Griffith's Valuation: Drumkeeran Parish, County Fermanagh

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Griffith's Valuation in Drumkeeran Parish

Griffith ’s Valuation took place in Drumkeeran parish and every other parish in county Fermanagh as well as throughout Ireland. Griffith's valuation is the name widely given to the Primary Valuation of Ireland, a property tax survey carried out in the mid-nineteenth century under the supervision of Sir Richard Griffith. The survey involved the detailed valuation of every taxable piece of agricultural or built property on the island of Ireland and was published county-by-county between the years 1847 and 1864.

The process of valuation was painstakingly thorough, involving multiple visits by valuation teams to analyse all of the factors influencing the economic status of the property: average rents paid in the area; distance from the nearest market town. The aim was to get as accurate as possible an estimate of the annual income that each property should produce. The Griffiths Valuation was carried out in county Fermanagh in 1862.


Griffiths Valuation: Drumkeeran Parish 1862

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You should also check the records of Drumkeeran parish from the Tithe Applotment books in the 1820's and 1830's



KEY:   L: = Location     N: = Notes     V: = Village     T: = Town

Abraham, Guy L: Drumchorick
Acheson, J. G. L: Lusty Beg Island
Adams, Anne L: Glennagarran
Adams, James L: Drumcloon
Adams, James L: Letterkeen
Adams, Mary L: Derrybrick
Adams, William L: Clonelly
Aiken, Anne L: Greaghmore
Aiken, John L: Inisclin
Aiken, John L: Tullynaloob
Aiken, John, Jr. L: Glasdrumman
Aiken, John, Sr. L: Dromore Little
Aiken, John, Sr. L: Glasdrumman
Aiken, William L: Glasdrumman
Aiken, William L: Kilmore
Allen, William L: Letterkeen
Allingham, Archibald L: Hare Island
Allingham, Archibald L: Mullynaval
Allingham, Archibald L: Portinode
Allingham, William L: Cordwood
Allingham, William L: Cruninish Island
Allingham, William L: Middletown
Allingham, William L: Mullynaval
Allingham, William L: Pollaginnive
Anderson, Abraham L: Aghalaan
Anderson, Bessy L: Ardshankill
Anderson, Mary L: Ardshankill
Anderson, Robert L: Gortacar
Anderson, William L: Ardshankill
Anderson, William L: Gortacar
Apartment, L: Bannagh Beg N: Teachers
Archdall, Alexander L: Glasmullagh
Arle, James L: Rushindoo
Armstrong, Alex. L: Bannagh Beg
Armstrong, Alexander L: Bannagh Beg
Armstrong, Andrew L: Letterkeen
Armstrong, Arthur L: Movarran
Armstrong, Catherine L: Firs
Armstrong, Christopher L: Larmore
Armstrong, Edward L: Tirwinney
Armstrong, George L: Drumcloon
Armstrong, George L: Portinode
Armstrong, Guy L: Bannagh Beg
Armstrong, Guy L: Clonelly
Armstrong, Irvine L: Letterkeen
Armstrong, Irvine L: Muckros
Armstrong, James L: Clonelly
Armstrong, James L: Dooraa South
Armstrong, James L: Killygarry
Armstrong, James L: Knockroe
Armstrong, John L: Drumcloon
Armstrong, John L: Gortacar
Armstrong, Mary Anne L: Dooraa South
Armstrong, Robert L: Movarran
Armstrong, Thomas L: Muckros
Armstrong, William L: Drumrush
Armstrong, William L: Letterkeen
Armstrong, William L: Movarran
Bakeham, Henry L: Drumboarty
Bakeham, John L: Drumboarty
Bakeham, Robert L: Drumboarty
Baker, William L: Drumbarn
Ballentine, Stewart L: Lowery
Barclay, George L: Inisclin
Barrett, John L: Gushedy Beg
Barrett, Michael L: Drumnagreshial
Barrett, Owen L: Drumnagreshial
Barrett, Owen L: Gushedy More
Barrett, Owen L: Tonwore
Barrett, Patrick L: Gushedy Beg
Barrett, Patrick L: Tonwore
Barrett, William L: Gushedy Beg
Barron, Patrick L: Letterkeen
Barton, Andrew L: Corlaght East
Barton, Barbara L: Drumcurren
Barton, Edward L: Edenticromman
Barton, Edward L: Glasmullagh
Barton, Edward, Jr. L: Tirwinney
Barton, Edward, Sr. L: Tirwinney
Barton, Folliott W. L: Aghahannagh
Barton, Folliott W. L: Aghalaan
Barton, Folliott W. L: Ardore
Barton, Folliott W. L: Boolawater
Barton, Folliott W. L: Clonaweel
Barton, Folliott W. L: Clonelly
Barton, Folliott W. L: Curraghmore
Barton, Folliott W. L: Derrybrick
Barton, Folliott W. L: Killynoogan
Barton, Folliott W. L: Lowery
Barton, Folliott W. L: Newpark
Barton, Folliott W. L: Springtown
Barton, Folliott W. L: Stragolan
Barton, George L: Drummoney
Barton, George L: Drumnagalliagh
Barton, Henry L: Coolaghty
Barton, Henry L: Feddans
Barton, Hugh William L: Gortacar
Barton, James L: Bannagh More
Barton, James L: Corlaght East
Barton, James L: Edenticromman
Barton, John L: Drumcloon
Barton, John L: Drumcurren
Barton, Rowland L: Drummoney
Barton, William L: Bannagh More
Barton, William L: Tirwinney
Beard, Bridget L: Dromore Little
Beard, David, Jr. L: Dromore Little
Beard, Ellen L: Dromore Little
Beard, John L: Dromore Little
Beard, Patrick L: Dromore Little
Beatty, James L: Greaghmore
Beatty, William L: Derrynashesk
Beaty, Thomas L: Curraghmore
Bell, James L: Ballynabrannagh
Bird, John L: Gortnagullion
Bogan, Hugh L: Portinode
Bogan, James L: Gortgeran
Bogan, Patrick L: Portinode
