Tithe Applotment Books: Desertmartin Parish, County Derry

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Tithe Applotment Records in Desertmartin Parish

The Tithe Applotment Books in Desertmartin parish and throughout the entire country record the results of a unique land survey taken to determine the amount of tax payable by landholders to the Church of Ireland. They are known as the Tithe Applotment Books because the results of this land survey were originally compiled in nearly 2,000 hand-written books. This data set represents a virtual census for pre-Famine Ireland and as it covered most of the country it is very important for historians and genealogists researching family origins or the history of specific areas.

The Tithe Applotments created a lot of civil unrest in Ireland especially from the Catholic population as they vigorously disagreed to paying taxes to a Protestant church. The Tithe Applotments were carried out in Desertmartin Parish in 1827.


Tithe Applotment Books: Desertmartin Parish

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Adams, James Townland: Dernascallon Year: 1827
Adams, James Townland: Longfield Year: 1827
Adams, Robert Townland: Dernascallon Year: 1827
Adams, Thomas Townland: Longfield Year: 1827
Adams, William Townland: Killyboggin Year: 1827
Anderson, Ben. Townland: Gortanewry Year: 1827
Barefoot, John Townland: Dernascallon Year: 1827
Barefoot, William Townland: Curr Year: 1827
Barkley, James Townland: Dernascallon Year: 1827
Barkley, Widow Townland: Knocknagin Year: 1827
Barkley, Widow Townland: Stranygard Year: 1827
Bateson, Sir Robt. Townland: Killyboggin Year: 1827
Bell, James, Sr. Townland: Luney Year: 1827
Bell, Jas., Jr. Townland: Luney Year: 1827
Bell, John Townland: Luney Year: 1827
Bell, Saml., Jr. Townland: Luney Year: 1827
Booth, Geo. Townland: Cullin Year: 1827
Booth, Wm. Townland: Cullin Year: 1827
Bowman, Thomas Townland: Montalee Year: 1827
Boyle, Nail Townland: Longfield Year: 1827
Bradley, Berd. Townland: Gortanewry Year: 1827
Bradley, Daniel Townland: Rosegarland Year: 1827
Bradley, Henry Townland: Longfield Year: 1827
Bradley, Hugh Townland: Inniscarn Year: 1827
Bradley, John Townland: Inniscarn Year: 1827
Bradley, John Townland: Longfield Year: 1827
Bradley, Widow Townland: Moneysterling Year: 1827
Brawley, James Townland: Cullin Year: 1827
Brooks, Robert Townland: Gortanewry Year: 1827
Brown, James Townland: Reshirre Year: 1827
Brown, John Townland: Ballynagown Year: 1827
Brown, John Townland: Curr Year: 1827
Brown, Joseph Townland: Ballynagown Year: 1827
Brown, Joshua Townland: Killyboggin Year: 1827
Brunton, William Townland: Inniscarn Year: 1827
Bryan, Daniel Townland: Cullin Year: 1827
Buckett, Peter Townland: Carncose Year: 1827
Burns, Widow Townland: Gortanewry Year: 1827
Burns, Widow Townland: Tirgan Year: 1827
Caldwell, James Townland: Reshirre Year: 1827
Caldwell, John Townland: Reshirre Year: 1827
Campbell, Mr. Townland: Anagh Year: 1827
Campbell, Edwd. Townland: Tirgan Year: 1827
Campbell, Hugh Townland: Lecumpher Year: 1827
Campbell, John Townland: Killyboggin Year: 1827
Campbell, Nail Townland: Anagh Year: 1827
Cargan, Patk. Townland: Carncose Year: 1827
Carr, Paul Townland: Montalee Year: 1827
Carr, Widow Townland: Brakaghslievegallon Year: 1827
Cassidy, A. Townland: Inniscarn Year: 1827
Cassidy, Andw. Townland: Brakaghslievegallon Year: 1827
Cassidy, Andw. Townland: Inniscarn Year: 1827
Cassidy, Frances Townland: Boveagh Year: 1827
Cassidy, Frances Townland: Inniscarn Year: 1827
Cassidy, Patk. Townland: Boveagh Year: 1827
Cathcart, John Townland: Grange Year: 1827
Charles, Andrew Townland: Stranygard Year: 1827
Charles, Andw. Townland: Knocknagin Year: 1827
