hood, John L: Drumcrin
Hood, John L: Knockroe Irvine
Howard, William L: Forthill
Howden, William L: Drumhoney
Howe, Anne L: Drumshane T: Lisnarick
Howe, Esther T: Irvinestown - Castle St.
Howe, John L: Derryclawan
Hughes, James L: Dring
Hume, Robert T: Irvinestown - Back Street
Humes, William T: Irvinestown - Main St.
Humpheries, Christopher L: Cullaghmore
Humpheries, Royal L: Cullaghmore
Humphreys, Patrick L: Drogan
Humphreys, Patrick L: Druminshinardagh
Humphries, Anne L: Carranboy
Humphries, Charles L: Drumshane T: Lisnarick
Humphries, Charlotte L: Coolisk
Humphries, William T: Irvinestown - Trillick Rd.
Hunter, Andrew L: Drumbulcan
Hunter, John L: Drumbo
Hunter, John L: Feddan
Hunter, Thomas T: Irvinestown - Castle St.
Hurst, George L: Bonnybrook
Hurst, John L: Bonnybrook
Hurst, Ralph L: Lisreagh
Hussey, Robert A. L: Derryvullan
Hussey, Robert A. L: Killyvannan
Hussey, Robert A. L: Mulrod
Hutchinson, William L: Carrowmacmea
Hutchison, Francis L: Ballylucas
Ingram, Christopher T: Irvinestown - Castle St.
Ingram, Isabella L: Ballindullagh Inward
Ingram, Matthew L: Drumpeen
Innes, Edward L: Cappy
Irvine, Alexander L: Drumduff
Irvine, Gerard L: Castle Irvine Demesne
Irvine, James L: Moynaghan South
Irvine, James T: Irvinestown - Trillick Rd
Irvine, John L: Cantytrindle
Irvine, John T: Irvinestown - Church St.
Irvine, Robert L: Rossgweer
Irvine, Rose Anne L: Drogan
Irvine, Thomas L: Drumhoney
Irvine, Thomas L: Drumskool
Irvine, William L: Brownhill
Irvine, William L: Burfits Hill
Irvine, William L: Druminshin More
Irvine, William L: Forthill
Irvine, William L: Milltate
Irvine, William T: Irvinestown - Main St.
Irwin, Charlotte L: Ballindullagh Outward
Irwin, Charlotte L: Glenall
Irwin, George L: Ballindullagh Inward
Irwin, Hugh L: Drumrainey
Irwin, Hugh L: Tamlaght
Irwin, Jason L: Curraghlare
Irwin, Robert L: Monalla
Irwin, Rose Anne L: Moynaghan South
Jameson, William L: Kilsallagh
Jenith, Edward L: Coolaness
Jervis, Robert L: Ballindullagh Outward
Johnson, Arthur L: Cultiagh
Johnson, Catherine L: Dring
Johnson, Elizabeth L: Killyvannan
Johnson, James L: Dring
Johnson, John L: Cules Long
Johnson, William L: Cantytrindle
Johnston, Arthur L: Knockroearchdall
Johnston, Edward L: Lignameeltoge
Johnston, Eliza L: Drumshane T: Lisnarick
Johnston, Gerard L: Drumsluice
Johnston, Gerard L: Glenross
Johnston, Henry L: Drumshane T: Lisnarick
Johnston, Irvine L: Drumarky
Johnston, James L: Cavancarragh
Johnston, James L: Cloghtate
Johnston, James L: Drumarky
Johnston, James L: Drumhoney
Johnston, James L: Rossclare
Johnston, Jane L: Coolisk
Johnston, Jerrett L: Moneykee
Johnston, John L: Drogan
Johnston, John L: Moynaghan South
Johnston, John L: Shallany
Johnston, Mary L: Drumsluice
Johnston, Owen L: Cavancarragh
Johnston, Robert T: Irvinestown - Main St.
Johnston, Samuel L: Glenross
Johnston, Samuel L: Killygrania
Johnston, Samuel L: Tamlaght
Johnston, Samuel L: Tullyharney
Johnston, Thomas L: Cullaghmore
Johnston, William L: Brownhill
Johnston, William L: Burfits Hill
Johnston, William L: Drumbo
Johnston, William L: Drumbulcan
Johnston, William L: Moneykee
Johnston, William L: Moynaghan South
Johnston, William T: Irvinestown - Main St.