Bogan, Peter L: Drumcloon
Bogan, Peter L: Feddans
Bogan, Peter L: Mullaghmore
Boyd, Alexander L: Drumierna
Boyd, John L: Corlave
Boyd, Thomas L: Corlave
Boyle, John L: Carrickcroghery
Brandon, George L: Drumcloon
Brandon, George L: Letterkeen
Brandon, James L: Glenvannan
Brandon, John L: Gortnagullion
Brandon, Mary L: Gortnagullion
Brandon, Thomas L: Mullanmeen Upper
Brandon, William L: Gortnagullion
Breene, Robert L: Drumbrick
Breene, William L: Drumbrick
Brimstone, Andrew L: Procklis
Brimstone, Thomas L: Corlave
Britain, Margaret L: Drumgowna West
Buchanan, Joseph L: Bracklin
Buchanan, Robert L: Tirmacspird
Buchanan, Thomas L: Tirmacspird
Burke, Fanny L: Ardshankill
Burke, Patrick L: Drumnagalliagh
Burnett, William L: Tullynaloob
Burnside, Hugh L: Ardshankill
Burnside, John, Jr. L: Ardshankill
Burnside, Robert L: Ardshankill
Burnside, Robert L: Gubbakip
Bustard, John T: Pettigoe
Bustard, John L: Tullyhommon
Caffrey, Samuel L: Letterkeen
Caldwell, James L: Mullanmeen Under
Caldwell, James L: Rushindoo
Caldwell, William L: Drummoney
Calgy, Edward L: Edenticromman
Campbell, Edward L: Dooraa North
Campbell, William L: Feddans
Campbell, William L: Tullyhommon
Cannon, Catherine L: Drumbaran
Carleton, James L: Crimlin
Carleton, James, Jr. L: Oghill
Carleton, James, Sr. L: Oghill
Carleton, John L: Drumbrick
Carleton, John L: Drumierna
Carleton, John L: Oghill
Carleton, William L: Oghill
Carolan, James L: Coolaghty
Carolan, John L: Gushedy More
Carr, Edward L: Skea
Carroll, James L: Edenticromman
Carroll, Neal L: Gortnagullion
Carson, Edward L: Formil
Carson, Jason L: Formil
Cassidy, Sarah L: Carrickoughter
Chapman, Edward L: Killynoogan
Chittick, George L: Cordwood
Chittick, George L: Drumgowna East
Chittick, George L: Middletown
Chittick, George L: Mullynaval
Chittick, George L: Tirwinney
Chittick, Gustavus L: Rotten Mountain
Chittick, James L: Drumboarty
Chittick, John L: Bannagh More
Chittick, John L: Drumgrenaghan
Chittick, Thomas L: Rotten Mountain
Chittick, William L: Bracklin
Chittick, William L: Drumbarn
Chittick, William L: Drumboarty
Clarke, Catherine L: Corlaght East
Clarke, Thomas L: Movarran
Cleary, Terence L: Lugmore
Clendening, Arthur L: Rushinbane
Coghlan, John L: Bannagh Beg
Cohoon, Peter L: Carrickcroghery
Collins, Felix L: Clonee
Collins, Isabela L: Corlave
Colter, Gabriel L: Corlaght West
Colter, Mary L: Corlaght West
Colter, Mary L: Larmore
Colter, Owen L: Glennagarran
Colter, Robert L: Drumgowna West
Colter, Robert L: Glennagarran
Coltin, Owen L: Drumgowna West
Colton, John L: Edenticromman
Connolly, George L: Inisclin
Corr, William L: Drumgrenaghan
Corrigan, James L: Drumgowna West
Corrigan, James L: Gushedy More
Corrigan, John L: Doochrock
Corscaden, James L: Coolaghty
Corscaden, William L: Coolaghty
Cotter, James L: Drumcrin
Cousins, James L: Killynoogan
Coventry, John L: Glennagarran
Crawford, William L: Derryneeve
Cromer, Robert L: Clonelly
Crozier, Arthur L: Drumcurren
Crozier, Charles L: Drumbrick
Crozier, John L: Clonee
Crozier, John L: Glennagarran
Crozier, William L: Dooraa South
Crummer, Thomas L: Drumrush
Crummer, William L: Stragolan
Cullion, Daniel L: Drumboarty
Cullion, Margaret L: Monavreece
Curran, Jane L: Montiaghroe
Currigan, Mary L: Springtown
Currigan, Patrick L: Aghalaan
Daly, Thomas L: Drumduff
Daniel, Rep. James L: Drumbristan
Daniel, Rep. James L: Drumhirk
D'Arcy, Arthur L: Drumierna
Davis, Patrick L: Doochrock
Davis, Robert L: Tirmacspird
Davis, William L: Drumcullion
Davis, William L: Tirmacspird
Dogherty, John L: Drumcullion
Dogherty, Michael L: Formil
Dogherty, Owen L: Curraghmore
Dogherty, Sarah L: Rushindoo
Doherty, Bernard T: Pettigoe
Donahee, William L: Gortnagullion
Donaldson, Rev. John L: Firs
Donaldson, Rev. John T: Pettigoe
Donaldson, Rev. John L: Tullyhommon
Doolan, William L: Oghillicartan
Doonan, Charles L: Tievaveeny
Doonan, Francis L: Meentullyclogh
Doonan, Francis L: Rossgole
Doonan, Hugh L: Meentullyclogh
Doonan, John L: Tievaveeny
Doonan, Mary L: Tievaveeny
Doonan, Owen, Jr. L: Dromore Little
Doonan, Owen, Sr. L: Dromore Little
Doonan, Patrick L: Drumgowna West
Doonan, Rose L: Tievaveeny
Dowd, Luke L: Curraghmore
Dowd, Roger L: Drumrush
Dowd, Roger L: Estea Island
Dowd, Terence L: Ballynabrannagh
Dowd, William L: Springtown
Dowden, Mary L: Lowery
Drugan, Christopher L: Gortgeran
Drugan, James L: Drumnavahan
Dudgeon, Hugh L: Inisclin
Dudgeon, Hugh, Sr. L: Inisclin
Dudgeon, John, Jr. L: Greaghmore
Dudgeon, Simon L: Corlave
Dudgeon, Thomas L: Corlave
Dudgeon, William L: Inisclin
Dudgeon, William, Jr. L: Corlave
Dudgeon, William, Sr. L: Corlave
Duffy, Hyram L: Drumierna
Duffy, John L: Bannagh Beg
Duffy, John L: Bannagh Beg N: and Others
Duffy, John L: Carrickoughter
Duffy, John L: Killynoogan
Duffy, Solomon L: Killynoogan
Duffy, Solomon L: Lowery
Duffy, William L: Drumierna
Duncan, Arthur L: Drumduff
Duncan, Christopher L: Drumduff
Duncan, Christopher L: Killygarry
Duncan, Francis L: Drumduff
Dundass, John L: Aghavore
Dunlop, George L: Dooraa North
Durneen, Farler L: Derry Beg.