Charles, John Townland: Boveagh Year: 1827
Charles, John Townland: Cullin Year: 1827
Charles, John Townland: Moneysterling Year: 1827
Charles, Patk. Townland: Ballymacpherson Year: 1827
Clark, Jno., Jr. Townland: Grange Year: 1827
Clark, John, Jr. Townland: Grange Year: 1827
Clark, John, Sr. Townland: Grange Year: 1827
Clark, Robt. Townland: Grange Year: 1827
Collins, James Townland: Longfield Year: 1827
Conlin, James Townland: Moneysterling Year: 1827
Conlin, John Townland: Longfield Year: 1827
Connor, Charles Townland: Montalee Year: 1827
Connor, Christopher Townland: Lecumpher Year: 1827
Connor, James Townland: Rosegarland Year: 1827
Connor, Jas. Townland: Rosegarland Year: 1827
Conroy, John Townland: Rosegarland Year: 1827
Convery, Peter Townland: Tirgan Year: 1827
Conway, Widow Townland: Curr Year: 1827
Corbett, Andw. Townland: Montalee Year: 1827
Corbett, Robt. Townland: Montalee Year: 1827
Courtney, James, Esq. Townland: Montalee Year: 1827
Cousley, John Townland: Dernascallon Year: 1827
Cousley, Robert Townland: Killyboggin Year: 1827
Crawford, John Townland: Gortanewry Year: 1827
Crilly, Patk. Townland: Brakaghslievegallon Year: 1827
Crilly, Patk. Townland: Inniscarn Year: 1827
Crilly, Widow Townland: Moneysterling Year: 1827
Crossen, James Townland: Gortanewry Year: 1827
Cully, Francis Townland: Cullin Year: 1827
Cully, Patk. Townland: Cullin Year: 1827
Deagney, Daniel Townland: Brakaghslievegallon Year: 1827
Deagny, Edward Townland: Inniscarn Year: 1827
Deary, Thomas Townland: Montalee Year: 1827
Devlin, Charles Townland: Inniscarn Year: 1827
Devlin, Frank. Townland: Brakaghslievegallon Year: 1827
Devlin, Murtagh Townland: Ballynagown Year: 1827
Devlin, Patk. Townland: Gortanewry Year: 1827
Diamond, Widow Townland: Boveagh Year: 1827
Donaghy, Arthur Townland: Curr Year: 1827
Donnelly, John Townland: Cullin Year: 1827
Donnelly, Michl. Townland: Brakaghslievegallon Year: 1827
Donnelly, Owen Townland: Brakaghslievegallon Year: 1827
Donnelly, Patk. Townland: Brakaghslievegallon Year: 1827
Dool, James Townland: Luney Year: 1827
Doole, Hugh Townland: Rosegarland Year: 1827
Doole, John Townland: Grange Year: 1827
Doole, John Townland: Luney Year: 1827
Doyle, Michl. Townland: Anagh Year: 1827
Dully, Berd. Townland: Carncose Year: 1827
Dunlap, James Townland: Carncose Year: 1827
Eagleson, James Townland: Inniscarn Year: 1827
Ellison, William Townland: Luney Year: 1827
Esdale, George Townland: Curr Year: 1827
Esdale, James Townland: Boveagh Year: 1827
Esdale, Thomas Townland: Knocknagin Year: 1827
Esdale, Widow Townland: Ballymacpherson Year: 1827
Ewart, William Townland: Tirgan Year: 1827
Ewing, Joseph Townland: Montalee Year: 1827
Ewing, Thomas Townland: Montalee Year: 1827
Fallan, Daniel Townland: Ballymacpherson Year: 1827
Ferren, Jas. Townland: Brakaghslievegallon Year: 1827
Ferren, Widow Townland: Brakaghslievegallon Year: 1827
Ferren, Wm. Townland: Brakaghslievegallon Year: 1827
Ferrin, Jas. Townland: Inniscarn Year: 1827
Ferrin, Wm. Townland: Inniscarn Year: 1827
Fleming, John Townland: Ballymacpherson Year: 1827
Fleming, John Townland: Curr Year: 1827
Fleming, John Townland: Stranygard Year: 1827
Fleming, William Townland: Gortanewry Year: 1827
Fowler, Widow Townland: Lecumpher Year: 1827
Fullan, Arthur Townland: Longfield Year: 1827
Fullan, Berd. Townland: Cullin Year: 1827
Fullan, Edwd. Townland: Longfield Year: 1827
Fullan, James Townland: Longfield Year: 1827
Fullan, John Townland: Longfield Year: 1827
Fullan, Lawrence Townland: Longfield Year: 1827
Fullan, Lawrence, Jr. Townland: Longfield Year: 1827
Fullan, Patk. Townland: Longfield Year: 1827
Fullan, William Townland: Curr Year: 1827
Gallagher, Francis Townland: Brakaghslievegallon Year: 1827