Jolly, Andrew L: Drumadravy
Jolly, Andrew L: Whitehill North
Jolly, Irvine T: Irvinestown - Trillick Rd
Jolly, John L: Keeran
Jones, Edward L: Drummal
Jones, Jeremiah L: Glenross
Kane, Catherine T: Irvinestown - Main St.
Kearn, Michael L: Lissan
Keenan, Bernard L: Druminshin More
Keenan, Francis L: Cavancarragh
Keenan, James L: Kilnamaddy
Keenan, Jas. L: Drumrainey
Keenan, John L: Kilnamaddy
Keenan, Michael L: Ballylucas
Keenan, Patrick L: Cavancarragh
Keenan, Ralph L: Cleenish
Keenan, Terence L: Drumrainey
Kelly, Abigail L: Moynaghan South
Kelly, Ellen L: Drummal
Kelly, Francis L: Brownhill
Kelly, Patrick T: Irvinestown - Church St.
Kelly, Robert L: Tamlaght
Kelly, Thomas L: Drumrainey
Kennedy, Anne T: Irvinestown - Church St.
Kennedy, James L: Drumhoney
Kennedy, Jane L: Brownhill
Kennedy, Jane T: Irvinestown - Pound St.
Kennedy, Martha L: Liscreevin
Kennedy, William L: Drumbulcan
Keon, Neal T: Irvinestown - Main St.
Keown, Anne L: Drumhoney
Keown, Cornelius L: Tedd
Keown, Peter T: Irvinestown - Back Street
Keown, Thomas L: Tedd
Kerr, Charles L: Shankill
Kerr, Hugh T: Irvinestown - Castle St.
Kerr, James L: Lissan
Kerr, James L: Shankill
Kerr, Joseph L: Milltate
Kerr, Joseph T: Irvinestown - Main St.
Kerr, Patrick L: Lissan
Kerr, William L: Cavancarragh
Kerr, William L: Shankill
Kervy, John L: Drummal
Keshore, David L: Rahall
Keys, Andrew L: Moynaghan North
Keys, Charles L: Moynaghan North
Keys, Christopher L: Coolaness
Keys, Christopher L: Whitehill North
Keys, Francis L: Drumbulcan
Keys, George, Jr. L: Coolaness
Keys, George, Sr. L: Coolaness
Keys, Hugh L: Ardlougher
Keys, Hugh L: Burfits Hill
Keys, Hugh L: Dromore
Keys, Hugh L: Drumbulcan
Keys, Hugh T: Irvinestown - Main St.
Keys, Irvine L: Drumbulcan
Keys, Irvine L: Keeran
Keys, James L: Drumbulcan N: Frank
Keys, James L: Drumbulcan N: Rock
Keys, James L: Drumbulcan N: Tulnagarn
Keys, James L: Rahall
Keys, John L: Cullaghmore
Keys, John L: Tullynagarn
Keys, John J. L: Brownhill
Keys, John J. T: Irvinestown - Main St.
Keys, John J. T: Irvinestown - Pound St.
Keys, Mary L: Coolaness
Keys, Rebecca L: Tullylammy
Keys, Robert L: Drumshane T: Lisnarick
Keys, Robert L: Rahall
Keys, Robin L: Drumbulcan
Keys, Thomas L: Coolaness
Keys, Thomas L: Drumbulcan N: James
Keys, Thomas L: Drumbulcan N: Road
Keys, Thomas L: Rahall
Keys, Thomas, Jr. L: Drumbulcan
Keys, Thomas, Sr. L: Drumbulcan
Kierran, Frank L: Ballindullagh Inward
Kilfellan, William L: Cavancarragh
Knox, Christian L: Druminshin More
Knox, Thomas L: Tedd
Law, James L: Burfits Hill
Law, James L: Dromore
Law, James T: Irvinestown - Main St.
Law, James, Jr. T: Irvinestown - Castle St.
Law, James, Sr. T: Irvinestown - Castle St.
Law, John T: Irvinestown - Back Street
Leonard, Anthony L: Drogan
Leonard, Arthur L: Drumduff
Leonard, James T: Irvinestown - Trillick Rd.