Durneen, Stephen L: Dromore Big
Durneen, Thomas L: Gortnaree
Earls, David L: Tirwinney
Eaves, John L: Dooraa South
Elliott, Andrew L: Drumcullion
Elliott, George L: Greaghmore
Elliott, Joseph L: Drumcullion
Elliott, Richard L: Letterkeen
Elliott, William L: Inisclin
Emmerson, William L: Portinode
Evans, Thompson L: Knockroe
Fair, Alexander L: Corlaght West
Fallon, Michael L: Drumrush
Ferrard, Rev. John T: Pettigoe
Fitzpatrick, Acheson L: Aghahannagh N: Black
Fitzpatrick, Acheson L: Aghahannagh N: White
Fitzpatrick, Acheson L: Clonaweel N: Black
Fitzpatrick, Acheson L: Clonaweel N: White
Fitzpatrick, Edward L: Derrybrick
Fitzpatrick, Jane L: Aghahannagh
Fitzpatrick, Jane L: Aghavore
Fitzpatrick, John L: Boolawater
Fitzpatrick, John L: Newpark
Fitzpatrick, Michael L: Montiaghroe
Fitzpatrick, Thomas L: Bannagh Beg
Fitzpatrick, William L: Curraghmore
Fitzpatrick, William L: Derrybrick
Fitzpatrick, William L: Drumcrin
Fitzpatrick, William L: Glennagarran
Fitzpatrick, William L: Stragolan
Flanagan, Garrett L: Dromore Big
Flanagan, James L: Dromore Big
Flanagan, Patrick L: Ardshankill
Fleming, Thomas L: Bannagh More
Flood, Thomas L: Clonaweel
Flynn, Patrick L: Bannagh Beg
Foster, Christopher L: Gortacar
Fox, James L: Clonee
Fraser, William L: Mullanmeen Under
Frazer, George L: Muckros
Fyffe, John L: Bigwood
Fyffe, John L: Boolawater
Fyffe, John L: Kilmore
Fyffe, Martha L: Tubrid
Gallagher, L: Skrinny N: Widow
Gallagher, Anne L: Gushedy More
Gallagher, Bernard L: Stragolan
Gallagher, Bridget L: Tievenavarnog
Gallagher, Daniel L: Cruntully
Gallagher, Daniel L: Rotten Mountain
Gallagher, Francis L: Curraghmore
Gallagher, Hugh L: Bannagh More
Gallagher, James L: Carrickcroghery
Gallagher, James L: Curraghmore
Gallagher, James T: Pettigoe
Gallagher, John L: Crimlin
Gallagher, John L: Curraghmore
Gallagher, John L: Drumnagreshial
Gallagher, Margaret L: Gushedy Beg
Gallagher, Mary L: Edenticromman
Gallagher, Terence L: Gushedy More
Gallagher, Thomas L: Boolawater
Gallagher, Thomas L: Drumnagalliagh
Gallagher, Thomas L: Kilmore
Gallagher, William L: Bannagh Beg
Gallagher, William L: Corlaght East
Gallagher, William L: Gortnagullion
Gallagher, William L: Killygarry
Gallen, Daniel L: Drumnagalliagh
Gallogley, John L: Rotten Mountain
Gallogley, Michael L: Doochrock
Gallogley, Patrick L: Doochrock
Gibson, Andrew L: Drumgrenaghan
Gibson, Andrew L: Greaghmore
Gibson, Ephraim L: Drumcloon
Gibson, Ephraim L: Drumcurren
Gibson, George L: Monavreece
Gibson, Samuel L: Curraghmore
Gibson, William L: Letterkeen
Gilbert, William L: Clonee
Gilbert, William L: Drumnavahan
Gildea, James L: Ardshankill
Gilmore, Archibald L: Bannagh Beg
Gilmore, James L: Bannagh Beg
Gilmore, William L: Dooraa South
Gorman, Hugh T: Pettigoe
Gormley, Alice L: Doochrock
Gormley, Edward L: Camplagh
Gormley, James L: Carrickoughter
Gormley, James T: Pettigoe
Gormley, Patrick L: Drumbristan
Gormly, James L: Carrickoughter
Gormly, Margaret L: Carrickoughter
Graham, Barton L: Bannagh Beg
Graham, Barton L: Curraghmore
Graham, Charles L: Drumcrin
Graham, Charles L: Newpark
Graham, George L: Letterkeen
Graham, James L: Derrybrick
Graham, Jane L: Bannagh Beg
Graham, John L: Clonelly
Graham, John L: Drumchorick
Graham, Rep. John L: Montiaghroe
Graham, Thomas L: Montiaghroe
Graham, Thomas L: Tievenavarnog
Graham, William, Jr. L: Curraghmore
Graham, William, Sr. L: Curraghmore
Gregory, Margaret L: Killynoogan
Hamilton, Hezlett L: Bannagh Beg
Hamilton, James L: Aghavore
Hamilton, James L: Ballynabrannagh
Hamilton, James T: Pettigoe
Hamilton, James L: Tullyhommon
Hanaghan, Kate L: Bannagh Beg
Hanna, Ellen L: Drummoney
Haran, James L: Derry More
Haran, Patrick L: Aghagrefin
Heatley, Thomas T: Pettigoe
Hemphill, Malcolm L: Coolaghty
Hennegan, Michael L: Bannagh Beg
Herreran, John L: Formil
Hewston, Agnes T: Pettigoe
Hicks, William L: Drumboarty
Higgins, Margaret L: Curraghmore
Hill, Henry L: Drumkeeran
Humphreys, John, Jr. L: Rossgole
Humphreys, John, Sr. L: Rossgole
Humphries, John L: Corlaght East
Humphries, William L: Corlaght East
Hurst, James L: Skea
Hurst, John L: Dooraa South
Hynes, Edward T: Pettigoe
Irvine, Alexander L: Ardshankill
Irvine, Alexander L: Clonelly
Irvine, Alexander L: Rossgole
Irvine, David L: Dooraa North
Irvine, John L: Coolaghty
Irvine, John L: Dooraa North
Irvine, John L: Keeran
Irvine, Launcelot L: Dooraa North
