Tithe Applotment Books: Artrea Parish, County Tyrone

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Tithe Applotment Books in Artrea Parish

The Tithe Applotment Books in Artrea parish and throughout the entire country record the results of a unique land survey taken to determine the amount of tax payable by landholders to the Church of Ireland. They are known as the Tithe Applotment Books because the results of this land survey were originally compiled in nearly 2,000 hand-written books. This data set represents a virtual census for pre-Famine Ireland and as it covered most of the country it is very important for historians and genealogists researching family origins or the history of specific areas.

The Tithe Applotments created a lot of civil unrest in Ireland especially from the Catholic population as they vigorously disagreed to paying taxes to a Protestant church. The Tithe Applotments were carried out in Artrea Parish in 1825.


Tithe Applotment Books: Artrea Parish

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LEGEND: Tl: = Townland Yr: = Year

Agnew, Adam Tl: Graves's Land Yr: 1825
Agnew, James Tl: Caraloon Yr: 1825
Allen, Johnathan Tl: Ballineal More Yr: 1825
Allen, Michael Tl: Ballineal More Yr: 1825
Allen, William Tl: Ballineal More Yr: 1825
Anderson, James Tl: Ballimulderg Beg Yr: 1825
Anderson, Jas. Tl: Ballygruby Yr: 1825
Anderson, Saml. Tl: Duffless Yr: 1825
Anderson, Widow Tl: Duffless Yr: 1825
Archer, John Tl: Balliff Yr: 1825
Archer, John Tl: Balliriff Yr: 1825
Archer, Robt. Tl: Balliriff Yr: 1825
Armstrong, Fras. Tl: Maghadone Yr: 1825
Armstrong, Jno. Tl: Maghadone Yr: 1825
Armstrong, Wm. Tl: Maghadone Yr: 1825
Art, John Tl: Tulliveagh Yr: 1825
Arthur, Jno. Tl: Derrigonnigal Yr: 1825
Athinson, Mr. Tl: Tivina Yr: 1825
Athinson, Mr. Tl: Tulliveagh Yr: 1825
Badger, Robt. Tl: Ballinenagh Yr: 1825
Badger, William Tl: Drumminagh Yr: 1825
Badger, Wm. Tl: Ballieglish Yr: 1825
Badger, Wm. Tl: Ballygruby Yr: 1825
Baird, Michl. Tl: Ballinenagh Yr: 1825
Banks, William Tl: Ballironan Yr: 1825
Barclay, Wm. Tl: Knockingrow Yr: 1825
Barclay, Wm. Tl: Lisbuy Yr: 1825
Barker, Hugh Tl: Cross Patrick Yr: 1825
Barker, Jno. Tl: Cross Patrick Yr: 1825
Barker, Wm. Tl: Ballindrum Yr: 1825
Barker, Wm. Tl: Cross Patrick Yr: 1825
Bart, Jas. Tl: Ballygruby Yr: 1825
Bartin, Widow Tl: Liscausey Yr: 1825
Bartin, Widow Tl: Tullyhorcan Yr: 1825
Bates, John Tl: Aughrim Bates and Donnelly Yr: 1825
Bates, Thomas Tl: Aughrim Bates and Donnelly Yr: 1825
Bates, William Tl: Aughrim Bates and Donnelly Yr: 1825
Bates, Wm. Tl: Ballinenagh Yr: 1825
Bateson, James Tl: Drumminagh Yr: 1825
Baxter, Jas. Tl: Edernagh Yr: 1825
Baxter, Jas. Tl: Enniskillen Yr: 1825
Baxter, Jno. Tl: Enniskillen Yr: 1825
Baxter, Richard Tl: Drumminagh Yr: 1825
Baxter, Widow Tl: Edernagh Yr: 1825
Baxter, Wm. Tl: Enniskillen Yr: 1825
Bean, Abraham Tl: Ballimaquiggan Yr: 1825
Bean, Edward Tl: Ballimaquiggan Yr: 1825
Bean, Moses Tl: Ballimaquiggan Yr: 1825
Beattey, William Tl: Tullyconnell Yr: 1825
Beatty, Jas. Tl: Lurgabuy Yr: 1825
Beatty, Wm. Tl: Lurgabuy Yr: 1825
Bell, Humphry Tl: Ballimaquiggan Yr: 1825
Berry, Thomas Tl: Ballimulderg Beg Yr: 1825
Berryman, James Tl: Ballimaquiggan Yr: 1825
Berryman, John Tl: Ballimilligan Yr: 1825
Berrymans, Jas. Tl: Balliriff Yr: 1825
Bird, Rev. Thos. Tl: Ballimaquiggan Yr: 1825
Blain, Jno. Tl: Cross Patrick Yr: 1825
Blain, Wm. Tl: Cross Patrick Yr: 1825
Blair, John Tl: Ballineal More Yr: 1825
Blair, Robert Tl: Ballineal More Yr: 1825
Blair, William Tl: Anahorish McLernon Yr: 1825
Blair, William Tl: Ballineal More Yr: 1825
Booth, Arthur Tl: Ballimulderg Beg Yr: 1825
Booth, Benjamin Tl: Ballimulderg Beg Yr: 1825
Booth, Benjamin Tl: Balliriff Yr: 1825
Booth, George Tl: Maghadone Yr: 1825
Booth, Henry Tl: Balliriff Yr: 1825
Booth, James Tl: Balliriff Yr: 1825
Booth, Joseph Tl: Balliriff Yr: 1825
Booth, Widow Tl: Balliriff Yr: 1825
Booth, Widow Tl: Lisnamorrow Yr: 1825
Booth, William Tl: Balliriff Yr: 1825
Boyd, Robt. Tl: Derrigonnigal Yr: 1825
Boyd, Widow Tl: Edernagh Yr: 1825
Boyle, Dorington Tl: Bolton Boyle's Meadows Yr: 1825
Boyle, Dorington Tl: Derrygarve Yr: 1825
Boyle, Wm. Tl: Moneymore Yr: 1825
Boyse, Henry Tl: Anahorish McLernon Yr: 1825
Bradley, Tl: Alex. Boyle's Land Yr: 1825 Notes: Bradley and Scullion
Bradley, Fras. Tl: Balligruby Yr: 1825
Brady, James Tl: Anahorish McLernon Yr: 1825
Brien, Fras. Tl: Mowilliam Yr: 1825
Brien, Jno. Tl: Mowillian Yr: 1825
Brien, Phil Tl: Mowillian Yr: 1825
Brooks, Thomas Tl: Balliriff Yr: 1825
Brown, Benjamin Tl: Ballirogley Yr: 1825
Brown, Geo. Tl: Ballinagarve Yr: 1825
Brown, Isaac Tl: Derrygarve Yr: 1825
Brown, James Tl: Ballinagarve Yr: 1825
Brown, Jas. Tl: Ballieglish Yr: 1825
Brown, Jas. Tl: Ballinagarve Yr: 1825
Brown, Jno. Tl: Balligurk Yr: 1825
Brown, John Tl: Aughrim-Garve Yr: 1825
Brown, Joseph Tl: Balligillian More Yr: 1825
Brown, Joseph Tl: Balligurk Yr: 1825
Brown, Robt. Tl: Ballieglish Yr: 1825
Brown, Sam. Tl: Ballieglish Yr: 1825
