Tithe Applotment Books: Ballylinny Parish, County Antrim

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Tithe Applotment Records in Ballylinny Parish

The Tithe Applotment Books in Ballylinny parish and throughout the entire country record the results of a unique land survey taken to determine the amount of tax payable by landholders to the Church of Ireland. They are known as the Tithe Applotment Books because the results of this land survey were originally compiled in nearly 2,000 hand-written books. This data set represents a virtual census for pre-Famine Ireland and as it covered most of the country it is very important for historians and genealogists researching family origins or the history of specific areas.

The Tithe Applotments created a lot of civil unrest in Ireland especially from the Catholic population as they vigorously disagreed to paying taxes to a Protestant church. The Tithe Applotments were carried out in Ballylinny Parish in 1835.


Tithe Applotment Books: Ballylinny Parish

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A Back to top

Alexander, James Townland: Ballylinney Year: 1835
Allen, Alexr. Townland: Lisnalinchy Year: 1835
Allison, Willm. Townland: Carntall Year: 1835
Aston, Samuel Townland: Carntall Year: 1835

B Back to top

Barklemore, Thomas Townland: Carntall Year: 1835
Barron, John Townland: Ballylinney Year: 1835
Barron, Samuel Townland: Ballylinney Year: 1835
Beatty, David Townland: Lisnalinchy Year: 1835
Beatty, John Townland: Lisnalinchy Year: 1835
Begg, Wm. Townland: Ballygallough Year: 1835
Beggs, James Townland: Ballylinney Year: 1835
Bell, Andrew Townland: Lisnalinchy Year: 1835
Bell, Clements Townland: Ballyearl Year: 1835
Bell, John Townland: Ballygallough Year: 1835
Bigham, John Townland: Little Straidahana Year: 1835
Bigham, Thomas Townland: Little Straidahana Year: 1835
Black, Robert Townland: Carntall Year: 1835
Boston, Joseph Townland: Ballyearl Year: 1835
Boston, Josias Townland: Ballyearl Year: 1835
Boyd, Andrew Townland: Bruslie Year: 1835
Boyd, James Townland: Carntall Year: 1835
Boyd, Nath. Townland: Ballyearl Year: 1835
Boyd, Robert Townland: Carntall Year: 1835
Boyd, William Townland: Ballylinney Year: 1835
Browne, John Townland: Ballyearl Year: 1835

C Back to top

Caldwell, Robert Townland: Lisnalinchy Year: 1835
Cameron, Alexr. Townland: Ballyhone Year: 1835
Cameron, James Townland: Bruslie Year: 1835
Cameron, Mary Townland: Bruslie Year: 1835
Carlisle, David Townland: Little Straidahana Year: 1835
Carlisle, Joseph Townland: Carntall Year: 1835
Chambers, James Townland: Little Straidahana Year: 1835
Chism, Willm. Townland: Carntall Year: 1835
Christie, John Townland: Carntall Year: 1835
Clair, John Townland: Carntall Year: 1835
Clugston, Catherine Townland: Ballygallough Year: 1835
Clugston, Hugh Townland: Ballyhone Year: 1835
Colman, Willm. Townland: Lisnalinchy Year: 1835
Cooper, John Townland: Ballylinney Year: 1835
Corcoran, John Townland: Carntall Year: 1835
Corcoran, Willm. Townland: Carntall Year: 1835
Corley, John Townland: Lisnalinchy Year: 1835
Coulter, James Townland: Ballygallough Year: 1835
Coulter, Samuel Townland: Ballygallough Year: 1835
Cowley, Alexr. Townland: Lisnalinchy Year: 1835
Cowley, James Townland: Lisnalinchy Year: 1835
Craig, Hanah Townland: Ballyhone Year: 1835
Craig, Willm. Townland: Ballyhone Year: 1835
Crymble, Francis S. Townland: Ballyearl Year: 1835
Crymble, Hugh Townland: Carntall Year: 1835
Crymble, William Townland: Ballyearl Year: 1835
Crymble, William Townland: Carntall Year: 1835
Curley, James Townland: Carntall Year: 1835
Curran, William Townland: Ballylinney Year: 1835