Levingston, James L: Cloghtate
Levingston, Mervyn L: Cavanacross
Levingston, Mervyn L: Feddan
Levingston, Thomas L: Cavanacross
Liddy, John L: Feddan
Lilly, Peter L: Cavancarragh
Lindsay, Michael L: Drumsara
Lindsay, Vane L: Lignameeltoge
Little, John L: Forthill
Little, Robert L: Moynaghan North
Logan, James L: Drumbo
Love, James L: Lissan
Love, Owen L: Keeran
Love, Patrick L: Drumard
Love, Patrick L: Tamlaght
Lucy, Charles L: Drumduff
Lunney, James L: Cleenish
Lunny, Patrick L: Ballintarsan
Lynch, Robert L: Derrybeg
Mackey, Edward L: Rossgweer
Mackey, Henry L: Drumshane T: Lisnarick
Madden, Henry L: Bunaninver
Madden, Henry L: Shallany
Magee, Andrew L: Carran Little
Magee, James L: Cavancarragh
Magee, Thomas L: Drogan
Magee, Thomas L: Moynaghan South
Maglone, Cornelius L: Dring
Magrath, Bernard L: Dring
Magrath, Bernard L: Drumsluice
Magrath, Bernard L: Glenall
Magrath, James L: Forthill
Magrath, James L: Moneykee
Magrath, James T: Irvinestown - Back Street
Magrath, James T: Irvinestown - Main St.
Magrath, James L: Tullynagarn
Magrath, William L: Brownhill
Magrath, William L: Townhill
Maguire, Bernard L: Islands - Inish Conra
Maguire, Denis L: Rossigh
Maguire, James L: Drumduff
Maguire, John L: Drumbulcan
Maguire, John L: Drummal
Maguire, Laurence L: Cleenish
Maguire, Margaret L: Tedd
Maguire, Michael L: Drummal
Maguire, Patrick L: Cultiagh
Maguire, Patrick L: Drumpeen
Maguire, Patrick L: Shankill
Maguire, Philip L: Liscreevin
Maguire, Rose L: Drumskea
Maguire, Thomas L: Drummal
Maguire, Thomas L: Drumpeen
Maguire, Thomas L: Drumshane T: Lisnarick
Maguire, William L: Drummal
Malanaphy, Thomas L: Lisreagh
Manly, William L: Cassidy
Marshall, Samuel L: Forthill
Martin, Anne L: Moneykee
Martin, Arthur L: Brownhill
Martin, Arthur T: Irvinestown - Main St.
Martin, Arthur T: Irvinestown - Pound St.
Martin, Charles L: Ardlougher
Martin, Charles L: Boyaghan
Martin, James L: Cavanacross
Martin, James L: Cavancarragh
Martin, Michael L: Cavanacross
Martin, Terence L: Shankill
Martin, Thomas L: Tamlaght N: and Another
Martin, William L: Cavancarragh
Masterson, John L: Whitehill South
Maxwell, Anne L: Knockroearchdall
Maxwell, Christopher L: Rossclare
Maxwell, Eliza C. T: Irvinestown - Pound St.
Maxwell, John L: Rossclare
Maxwell, Margaret L: Islands - Inish Divann
Maxwell, Margaret L: Islands - Inish Doney
Maxwell, Margaret L: Islands - Inish Garve
Maxwell, Margaret L: Rossclare
Maxwell, Thomas L: Drumbo
Mayne, John L: Moynaghan North
McAdam, Michael L: Ballylucas
McAdam, Michael L: Tamlaght
McAleer, Catherine L: Drumadravy
McAlisher, John L: Shallany
McAloon, Hugh L: Fyagh
McAloon, John L: Whitehill South
McAlwren, Thomas L: Drumshane T: Lisnarick
McAroe, John L: Lisreagh
McAteer, Bridget L: Forthill
McAteggart, Robert L: Cavancarragh
McBarron, Eliza L: Ballindullagh Inward
McBride, Anne L: Moneykee
McBride, Hugh L: Glenall
McBride, Hugh T: Irvinestown - Fair Green
McBrien, Thomas T: Irvinestown - Castle St.
McBrierty, Francis T: Irvinestown - Main St.
McBrierty, John T: Irvinestown - Back Street
McCabe, Denis L: Drumarky
McCaffrey, Charles L: Tullylammy
McCaffrey, Edward L: Drumarky
McCaffrey, John L: Drumshane T: Lisnarick
McCaffrey, John L: Milltate
McCaffrey, John T: Irvinestown - Main St.
McCaffrey, Michael L: Clenaghisle
McCaffrey, Philip L: Derryclawan
McCaffrey, Philip L: Drumhoney
McCaffrey, Thomas L: Milltate
McCaffrey, William L: Ballindullagh Outward
McCaffry, Michael L: Cavancarragh
McCahery, James L: Cavancarragh
McCahery, Margaret L: Cavancarragh
McCann, Hugh L: Forthill
McCann, Hugh T: Irvinestown - Main St.