Gallagher, Sarah Townland: Brakaghslievegallon Year: 1827
Garvagh, Lord Townland: Curr Year: 1827
Gillan, John Townland: Longfield Year: 1827
Gillaspie, David Townland: Cranny Year: 1827
Gillaspie, Phillip Townland: Rosegarland Year: 1827
Glenholme, John Townland: Anagh Year: 1827
Glenholme, Joseph Townland: Knocknagin Year: 1827
Graham, Dr. Townland: Grange Year: 1827
Gregg, Jonathan Townland: Curr Year: 1827
Gribben, Patk. Townland: Moneysterling Year: 1827
Hagan, D. Townland: Inniscarn Year: 1827
Hagan, Daniel Townland: Longfield Year: 1827
Hagan, Jas. Townland: Brakaghslievegallon Year: 1827
Hagan, Jno. Townland: Brakaghslievegallon Year: 1827
Hagan, John Townland: Ballymacpherson Year: 1827
Hagan, John Townland: Rosegarland Year: 1827
Hagan, Philly. Townland: Dernascallon Year: 1827
Hagan, Widow Townland: Cranny Year: 1827
Hamilton, John Townland: Tirgan Year: 1827
Hampsey, Bernard Townland: Tirgan Year: 1827
Harris, James Townland: Grange Year: 1827
Harris, Widow Townland: Grange Year: 1827
Harris, William Townland: Grange Year: 1827
Havlin, Francis Townland: Luney Year: 1827
Hays, George Townland: Lecumpher Year: 1827
Hays, Jas. Townland: Rosegarland Year: 1827
Henry, Jas. Townland: Longfield Year: 1827
Henry, Michl. Townland: Anagh Year: 1827
Henry, Patrick Townland: Longfield Year: 1827
Henry, Thomas Townland: Moneysterling Year: 1827
Henry, William Townland: Ballynagown Year: 1827
Henry, William Townland: Curr Year: 1827
Henry, William Townland: Knocknagin Year: 1827
Henry, William Townland: Stranygard Year: 1827
Hessin, James Townland: Curr Year: 1827
Hessin, James Townland: Moneysterling Year: 1827
Hessin, Samuel Townland: Longfield Year: 1827
Hessin, William Townland: Knocknagin Year: 1827
Higgins, Mr. Townland: Anagh Year: 1827
Higgins, Frances Townland: Longfield Year: 1827
Higgins, John Townland: Longfield Year: 1827
Higgins, L. Townland: Longfield Year: 1827
Higgins, Michl. Townland: Longfield Year: 1827
Higgins, Patk. Townland: Dernascallon Year: 1827
Higgins, Tague Townland: Dernascallon Year: 1827
Higgins, Thos. Townland: Longfield Year: 1827
Higgins, Widow Townland: Longfield Year: 1827
Hillman, Frank. Townland: Curr Year: 1827
Hillman, Frank. Townland: Knocknagin Year: 1827
Hipson, Henry Townland: Ballymacpherson Year: 1827
Hipson, James Townland: Stranygard Year: 1827
Hipson, John Townland: Knocknagin Year: 1827
Holland, James Townland: Brakaghslievegallon Year: 1827
Holland, John Townland: Brakaghslievegallon Year: 1827
Huey, George Townland: Lecumpher Year: 1827
Huey, Widow Townland: Brakaghslievegallon Year: 1827
Huey, Widow Townland: Lecumpher Year: 1827
Huey, Wm. Townland: Inniscarn Year: 1827
Hughes, James Townland: Cranny Year: 1827
Hughes, John Townland: Boveagh Year: 1827
Hughes, John Townland: Killyboggin Year: 1827
Hughes, Joseph Townland: Montalee Year: 1827
Hughes, Richd. Townland: Dernascallon Year: 1827
Hughes, Richd. Townland: Luney Year: 1827
Hughes, Robert Townland: Luney Year: 1827
Hughes, Thomas Townland: Dernascallon Year: 1827
Hughes, Thomas Townland: Longfield Year: 1827
Hughes, Widow Townland: Luney Year: 1827
Hunter, John Townland: Grange Year: 1827
Huston, Brice Townland: Rosegarland Year: 1827
Hutchinson, James Townland: Luney Year: 1827
Hutchinson, James Townland: Stranygard Year: 1827
Hutchinson, John Townland: Moneysterling Year: 1827
Hutchinson, John, Jr. Townland: Ballynagown Year: 1827
Hutchinson, John, Sr. Townland: Ballynagown Year: 1827
Hutchinson, Thos. Townland: Stranygard Year: 1827
Hutchinson, Widow Townland: Knocknagin Year: 1827
Hutchinson, William Townland: Dernascallon Year: 1827
Johnson, Henry Townland: Cranny Year: 1827
Johnson, John Townland: Luney Year: 1827
Johnson, Joseph Townland: Curr Year: 1827