Irvine, William L: Drumboarty
Irvine, William L: Glasmullagh N: Red
Irvine, William L: Lowery
Irvine, William, Jr. L: Glasmullagh
Irvine, William, Sr. L: Glasmullagh
Isles, Christopher L: Feddans
Johnson, Arthur L: Drumnagalliagh
Johnson, John L: Glenvannan
Johnson, John L: Newpark
Johnston, Acheson L: Lowery
Johnston, Alexander L: Dromore Big
Johnston, Alexander L: Glenvannan
Johnston, Andrew L: Coolaghty
Johnston, Andrew L: Dooraa South
Johnston, Andrew L: Keeran
Johnston, Andrew L: Mweelbane
Johnston, Andrew L: Tirmacspird
Johnston, Arthur L: Glasmullagh
Johnston, Arthur L: Oghillicartan
Johnston, Charles L: Drumnavahan
Johnston, David L: Coolaghty
Johnston, David L: Keeran
Johnston, Edward L: Drumcurren
Johnston, Elizabeth L: Boolawater
Johnston, Francis L: Letterkeen
Johnston, Francis L: Lowery
Johnston, Francis L: Muckros
Johnston, Francis L: Rotten Mountain
Johnston, Francis L: Tievenavarnog
Johnston, Hugh L: Boolawater
Johnston, Irvine L: Clonee
Johnston, James L: Coolaghty
Johnston, James L: Dooraa South
Johnston, James L: Drummoney
Johnston, James L: Letterkeen
Johnston, James L: Oghill
Johnston, John L: Bannagh More
Johnston, John L: Boolawater
Johnston, John L: Carrickoughter
Johnston, John L: Coolaghty
Johnston, John L: Drumbrick
Johnston, John L: Drumcurren
Johnston, John L: Feddans
Johnston, John L: Knockroe
Johnston, John L: Letterkeen
Johnston, John L: Muckros
Johnston, John L: Mweelbane
Johnston, John L: Skea
Johnston, Kate L: Rushindoo
Johnston, Launcelot L: Aghagrefin
Johnston, Launcelot L: Glasmullagh
Johnston, Launcelot L: Monavreece
Johnston, Robert L: Lowery
Johnston, Robert L: Portinode
Johnston, Robert L: Springtown
Johnston, Rowland L: Letterkeen
Johnston, Thomas L: Oghill
Johnston, William L: Cahore (Glebe)
Johnston, William L: Drumskinny
Johnston, William L: Knockroe
Johnston, Wm. John L: Coolaghty
Johnston, Wm. John L: Tirmacspird
Jones, Robert L: Crimlin
Jones, William L: Gortgeran
Junkin, William L: Drumchorick
Junkin, William L: Drumkeeran
Kane, John L: Drumcullion
Keenan, John L: Carrickoughter
Keon, Francis L: Edenticromman
Keon, Mark L: Drumchorick
Keon, Owen L: Drumchorick
Keon, Patrick L: Drumchorick
Keon, Patrick L: Edenticromman
Keon, Patrick L: Gortnagullion
Keon, Patrick L: Mullanmeen Upper
Keone, James L: Portinode
Keone, John L: Portinode
Keone, John L: Portinode N: Black
Keone, John L: Tullynashammer
Kerrigan, Felix L: Ardshankill
Kerrigan, Patrick L: Ardshankill
Keyes, Henry L: Feddans
Keyes, Hugh L: Drumbarn
Keys, John L: Killynoogan
Knox, Eliza L: Boolawater
Knox, George L: Tullyhommon
Knox, James L: Movarran
Knox, John L: Gortacar
Knox, William L: Drummacahan
Kohane, Patrick L: Rotten Mountain
Lafferty, Owen L: Mullaghmore
Lafferty, Patrick L: Mullaghmore
Latournay, William L: Mullanmeen Middle
Lawes, Thomas L: Dromore Little
Leary, Samuel L: Firs
Leary, Samuel T: Pettigoe
Leary, Samuel, M.D. L: Tullyhommon
Lennox, Joseph L: Drumkeeran
Leonard, Patrick L: Gortnagullion
Little, William L: Glasmullagh
Loane, Christopher L: Drumcullion
Loane, John L: Corlaght East
Loane, John L: Drumcullion
Loane, Letitia L: Derrynashesk
Loane, William L: Derrynashesk
Loftus, Lord Adam L: Cahore (Glebe)
Logan, John L: Drumcrin
Love, Christopher L: Inisclin
Love, Joseph L: Corlave
Love, William L: Boolawater
Love, William L: Lurganboy
Lowe, William L: Tubrid
Lunny, James L: Doochrock
Lunny, John L: Fartagh
Lunny, Mary L: Killygarry
Lunny, Michael L: Corlaght East
Lunny, Michael L: Doochrock
Lunny, Patrick L: Doochrock
Lunny, Patrick L: Killygarry
Lunny, Patrick L: Tonwore
Lunny, William L: Tonwore
Mackey, William L: Gortgeran
Macrory, William L: Edenticromman
Magee, Anne L: Gushedy More
Magee, Anthony L: Gushedy More
Magee, Catherine L: Montiaghroe
Magee, James L: Bannagh More
Magee, Jane L: Montiaghroe
Magee, John L: Keeran
Magee, Michael L: Dromore Little
Magee, Michael L: Drumnagalliagh
Magee, Patrick L: Dromore Little
Magee, Peter L: Cruntully
Magee, William L: Dromore Little
Maguinness, Anne L: Inisclin
Maguinness, Philip L: Inisclin
Maguire, Anne L: Clonelly
Maguire, Catherine L: Drumcullion
Maguire, Charles L: Derry More
Maguire, James L: Bannagh Beg
Maguire, John L: Gortgeran
Maguire, Margaret L: Derry More
Maguire, Mary L: Carrickoughter
Maguire, Michael L: Tubrid
Maguire, Patrick L: Carrickoughter
Maguire, Patrick L: Crimlin