McCanna, Denis L: Drumbulcan
McCanny, Patrick T: Irvinestown - Church St.
McCart, Patrick L: Tamlaght
McCawley, Robert L: Lisreagh
McClelland, John L: Brownhill
McClelland, John T: Irvinestown - Main St.
McClintock, Robert L: Cavanacross
McClintock, Robert L: Feddan
McColgan, Ellen L: Ballindullagh Outward
McConnell, John T: Irvinestown - Castle St.
McCormick, John L: Cavancarragh
McCosker, Andrew L: Lissan
McCosker, James, Jr. L: Shankill
McCosker, James, Sr. L: Shankill
McCosker, Patrick L: Shankill
McCosker, Patrick T: Irvinestown - Fair Green
McCourt, James L: Druminshinardagh
McCourt, Myles L: Cules Long
McCourt, Patrick L: Drogan
McCourt, Robert L: Cules Long
McCourt, Sarah T: Irvinestown - Back Street
McCourt, William L: Moneykee
McCoy, James T: Irvinestown - Main St.
McCoy, John T: Irvinestown - Main St.
McCullion, Rose L: Drumskool
McCusker, Alexander L: Cavancarragh
McCusker, Andrew L: Kilnamaddy
McCusker, Catherine L: Cavancarragh
McCusker, Michael L: Feddan
McCusker, Thomas L: Feddan
McCutcheon, Irwin L: Ballindullagh Inward
McCutcheon, Samuel T: Irvinestown - Church St.
McDaniel, Sarah T: Irvinestown - Fair Green
McDaniel, Thomas L: Coolaness
McDermott, Charles L: Brownhill
McDermott, Elizabeth L: Tedd
McDermott, Francis L: Drumduff
McDermott, Hugh L: Drumcaw
McDermott, Patrick L: Forthill
McDermott, William T: Irvinestown - Back Street
McDonagh, Henry L: Lissan
McDonagh, James L: Forthill
McDonagh, Thomas L: Forthill
McDonaghy, James L: Moneykee
McDonnell, Daniel L: Tedd
McDonnell, James L: Leambreslen
McDonnell, James L: Tedd
McDonnell, John L: Tedd
McDonnell, Wm., Jr. L: Tedd
McDonnell, Wm., Sr. L: Tedd
McDowell, David T: Irvinestown - Main St.
McElvin, Margaret L: Cavancarragh
McEninny, William L: Rossgweer
McFarland, George L: Derryveone
McFarland, James L: Leambreslen
McFarland, Jason L: Mulrod
McFarland, Robert L: Mulrod
McFarland, Thomas L: Tedd
McFarland, William L: Mulrod
McGahy, Hugh T: Irvinestown - Trillick Rd.
McGahy, James T: Irvinestown - Trillick Rd.
McGaraghty, Patrick L: Whitehill North
McGee, Andrew L: Milltate
McGee, Thomas L: Milltate
McGee, William L: Ballintarsan
McGlone, Mary T: Irvinestown - Castle St.
McGlone, Patrick T: Irvinestown - Castle St.
McGoldrick, Daniel L: Liscreevin
McGoldrick, Hugh L: Dring
McGoley, John L: Keeran
McGolrick, John T: Irvinestown - Fair Green N: and Another
McGrade, Edward L: Milltate
McGrade, Edward T: Irvinestown - Main St.
McGrath, John L: Ballylucas
McGrath, Michael L: Drumshane T: Lisnarick
McGrath, Rose T: Irvinestown - Trillick Rd.
McGrath, William T: Irvinestown - Main St.
McGuire, Patrick L: Rahall
McGuire, Philip L: Glenross
McGuire, Thomas L: Drumarky
McGurn, Terence L: Cleenish
McHugh, Andrew L: Dring
McHugh, Anne L: Shallany
McHugh, Bernard L: Carranboy
McHugh, Bridget L: Cules Short
McHugh, Edward L: Glasmullagh
McHugh, Francis L: Drummonaghan
McHugh, James L: Drummonaghan
McHugh, John T: Irvinestown - Main St.