Johnson, Thos. Townland: Curr Year: 1827
Johnson, Widow Townland: Cranny Year: 1827
Kane, Bernard Townland: Stranygard Year: 1827
Kane, Patk. Townland: Brakaghslievegallon Year: 1827
Kane, Peter Townland: Brakaghslievegallon Year: 1827
Kane, Thomas Townland: Carncose Year: 1827
Kane, Widow Townland: Carncose Year: 1827
Kane, William Townland: Stranygard Year: 1827
Kelly, Charles Townland: Inniscarn Year: 1827
Kelly, F. Townland: Boveagh Year: 1827
Kelly, John Townland: Rosegarland Year: 1827
Kelly, Phillip Townland: Curr Year: 1827
Kelly, Phillip Townland: Knocknagin Year: 1827
Kelly, Phillip Townland: Moneysterling Year: 1827
Kelly, Phillip Townland: Stranygard Year: 1827
Kelly, Tague Townland: Inniscarn Year: 1827
Kenny, Sergeant Townland: Killyboggin Year: 1827
Kidd, Hugh Townland: Boveagh Year: 1827
Kidd, John Townland: Boveagh Year: 1827
Kidd, Robert Townland: Boveagh Year: 1827
Kissock, James Townland: Gortanewry Year: 1827
Kissock, John Townland: Gortanewry Year: 1827
Kissock, William Townland: Gortanewry Year: 1827
Ladin, Wm. Townland: Longfield Year: 1827
Lagan, Frank. Townland: Stranygard Year: 1827
Lagan, Nail Townland: Cullin Year: 1827
Lamey, Widow Townland: Tirgan Year: 1827
Lappin, William Townland: Knocknagin Year: 1827
Larkin, Francis Townland: Luney Year: 1827
Larkin, James Townland: Montalee Year: 1827
Larkin, Phillip Townland: Luney Year: 1827
Larkin, Phillip Townland: Montalee Year: 1827
Latimore, Andw. Townland: Cranny Year: 1827
Latimore, Andw. Townland: Lecumpher Year: 1827
Latimore, John Townland: Lecumpher Year: 1827
Latimore, Robert Townland: Cranny Year: 1827
Latimore, Robert Townland: Lecumpher Year: 1827
Latimore, Robt. Townland: Lecumpher Year: 1827
Leacock, Hugh Townland: Montalee Year: 1827
Leacock, James Townland: Montalee Year: 1827
Leacock, John Townland: Montalee Year: 1827
Leacock, Thomas Townland: Montalee Year: 1827
Leacock, Thos., Jr. Townland: Montalee Year: 1827
Leacock, Thos., Sr. Townland: Montalee Year: 1827
Leacock, Widow S. Townland: Montalee Year: 1827
Leacock, Widow T. Townland: Montalee Year: 1827
Leacock, William Townland: Montalee Year: 1827
Lee, Jackson Townland: Knocknagin Year: 1827
Lee, William Townland: Curr Year: 1827
Lee, William Townland: Knocknagin Year: 1827
Lee, William Townland: Stranygard Year: 1827
Lenox, David Townland: Lecumpher Year: 1827
Lenox, Henry Townland: Cranny Year: 1827
Lenox, Margaret Townland: Cranny Year: 1827
Lenox, Mathew Townland: Cranny Year: 1827
Lenox, Paul Townland: Gortanewry Year: 1827
Lenox, Widow Townland: Cranny Year: 1827
Lenox, William Townland: Cranny Year: 1827
Lenox, William Townland: Gortanewry Year: 1827
Lindsay, Hugh Townland: Cranny Year: 1827
Lonnan, John Townland: Tirgan Year: 1827
Lonnon, Henry Townland: Grange Year: 1827
Lonnon, James Townland: Grange Year: 1827
Lonnon, Patk. Townland: Grange Year: 1827
Louge, Patk. Townland: Brakaghslievegallon Year: 1827
Louge, Thos. Townland: Brakaghslievegallon Year: 1827
Loughinshollin, Lord Townland: Stranygard Year: 1827
Low, Charles Townland: Grange Year: 1827
Lowry, William Townland: Tirgan Year: 1827
Lyle, William Townland: Stranygard Year: 1827
Mallon, Edwd. Townland: Carncose Year: 1827
Mallon, James Townland: Boveagh Year: 1827
Mallon, Patk. Townland: Brakaghslievegallon Year: 1827
Mallon, Widow Townland: Carncose Year: 1827
Mallon, Widow Townland: Cullin Year: 1827
Mardock, Richard Townland: Lecumpher Year: 1827
Mardock, Richd. Townland: Dernascallon Year: 1827
Mardock, William Townland: Dernascallon Year: 1827
Marren, Wm., Esq. Townland: Anagh Year: 1827
Martin, Edwd. Townland: Brakaghslievegallon Year: 1827
Maxwell, David Townland: Tirgan Year: 1827
McAlister, John Townland: Brakaghslievegallon Year: 1827