Maguire, Patrick L: Dromore Big
Maguire, Philip L: Carrickoughter
Maguire, Philip, Jr. L: Carrickoughter
Maguire, Thomas L: Carrickoughter
Malley, Joseph L: Drumnagalliagh
Mally, William L: Drumnagalliagh
Marshall, Edward L: Rotten Mountain
Marshall, George L: Tirmacspird
Marshall, Henry L: Tirmacspird
Marshall, James L: Corlave
Marshall, John L: Glenvannan
Marshall, John L: Mullanmeen Middle
Marshall, Thomas L: Coolaghty
Marshall, Thomas L: Tirmacspird
Martin, Ellen T: Pettigoe
Martin, James L: Drumskinny
Martin, John L: Mullaghmore
Martin, Margaret L: Corlave
Martin, William L: Inisclin
Martin, William L: Mullaghmore
Maxwell, John L: Greaghmore
Maxwell, Thomas L: Aghahannagh
Maxwell, William L: Aghalaan
Maxwell, William L: Inisclin
McAdeash, William L: Boolawater
McAleer, Anne L: Drumkeeran
McAleer, Patrick L: Drumkeeran
McAloon, Edward L: Carrickoughter
McAnally, Henry L: Tonwore
McAnally, James L: Mullaghmore
McAran, Mary L: Letterkeen
McAran, Mary L: Muckros
McBride, Felix L: Gushedy Beg
McBride, John L: Curraghmore
McBrien, Henry L: Killynoogan
McBrien, John L: Aghalaan N: and Another
McBrierty, Sylvester L: Glennagarran
McCabe, Bridget L: Carrickoughter
McCabe, Catherine L: Carrickoughter
McCabe, Frances L: Ardshankill
McCabe, Hugh L: Ardshankill
McCabe, James L: Carrickoughter
McCabe, James L: Curraghmore
McCabe, John L: Carrickoughter
McCabe, John, Jr. L: Ardshankill
McCabe, John, Sr. L: Ardshankill
McCabe, Mary L: Drumgrenaghan
McCabe, Susan L: Curraghmore
McCabe, Terence L: Carrickoughter
McCabe, William L: Curraghmore
McCafferty, James L: Bannagh Beg
McCafferty, James L: Drumrush
McCaffrey, Catherine L: Cruntully
McCaffrey, Hugh L: Drumgowna East
McCaffrey, James L: Drumgowna West
McCaffrey, James L: Fartagh
McCaffrey, John L: Ardore
McCaffrey, John L: Carrickoughter
McCaffrey, John L: Clonaweel
McCaffrey, John L: Drumgowna East
McCaffrey, John L: Formil
McCaffrey, John L: Springtown
McCaffrey, Michael L: Drumchorick
McCaffrey, Owen L: Aghalaan
McCaffrey, Owen L: Ardore N: Black
McCaffrey, Owen L: Ardore N: Red
McCaffrey, Owen L: Springtown N: Black
McCaffrey, Owen L: Springtown N: Red
McCaffrey, Patrick L: Gortnagullion
McCaffrey, Patrick L: Tonwore
McCaffrey, Patrick L: Tullynashammer
McCaffrey, Thomas L: Cruntully
McCaffrey, Thomas L: Drumgowna East
McCaffrey, Thomas L: Drumhirk
McCaffrey, Thomas L: Portinode
McCarney, Maryanne L: Corlave
McCarney, Nicholas L: Gortnagullion
McCarney, Thomas L: Gortnagullion
McCarron, Charles L: Gortgeran
McCart, Patrick L: Derry More
McCarthy, Sylvester L: Gortnagullion
McCartney, William L: Mullanmeen Upper
McCartney, William L: Skea
McConnell, John L: Drumbarn
McConney, James L: Drumierna
McCormack, David L: Ballynabrannagh
McCormack, James L: Clonelly
McCormack, James L: Drumkeeran
McCormack, Thomas L: Clonee
McCormick, Joseph L: Crillan
McCormick, Patrick L: Drumkeeran
McCrea, John L: Drumgowna West
McCrea, John L: Springtown
McCrea, William L: Lowery
McCrea, William L: Springtown
McCreery, James L: Drumrush
McCullagh, John L: Aghagrefin
McCutchen, James L: Glenvannan
McCutchen, James L: Gortnaree
McCutchen, Robert L: Rushinbane
McCutchen, William L: Rushinbane
McCutcheon, William L: Rotten Mountain
McCutchin, James L: Rossgole
McDermott, John T: Pettigoe
McDonagh, Bernard L: Tonwore
McDonagh, James L: Aghagrefin
McDonagh, James L: Curraghmore
McDonagh, Patrick L: Tonwore
McDonaghy, Owen L: Drumbarn
McElrone, Charles L: Killynoogan
McElroy, Michael L: Gushedy Beg
McEnana, Hugh L: Clonaweel
McEnana, Hugh L: Curraghmore
McGahy, James L: Cruntully
McGahy, James L: Gushedy More
McGee, Sarah L: Oghill
McGee, Thomas L: Bannagh Beg
McGeraghty, Hugh L: Killygarry
McGettigan, James L: Gortgeran
McGettigan, John L: Gortgeran
McGettigan, Neal L: Gortgeran
McGinty, Kernan L: Boolawater
McGlin, Daniel L: Rotten Mountain
McGoldrick, Hugh L: Ardshankill
McGoldrick, James L: Corlaght East
McGoldrick, James L: Glennagarran
McGoldrick, James L: Tawnydorragh
McGoldrick, James L: Tullynashammer
McGoldrick, John L: Drumgrenaghan
McGoldrick, John L: Drumgrenaghan N: and Partners
McGoldrick, John L: Formil
McGoldrick, John L: Rotten Mountain
McGoldrick, Margaret L: Drumgowna East
McGoldrick, Patrick L: Drumgrenaghan
McGoldrick, Patrick L: Mullaghmore
McGoldrick, Thomas L: Ardshankill
McGoldrick, Thomas L: Drumgrenaghan