D Back to top

Douglass, John Townland: Carntall Year: 1835
Duncan, David Townland: Lisnalinchy Year: 1835
Duncan, Thomas Townland: Lisnalinchy Year: 1835
Dundee, James Townland: Bruslie Year: 1835
Dundee, John Townland: Bruslie Year: 1835
Dundee, Samuel Townland: Bruslie Year: 1835
Dunlop, James Townland: Ballygallough Year: 1835
Dunlop, Willm. Townland: Carntall Year: 1835

E Back to top

Erdice, James Townland: Lisnalinchy Year: 1835

F Back to top

Fee, David Townland: Ballyearl Year: 1835
Fee, David Townland: Bruslie Year: 1835
Ferguson, John Townland: Ballyearl Year: 1835
Ferguson, Willm. Townland: Bruslie Year: 1835
Ferguson, Willm. Townland: Lisnalinchy Year: 1835
Fulton, John Townland: Carntall Year: 1835

G Back to top

Gamble, John Townland: Ballygallough Year: 1835
Gardiner, Robert Townland: Bruslie Year: 1835
Gardiner, Samuel Townland: Bruslie Year: 1835
Gardiner, William Townland: Bruslie Year: 1835
Gardner, Robert Townland: Ballygallough Year: 1835
Gardner, Robert Townland: Bruslie Year: 1835
Gardner, Robert Townland: Carntall Year: 1835
Gardner, Robert Townland: Little Straidahana Year: 1835
Gardner, Willm. Townland: Lisnalinchy Year: 1835
Gaunliss, Arthur Townland: Lisnalinchy Year: 1835
Gilmore, John Townland: Ballylinney Year: 1835
Gordon, Robt. Townland: Lisnalinchy Year: 1835
Gordon, Willm. Townland: Lisnalinchy Year: 1835
Graham, Charles Townland: Lisnalinchy Year: 1835
Gribbin, Edm. D. Townland: Carntall Year: 1835
Grimshaw, Edmond Townland: Carntall Year: 1835
Guttrey, James Townland: Ballywalter Year: 1835
Guttry, John Townland: Lisnalinchy Year: 1835

H Back to top

Hamilton, David Townland: Lisnalinchy Year: 1835
Hanley, Willm. Townland: Lisnalinchy Year: 1835
Hanly, Charls. Townland: Lisnalinchy Year: 1835
Harper, Abraham Townland: Lisnalinchy Year: 1835
Harper, John Townland: Lisnalinchy Year: 1835
Harrington, Andw. Townland: Little Straidahana Year: 1835
Henderson, Willm. Townland: Ballygallough Year: 1835
Hervy, James Townland: Lisnalinchy Year: 1835
Hunter, Agauss. Townland: Bruslie Year: 1835
Hunter, Edward Townland: Ballycalter Year: 1835
Hunter, James Townland: Ballycalter Year: 1835
Hunter, Robert Townland: Ballygallough Year: 1835
Hunter, Samuel Townland: Ballygallough Year: 1835
Hunter, William Townland: Bruslie Year: 1835
Huston, Isabella Townland: Ballyearl Year: 1835
Huston, Thomas Townland: Ballyearl Year: 1835
Huston, Willm. Townland: Carntall Year: 1835
Hutchison, John Townland: Ballywalter Year: 1835

I Back to top

Irwin, John Townland: Lisnalinchy Year: 1835

J Back to top

Jamison, Hugh Townland: Ballyearl Year: 1835
Jamison, Hugh Townland: Carntall Year: 1835
Junkin, John Townland: Ballylinney Year: 1835

K Back to top

Kear, James Townland: Ballylinney Year: 1835
Kelly, Patrick Townland: Ballygallough Year: 1835
Kemble, James Townland: Lisnalinchy Year: 1835
Kennedy, Samuel Townland: Little Straidahana Year: 1835
Keown, Robt. Townland: Ballyearl Year: 1835
Kirkpatrick, Thomas Townland: Ballyearl Year: 1835