McAlister, John Townland: Inniscarn Year: 1827
McAlister, Patk. Townland: Brakaghslievegallon Year: 1827
McAnary, James Townland: Rosegarland Year: 1827
McAnary, Mathew Townland: Rosegarland Year: 1827
McAnary, Robert Townland: Grange Year: 1827
McAnary, Robert Townland: Rosegarland Year: 1827
McBride, Alexr. Townland: Brakaghslievegallon Year: 1827
McBride, Andw. Townland: Brakaghslievegallon Year: 1827
McBride, Patk. Townland: Tirgan Year: 1827
McBride, Phillip Townland: Tirgan Year: 1827
McBride, Widow Townland: Brakaghslievegallon Year: 1827
McBride, Widow Townland: Tirgan Year: 1827
McCahan, James Townland: Ballymacpherson Year: 1827
McCalvey, William Townland: Lecumpher Year: 1827
McCann, Mr. Townland: Anagh Year: 1827
McCarrol, James Townland: Gortanewry Year: 1827
McCarrol, Widow Townland: Gortanewry Year: 1827
McCarter, Geo., Esq. Townland: Luney Year: 1827
McClelland, James Townland: Cranny Year: 1827
McClelland, John Townland: Moneysterling Year: 1827
McClelland, Widow Townland: Brakaghslievegallon Year: 1827
McClelland, Widow Townland: Carncose Year: 1827
McClure, William Townland: Luney Year: 1827
McCormick, Bryan Townland: Grange Year: 1827
McCormick, Michl. Townland: Grange Year: 1827
McCracken, James Townland: Grange Year: 1827
McCracken, James Townland: Rosegarland Year: 1827
McCristal, Arthur Townland: Anagh Year: 1827
McCristal, Bryan Townland: Luney Year: 1827
McCristal, Daniel Townland: Cranny Year: 1827
McCristal, Jas. Townland: Luney Year: 1827
McCristal, Michl. Townland: Anagh Year: 1827
McCristal, Thos., Jr. Townland: Tirgan Year: 1827
McCristal, Thos., Sr. Townland: Tirgan Year: 1827
McCristal, Widow Townland: Cranny Year: 1827
McCrory, Francis Townland: Montalee Year: 1827
McCrory, Patk. Townland: Montalee Year: 1827
McDade, Andw. Townland: Grange Year: 1827
McDade, Henry Townland: Cranny Year: 1827
McDowell, William Townland: Montalee Year: 1827
McElhanon, James Townland: Carncose Year: 1827
McElwee, Mr. Townland: Carncose Year: 1827
McElwee, Henry Townland: Carncose Year: 1827
McElwee, Hugh Townland: Brakaghslievegallon Year: 1827
McElwee, Hugh, Sr. Townland: Carncose Year: 1827
McElwee, James Townland: Tirgan Year: 1827
McElwee, John Townland: Tirgan Year: 1827
McGall, Robt. Townland: Montalee Year: 1827
McGarvey, James Townland: Tirgan Year: 1827
McGarvey, Nicholas Townland: Tirgan Year: 1827
McGarvey, Patk. Townland: Cullin Year: 1827
McGeehan, Arthur Townland: Ballymacpherson Year: 1827
McGeehan, Danl. Townland: Dernascallon Year: 1827
McGeehan, Edwd. Townland: Ballymacpherson Year: 1827
McGeehan, Francis Townland: Ballymacpherson Year: 1827
McGeehan, James Townland: Ballymacpherson Year: 1827
McGeehan, Jas. Townland: Dernascallon Year: 1827
McGeehan, Michl. Townland: Ballymacpherson Year: 1827
McGeogh, Andw. Townland: Boveagh Year: 1827
McGhee, Berd. Townland: Montalee Year: 1827
McGhee, John Townland: Montalee Year: 1827
McGill, Patk. Townland: Longfield Year: 1827
McGlaughlan, Richd. Townland: Rosegarland Year: 1827
McGlinchy, Henry Townland: Carncose Year: 1827
McGlinchy, Patk. Townland: Carncose Year: 1827
McGlinchy, William Townland: Carncose Year: 1827
McGlone, Bryan Townland: Longfield Year: 1827
McGlone, Charles Townland: Curr Year: 1827
McGlone, Danl. Townland: Curr Year: 1827
McGlone, John Townland: Ballymacpherson Year: 1827
McGlone, Robert Townland: Curr Year: 1827
McGlone, Robt. Townland: Ballymacpherson Year: 1827
McGlone, Widow Townland: Tirgan Year: 1827
McGovern, Berd. Townland: Tirgan Year: 1827
McGovern, Daniel Townland: Tirgan Year: 1827
McGovern, Fergus Townland: Brakaghslievegallon Year: 1827
McGovern, Francis Townland: Tirgan Year: 1827
McGovern, James Townland: Tirgan Year: 1827
McGovern, John Townland: Tirgan Year: 1827