McGoldrick, William L: Rotten Mountain
McGowan, Daniel L: Meentullyclogh
McGrath, Cecilia L: Carrickcroghery
McGrath, John L: Glenvannan
McGrath, Michael L: Corlave
McGrath, Patrick L: Glenvannan
McGrath, Patrick L: Oghill
McGregor, George L: Drumcloon
McGregor, George L: Feddans
McGrier, Bryan L: Monavreece
McGroherty, James L: Corlave
McGrory, Mary L: Carrickoughter
McGuinness, Cornelius L: Crillan
McGuinness, Cornelius L: Skrinny
McGuinness, Henry L: Monavreece
McGuinness, James L: Dernacapplekeagh
McGuinness, Susan L: Dernacapplekeagh
McGuire, Cornelius L: Drumhirk
McGuire, Edward L: Ardshankill
McGuire, Edward L: Drumchorick
McGuire, Patrick L: Monavreece
McGuire, Thomas L: Ardshankill
McGuire, Thomas L: Mullaghmore
McHugh, Anne L: Springtown
McHugh, Bernard L: Curraghmore
McHugh, Charles L: Drumnavahan
McHugh, Edward L: Drumskinny
McHugh, Edward L: Tawnydorragh
McHugh, George L: Oghill
McHugh, James L: Drumbaran
McHugh, James L: Drumskinny
McHugh, John L: Bannagh More
McHugh, Johnson L: Lurganboy
McHugh, Mary L: Killygarry
McHugh, Owen L: Drumbristan
McHugh, Patrick L: Oghill
McHugh, Rody L: Aghalaan
McHugh, Rody L: Killynoogan
McHugh, Rody T: Pettigoe
McHugh, Sarah L: Drumgrenaghan
McHugh, William L: Meentullyclogh
McIlrone, Charles L: Ballynabrannagh
McIlrone, Felix L: Crockateggal
McIlrone, Rep. Launcelot L: Drumbarn
McIlrone, Samuel L: Drumbaran
McIlroy, John L: Ardshankill
McKee, Catherine L: Derryneeve
McKenna, James L: Gortgeran
McKervey, Hugh L: Drumgowna West
McKervey, Hugh L: Glennagarran
McKervey, James L: Bannagh Beg
McLeonard, John L: Drumrush
McLoughlin, Cormick L: Rotten Mountain
McLoughlin, John L: Oghillicartan
McLoughlin, Robert L: Glennagarran
McLoughlin, William L: Drumgowna West N: Clonelly
McLoughlin, William L: Drumgowna West N: Drumgowna
McMahon, Edward L: Drumduff
McMahon, Edward L: Drumnagalliagh
McMahon, Edward L: Drumnagalliagh N: and Others
McMahon, Philip L: Carrickoughter
McMahon, Philip L: Gortnaree
McManus, Bridget L: Carrickoughter
McManus, Francis L: Edenticromman
McManus, John L: Formil
McManus, Mary L: Lowery
McManus, Mary T: Pettigoe
McManus, Patrick L: Cruntully
McManus, Patrick L: Skrinny
McMulcan, James L: Skrinny
McNally, Arthur L: Aghagrefin
McNally, Bridget L: Tullynashammer
McNally, Hugh L: Tullynashammer
McNulty, John L: Lowery
McQuaid, Anne L: Drumhirk
McQuaid, Hugh L: Clonelly
McQuaid, Michael L: Monavreece
McQuaid, Patrick L: Drumbristan
McQuaid, Patrick L: Drumduff
McQuaid, Patrick L: Drumnagalliagh
McQuaid, Rachael L: Monavreece
McQuaid, Terence L: Drumbristan
McQuaid, Terence L: Monavreece
McQuaid, William L: Carrickcroghery
McRory, Mary T: Pettigoe
McTaggart, Thomas L: Drumbristan
McTaggart, Thomas L: Tonwore
McTigue, Ellen L: Drumgowna West
McTigue, James L: Dromore Big
Meldrum, James L: Corlave
Mills, James L: Lurganboy
Mitchell, William L: Tirmacspird
Mitchell, William P. L: Killynoogan
Moffat, Edward L: Carrickcroghery
Moffat, John L: Rotten Mountain
Moffat, Thomas L: Carrickcroghery
Moffat, Thomas L: Rotten Mountain
Moffatt, James L: Camplagh
Monaghan, Bernard L: Drumskinny
Monaghan, Bernard L: Gushedy More
Monaghan, Catherine L: Gushedy More
Monaghan, Christopher L: Coolaghty
Monaghan, Cormack L: Drumnavahan
Monaghan, Dominick L: Tievaveeny
Monaghan, Edw., Sr. L: Drumskinny
Monaghan, Edward L: Carrickcroghery
Monaghan, Edward L: Drumskinny
Monaghan, Edwd., Sr. L: Drumskinny
Monaghan, Ewd., Jr. L: Drumskinny
Monaghan, Felix L: Bannagh Beg
Monaghan, Felix L: Dromore Big
Monaghan, Felix L: Lugmore
Monaghan, Felix, Jr. L: Bannagh Beg
Monaghan, Felix, Sr. L: Lugmore
Monaghan, Francis L: Drumbristan
Monaghan, Hannah L: Drumskinny
Monaghan, James L: Drumchorick
Monaghan, James L: Drumskinny
Monaghan, James L: Gortacar
Monaghan, James L: Gushedy Beg
Monaghan, James L: Gushedy More
Monaghan, John L: Cahore (Glebe)
Monaghan, John L: Dromore Little
Monaghan, John L: Drumcullion
Monaghan, John L: Drumskinny
Monaghan, John L: Gortnagullion
Monaghan, John L: Gushedy Beg
Monaghan, John L: Meentullyclogh
Monaghan, John L: Montiaghroe
Monaghan, John L: Tawnydorragh
Monaghan, John L: Tievaveeny
Monaghan, John L: Tievenavarnog
Monaghan, John L: Tullynashammer
Monaghan, Margaret L: Boolawater
Monaghan, Mary L: Drumgrenaghan
Monaghan, Mary L: Portinode
Monaghan, Michael L: Bannagh Beg
Monaghan, Patrick L: Carrickoughter