McHugh, John L: Tullynagarn
McHugh, Patrick L: Keeran
McHugh, Patrick L: Shallany
McHugh, Thomas L: Drumshane T: Lisnarick
McHughes, John L: Cloghtate
McIlroy, James L: Drumskool
McIlroy, James L: Rahall
McIlroy, John L: Keeran
McIlroy, John T: Irvinestown - Back Street
McIlroy, Thomas L: Drumskool
McIlroy, Thomas L: Rahall
McIntyre, James L: Drumrainey
McIvor, Sarah T: Irvinestown - Pound St.
McKeever, James L: Ballindullagh Inward
McKeever, Sidney L: Ballindullagh Inward
McKeown, Thomas T: Irvinestown - Main St.
McKeown, Thomas L: Townhill
McKernan, Laurence L: Curraghlare
McKernan, Patrick L: Tamlaght
McKervey, John L: Carrowmacmea
McKervy, Denis L: Cavancarragh
McKervy, Patrick L: Ballylucas
McKervy, Patrick L: Cavanacross
McKevlin, Roger L: Bunaninver
McKevlin, Roger L: Shallany
McLangan, Bernard L: Drumduff
McLesher, Bernard L: Glenross
McLoughlin, John L: Drumshane T: Lisnarick
McLoughlin, John L: Drumsluice
McLoughlin, John T: Irvinestown - Back Street
McLoughlin, William L: Drumsluice
McMahon, Patrick L: Ballintarsan
McMahon, Patrick L: Carran Little
McManus, Anne L: Doonan
McManus, Bernard L: Lissan
McManus, Catherine L: Cules Long
McManus, Christopher L: Tedd
McManus, Edward L: Carrickaheenan
McManus, James L: Cavancarragh
McManus, James L: Drumarky
McManus, James L: Drumduff
McManus, James L: Drumshane T: Lisnarick
McManus, James L: Drumsluice
McManus, John L: Ballintarsan
McManus, John L: Cloghtate
McManus, John L: Cules Long
McManus, Manus L: Moynaghan South
McManus, Mary L: Doonan
McManus, Mary L: Forthill
McManus, Mary T: Irvinestown - Trillick Rd.
McManus, Michael L: Derryveone
McManus, Michael L: Tedd
McManus, Patrick L: Lissan
McManus, Rose L: Drummonaghan
McManus, Thomas L: Cules Long
McMulkin, Edward L: Carranboy
McMulkin, Edward L: Coolisk
McMulkin, Owen L: Forthill
McMulkin, Patrick L: Cavancarragh
McMulkin, Philip L: Carrowmacmea
McMulkin, Thomas L: Cavancarragh
McMullen, John L: Lisreagh
McNally, Owen L: Ballylucas
McNamee, Henry L: Ballylucas
McNamee, John L: Cavancarragh
McNamee, Joseph L: Cavancarragh
McNultyy, John L: Dring
McQuade, Jane T: Irvinestown - Main St.
McQuade, Mary T: Irvinestown - Trillick Rd.
McQuade, Mary L: Tedd
McQuade, Neal L: Tedd
McQuade, Patrick L: Drumarky
McQuade, Patrick L: Tullynagarn
McQuaid, Eliza L: Glenall
McQuaid, Patrick L: Cavancarragh
McRowe, John L: Mulrod
McRowe, Michael L: Farnaght
McRowe, Michael L: Killyvannan
McRowe, Sarah L: Mulrod
McWren, John L: Drumbulcan
Meehan, John L: Keeran
Meldrum, Robert L: Ballindullagh Inward
Meldrum, Robert L: Glenall
Miller, Elizabeth L: Derryclawan
Miller, Robert L: Glasmullagh
Mitchell, William L: Drumcrin
Moffatt, John L: Brownhill
Moffett, Andrew L: Drumskool
Moffett, James L: Drumskool
Moffett, William L: Drumshane T: Lisnarick
Moffett, William L: Drumskool
Monaghan, James L: Drumduff
Monaghan, James L: Drumhoney
Monaghan, John L: Drummonaghan
Monaghan, Patrick L: Shallany
Monahan, Bernard L: Cavancarragh
Montgomery, Alexander L: Cavancarragh
Montgomery, Andrew L: Ballintarsan
Montgomery, Anne L: Tullylammy
Montgomery, John L: Drumcaw
Montgomery, Thomas L: Derryclawan
Montgomery, William L: Derryclawan
Montgomery, William L: Whitehill North
Moor, Jane L: Dromore
Moore, Jane L: Boyaghan
Moore, Jane L: Drumcrin
Moore, John L: Cappy
Moore, John L: Tawnyreagh
Moore, William L: Lisreagh
Moorhead, William T: Irvinestown - Trillick Rd.