McGovern, Miles Townland: Brakaghslievegallon Year: 1827
McGovern, Nail Townland: Tirgan Year: 1827
McGovern, Peter Townland: Tirgan Year: 1827
McGovern, Phillip Townland: Tirgan Year: 1827
McGovern, Sarah Townland: Carncose Year: 1827
McGovern, T. Townland: Brakaghslievegallon Year: 1827
McGovern, Thos. Townland: Brakaghslievegallon Year: 1827
McGovern, Widow Townland: Tirgan Year: 1827
McGovern, Widow M. Townland: Tirgan Year: 1827
McGovern, Widow S. Townland: Tirgan Year: 1827
McGown, William Townland: Grange Year: 1827
McGrath, Redmund Townland: Boveagh Year: 1827
McGuckian, Alexander, Jr. Townland: Carncose Year: 1827
McGuckian, Alexr. Townland: Carncose Year: 1827
McGuckian, Berd. Townland: Carncose Year: 1827
McGuckian, Charles Townland: Carncose Year: 1827
McGuckian, Edwd. Townland: Carncose Year: 1827
McGuckian, Henry Townland: Cranny Year: 1827
McGuckian, Hugh Townland: Carncose Year: 1827
McGuckian, Hugh Townland: Luney Year: 1827
McGuckian, John Townland: Brakaghslievegallon Year: 1827
McGuckian, John Townland: Carncose Year: 1827
McGuckian, John Townland: Cranny Year: 1827
McGuckian, John Townland: Cullin Year: 1827
McGuckian, John, Sr. Townland: Carncose Year: 1827
McGuckian, Patk. Townland: Grange Year: 1827
McGuckian, Widow Townland: Carncose Year: 1827
McGuckian, Widow Townland: Cranny Year: 1827
McGuckian, Widow , Sr. Townland: Carncose Year: 1827
McGurk, Alexander Townland: Inniscarn Year: 1827
McGurk, Arthur Townland: Inniscarn Year: 1827
McGurk, Daniel Townland: Inniscarn Year: 1827
McGurk, Michl., Sr. Townland: Inniscarn Year: 1827
McGurk, Patk. Townland: Inniscarn Year: 1827
McGurk, Rodger Townland: Grange Year: 1827
McGurk, Widow Townland: Inniscarn Year: 1827
McGwiggan, Francis Townland: Boveagh Year: 1827
McGwiggan, James Townland: Cullin Year: 1827
McGwiggan, John Townland: Cranny Year: 1827
McGwiggan, Patk. Townland: Cullin Year: 1827
McKeagney, Michl. Townland: Moneysterling Year: 1827
McKee, William Townland: Luney Year: 1827
McKeefry, Michl. Townland: Cullin Year: 1827
McKeown, Edwd. Townland: Carncose Year: 1827
McKeown, John Townland: Cranny Year: 1827
McKeown, Robert Townland: Carncose Year: 1827
McKeown, Robt, Jr. Townland: Carncose Year: 1827
McKeown, Samuel Townland: Cranny Year: 1827
McKeown, Stephen Townland: Carncose Year: 1827
McKeown, Widow Townland: Carncose Year: 1827
McKern, Nicholas Townland: Tirgan Year: 1827
McKern, Patk. Townland: Cranny Year: 1827
McKern, Patk. Townland: Tirgan Year: 1827
McLernon, Missrs. Townland: Boveagh Year: 1827
McMurray, Richardson Townland: Grange Year: 1827
McNamee, Lawrence Townland: Grange Year: 1827
McNamee, Miles Townland: Grange Year: 1827
McNamee, Rodger Townland: Grange Year: 1827
McNamee, Widow Townland: Cullin Year: 1827
McShane, Edwd. Townland: Carncose Year: 1827
McShane, Widow Townland: Carncose Year: 1827
McSwiggan, F. Townland: Anagh Year: 1827
McSwiggan, James Townland: Anagh Year: 1827
McSwiggan, James Townland: Ballymacpherson Year: 1827
McSwiggan, John Townland: Luney Year: 1827
McSwiggan, Laughlan Townland: Anagh Year: 1827
McSwiggan, Mathew Townland: Anagh Year: 1827
McSwiggan, Mathw. Townland: Anagh Year: 1827
McSwiggan, Patk. Townland: Anagh Year: 1827
McSwiggan, Paul Townland: Cranny Year: 1827
McSwiggan, Widow Townland: Anagh Year: 1827
McWilliams, Andw. Townland: Cullin Year: 1827
McWilliams, Andw, Sr. Townland: Cullin Year: 1827
McWilliams, Archd. Townland: Ballymacpherson Year: 1827
McWilliams, Archd. Townland: Curr Year: 1827
McWilliams, Edwd. Townland: Ballymacpherson Year: 1827
McWilliams, Nail Townland: Cullin Year: 1827
McWilliams, Patk. Townland: Ballymacpherson Year: 1827
Mears, John Townland: Gortanewry Year: 1827
Mitchel, John Townland: Moneysterling Year: 1827