L Back to top

Laird, Alexr. Townland: Ballylinney Year: 1835
Laird, James Townland: Ballygallough Year: 1835
Laird, John Townland: Lisnalinchy Year: 1835
Laird, Robt. Townland: Lisnalinchy Year: 1835
Laird, Willm. Townland: Ballywalter Year: 1835
Lattimore, James Townland: Lisnalinchy Year: 1835
Lattimore, Robt. Townland: Little Straidahana Year: 1835
Lindsey, Robert Townland: Ballyhone Year: 1835
Little, Samuel Townland: Ballygallough Year: 1835
Logan, William Townland: Lisnalinchy Year: 1835

M Back to top

Mackey, John Townland: Ballylinney Year: 1835
Magee, John Townland: Ballygallough Year: 1835
Martin, William Townland: Carntall Year: 1835
McAdoo, Saml. Townland: Ballylinney Year: 1835
McClean, Thomas Townland: Ballygallough Year: 1835
McCleave, John Townland: Ballyearl Year: 1835
McClury, Willm. Townland: Ballyearl Year: 1835
McConkey, Saml. Townland: Ballyearl Year: 1835
McConkey, Samuel Townland: Bruslie Year: 1835
McConnell, John Townland: Ballyhone Year: 1835
McCullough, Andrew Townland: Lisnalinchy Year: 1835
McCullough, William Townland: Ballywalter Year: 1835
McCune, James Townland: Ballygallough Year: 1835
McCurley, Bernard Townland: Carntall Year: 1835
McIlroy, John Townland: Ballygallough Year: 1835
McIlroy, John Townland: Ballylinney Year: 1835
McIlroy, Willm. Townland: Ballygallough Year: 1835
McIlroy, Willm. Townland: Ballywalter Year: 1835
McIwigg, Hugh Townland: Lisnalinchy Year: 1835
McKay, John Townland: Ballygallough Year: 1835
McKee, John Townland: Ballygallough Year: 1835
McKewon, Alexr. Townland: Lisnalinchy Year: 1835
McMaw, John Townland: Ballyhone Year: 1835
McMillen, Samuel Townland: Carntall Year: 1835
McMurray, Samuel Townland: Carntall Year: 1835
McMurtray, Ezekiel Townland: Bruslie Year: 1835
McMurtray, James Townland: Ballywalter Year: 1835
McMurtray, Mathew Townland: Ballywalter Year: 1835
McNeight, John Townland: Carntall Year: 1835
McQuitty, Robert Townland: Lisnalinchy Year: 1835
McQuitty, Thomas Townland: Lisnalinchy Year: 1835
Milliken, Samuel Townland: Bruslie Year: 1835
Millikin, Willm. Townland: Lisnalinchy Year: 1835
Montgomery, Samuel Townland: Ballygallough Year: 1835
Montgomery, Willm. Townland: Ballyhone Year: 1835
Montgomery, Willm. Townland: Lisnalinchy Year: 1835
Moore, Hugh Townland: Bruslie Year: 1835
Moore, James Townland: Ballylinney Year: 1835
Moore, James Townland: Carntall Year: 1835
Moore, John Townland: Ballylinney Year: 1835
Moore, Willm. Townland: Ballygallough Year: 1835
Moore, Willm. Townland: Lisnalinchy Year: 1835
Morrow, James Townland: Ballyearl Year: 1835
Morrow, John Townland: Ballygallough Year: 1835
Morrow, Willm. Townland: Ballygallough Year: 1835
Morrow, Willm. Townland: Lisnalinchy Year: 1835
Mundle, James Townland: Ballylinney Year: 1835
Mundle, John Townland: Ballywalter Year: 1835
Mundle, Samuel Townland: Lisnalinchy Year: 1835
Murphey, Nath. Townland: Ballygallough Year: 1835
Murphey, Patk. Townland: Ballygallough Year: 1835
Murphy, David Townland: Ballyearl Year: 1835
Murphy, Francis Townland: Lisnalinchy Year: 1835
Murphy, Thomas Townland: Lisnalinchy Year: 1835