Monaghan, Patrick L: Drumskinny
Monaghan, Patrick L: Lugmore
Monaghan, Redmond L: Tullynashammer
Monaghan, Terence L: Cruntully
Monaghan, Terence L: Drumskinny
Monaghan, Terence L: Lugmore
Monaghan, Thomas L: Bannagh Beg
Monaghan, Thomas L: Drumskinny
Monaghan, Thomas L: Gortgeran
Monaghan, Thomas L: Mullaghmore
Monaghan, William L: Dromore Little
Monaghan, William L: Drumierna
Monaghan, William L: Meentullyclogh
Mongan, John L: Greaghmore
Mongan, Patrick L: Greaghmore
Montgomery, Hugh L. L: Drumrush
Montgomery, Hugh L. L: Letterkeen
Moore, Elizabeth L: Derryneeve
Moore, James L: Drumnagreshial
Moore, Thomas L: Drumnagreshial
Moore, Thomas L: Gortnagullion
Moore, William L: Drumnagalliagh
Morris, Anne L: Carrickoughter
Morris, Patrick L: Carrickoughter
Morris, Patrick L: Crockateggal
Morrison, James L: Letterkeen
Morrison, John L: Bannagh Beg
Morrisson, Margaret L: Corlaght East
Morrow, Thomas L: Carrickoughter
Muldeon, Patrick L: Gortgeran
Muldoon, Andrew L: Gortnaree
Muldoon, Arthur L: Bannagh More
Muldoon, Arthur L: Carrickoughter
Muldoon, Bartholomew L: Drumbristan
Muldoon, Christopher L: Corlaght East
Muldoon, Henry L: Drumskinny
Muldoon, James L: Doochrock
Muldoon, John L: Backwood
Muldoon, John L: Corlaght East
Muldoon, John L: Drumbarn
Muldoon, John L: Drumbristan
Muldoon, Michael L: Drumhirk
Muldoon, Michael L: Fartagh
Muldoon, Owen L: Gortgeran
Muldoon, Patrick L: Doochrock
Muldoon, Patrick L: Letterkeen
Muldoon, Rose L: Tievaveeny
Mullen, James L: Gubbakip
Mullen, John L: Gubbakip
Mullen, Robert L: Gubbakip
Mulligan, Thomas L: Drumrush
Mulraine, Christopher L: Coolaghty
Mulraine, Christopher L: Drumcullion
Mulraine, Michael L: Coolaghty
Mulraine, Michael L: Keeran
Mulrane, Norah L: Skrinny
Murphy, Christopher L: Ardshankill
Murphy, James L: Ardshankill
Murphy, John L: Carrickcroghery
Murphy, William L: Clonee
Murray, Owen L: Carrickcroghery
Murray, Patrick L: Killynoogan
Murray, Patrick T: Pettigoe
Myles, Isabella L: Drumrush
Nelis, Michael L: Drumbarn
Nelson, Mary L: Aghahannagh
Nelson, Mary T: Pettigoe
Nelson, Mary L: Tullyhommon
Nethercott, Robert L: Glennagarran
Noble, Christopher L: Corlave
Noble, Dorothea L: Mullanmeen Upper
Noble, Edward L: Dromore Big
Noble, Edward L: Dromore Little
Noble, Edward L: Mullanmeen Upper
Noble, Edwd. L: Dromore Little
Noble, Eliza L: Tievenavarnog
Noble, James L: Oghillicartan
Noble, John L: Crimlin
Noble, John L: Dromore Big N: Back of the Rock
Noble, John L: Dromore Little
Noble, John, Jr. L: Dromore Big
Noble, John, Sr. L: Dromore Big
Noble, William L: Corlave
O'Donnell, Ellen L: Drumgrenaghan
O'Donnell, James L: Drumgrenaghan
O'Donnell, John L: Bannagh Beg
O'Donnell, John L: Drumgrenaghan
O'Donnell, Mary L: Gubbakip
O'Donnell, Richard L: Rushinbane
O'Donnell, Sarah L: Tullynashammer
O'Donnell, Terence L: Drumgrenaghan
Ogle, George L: Backwood
Ogle, George L: Boolawater
Ogle, George L: Newpark
Ogle, George L: Tullyhommon
Ogle, Hugh L: Tullyhommon
Oliver, Catherine L: Tullynaloob
Oliver, Henry L: Tullynaloob
Oliver, James L: Tullynaloob
Oliver, Mary Anne L: Tullynaloob
Oliver, Thomas L: Drumgowna West
O'Neill, Bernard L: Carrickoughter
O'Neill, Bryan L: Carrickoughter
O'Neill, Charles L: Mullaghmore
O'Neill, Felix L: Gortgeran
O'Neill, Honoria L: Carrickoughter
O'Neill, Terence L: Drumierna
O'Neill, Thomas L: Carrickoughter
O'Reilly, Rev. John L: Monavreece
Owens, James L: Bannagh Beg
Owens, William L: Mullaghmore
Patten, Arthur L: Drummacahan
Patten, John L: Tirwinney
Patterson, George L: Drummacahan
Patterson, John L: Gushedy More
Petty, William L: Ardshankill
Porter, David L: Ardshankill
Potter, William L: Gortnagullion
Quinn, Hugh L: Killynoogan
Quinn, John L: Drumgowna West
Quinn, Patrick L: Bannagh Beg
Quinn, Patrick L: Drumkeeran
Rankin, Francis L: Drumcrin
Read, Adam T: Pettigoe
Read, Catherine L: Ballynabrannagh
Read, David T: Pettigoe
Read, John L: Drumbarn
Read, John L: Gortnagullion
Reid, Catherine T: Pettigoe
Reilly, Edward L: Gortnaree
Reilly, Joseph L: Gortnaree
Richardson, Anthony L: Springtown
Robb, Hugh L: Rushinbane
Robinson, John L: Backwood
Robinson, Robert L: Inisclin
Robinson, Robert L: Rossgole
Robinson, Robert T: Pettigoe
Roe, Eliza L: Corlave
Ross, Rebecca L: Drumrush
Rourke, Owen L: Killynoogan
Russell, John L: Tirmacspird
Scolan, Edward L: Derry More
Scolan, James L: Gortgeran
Scolan, John L: Derry Beg.