Moran, Thomas L: Rossgweer
Morris, Ellen L: Ballindullagh Inward
Morris, Henry T: Irvinestown - Pound St.
Morris, James L: Drumskool
Morris, James L: Forthill
Morris, Owen L: Drumskool
Morris, Patrick L: Keeran
Morrison, John L: Dring
Morrisson, William L: Lignameeltoge
Moutray, Terence L: Derryclawan
Moutray, William L: Derryclawan
Moutry, Terence L: Lisreagh
Mulderrig, Anne T: Irvinestown - Castle St.
Muldoon, Martha T: Irvinestown - Main St.
Muldoon, Thomas L: Druminshin More
Mulhern, John L: Rossfad
Mulkin, John L: Drumshane T: Lisnarick
Mullen, Francis L: Bunaninver
Mullen, James L: Killyvannan
Mulligan, James L: Lisreagh
Mulligan, Margaret L: Drumshane T: Lisnarick
Mulligan, William L: Drumbulcan
Muney, Matthew L: Ballylucas
Muney, Matthew L: Curraghlare
Murphy, John L: Agharainy
Murphy, John L: Ballylucas
Murphy, John L: Castle Coole
Murphy, Matthew L: Lisreagh
Murphy, Patrick L: Drumshane T: Lisnarick
Murphy, Robert L: Lisreagh
Murphy, Robert T: Irvinestown - Back Street
Murphy, Thomas L: Lisreagh
Murrow, James T: Irvinestown - Castle St.
Naan, Catherine L: Cavanacross
Naan, James L: Cavancarragh
Naan, John L: Cavanacross
Naan, Margaret L: Derryclawan
Noble, William L: Druminshin Beg
Norton, Mr. L: Townhill N: Holstead and Norton
Nowlan, Patrick L: Derryclawan
Nugent, John T: Irvinestown - Back Street
O'Brien, James L: Drumadravy
O'Brien, Mark T: Irvinestown - Castle St. N: and Others
O'Brien, Patrick L: Brownhill
O'Brien, Patrick L: Cules Short
O'Brien, Patrick T: Irvinestown - Main St.
O'Brien, Patrick T: Irvinestown - Trillick Rd.
O'Brien, Patrick L: Tullynagarn
O'Brien, Richard L: Brownhill
Offices, T: Irvinestown - Townhill
O'Neill, John T: Irvinestown - Pound St.
O'Reilly, James L: Forthill
O'Reilly, Patrick T: Irvinestown - Pound St.
O'Reily, James T: Irvinestown - Main St.
Orr, Jane L: Lissan
Owens, Anne L: Tullylammy
Owens, Patrick T: Irvinestown - Main St.
Palmer, George L: Rossinnan
Palmer, James L: Cassidy
Palmer, William L: Cassidy
Palmer, William L: Liscreevin
Palmer, William T: Irvinestown - Back Street
Patrick, Samuel L: Cappy
Petty, Anne L: Drumcaw
Phelan, Jane L: Rossgweer
Porter, Hugh L: Tedd
Porter, James L: Tedd
Porter, John L: Tedd
Porter, Rev. John G. L: Derryclawan
Porter, Rev. John G. L: Lisreagh
Porter, Thomas L: Tedd
Potter, Francis L: Derryclawan
Potter, John L: Drumbulcan
Pursley, Eliza L: Drumduff
Pye, John L: Shankill
Quinn, James L: Drumshane T: Lisnarick
Quinn, Robert L: Boyaghan
Ramsay, Aaron L: Clenaghisle
Ramsay, Anne L: Ballindullagh Inward
Ramsay, Christopher L: Cantytrindle
Ramsay, Christopher L: Dring
Ramsay, Francis L: Glenall
Ramsay, Henry L: Ballindullagh Inward
Ramsay, Henry L: Ballindullagh Outward
Ramsay, John L: Ballindullagh Inward
Ramsay, John L: Dromore
Ramsay, John L: Drumcrin
Ramsay, Joseph L: Drumduff
Ramsay, Mary L: Tullylammy
Ramsay, Ralph L: Boyaghan
Ramsay, Ralph L: Cassidy
Ramsay, Ralph L: Drumcrin
Ramsay, Ralph L: Tullyclea
Ramsay, William L: Ballindullagh Inward
Ramsay, William L: Drumsara
Ramsey, James L: Derryclawan
Ramsey, William T: Irvinestown - Trillick Rd.