Brown, Thomas Tl: Mr. Dawson's Meadows Yr: 1825
Brown, Thos. Tl: Balligillian More Yr: 1825
Brown, Widow Tl: Ballinenagh Yr: 1825
Brown, William Tl: Ballimilligan Yr: 1825
Brown, Wm. Tl: Ballieglish Yr: 1825
Brown, Wm. Tl: Balligillian More Yr: 1825
Brown, Wm. Tl: Ballinagarve Yr: 1825
Brown, Wm. Tl: Ballinenagh Yr: 1825
Browne, Jno. Tl: Balligurk Yr: 1825
Browne, Jno. Tl: Ballirogley Yr: 1825
Browne, Wm. Tl: Ballieglish Yr: 1825
Brunton, Samuel Tl: Ballironan Yr: 1825
Bryans, Samuel Tl: Caraloon Yr: 1825
Bryson, Hugh Tl: Ballinuey Yr: 1825
Bryson, Hugh Tl: Mowillian Yr: 1825
Bryson, Jno. Tl: Ballinuey Yr: 1825
Bryson, Wm. Tl: Ballinuey Yr: 1825
Burkett, Patk. Tl: Mowillian Yr: 1825
Burkett, Richd. Tl: Ballygruby Yr: 1825
Burkett, Richd. Tl: Mowillian Yr: 1825
Burkett, Robt. Tl: Moneymore Yr: 1825
Burnet, Alexander Tl: Ballinagarve Yr: 1825
Burnet, Andrew Tl: Ballinagarve Yr: 1825
Burnet, James Tl: Ballinagarve Yr: 1825
Burnet, John Tl: Ballinagarve Yr: 1825
Burnet, Thomas Tl: Ballinagarve Yr: 1825
Burns, Widow Tl: Lisbuy Yr: 1825
Burt, Edwd. Tl: Balligurk Yr: 1825
Busby, Jno. Tl: Liscausey Yr: 1825
Caldwell, Robt. Tl: Moneymore Yr: 1825
Campbell, Jas. Tl: Knockingrow Yr: 1825
Campbell, Jas. Tl: Mowillian Yr: 1825
Campbell, John Tl: Robt. Bolton's Land Yr: 1825
Campbell, Patrick Tl: Balliriff Yr: 1825
Campbell, Widow Tl: Ballimilligan Yr: 1825
Campbell, William Tl: Ballimilligan Yr: 1825
Canning, Widow Tl: Ballindrum Yr: 1825
Carleton, Andw. Tl: Mowillian Yr: 1825
Carleton, Andw., Jr. Tl: Mowillian Yr: 1825
Carleton, Jno. Tl: Mowillian Yr: 1825
Carleton, Wm. Tl: Mowillian Yr: 1825
Carmichael, Samuel Tl: Caraloon Yr: 1825
Cashedy, Widow Tl: Ballimaquiggan Yr: 1825
Cassidy, Bernard Tl: Ballineal Beg Yr: 1825
Cassidy, Francis Tl: Ballineal Beg Yr: 1825
Cassidy, Hugh Tl: Ballineal Beg Yr: 1825
Cassidy, Jeremiah Tl: Ballygruby Yr: 1825
Cassidy, Michael Tl: Ballineal Beg Yr: 1825
Cassidy, Widow Tl: Ballineal Beg Yr: 1825
Catherwood, William Tl: Graves's Land Yr: 1825
Catherwood, William Tl: Mr. Dawson's Meadows Yr: 1825
Caulfield, Tl: Alex. Boyle's Land Yr: 1825 Notes: Diamond and Caulfield
Caulfield, John Tl: Caraloon Yr: 1825
Cavan, Bernard Tl: Balliriff Yr: 1825
Cavans, George Tl: Caraloon Yr: 1825
Cavans, Thomas Tl: Caraloon Yr: 1825
Chambers, Alexander Tl: Derrygarve Yr: 1825
Church, William Tl: Derrygarve Yr: 1825
Clandinning, James Tl: Ballineal Beg Yr: 1825
Clark, Alexander Tl: Ballineal More Yr: 1825
Clark, Anthony Tl: Ballimulderg Beg Yr: 1825
Clark, Gabriel Tl: Balliriff Yr: 1825
Clark, George Tl: Lisnamorrow Yr: 1825
Clark, James Tl: Ballimulderg More Yr: 1825
Clark, John Tl: Lisnamorrow Yr: 1825
Clark, Widow Tl: Ballimulderg Beg Yr: 1825
Clark, William Tl: Ballimulderg Beg Yr: 1825
Clarke, Gab. Tl: Ballinenagh Yr: 1825
Clements, Dolaway Tl: Ballineal Beg Yr: 1825
Coines, Adam Tl: Drumminagh Yr: 1825
Collins, Jno. Tl: Ballygruby Yr: 1825
Collins, Patrick Tl: Ballineal More Yr: 1825
Collins, William Tl: Ballineal More Yr: 1825
Colvin, Robert Tl: Caraloon Yr: 1825
Conn, Jas. Tl: Ballinenagh Yr: 1825
Convill, Hugh Tl: Ballimilligan Yr: 1825
Convill, Hugh Tl: Ballimulderg Beg Yr: 1825
Convill, James Tl: Ballimulderg Beg Yr: 1825
Convill, Patrick Tl: Ballimilligan Yr: 1825
Conyngham, W. L. Tl: Ballindrum Yr: 1825
Conyngham, W. L. Tl: Derlusky Yr: 1825
Conynghan, W. L. Tl: Mowilliam Yr: 1825
Cook, Widow Tl: Lisnahall Yr: 1825
Cooper, James Tl: Bolton Boyle's Meadows Yr: 1825
Cornwall, James Tl: Mr. Dawson's Meadows Yr: 1825
Corr, Bernard Tl: Graves's Land Yr: 1825
Corr, Bernard, Jr. Tl: Graves's Land Yr: 1825
Corr, Patrick Tl: Graves's Land Yr: 1825
Cosby, Jas. Tl: Duffless Yr: 1825
Coshely, Dorcas Tl: Caraloon Yr: 1825
Coshely, Patrick Tl: Balliriff Yr: 1825
Coshely, Widow Tl: Balliriff Yr: 1825
Courtney, John Tl: Graves's Land Yr: 1825
Cowan, Joseph Tl: Lisnamorrow Yr: 1825
Cowan, William Tl: Ballimulderg Beg Yr: 1825
Crawford, Capt. Tl: Sam Crawford's Land Yr: 1825
Crawford, Andrew Tl: Bolton Boyle's Meadows Yr: 1825
Crawford, Andrew Tl: Hammersly's Bog Yr: 1825
Crawford, Hugh Tl: Sam Crawford's Land Yr: 1825
Crawford, James Tl: Caraloon Yr: 1825
Crawford, John Tl: Alex. Boyle's Land Yr: 1825 Notes: Co. Antrim
Crawford, John Tl: Hammersly's Bog Yr: 1825
Crawford, Widow Tl: Liscausey Yr: 1825
Crawford, William Tl: Ballimaquiggan Yr: 1825
Croset, William Tl: Ballineal Beg Yr: 1825
Cudan, John Tl: Ballimaquiggan Yr: 1825
Cudan, John Tl: Derrygarve Yr: 1825
Cuddan, Henry Tl: Aughrim-Garve Yr: 1825
Dale, James Tl: Ballimulderg Beg Yr: 1825
Dale, John Tl: Ballimulderg Beg Yr: 1825
Daly, James Tl: Ballironan Yr: 1825
Daly, Mich. Tl: Ballindrum Yr: 1825
Daly, Michael Tl: Balliriff Yr: 1825
Darby, Jarid Tl: Derrygarve Yr: 1825
Darby, Jerad Tl: Aughrim-Garve Yr: 1825
Darby, John Tl: Derrygarve Yr: 1825
Darby, William Tl: Derrygarve Yr: 1825
Davis, Edward Tl: Derrygarve Yr: 1825
Davis, Edward Tl: Graves's Strand Yr: 1825
Davis, Edwd. Tl: Ballimaquiggan Yr: 1825 Notes: for McKillon