Montague, Hugh Townland: Grange Year: 1827
Montague, Patk. Townland: Grange Year: 1827
Moore, A. Townland: Boveagh Year: 1827
Moore, Archibald Townland: Lecumpher Year: 1827
Moore, George Townland: Luney Year: 1827
Morran, Mr. Townland: Inniscarn Year: 1827
Morran, Hugh Townland: Carncose Year: 1827
Morran, John Townland: Ballymacpherson Year: 1827
Morran, John Townland: Curr Year: 1827
Morrow, Alexr. Townland: Killyboggin Year: 1827
Mulholland, Berd. Townland: Brakaghslievegallon Year: 1827
Mulloy, Daniel Townland: Grange Year: 1827
Mulloy, Peter Townland: Moneysterling Year: 1827
Murphy, Archd. Townland: Rosegarland Year: 1827
Murphy, Daniel Townland: Rosegarland Year: 1827
Murphy, James Townland: Grange Year: 1827
Murphy, John Townland: Cranny Year: 1827
Murphy, John Townland: Inniscarn Year: 1827
Murphy, Patk. Townland: Rosegarland Year: 1827
Murphy, Tague Townland: Dernascallon Year: 1827
Murphy, William Townland: Rosegarland Year: 1827
Murphy, William Townland: Tirgan Year: 1827
Nichol, John Townland: Cranny Year: 1827
Nichol, William Townland: Dernascallon Year: 1827
Nielson, James Townland: Montalee Year: 1827
O'Neil, Berd. Townland: Brakaghslievegallon Year: 1827
O'Neil, Conn Townland: Tirgan Year: 1827
O'Neil, Ferdinand Townland: Longfield Year: 1827
O'Neil, Francis Townland: Brakaghslievegallon Year: 1827
O'Neil, H. Townland: Luney Year: 1827
O'Neil, Henry Townland: Luney Year: 1827
O'Neil, Henry Townland: Tirgan Year: 1827
O'Neil, J. Townland: Brakaghslievegallon Year: 1827
O'Neil, James Townland: Tirgan Year: 1827
O'Neil, John Townland: Brakaghslievegallon Year: 1827
O'Neil, John Townland: Carncose Year: 1827
O'Neil, John Townland: Cranny Year: 1827
O'Neil, John Townland: Tirgan Year: 1827
O'Neil, John, Jr. Townland: Tirgan Year: 1827
O'Neil, Michl. Townland: Tirgan Year: 1827
O'Neil, Owen Townland: Brakaghslievegallon Year: 1827
O'Neil, Patk. Townland: Carncose Year: 1827
O'Neil, Patk. Townland: Tirgan Year: 1827
O'Neil, Peter Townland: Brakaghslievegallon Year: 1827
O'Neil, Phillip Townland: Carncose Year: 1827
O'Neil, Widow Townland: Brakaghslievegallon Year: 1827
O'Neil, Widow Townland: Tirgan Year: 1827
Orr, John Townland: Longfield Year: 1827
Orr, John, Jr. Townland: Curr Year: 1827
Orr, John, Sr. Townland: Curr Year: 1827
Orr, Moses Townland: Ballymacpherson Year: 1827
Otterson, Andw. Townland: Longfield Year: 1827
Otterson, John Townland: Boveagh Year: 1827
Otterson, John Townland: Inniscarn Year: 1827
Otterson, John Townland: Longfield Year: 1827
Otterson, Patk. Townland: Longfield Year: 1827
Otterson, William Townland: Longfield Year: 1827
Palmer, Henry Townland: Reshirre Year: 1827
Palmer, James Townland: Reshirre Year: 1827
Palmer, Job Townland: Reshirre Year: 1827
Palmer, Margaret Townland: Reshirre Year: 1827
Palmer, Richard Townland: Reshirre Year: 1827
Patterson, Alexr. Townland: Grange Year: 1827
Patterson, Alexr. Townland: Rosegarland Year: 1827
Patterson, William Townland: Grange Year: 1827
Pattison, Saml. Townland: Grange Year: 1827
Paul, Robert Townland: Cranny Year: 1827
Payne, Samuel Townland: Dernascallon Year: 1827
Pherson, Samuel Townland: Killyboggin Year: 1827
Phillips, Samuel Townland: Stranygard Year: 1827
Phillips, Thomas Townland: Tirgan Year: 1827
Porter, Henry Townland: Killyboggin Year: 1827
Porter, John Townland: Killyboggin Year: 1827
Porter, William Townland: Killyboggin Year: 1827
Puknam, Widow Townland: Dernascallon Year: 1827
Puknam, William Townland: Dernascallon Year: 1827
Purdy, Frances Townland: Inniscarn Year: 1827
Purvis, Widow Townland: Cranny Year: 1827
Quin, Michl. Townland: Tirgan Year: 1827
Redfern, Frances Townland: Cullin Year: 1827
Reed, James Townland: Tirgan Year: 1827