Rankin, Adam T: Irvinestown - Main St.
Rea, Edward L: Ardlougher
Rea, James L: Forthill
Read, Ellen L: Forthill
Reid, Alexander L: Ballylucas
Reid, Alexander L: Kilnamaddy
Reid, Robert L: Leambreslen
Reid, Robert L: Lisreagh
Reid, Terence L: Doonan
Reilly, Daniel T: Irvinestown - Pound St.
Reilly, Francis L: Mulrod
Reilly, Hugh L: Burfits Hill
Reilly, Hugh L: Forthill
Reilly, Hugh T: Irvinestown - Main St.
Reilly, Hugh L: Townhill
Reilly, John T: Irvinestown - Pound St.
Reilly, William L: Doonan
Richardson, Henry M. L: Drumsluice
Richardson, Henry M. L: Islands - Horse Island
Richardson, Henry M. L: Islands - Inish Dacharne
Richardson, Henry M. L: Rossfad
Richardson, Henry M. L: Rossgweer
Richy, John L: Keeran
Richy, Robert L: Keeran
Rinchey, James L: Lissan
Rinchey, William L: Brownhill
Rinchey, William T: Irvinestown - Main St.
Rinchy, William T: Irvinestown - Back Street
Roberts, Jane T: Irvinestown - Main St.
Robinson, Alexander L: Cullaghmore
Robinson, Alexander L: Whitehill North
Robinson, Charlott L: Liscreevin
Robinson, Christopher L: Drogan
Robinson, Christopher L: Drumcaw
Robinson, Christopher L: Moynaghan South
Robinson, Edward L: Derrynanny
Robinson, Edward L: Tedd
Robinson, Eliza L: Liscreevin
Robinson, George L: Liscreevin
Robinson, George L: Tullylammy
Robinson, James L: Lissan
Robinson, John L: Tedd
Robinson, William L: Tedd
Roe, John T: Irvinestown - Castle St.
Rogers, John L: Carranboy
Rutledge, Rev. John Y. L: Tullyclea
Rutledge, Rev. John Y. L: Whitehill South
Rutledge, William L: Derryclawan
Savage, Rebecca L: Cavancarragh
Savage, Richard L: Lisreagh
Scallion, James L: Shallany
Scollan, James L: Doonan
Scollan, Mary L: Cavancarragh
Scollen, James L: Brownhill
Scott, William T: Irvinestown - Church St.
Scott, William L: Tullylammy
Scully, John L: Ballylucas
Seery, Bernard L: Derryclawan
Seery, James L: Moynaghan South
Seery, Timothy L: Killyvannan
Shannon, Bernard L: Bunaninver
Shannon, Bernard L: Drummonaghan
Shannon, Bernard L: Shallany
Shannon, James L: Shallany
Shannon, John L: Shallany
Shannon, Margaret L: Kilnamaddy
Shannon, Owen L: Lissan
Shannon, Philip L: Lissan
Sharp, John L: Drumskea
Sharpe, Edward L: Drogan
Sharpe, Edward L: Druminshinardagh
Sharpe, Ellen L: Drogan
Sharpe, Jane L: Drogan
Sharpe, Jane L: Druminshinardagh
Sheenan, Patrick, Jr. L: Cleenish
Simpson, Catherine L: Lignameeltoge
Simpson, John L: Keeran
Simpson, William L: Lignameeltoge
Slavin, Bernard T: Irvinestown - Main St.
Sloane, Charles L: Rahall
Smart, John T: Irvinestown - Church St.
Smith, Anne T: Irvinestown - Back Street
Smith, John L: Glenall
Smith, Rev. Patrick L: Whitehill South
Smith, Samuel L: Rossclare
Somerville, Andrew L: Tullylammy
Somerville, James L: Dring
Somerville, James L: Drumsluice
Somerville, John L: Burfits Hill
Somerville, John L: Drumbo
Somerville, John L: Forthill
Somerville, John L: Moneykee
Somerville, John T: Irvinestown - Main St.