Davis, John Tl: Ballineal More Yr: 1825
Davis, Richard Tl: Ballineal More Yr: 1825
Davison, George Tl: Trealy Yr: 1825
Davison, Robt. Tl: Trealy Yr: 1825
Davison, Thos. Tl: Trealy Yr: 1825
Dawlis, Jas. Tl: Edernagh Yr: 1825
Deichon, John Tl: Ballimilligan Yr: 1825
Devlin, Arthur Tl: Mowillian Yr: 1825
Devlin, Dan. Tl: Tulliveagh Yr: 1825
Devlin, Edward Tl: Drumminagh Yr: 1825
Devlin, Francis Tl: Ballineal More Yr: 1825
Devlin, Francis Tl: Balliriff Yr: 1825
Devlin, Hugh Tl: Ballineal More Yr: 1825
Devlin, Hugh Tl: Derrygarve Yr: 1825
Devlin, James Tl: Robt. Bolton's Land Yr: 1825
Devlin, Jas. Tl: Robt. Bolton's Land Yr: 1825
Devlin, John Tl: Anahorish-Stuart Yr: 1825
Devlin, John Tl: Ballineal More Yr: 1825
Devlin, Laurence Tl: Robt. Bolton's Land Yr: 1825
Devlin, Nicholas Tl: Ballimilligan Yr: 1825
Devlin, Pat. Tl: Ballimilligan Yr: 1825
Devlin, Patrick Tl: Ballineal More Yr: 1825
Devlin, Terence Tl: Balliriff Yr: 1825
Diamond, Tl: Alex. Boyle's Land Yr: 1825 Notes: Diamond and Caulfield
Diamond, Daniel Tl: Graves's Land Yr: 1825
Diamond, Edward Tl: Green's Land Yr: 1825
Diamond, Felix Tl: Anahorish McLernon Yr: 1825 Notes: and Partners
Diamond, Felix Tl: Graves's Land Yr: 1825
Diamond, Hugh Tl: Black Park Yr: 1825
Diamond, James Tl: Graves's Land Yr: 1825
Diamond, James Tl: Green's Land Yr: 1825
Diamond, John Tl: Derrygarve Yr: 1825
Diamond, John Tl: Graves's Land Yr: 1825
Diamond, Patk. Tl: Bolton Boyle's Meadows Yr: 1825
Diamond, Paul Tl: And. Torrens's Meadows Yr: 1825
Diamond, Thomas Tl: Green's Land Yr: 1825
Dickson, Hugh Tl: Ballindrum Yr: 1825
Dickson, Robert Tl: Ballimaquiggan Yr: 1825
Dickson, Widow Tl: Balliriff Yr: 1825
Dillions, Anthony Tl: Ballineal Beg Yr: 1825
Dillions, Patrick Tl: Ballineal Beg Yr: 1825
Dillon, Chas. Tl: Mowillian Yr: 1825
Ditty, Ralph Tl: Ballinagarve Yr: 1825
Ditty, Richard Tl: Ballimulderg Beg Yr: 1825
Ditty, Widow Tl: Ballygruby Yr: 1825
Dogherty, Bernard Tl: Ballironan Yr: 1825
Dogherty, Robert Tl: Ballironan Yr: 1825
Donaghy, Art. Tl: Ballirogley Yr: 1825
Donaghy, Edwd. Tl: Mowilliam Yr: 1825
Donaghy, Jas. Tl: Derlusky Yr: 1825
Donaghy, Jas Tl: Mowillian Yr: 1825
Donaghy, Jno. Tl: Caraloon Yr: 1825
Donaghy, John Tl: Caraloon Yr: 1825
Donaghy, Widow Tl: Caraloon Yr: 1825
Donel, James Tl: Ballimaquiggan Yr: 1825
Donel, William Tl: A. Tracy's Land Yr: 1825
Donell, Edward Tl: Ballimaquiggan Yr: 1825
Donelly, Arthur Tl: Aughrim Bates and Donnelly Yr: 1825
Donelly, Arthur Tl: Ballimaquiggan Yr: 1825
Donelly, Fras. Tl: Ballinenagh Yr: 1825
Donelly, James, Jr. Tl: Aughrim Bates and Donnelly Yr: 1825
Donelly, Michael Tl: Ballineal Beg Yr: 1825
Donelly, Patrick Tl: Ballineal More Yr: 1825
Donnelly, Felix Tl: Ballineal More Yr: 1825
Donnelly, Jno. Tl: Ballinenagh Yr: 1825
Dorian, Widow Tl: Drumminagh Yr: 1825
Dowdale, Chas. Tl: Ballygruby Yr: 1825
Dowdale, Patrick Tl: Ballygruby Yr: 1825
Dowdall, Robert Tl: Ballimulderg More Yr: 1825
Downing, Jacob Tl: Aughrim Bates and Donnelly Yr: 1825
Drennan, Matt. Tl: Cross Patrick Yr: 1825
Duffin, Art. Tl: Mowillian Yr: 1825
Duffin, Jno. Tl: Mowilliam Yr: 1825
Duncan, James Tl: Caraloon Yr: 1825
Duncan, Thomas Tl: Caraloon Yr: 1825
Dunn, And. Tl: Enniskillen Yr: 1825
Dunn, James Tl: Ballineal Beg Yr: 1825
Dunn, Jas. Tl: Enniskillen Yr: 1825
Dunn, Jno. Tl: Enniskillen Yr: 1825
Dunn, Michael Tl: Edernagh Yr: 1825
Dunn, Robt. Tl: Enniskillen Yr: 1825
Dunn, Thos. Tl: Ballirogley Yr: 1825
Dunn, Thos. Tl: Enniskillen Yr: 1825
Eccles, Alex Tl: Maghadone Yr: 1825
Eccles, James Tl: Maghadone Yr: 1825
Egleson, Samuel Tl: Derrygarve Yr: 1825
Ekin, Gabriel Tl: Ballieglish Yr: 1825
Ekin, Gabriel Tl: Ballironan Yr: 1825
Ekin, Jno. Tl: Ballindrum Yr: 1825
Ekin, Jno. Tl: Ballinvey Yr: 1825
Ekin, John Tl: Ballimilligan Yr: 1825
Ekin, Thos. Tl: Balligillian More Yr: 1825
Ekin, Widow Tl: Ballinuey Yr: 1825
Ekin, Widow Tl: Mowillian Yr: 1825
Ekins, John Tl: Ballimulderg Beg Yr: 1825
Elliot, James Tl: Ballimaquiggan Yr: 1825
Ellis, David Tl: Ballineal More Yr: 1825
Ellis, Robert Tl: Alex. Boyle's Land Yr: 1825
Estler, David Tl: Derrygarve Yr: 1825
Estler, Moses Tl: Derrygarve Yr: 1825
Estler, Robert Tl: Derrygarve Yr: 1825
Estler, William Tl: Derrygarve Yr: 1825
Evans, Arthur Tl: Black Park Yr: 1825
Evans, George Tl: Green's Land Yr: 1825
Evans, Robert Tl: Derrygarve Yr: 1825
Evans, Saml., Jr. Tl: Mr. Dawson's Meadows Yr: 1825
Evans, Samuel Tl: Balliriff Yr: 1825
Evans, Samuel Tl: Mr. Dawson's Meadows Yr: 1825
Ewart, David Tl: Derrygarve Yr: 1825
Falls, Jno. Tl: Mulholland's Meadows Yr: 1825
Farley, James Tl: Ballimulderg Beg Yr: 1825
Farson, David Tl: Balligillian More Yr: 1825
Ferguson, Adam Tl: Enniskillen Yr: 1825
Ferguson, Alex. Tl: Tulliveagh Yr: 1825
Ferguson, Alexr. Tl: Tullyhorcan Yr: 1825
Ferguson, And. Tl: Tivina Yr: 1825
Ferguson, Fergus Tl: Tulliveagh Yr: 1825
Ferguson, James Tl: Ballinagarve Yr: 1825
Ferguson, James Tl: Drumminagh Yr: 1825
Ferguson, Jas. Tl: Tivina Yr: 1825
Ferguson, Jas. Tl: Tulliveagh Yr: 1825