Regan, Edward Townland: Inniscarn Year: 1827
Regan, Edwd. Townland: Knocknagin Year: 1827
Regan, Lawrence Townland: Brakaghslievegallon Year: 1827
Regan, Lawrence Townland: Carncose Year: 1827
Regan, Lawrence Townland: Gortanewry Year: 1827
Regan, Patk. Townland: Brakaghslievegallon Year: 1827
Regan, Widow Townland: Cullin Year: 1827
Ross, Robert Townland: Stranygard Year: 1827
Ross, William Townland: Stranygard Year: 1827
Ryan, Hugh Townland: Rosegarland Year: 1827
Ryan, Patk. Townland: Tirgan Year: 1827
Samon, William Townland: Lecumpher Year: 1827
Sample, James Townland: Luney Year: 1827
Sample, John Townland: Rosegarland Year: 1827
Sampson, Willam Townland: Dernascallon Year: 1827
Sands, Andrew, Sr. Townland: Lecumpher Year: 1827
Sands, Andw., Jr. Townland: Lecumpher Year: 1827
Sands, James Townland: Lecumpher Year: 1827
Sands, Samuel Townland: Lecumpher Year: 1827
Sands, Widow Townland: Lecumpher Year: 1827
Scott, William Townland: Ballymacpherson Year: 1827
Scullion, Edwd. Townland: Brakaghslievegallon Year: 1827
Scullion, Samuel Townland: Lecumpher Year: 1827
Sergeant, John Townland: Ballymacpherson Year: 1827
Sergeant, John Townland: Curr Year: 1827
Shiels, Mr. Townland: Anagh Year: 1827
Shiels, Daniel Townland: Moneysterling Year: 1827
Shiels, Daniel Townland: Rosegarland Year: 1827
Shiels, J. Townland: Anagh Year: 1827
Shiels, John Townland: Moneysterling Year: 1827
Shiels, Widow Townland: Moneysterling Year: 1827
Smart, Jno. Townland: Stranygard Year: 1827
Smart, John Townland: Knocknagin Year: 1827
Smyth, Adam Townland: Gortanewry Year: 1827
Smyth, Benjamin Townland: Montalee Year: 1827
Smyth, James Townland: Gortanewry Year: 1827
Smyth, James Townland: Tirgan Year: 1827
Smyth, John Townland: Gortanewry Year: 1827
Smyth, Widow Townland: Lecumpher Year: 1827
Spence, Robert Townland: Dernascallon Year: 1827
Standage, James Townland: Ballymacpherson Year: 1827
Standage, James Townland: Stranygard Year: 1827
Stanly, Michl. Townland: Luney Year: 1827
Stuart, Henry Townland: Lecumpher Year: 1827
Stuart, James Townland: Gortanewry Year: 1827
Stuart, James Townland: Killyboggin Year: 1827
Stuart, James Townland: Knocknagin Year: 1827
Stuart, James Townland: Lecumpher Year: 1827
Stuart, Robert Townland: Dernascallon Year: 1827
Stuart, William Townland: Boveagh Year: 1827
Taylor, Joseph Townland: Gortanewry Year: 1827
Taylor, Robt. Townland: Gortanewry Year: 1827
Taylor, Wm. Townland: Gortanewry Year: 1827
Toner, Patk. Townland: Rosegarland Year: 1827
Trainor, James Townland: Ballymacpherson Year: 1827
Trainor, James Townland: Longfield Year: 1827
Trainor, Michl. Townland: Ballymacpherson Year: 1827
Trainor, Widow Townland: Dernascallon Year: 1827
Trainor, Widow Townland: Montalee Year: 1827
Walls, Berd. Townland: Montalee Year: 1827
Walls, Edwd. Townland: Montalee Year: 1827
Walls, Edwd. Townland: Rosegarland Year: 1827
Walls, Frank. Townland: Rosegarland Year: 1827
Walls, Henry, Jr. Townland: Rosegarland Year: 1827
Walls, Henry, Sr. Townland: Rosegarland Year: 1827
Walls, Hugh Townland: Montalee Year: 1827
Walls, John Townland: Rosegarland Year: 1827
Walls, Michl. Townland: Montalee Year: 1827
Walls, Michl. Townland: Rosegarland Year: 1827
Walls, Patk. Townland: Montalee Year: 1827
Walls, Patk. Townland: Rosegarland Year: 1827
Watters, John Townland: Gortanewry Year: 1827
Williams, Chas. Townland: Curr Year: 1827
Williams, Patk. Townland: Curr Year: 1827
Wilson, Mrs. Townland: Cranny Year: 1827
Wilson, George Townland: Grange Year: 1827
Wilson, John Townland: Dernascallon Year: 1827
Wilson, Mathew Townland: Stranygard Year: 1827
Woodside, John Townland: Dernascallon Year: 1827
Wright, Hugh Townland: Lecumpher Year: 1827
Wright, Thomas Townland: Stranygard Year: 1827