Scolan, John L: Mullaghmore
Scollan, Thomas L: Montiaghroe
Scollon, George L: Drumgrenaghan
Scott, James L: Drumcrin
Scott, William L: Aghavore
Scott, William L: Drumcrin
Seeney, William L: Curraghmore
Semple, Rev. Edward L: Derry Beg.
Semple, Rev. Edward L: Drumbaran
Semple, Rev. Edward L: Letterkeen
Shallon, Bernard L: Drumnagalliagh
Shannon, Patrick L: Letterkeen
Shaw, Irvine L: Rossgole
Shaw, James L: Curraghmore
Shaw, John L: Rossgole
Shaw, Robert L: Lowery
Shaw, Robert L: Tullyhommon
Shields, James L: Clonaweel
Simpson, James L: Edenticromman
Slane, James L: Tievenavarnog
Slevin, Edward L: Corlave
Slevin, William L: Corlave
Smith, James L: Drumboarty
Smith, James L: Glasmullagh
Smyth, George L: Skrinny
Smyth, Rebecca L: Crimlin
Snallon, Francis L: Gubbakip
Somerville, James L: Drumgowna East
Somerville, James L: Edenaveagh
Spear, John L: Mweelbane
Speers, Sarah L: Edenticromman
Spence, John, Jr. L: Bannagh Beg
Spence, John, Sr. L: Bannagh Beg
Sproule, John L: Skrinny
Sproule, Joseph L: Crillan
Sproule, Martha L: Glenvannan
Sproule, Robert L: Portinode
Sproule, William L: Mullanmeen Middle
Stephenson, James L: Edenticromman
Stephenson, James L: Mullanmeen Under
Stephenson, Robert L: Mullanmeen Under
Stewart, Andrew L: Carrickcroghery
Stewart, Charles L: Killynoogan
Stewart, Charles L: Newpark
Stewart, George L: Killynoogan
Stewart, George L: Tullyhommon
Stewart, Henry L: Corlave
Stewart, Henry L: Derrynashesk
Stewart, William L: Tullynaloob
Strong, Andrew L: Newpark
Swanston, Hugh L: Procklis
Swanston, James L: Drumgowna West
Swanston, James L: Glennagarran
Swanston, James L: Procklis
Swanston, Thomas L: Procklis
Swanton, Hugh L: Kilmore
Sweeney, Alexander L: Tirmacspird
Sweeney, Owen L: Carrickcroghery
Taylor, James L: Montiaghroe
Taylor, Matthew L: Drummoney
Taylor, Robert L: Montiaghroe
Taylor, Thomas T: Pettigoe
Taylor, William L: Corlaght East
Taylor, William L: Drumbristan
Tiernan, Henry L: Bannagh Beg
Timlin, Bernard L: Aghahannagh
Timlins, Bernard L: Clonaweel
Tracey, James L: Drumrush
Treacy, Anne L: Formil
Trotter, John L: Muckros
Tumath, James L: Lowery
Turner, Samuel L: Mullaghmore
Vance, Andrew L: Rotten Mountain
Vance, James L: Oghill
Vance, William L: Oghill
Vertue, Oliver L: Coolaghty
Vertue, Oliver L: Tirmacspird
Wade, Richard L: Muckros
Walker, Robert L: Tirwinney
Waller, George L: Tirmacspird
Walmsley, George L: Corlave
Ward, Hugh L: Portinode
Weir, David L: Mweelbane
Weir, David L: Tirmacspird
Weir, George L: Oghillicartan
Weir, James L: Tirmacspird
Weir, John L: Glasmullagh
Weir, John L: Mweelbane
Weir, Robert L: Glasmullagh
Weir, William L: Oghillicartan
West, Thomas L: Bannagh Beg
West, Rev. Wm. L: Dernacapplekeagh
West, Rev. Wm. L: Drumbarn
West, Rev. Wm. L: Killygarry
White, Victor L: Clonaweel
White, William L: Curraghmore
Wilson, Catherine L: Muckros
Wilson, George L: Letterkeen
Wilson, Jane L: Glenvannan
Wilson, John L: Derryneeve
Wilson, Johnson L: Derryneeve
Wilson, William L: Derryneeve
Wilson, William L: Formil N: Big
Wilson, William L: Formil N: Little
Wilson, William L: Letterkeen
Woods, Gerard L: Carrickoughter
Woods, Henry L: Drumnagreshial
Woods, Isabella L: Knockroe
Woods, James L: Derrybrick
Woods, Joseph L: Inisclin
Woods, Sarah L: Derrybrick
Woods, William L: Drumnagreshial
Young, Anthony L: Drumcullion
Young, James L: Drumgowna West