Ferguson, Jno. Tl: Enniskillen Yr: 1825
Ferguson, Jno. Tl: Tulliveagh Yr: 1825
Ferguson, Joseph Tl: Ballimaquiggan Yr: 1825
Ferguson, Patrick Tl: Ballinagarve Yr: 1825
Ferguson, Patrick Tl: Edernagh Yr: 1825
Ferguson, Patrick Tl: Enniskillen Yr: 1825
Ferguson, Robert Tl: Drumminagh Yr: 1825
Ferguson, Robert Tl: Edernagh Yr: 1825
Ferguson, Robt. Tl: Enniskillen Yr: 1825
Ferguson, Samuel Tl: Drumminagh Yr: 1825
Ferguson, Thomas Tl: Edernagh Yr: 1825
Ferguson, Thos. Tl: Derrigonnigal Yr: 1825
Ferguson, Thos. Tl: Enniskillen Yr: 1825
Ferguson, Thos. Tl: Tivina Yr: 1825
Ferguson, Thos. Tl: Tulliveagh Yr: 1825
Ferguson, Thos. Tl: Tullyhorcan Yr: 1825
Ferguson, Widow Tl: Lisbuy Yr: 1825
Ferguson, Widow Tl: Tullyhorcan Yr: 1825
Ferguson, William Tl: Ballinagarve Yr: 1825
Ferguson, Wm. Tl: Lisbuy Yr: 1825
Fields, Alex. Tl: Mowillian Yr: 1825
Fields, Andw. Tl: Ballindrum Yr: 1825
Fields, David Tl: Trealy Yr: 1825
Fields, Geo. Tl: Ballindrum Yr: 1825
Fields, Mat. Tl: Ballindrum Yr: 1825
Fields, Richd. Tl: Moneymore Yr: 1825
Finey, Jas. Tl: Balligillian More Yr: 1825
Finey, Jno. Tl: Balligillian More Yr: 1825
Finey, Thos. Tl: Balligillian More Yr: 1825
Flannagan, Bernard Tl: Ballimulderg More Yr: 1825
Flemings, Jas. Tl: Mowillian Yr: 1825
Flemings, Jno. Tl: Mowillian Yr: 1825
Foocy?, Edward Tl: Aughrim Bates and Donnelly Yr: 1825
Forbes, Alexander Tl: Ballironan Yr: 1825
Forbes, Alexander Tl: Drumminagh Yr: 1825
Forbes, George Tl: Drumminagh Yr: 1825
Forbes, William Tl: Drumminagh Yr: 1825
Forbets, Moses Tl: Derrygarve Yr: 1825
Forsythe, Jas. Tl: Ballirogley Yr: 1825
Foster, James Tl: Ballimulderg Beg Yr: 1825
Foster, Jas. Tl: Ballinenagh Yr: 1825
Foster, John Tl: Ballimulderg Beg Yr: 1825
Fullan, George Tl: Anahorish McLernon Yr: 1825
Fullerton, William Tl: Graves's Land Yr: 1825
Fullerton, William Tl: Mr. Dawson's Meadows Yr: 1825
Fumbleson, Jno. Tl: Ballineal More Yr: 1825
Fumbleson, Stevenson Tl: Ballineal More Yr: 1825
Fumbleson, Thos. Tl: Ballineal More Yr: 1825
Gallaway, Ignatuis Tl: Derrygarve Yr: 1825
Galloway, Felix Tl: Ballieglish Yr: 1825
Galloway, Pat. Tl: Ballieglish Yr: 1825
Garvin, Stephen Tl: Bolton Boyle's Meadows Yr: 1825
Garvin, William Tl: Bolton Boyle's Meadows Yr: 1825
Gauson, David, Jr. Tl: Ballironan Yr: 1825
Gauson, David, Sr. Tl: Ballironan Yr: 1825
Gauson, James Tl: Ballironan Yr: 1825
Gausson, David Tl: Graves's Strand Yr: 1825
George, Chas. Tl: Ballindrum Yr: 1825
George, Chas. Tl: Cross Patrick Yr: 1825
George, Jas. Tl: Maghadone Yr: 1825
George, Matt. Tl: Trealy Yr: 1825
George, Widow Tl: Ballindrum Yr: 1825
George, Wm. Tl: Trealy Yr: 1825
Georges, M. Tl: Ballindrum Yr: 1825
Gibson, Alex. Tl: Derrigonnigal Yr: 1825
Gibson, Alexr. Tl: Tulliweary Yr: 1825
Gibson, Robt. Tl: Moneymore Yr: 1825
Gibson, Saml. Tl: Mr. Dawson's Meadows Yr: 1825
Gillespie, Michael Tl: Balliriff Yr: 1825
Gillespie, Widow Tl: Ballimilligan Yr: 1825
Gilmer, John Tl: Ballironan Yr: 1825
Gilmore, Jno. Tl: Ballinenagh Yr: 1825
Glendinning, Henry Tl: Enniskillen Yr: 1825
Good, Jonah Tl: Ballygruby Yr: 1825
Gordon, Jno. Tl: Ballindrum Yr: 1825
Graves, Mrs. Tl: Graves's Land Yr: 1825
Graves, John Tl: Graves's Land Yr: 1825
Graves, William Tl: Ballironan Yr: 1825
Green, Robt. Tl: Balligillian More Yr: 1825
Greer, And. Tl: Ballindrum Yr: 1825
Greer, Archibald Tl: Ballimilligan Yr: 1825
Greer, Jas. Tl: Tivina Yr: 1825
Greer, Widow Tl: Tivina Yr: 1825
Greer, Widow Tl: Tullyconnell Yr: 1825
Gribbon, Henry Tl: Robt. Bolton's Land Yr: 1825
Gribbon, Hugh Tl: Anahorish-Stuart Yr: 1825
Gribbon, John Tl: Robt. Bolton's Land Yr: 1825
Gribbon, Roddey Tl: Anahorish-Stuart Yr: 1825
Gribbon, Thomas Tl: Anahorish-Stuart Yr: 1825
Groves, John Tl: Caraloon Yr: 1825
Hagan, Charles Tl: Ballineal More Yr: 1825
Hale, Rich. Tl: Cross Patrick Yr: 1825
Hall, Richd. Tl: Derlusky Yr: 1825
Hamersly, Miss Tl: Derrygarve Yr: 1825
Hamersly, Thos. Tl: Alex. Boyle's Land Yr: 1825
Hamersly, Thos. Tl: Derrygarve Yr: 1825
Hamill, Widow Tl: Mowillian Yr: 1825
Hamill, Wm. Tl: Mowillian Yr: 1825
Hamilton, Jno. Tl: Tulliveagh Yr: 1825
Hamilton, John Tl: Drumminagh Yr: 1825
Hamilton, Joseph Tl: Tulliveagh Yr: 1825
Hannon, Dennis Tl: Black Park Yr: 1825
Hannon, Dennis Tl: Sam Crawford's Land Yr: 1825
Hannon, John Tl: A. Tracy's Land Yr: 1825
Hannon, John Tl: Black Park Yr: 1825
Harbinson, Francis Tl: Ballineal More Yr: 1825
Harbinson, James Tl: Balliriff Yr: 1825
Harbinson, John Tl: Ballineal More Yr: 1825
Harbusson, Wm. Tl: Moneymore Yr: 1825
Hardy, John Tl: Ballimaquiggan Yr: 1825
Hardy, William Tl: Ballimaquiggan Yr: 1825
Harknefs, Jas. Tl: Balligillian More Yr: 1825
Harkness, Wm. Tl: Moneymore Yr: 1825
Harris, Jas. Tl: Duffless Yr: 1825
Harris, Jno. Tl: Duffless Yr: 1825
Harris, Robt. Tl: Duffless Yr: 1825
Hawthorn, Thomas Tl: Mr. Dawson's Meadows Yr: 1825
Heany, Charles Tl: Graves's Land Yr: 1825
Heany, Charles, Jr. Tl: Henry Mulholland's Land Yr: 1825
Heany, Charles, Sr. Tl: Henry Mulholland's Land Yr: 1825