N Back to top

Neison, James Townland: Ballygallough Year: 1835

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P Back to top

Piercy, Hugh Townland: Ballylinney Year: 1835
Piercy, John Townland: Lisnalinchy Year: 1835
Piercy, Willm. Townland: Ballylinney Year: 1835

Q Back to top


R Back to top

Reid, James Townland: Ballylinney Year: 1835
Robinson, Alexr. Townland: Lisnalinchy Year: 1835
Robinson, James Townland: Lisnalinchy Year: 1835
Robinson, John Townland: Bruslie Year: 1835
Robinson, John Townland: Lisnalinchy Year: 1835
Robinson, Robert Townland: Lisnalinchy Year: 1835
Robinson, William Townland: Lisnalinchy Year: 1835
Robinson, Willm. Townland: Carntall Year: 1835
Rodgers, Samuel Townland: Carntall Year: 1835
Ross, Alexr. Townland: Ballylinney Year: 1835
Ross, John Townland: Lisnalinchy Year: 1835
Ross, Thomas Townland: Ballywalter Year: 1835
Ross, William Townland: Ballylinney Year: 1835
Ross, Willm. Townland: Lisnalinchy Year: 1835
Rowney, James Townland: Lisnalinchy Year: 1835
Rowney, William Townland: Bruslie Year: 1835
Ruddrick, Alxr. Townland: Ballywalter Year: 1835
Russell, William Townland: Little Straidahana Year: 1835

S Back to top

Scott, John Townland: Little Straidahana Year: 1835
Shaw, Geo. Townland: Ballywalter Year: 1835
Shaw, Geo. Townland: Lisnalinchy Year: 1835
Shaw, George Townland: Ballycalter Year: 1835
Shaw, Thomas Townland: Ballygallough Year: 1835
Sherard, Andrew Townland: Lisnalinchy Year: 1835
Sherard, James Townland: Ballyearl Year: 1835
Simms, Mary Townland: Ballywalter Year: 1835
Simms, Willm. Townland: Ballywalter Year: 1835
Simpson, Alexr. Townland: Ballyearl Year: 1835
Smith, Alexr. Townland: Ballyhone Year: 1835
Smyly, John Townland: Little Straidahana Year: 1835
Smyth, Andw. Townland: Ballyearl Year: 1835
Smyth, William Townland: Ballywalter Year: 1835
Spears, David Townland: Ballyearl Year: 1835
Stewart, Evans Townland: Carntall Year: 1835
Stewart, John Townland: Ballywalter Year: 1835
Stewart, John Townland: Carntall Year: 1835
Stewart, Samuel Townland: Lisnalinchy Year: 1835
Stewart, Thomas Townland: Ballyearl Year: 1835
Stewart, Willm. Townland: Ballygallough Year: 1835
Symms, James Townland: Lisnalinchy Year: 1835

T Back to top

Taylor, Alexr. Townland: Ballyearl Year: 1835
Templeton, Samuel Townland: Lisnalinchy Year: 1835
Thompson, Willm. Townland: Ballylinney Year: 1835
Todd, James Townland: Ballylinney Year: 1835
Todd, John Townland: Ballylinney Year: 1835

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W Back to top

Wade, Felix Townland: Ballywalter Year: 1835
Wallace, Agnes Townland: Lisnalinchy Year: 1835
Wallace, Robert Townland: Lisnalinchy Year: 1835
Wallace, Thomas Townland: Lisnalinchy Year: 1835
Warnock, George Townland: Carntall Year: 1835
Williamson, John Townland: Carntall Year: 1835
Wilson, Jane Townland: Ballyhone Year: 1835
Wilson, John Townland: Ballyearl Year: 1835
Wilson, Robert Townland: Ballygallough Year: 1835
Wilson, Robt. Townland: Ballyearl Year: 1835
Woodside, James Townland: Ballygallough Year: 1835

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