Somerville, John L: Tullynagarn
Somerville, William L: Moneykee
Spratt, John T: Irvinestown - Back Street
Spratt, Mary Anne L: Forthill
Spratt, Patrick L: Forthill
Sproule, Elizabeth L: Coolaness
Sproule, Elizabeth L: Drumbulcan
Sturdy, Oswald L: Moneykee
Swanston, George L: Cullaghmore
Swanston, George L: Drumhoney
Swanston, George L: Glenkeen
Swanston, Irvine L: Shallany
Swanston, William L: Drumhoney
Swantson, George L: Boyaghan
Sweeney, Michael T: Irvinestown - Castle St.
Sweeney, Patrick L: Drumarky
Sweeny, George L: Glenall
Sweeny, Jane L: Feddan
Sweeny, John, Jr. L: Rossgweer
Sweeny, John, Sr. L: Rossgweer
Thompson, Andrew L: Keeran
Thompson, Jane L: Drumduff
Thompson, John L: Forthill
Thompson, John L: Lignameeltoge
Thompson, Rev. John T: Irvinestown - Fair Green
Thompson, John L: Tamlaght
Thompson, Mary L: Cassidy
Thompson, Robert L: Keeran
Tiernan, Anne L: Rossgweer
Tiernan, Rachel L: Rossgweer
Tiernan, Robert L: Rossgweer
Tierney, Mary L: Lissan
Tolan, Thomas L: Drumbulcan
Tomlin, Elizabeth L: Carranboy
Torrens, James L: Tullyclea
Tracy, Gerrard L: Drummonaghan
Traynor, John L: Bracky
Traynor, Patrick L: Druminshin More
Trimble, Jane L: Leambreslen
Trimble, William L: Leambreslen
Tumath, Christopher T: Irvinestown - Main St.
Tumath, Edward L: Boyaghan
Tumath, John L: Drumcaw
Tumath, John L: Rossinnan
Tumith, Mary L: Drummal
Vaughan, Archibald L: Ballintarsan
Vaughan, William L: Drumbo
Veitch, Charles L: Drumcullion
Veitch, Leslie L: Drumcullion
Walker, William L: Drumbo
Walsh, Anne L: Moynaghan North
Walsh, James L: Lissan
Ward, Charles L: Shallany
Ward, Francis L: Drummal
Watkin, Francis, Jr. L: Ring
Watkin, Francis, Sr. L: Coolnashanton
Watkins, George L: Derryclawan
Watkins, George L: Lisreagh
Weir, Rose L: Whitehill South
West, Edward L: Castle Coole
West, Henry L: Derryclawan
West, Richard L: Killyvannan
West, Thomas L: Tamlaght
White, Mr. T: Irvinestown - Main St. N: White and Betty
White, Sarah T: Irvinestown - Pound St.
Whitely, John L: Lisreagh
Whitely, Letita L: Leambreslen
Whitely, Robert L: Derryclawan
Whitely, Robert L: Leambreslen
Whitely, Robert L: Lisreagh
Whitley, Robert L: Ballindullagh Inward
Wiggins, James L: Ballintarsan
Wiggins, James L: Milltate
Wilkin, James L: Druminshinardagh
Willis, George L: Castle Coole
Wilson, Anne Jane L: Killygrania
Wilson, Christoper L: Cavancarragh
Wilson, Christopher L: Ardlougher
Wilson, Edward L: Derryveone
Wilson, Guy L: Brownhill
Wilson, James L: Glenross
Wilson, John, Jr. L: Cavancarragh
Wilson, John, Sr. L: Cavancarragh
Wilson, Margaret L: Ballylucas
Wilson, Margaret L: Bonnybrook
Wilson, Margaret L: Glasmullagh
Wilson, Margaret L: Thomastown
Wilson, Mary Anne L: Bonnybrook
Wilson, Mary Anne L: Glasmullagh
Wilson, Mary Anne L: Thomastown
Wilson, Matthew L: Drumpeen
Wilson, Matthew T: Irvinestown - Pound St. N: and Others
Wilson, Rep. Robert L: Cavancarragh
Wilson, Robert L: Killyvannan
Wilson, Robert L: Mulrod
Wilson, Robert L: Tamlaght
Wilson, William L: Cleenish
Wilson, William L: Lissan
Wilson, William L: Mulrod
Winter, Patrick L: Dromore
Woods, Catherine L: Tedd
Woods, Charles L: Tedd
Woods, James L: Tedd
Woods, John T: Irvinestown - Main St.
Wyer, James L: Cullaghmore
Wyer, John L: Tedd
Wyer, William L: Cullaghmore
Wyer, William L: Whitehill North
Young, Thomas L: Glasmullagh