Heany, James Tl: Ballimaquiggan Yr: 1825
Heany, John Tl: Anahorish-Stuart Yr: 1825
Henderson, David Tl: Aughrim Bates and Donnelly Yr: 1825
Henderson, Robt. Tl: Derrygarve Yr: 1825
Henderson, Wm. Tl: Maghadone Yr: 1825
Henry, James Tl: And. Torrens's Meadows Yr: 1825
Henry, Nathl. Tl: Moneymore Yr: 1825
Henry, Thos. Tl: Ballygruby Yr: 1825
Henry, William Tl: Ballimaquiggan Yr: 1825
Herdson, Henry Tl: Derrygarve Yr: 1825
Hillas, Jno. Tl: Edernagh Yr: 1825
Hillman, Saml. Tl: Mr. Dawson's Meadows Yr: 1825
Himphey, Bernard Tl: Ballimaquiggan Yr: 1825
Himphey, James Tl: Ballimaquiggan Yr: 1825
Himphey, John Tl: Ballimaquiggan Yr: 1825
Himphey, William Tl: Ballimaquiggan Yr: 1825
Himpley, Charles Tl: Ballimaquiggan Yr: 1825
Himpley, Edward Tl: Ballimaquiggan Yr: 1825
Himpley, Patrick Tl: Ballimaquiggan Yr: 1825
Hinds, Peter Tl: Drumminagh Yr: 1825
Hofs, Joseph Tl: Ballimulderg Beg Yr: 1825
Hofs, William Tl: Ballimulderg Beg Yr: 1825
Hogg, Alex. Tl: Balligurk Yr: 1825
Hogg, David Tl: Duffless Yr: 1825
Hogg, Jas. Tl: Derrigonnigal Yr: 1825
Hogg, John Tl: Knockingrow Yr: 1825
Hogg, Robert Tl: Derrigonnigal Yr: 1825
Hogg, Robt. Tl: Ballinahone Yr: 1825
Hogg, Thos. Tl: Ballinahone Yr: 1825
Hogg, Thos. Tl: Duffless Yr: 1825
Hogg, Widow Tl: Ballinahone Yr: 1825
Hogg, Widow Tl: Duffless Yr: 1825
Hogg, Wm. Tl: Ballieglish Yr: 1825
Hogg, Wm. Tl: Maghadone Yr: 1825
Hollands, Wm. Tl: Ballimaquiggan Yr: 1825 Notes: Farm
Hollands, Wm. Tl: Lisnamorrow Yr: 1825
Howard, Jno., Jr. Tl: Ballirogley Yr: 1825
Howard, Jno., Sr. Tl: Ballirogley Yr: 1825
Hughes, Corn. Tl: Ballieglish Yr: 1825
Hughes, Henry Tl: Ballieglish Yr: 1825
Hughes, Pat. Tl: Ballieglish Yr: 1825
Hull, Edward Tl: Tulliraw Yr: 1825
Hull, Edwd. Tl: Claggan Yr: 1825
Hull, Edwd. Tl: Derrigonnigal Yr: 1825
Hull, Edwd. Tl: Tulliweary Yr: 1825
Hull, Robert Tl: Ballironan Yr: 1825
Hull, Widow Tl: Ballironan Yr: 1825
Hull, William Tl: Drumminagh Yr: 1825
Hunter, John Tl: Ballineal More Yr: 1825
Hunter, Robert Tl: Ballineal More Yr: 1825
Hurl, Charles Tl: Ballimaquiggan Yr: 1825
Hurl, Hugh Tl: Caraloon Yr: 1825
Hurl, James Tl: Caraloon Yr: 1825
Hurl, Jas. Tl: Derrygarve Yr: 1825
Hutcheson, Johnathan Tl: Ballineal Beg Yr: 1825
Hutchinson, Jas. Tl: Ballirogley Yr: 1825
Hutchinson, Jno. Tl: Mowillian Yr: 1825
Hutchinson, Thos. Tl: Balligurk Yr: 1825
Hutchinson, Wm. Tl: Balligurk Yr: 1825
Irvin, Edward Tl: Graves's Land Yr: 1825
Irvin, James Tl: Alex. Boyle's Land Yr: 1825
Irvin, Jared Tl: Alex. Boyle's Land Yr: 1825
Irvin, John Tl: Graves's Land Yr: 1825
Irwine, Adam Tl: Claggan Yr: 1825
Irwine, Adam Tl: Enniskillen Yr: 1825
Irwine, David Tl: Claggan Yr: 1825
Irwine, Wm. Tl: Claggan Yr: 1825
Jackson, John Tl: Graves's Land Yr: 1825
Johnson, Geo. Tl: Ballindrum Yr: 1825
Johnson, Jno. Tl: Ballinenagh Yr: 1825
Johnson, Robt. Tl: Ballinahone Yr: 1825
Johnson, Widow Tl: Knockingrow Yr: 1825
Johnson, Widow Tl: Liscausey Yr: 1825
Johnston, Anthony Tl: Anahorish-Stuart Yr: 1825
Johnston, James Tl: And. Torrens's Meadows Yr: 1825
Johnston, James Tl: Aughrim Bates and Donnelly Yr: 1825
Johnston, John Tl: Derrygarve Yr: 1825
Johnston, Randle Tl: Ballimaquiggan Yr: 1825
Junk, Thos. Tl: Ballygruby Yr: 1825
Junk, Thos. Tl: Maghadone Yr: 1825
Kane, James Tl: Mr. Dawson's Meadows Yr: 1825
Kearney, John Tl: Ballimulderg Beg Yr: 1825
Keenan, Daniel Tl: Ballimulderg More Yr: 1825
Keenan, Dennis Tl: Ballimilligan Yr: 1825
Keenan, Hugh Tl: Ballinagarve Yr: 1825
Kelly, Elizabeth Tl: Aughrim Bates and Donnelly Yr: 1825
Kelly, Widow Tl: Derrygarve Yr: 1825
Kennedy, James Tl: Bolton Boyle's Meadows Yr: 1825
Kennedy, Michael Tl: Anahorish McLernon Yr: 1825
Kidd, Widow Tl: Tivina Yr: 1825
Kierney, Daniel Tl: Caraloon Yr: 1825
Kinaibrough, Pat. Tl: Claggan Yr: 1825
King, John Tl: Ballimilligan Yr: 1825
King, Staples Tl: Ballygruby Yr: 1825
Kinnibrough, Jno. Tl: Tulliraw Yr: 1825
Kinnibrough, Pat. Tl: Tulliraw Yr: 1825
Kirlens, Widow Tl: Caraloon Yr: 1825
Knipe, Thos. Tl: Balligruby Yr: 1825
Lagan, Francis Tl: Black Park Yr: 1825
Lagan, Patrick Tl: Green's Land Yr: 1825
Lamey, John Tl: Drumminagh Yr: 1825
Lamon, Robt. Tl: Maghadone Yr: 1825
Larkin, James Tl: Ballimulderg Beg Yr: 1825
Larkin, James Tl: Ballironan Yr: 1825
Larkin, Thomas Tl: Ballimulderg More Yr: 1825
Larkins, Edward Tl: Ballimurderg More Yr: 1825
Larkins, James Tl: Ballimulderg Beg Yr: 1825
Larkins, James Tl: Ballimulderg More Yr: 1825
Larkins, Neal Tl: Ballimulderg More Yr: 1825
Larkins, Thomas Tl: Ballimulderg More Yr: 1825
Lavander, Isaac Tl: Ballimaquiggan Yr: 1825
Lavander, John Tl: Ballimaquiggan Yr: 1825
Laverty, John Tl: Sam Crawford's Land Yr: 1825
Laverty, Neal Tl: A. Tracy's Land Yr: 1825
Laverty, Widow Tl: Ballimulderg More Yr: 1825
Lavery, Hugh Tl: Ballironan Yr: 1825
Lawson, George Tl: Ballimilligan Yr: 1825
Lawson, William Tl: Ballimilligan Yr: 1825
Leacock, Andrew Tl: Ballinagarve Yr: 1825
Leacock, Henry Tl: Ballinagarve Yr: 1825
Leas, Jas. Tl: Tulliraw Yr: 1825
Leas, Wm. Tl: Tulliraw Yr: 1825
Lenon, Jno. Tl: Ballinenagh Yr: 1825
Lenox, Andrew Tl: Aughrim-Garve Yr: 1825
Lenox, David Tl: Aughrim-Garve Yr: 1825
Lenox, Edward Tl: Ballimaquiggan Yr: 1825
Lenox, Henry Tl: Aughrim-Garve Yr: 1825
Lenox, James Tl: Aughrim-Garve Yr: 1825
Lenox, James Tl: Ballironan Yr: 1825
Lenox, James Tl: Drumminagh Yr: 1825
Lenox, John Tl: Aughrim-Garve Yr: 1825
Lenox, John Tl: Ballimaquiggan Yr: 1825
Lenox, Laurence Tl: Ballygruby Yr: 1825
Lenox, Richard Tl: Aughrim-Garve Yr: 1825
Lindsay, Jas. Tl: Liscausey Yr: 1825
Lindsay, Jas. Tl: Tulliveagh Yr: 1825
Linns, Tl: Ballimaquiggan Yr: 1825 Notes: Family
Little, Robt. Tl: Ballygruby Yr: 1825
Locket, David Tl: Bolton Boyle's Meadows Yr: 1825
Locket, Thomas Tl: Bolton Boyle's Meadows Yr: 1825
Logan, Francis Tl: Derrygarve Yr: 1825
Longhry, Thos. Tl: Maghadone Yr: 1825
Loudan, Edward Tl: Drumminagh Yr: 1825
Loudan, Francis Tl: Lisnamorrow Yr: 1825
Loudan, Widow Tl: Lisnamorrow Yr: 1825
Loudan, William Tl: Drumminagh Yr: 1825
Loughran, Wm. Tl: Ballygruby Yr: 1825
Loughry, Hugh Tl: Maghadone Yr: 1825
Love, John Tl: Ballimulderg Beg Yr: 1825
Love, Mathew Tl: Caraloon Yr: 1825
Luse, Samuel Tl: Mr. Dawson's Meadows Yr: 1825
Lynd, Adam Tl: Tulliveagh Yr: 1825
Macay, Henry Tl: Lisbuy Yr: 1825
Macbride, Jno. Tl: Mowillian Yr: 1825
Macbride, Pat. Tl: Mowillian Yr: 1825
Macbride, Thos. Tl: Tivina Yr: 1825
Macbride, Wm. Tl: Mowillian Yr: 1825
MacDonaldavidowicz, Ronaldo Malcomb Tl: Ballimaquiggan Yr: 1825
Mackel, Charles Tl: Sam Crawford's Land Yr: 1825
Mackel, Chas. Tl: Henry Mulholland's Land Yr: 1825
Mackel, Henry Tl: Sam Crawford's Land Yr: 1825
Mackel, Hugh Tl: Ballinagarve Yr: 1825
Mackel, Thomas Tl: Black Park Yr: 1825
Mackel, Thomas Tl: Bolton Boyle's Meadows Yr: 1825
Mackel, Thomas Tl: Graves's Land Yr: 1825
Mackel, Thomas Tl: Sam Crawford's Land Yr: 1825
Mackel, Thomas, Jr. Tl: Graves's Land Yr: 1825
Mackel, Thos. Tl: Robt. Bolton's Land Yr: 1825
Mackel, Rev. Wm. Tl: Ballinagarve Yr: 1825
Mackell, Daniel Tl: Ballimaquiggan Yr: 1825
Mackile, Jno. Tl: Ballirogley Yr: 1825
Mackle, Patrick Tl: Ballineal More Yr: 1825
Mackrill, Adam Tl: Liscausey Yr: 1825
Mackrill, David Tl: Claggan Yr: 1825
Madden, John Tl: Ballironan Yr: 1825
Madden, Patrick Tl: Ballironan Yr: 1825
Maddin, Jas. Tl: Mowillian Yr: 1825
Magaghy, Jas. Tl: Liscausey Yr: 1825
Magee, Patrick Tl: Ballindrum Yr: 1825
Mageegh, Dr. Tl: Moneymore Yr: 1825
Mageehan, Wm. Tl: Balligruby Yr: 1825
Magile, Bernd. Tl: Maghadone Yr: 1825
Magill, James Tl: Caraloon Yr: 1825
Maglone, Widow Tl: Graves's Land Yr: 1825
Maguire, Hugh Tl: Ballinenagh Yr: 1825
Maguire, Thos. Tl: Ballimulderg Beg Yr: 1825 Notes: and Partners
Mallon, Charles Tl: Ballimulderg Beg Yr: 1825
Mallon, James Tl: Anahorish-Stuart Yr: 1825
Mallon, Jno. Tl: Ballinenagh Yr: 1825
Mallon, John Tl: Ballimulderg Beg Yr: 1825
Mallon, Mich. Tl: Trealy Yr: 1825
Mallon, Pat. Tl: Ballinenagh Yr: 1825
Mallon, Patrick Tl: Anahorish-Stuart Yr: 1825
Mallon, Peter Tl: Ballimulderg Beg Yr: 1825
Malone, Anthony Tl: Ballygruby Yr: 1825
Malone, Jno. Tl: Ballygruby Yr: 1825
Mans, Alexander Tl: Bolton Boyle's Meadows Yr: 1825
Marshal, Jas. Tl: Ballinenagh Yr: 1825
Marshall, Alex. Tl: Lisnahall Yr: 1825
Marshall, Francis Tl: Derrygarve Yr: 1825
Marshall, James Tl: Derrygarve Yr: 1825
Marshall, Jno. Tl: Claggan Yr: 1825
Marshall, Jno. Tl: Lisnahall Yr: 1825
Marshall, Simon Tl: Ballinenagh Yr: 1825
Martin, John Tl: Caraloon Yr: 1825
Mawhiney, Thomas Tl: Derrygarve Yr: 1825
McAnally, Francis Tl: Anahorish McLernon Yr: 1825
McAnally, Manus Tl: Graves's Land Yr: 1825
McAnally, Manus Tl: Henry Mulholland's Land Yr: 1825
McAnally, Manus Tl: Mr. Dawson's Meadows Yr: 1825
McAnally, Patrick Tl: Aughrim Bates and Donnelly Yr: 1825
McAnally, Peter Tl: Balliriff Yr: 1825
McArlane, Mandy Tl: Ballirogley Yr: 1825
McArlane, Widow Tl: Ballirogley Yr: 1825
McCamley, Charles Tl: Ballimulderg Beg Yr: 1825
McCamley, Charles Tl: Ballimulderg More Yr: 1825
McCamley, Patrick Tl: Ballimulderg More Yr: 1825
McCan, Hugh Tl: Drumminagh Yr: 1825
McCan, Laurence Tl: Graves's Strand Yr: 1825
McCan, Thomas Tl: Ballimaquiggan Yr: 1825
McCan, William Tl: Ballimaquiggan Yr: 1825
McCartney, Daniel Tl: Ballimaquiggan Yr: 1825
McCartney, Henry Tl: Ballinagarve Yr: 1825
McCartney, John Tl: Ballimaquiggan Yr: 1825
McCartney, Richd. Tl: Ballimilligan Yr: 1825
McCartney, Widow Tl: Ballironan Yr: 1825
McCay, Archy Tl: Edernagh Yr: 1825
McCay, Archy Tl: Enniskillen Yr: 1825
McCay, Hugh Tl: Duffless Yr: 1825
McClatchey, Alexr. Tl: Bolton Boyle's Meadows Yr: 1825
McCleery, James Tl: Aughrim-Garve Yr: 1825
McCleery, John Tl: Ballironan Yr: 1825
McCleery, Robert Tl: Aughrim-Garve Yr: 1825
McCleery, Samuel Tl: Aughrim-Garve Yr: 1825
McCleery, William Tl: Aughrim-Garve Yr: 1825
McClure, Jno. Tl: Maghadone Yr: 1825
McClusky, Edwd. Tl: Ballinenagh Yr: 1825
McClusky, Jno. Tl: Maghadone Yr: 1825
McCollum, James Tl: Ballineal More Yr: 1825
McConky, Robt. Tl: Moneymore Yr: 1825
McConvill, James Tl: Balliriff Yr: 1825
McConvill, Patrick Tl: Balliriff Yr: 1825
McCord, William Tl: Lisnamorrow Yr: 1825
McCormick, Chas. Tl: Ballimaquiggan Yr: 1825
McCormick, Jno. Tl: Cross Patrick Yr: 1825
McCormick, Peter Tl: Ballimaquiggan Yr: 1825
McCorry, Robt. Tl: Moneymore Yr: 1825
McCready, James Tl: Mulholland's Meadows Yr: 1825
McCurly, Jno. Tl: Ballieglish Yr: 1825
McDonnel, Randel Tl: Graves's Land Yr: 1825
McDonnel, Randle Tl: Caraloon Yr: 1825
McElhone, Edward Tl: Balliriff Yr: 1825
McElhone, Hugh Tl: Ballinagarve Yr: 1825
McElhone, James Tl: Ballimulderg More Yr: 1825
McElhone, Jno. Tl: Ballinagarve Yr: 1825
McElhone, John Tl: Ballinagarve Yr: 1825
McElise, Pat. Tl: Ballieglish Yr: 1825
McElise, Wm. Tl: Ballieglish Yr: 1825
McElroy, Joseph Tl: Ballimaquiggan Yr: 1825
McElroy, Joseph Tl: Ballimulderg More Yr: 1825
McElroy, Samuel Tl: Ballimulderg More Yr: 1825
McElwaine, Alexr. Tl: Ballimilligan Yr: 1825
McElwaine, Robert Tl: Ballimilligan Yr: 1825
McElwaine, William Tl: Ballineal Beg Yr: 1825
McEntire, John Tl: Henry Mulholland's Land Yr: 1825
McEntire, Patrick Tl: Ballimulderg More Yr: 1825
McErlaine, Andw. Tl: Derrygarve Yr: 1825
McErlaine, Henry Tl: Anahorish McLernon Yr: 1825
McErlaine, John Tl: Black Park Yr: 1825
McErlaine, Patrick Tl: Black Park Yr: 1825
McFalown, John Tl: Ballimilligan Yr: 1825
McFelim, James Tl: Ballineal Beg Yr: 1825
McFelim, Patrick Tl: Ballironan Yr: 1825
McGarvey, Fras. Tl: Mowillian Yr: 1825
McGarvey, Wm. Tl: Mowillian Yr: 1825
McGaul, David Tl: Ballineal Beg Yr: 1825
McGeagh, Henry Tl: Maghadone Yr: 1825
McGeary, Michl. Tl: Ballirogley Yr: 1825
McGeown, Jas Tl: Ballirogley Yr: 1825
McGeown, Neale Tl: Ballygruby Yr: 1825
McGervy, Jno. Tl: Ballindrum Yr: 1825
McGinnel, William Tl: Caraloon Yr: 1825
McGlade, Jno. Tl: Maghadone Yr: 1825
McGrath, William Tl: Ballimilligan Yr: 1825
McGrogan, Felix Tl: Ballimaquiggan Yr: 1825
McGrogan, Henry Tl: Derrygarve Yr: 1825
McGrogan, Hugh Tl: Graves's Land Yr: 1825
McGrogan, Jas. Tl: Graves's Land Yr: 1825
McGrogan, John Tl: Anahorish-Stuart Yr: 1825 Notes: Carpenter
McGrogan, John Tl: Anahorish-Stuart Yr: 1825 Notes: Weaver
McGrogan, John Tl: Graves's Land Yr: 1825
McGrogan, Laurence Tl: Anahorish-Stuart Yr: 1825
McGuckan, Peter Tl: Ballimilligan Yr: 1825
McGuckian, Cornelius Tl: Ballironan Yr: 1825
McGuckian, Edwd. Tl: Ballimaquiggan Yr: 1825
McGuckian, Francis Tl: Ballironan Yr: 1825
McGuckian, George Tl: Balliriff Yr: 1825
McGuckian, Jas. Tl: Ballimilligan Yr: 1825
McGuckian, John Tl: Ballironan Yr: 1825
McGuckian, William Tl: Ballimaquiggan Yr: 1825
McGuckin, Edwd. Tl: Ballindrum Yr: 1825
McGuckin, Hugh Tl: Ballindrum Yr: 1825
McGuckin, Jas. Tl: Ballindrum Yr: 1825
McGuckin, Jno. Tl: Ballindrum Yr: 1825
McGuigan, James Tl: Aughrim-Garve Yr: 1825
McGuigan, Jno. Tl: Mowillian Yr: 1825
McHaw, Jno. Tl: Balligruby Yr: 1825
McIlhennon, Danl. Tl: Mowillian Yr: 1825
McKee, Dr. Tl: Ballindrum Yr: 1825
McKee, Dr. Tl: Moneymore Yr: 1825
McKeever, Dennis Tl: Graves's Land Yr: 1825
McKeever, Hugh Tl: Graves's Land Yr: 1825
McKeever, Hugh, Jr. Tl: Graves's Land Yr: 1825
McKeever, James Tl: Graves's Land Yr: 1825
McKeever, Jno. Tl: Balligurk Yr: 1825
McKeever, John Tl: Alex. Boyle's Land Yr: 1825
McKeever, John Tl: Graves's Land Yr: 1825
McKenna, Bernard Tl: Ballimilligan Yr: 1825 Notes: and Partners
McKenna, Edwd. Tl: Ballimilligan Yr: 1825
McKenna, James Tl: Ballimilligan Yr: 1825
McKenna, John Tl: Ballimilligan Yr: 1825
McKeown, Tl: Ballygruby Yr: 1825
McKeown, Arthur Tl: Ballimulderg Beg Yr: 1825 Notes: and Partners
McKeown, Bernard Tl: Ballimulderg More Yr: 1825
McKeown, Biddy Tl: Ballimulderg More Yr: 1825
McKeown, Henry Tl: Ballieglish Yr: 1825
McKeown, Henry Tl: Balliriff Yr: 1825
McKeown, James Tl: Ballimulderg More Yr: 1825
McKeown, James Tl: Ballimulderg More Yr: 1825 Notes: McKeown and Willsons
McKeown, Jas. Tl: Ballimaquiggan Yr: 1825
McKeown, Jas. Tl: Ballineal More Yr: 1825
McKeown, John Tl: Balligurk Yr: 1825
McKeown, Murtagh Tl: Ballimulderg More Yr: 1825
McKeown, Patrick Tl: Ballimaquiggan Yr: 1825
McKeown, Patrick Tl: Ballimulderg More Yr: 1825
McKernan, Felix Tl: Graves's Strand Yr: 1825
McKinley, Richard Tl: Graves's Land Yr: 1825
McKinley, Richd. Tl: Sam Crawford's Land Yr: 1825
McKinney, Alexander Tl: Balliriff Yr: 1825
McKinney, Alexd. Tl: Ballimulderg Beg Yr: 1825
McKinney, Archibald Tl: Ballimulderg Beg Yr: 1825
McKinney, John Tl: Balliriff Yr: 1825
McKinney, Moses Tl: Ballimulderg Beg Yr: 1825
McLaughlan, Thomas Tl: Ballimaquiggan Yr: 1825
McLaughlin, Charles Tl: Ballineal Beg Yr: 1825
McLaughlin, Daniel Tl: Ballinagarve Yr: 1825
McLaughlin, Edwd. Tl: Ballinagarve Yr: 1825
McLaughlin, Patrick Tl: Graves's Land Yr: 1825
McLernan, Joseph Tl: Ballinenagh Yr: 1825
McLernan, Paul Tl: Maghadone Yr: 1825
McLernan, Thos. Tl: Ballieglish Yr: 1825
McLernan, Wm. Tl: Ballieglish Yr: 1825
McLernan, Wm. Tl: Ballinenagh Yr: 1825
McLernon, Felix Tl: Anahorish McLernon Yr: 1825
McLernon, James Tl: Anahorish-Stuart Yr: 1825
McLernon, James Tl: Ballimulderg Beg Yr: 1825
McLernon, James Tl: Ballineal More Yr: 1825
McLernon, James Tl: Derrygarve Yr: 1825
McLernon, John Tl: Anahorish McLernon Yr: 1825
McLernon, John Tl: Green's Land Yr: 1825
McLernon, John Tl: Robt. Bolton's Land Yr: 1825
McLernon, Widow Tl: Alex. Boyle's Land Yr: 1825
McLernon, Widow Tl: Graves's Strand Yr: 1825
McMahon, Jno. Tl: Ballirogley Yr: 1825
McMahon, Peter Tl: Ballirogley Yr: 1825
McMasters, Widow Tl: Lisbuy Yr: 1825
McMickan, James Tl: Anahorish McLernon Yr: 1825
McMurkery, Alex. Tl: Ballinenagh Yr: 1825
McMurkery, Widow Tl: Ballinenagh Yr: 1825
McNickel, Bernard Tl: Sam Crawford's Land Yr: 1825
McNickle, John Tl: Derrygarve Yr: 1825
McPeak, Henry Tl: Mowillian Yr: 1825
McPeak, Hugh Tl: Ballygruby Yr: 1825
McPeak, John Tl: Derrygarve Yr: 1825
McPeak, Patrick Tl: Ballinagarve Yr: 1825
McPeak, Wm. Tl: Mowillian Yr: 1825
McPhillin, Jas. Tl: Ballirogley Yr: 1825
McPhillin, Jno. Tl: Ballirogley Yr: 1825
McQuade, James Tl: Balliriff Yr: 1825
McQuiggan, William Tl: Anahorish McLernon Yr: 1825
McQuilan, Hugh Tl: Maghadone Yr: 1825
McReepno?, William Tl: Edernagh Yr: 1825
McReynolds, Wm. Tl: Enniskillen Yr: 1825
McReynolds, Wm. Tl: Liscausey Yr: 1825
McSwiggan, John Tl: Derrygarve Yr: 1825
McSwiggen, Jno. Tl: Maghadone Yr: 1825
McTeague, Michl. Tl: Ballygruby Yr: 1825
McVeagh, Anthony Tl: Balligillian More Yr: 1825
McVeagh, Daniel Tl: Ballineal More Yr: 1825
McVeagh, Edwd. Tl: Ballirogley Yr: 1825
McVeagh, Hugh Tl: Ballineal Beg Yr: 1825
McVeagh, Hugh Tl: Ballirogley Yr: 1825
McVeagh, Hugh Tl: Cross Patrick Yr: 1825
McVeagh, Jas. Tl: Ballirogley Yr: 1825
McVeagh, Jno. Tl: Ballirogley Yr: 1825
McVeagh, Jno. Tl: Maghadone Yr: 1825
McVeagh, Jno., Jr. Tl: Ballirogley Yr: 1825
McVeagh, Jno., Sr. Tl: Ballirogley Yr: 1825
McVeagh, Mat. Tl: Balligillian More Yr: 1825
McVeagh, Neale Tl: Ballirogley Yr: 1825
McVeagh, Pat. Tl: Ballirogley Yr: 1825
McVeagh, Pat. Tl: Cross Patrick Yr: 1825
McVeagh, Patrick Tl: Ballieglish Yr: 1825
McVeagh, Peter Tl: Ballirogley Yr: 1825
McVeagh, Thos. Tl: Mowillian Yr: 1825
McVeagh, Widow Tl: Mowillian Yr: 1825
McVey, James Tl: Aughrim Bates and Donnelly Yr: 1825
McWaugh, Jas. Tl: Balligruby Yr: 1825
McWilliams, John Tl: Ballimilligan Yr: 1825
McWilliams, Patk. Tl: Graves's Land Yr: 1825
McWilliams, Rodger Tl: Ballimaquiggan Yr: 1825
McWilliams, Thomas Tl: Graves's Land Yr: 1825
McWilliams, Widow Tl: Ballimaquiggan Yr: 1825
McWilliams, William Tl: Ballironan Yr: 1825
Meahan, Wm. Tl: Enniskillen Yr: 1825
Meckiele, David Tl: Tullyhorcan Yr: 1825
Mecord, David Tl: Tullyhorcan Yr: 1825
Mecord, Jas. Tl: Lisnahall Yr: 1825
Mecord, Robt. Tl: Lisnahall Yr: 1825
Mecord, Thos. Tl: Edernagh Yr: 1825
Mecord, Thos., Jr. Tl: Enniskillen Yr: 1825
Mecord, Thos., Sr. Tl: Enniskillen Yr: 1825
Mecord, Widow Tl: Enniskillen Yr: 1825
Mecord, Widow Tl: Lisnahall Yr: 1825
Mecord, Wm. Tl: Edernagh Yr: 1825
Mecord, Wm. Tl: Enniskillen Yr: 1825
Mecord, Wm. Tl: Lisnahall Yr: 1825
Megaghey, Tl: Knockingrow Yr: 1825
Megaghy, Jno. Tl: Tullyconnell Yr: 1825
Megaghy, Widow Tl: Lurgabuy Yr: 1825
Megannarty, Jno. Tl: Mowillian Yr: 1825
Megannarty, Peter Tl: Mowillian Yr: 1825
Megannerty, Danl. Tl: Mowillian Yr: 1825
Megannerty, Hugh Tl: Ballygruby Yr: 1825
Megannerty, Hugh Tl: Mowillian Yr: 1825
Megannerty, Jane? Tl: Balligruby Yr: 1825
Megannerty, Jas. Tl: Ballygruby Yr: 1825
Megeown, Bernd. Tl: Mowillian Yr: 1825
Megorrery, William Tl: Ballgillian Beg Yr: 1825
Michell, William Tl: Ballimaquiggan Yr: 1825
Millar, Joseph Tl: Lisbuy Yr: 1825
Miller, George Tl: Ballimaquiggan Yr: 1825
Miller, James Tl: Ballimaquiggan Yr: 1825
Miller, Joseph Tl: Ballimaquiggan Yr: 1825
Miller, Rowley Tl: Moneymore Yr: 1825
Miller, Samuel Tl: Lisnamorrow Yr: 1825
Milligan, Jno. Tl: Ballindrum Yr: 1825
Milligan, Jno. Tl: Cross Patrick Yr: 1825
Milliken, Saml. Tl: Ballimulderg Beg Yr: 1825
Mills, John Tl: Caraloon Yr: 1825
Mitchel, Henry Tl: Graves's Land Yr: 1825
Mitchel, William Tl: Ballimaquiggan Yr: 1825
Mitchell, Thos. Tl: Ballygruby Yr: 1825
Mitchell, Wm. Tl: Ballygruby Yr: 1825
Mitchell, Wm. Tl: Mowillian Yr: 1825
Moffet, Archy Tl: Lisnahall Yr: 1825
Moffett, Archy Tl: Claggan Yr: 1825
Moffit, Archy Tl: Tulliweary Yr: 1825
Molloy, John Tl: Ballineal Beg Yr: 1825
Moorehead, Fergus Tl: Knockingrow Yr: 1825
Moorehead, Fergus Tl: Tullyconnell Yr: 1825
Moran, Peter Tl: Ballineal More Yr: 1825
Morgan, Henry Tl: Ballinagarve Yr: 1825
Morris, Nichs. Tl: Balligruby Yr: 1825
Morris, Terence Tl: Mowillian Yr: 1825
Morrow, James Tl: Drumminagh Yr: 1825
Muldoon, Felix Tl: Balligillian More Yr: 1825
Muldoon, Jas. Tl: Derlusky Yr: 1825
Muldoon, Jno. Tl: Derlusky Yr: 1825
Mulholland, Arthur Tl: Derrygarve Yr: 1825
Mulholland, Bernard Tl: Anahorish McLernon Yr: 1825
Mulholland, Henry Tl: Ballinagarve Yr: 1825
Mulholland, Henry Tl: Mowillian Yr: 1825
Mulholland, Hugh Tl: A. Tracy's Land Yr: 1825
Mulholland, Hugh Tl: Aughrim Bates and Donnelly Yr: 1825
Mulholland, Hugh Tl: Ballimaquiggan Yr: 1825
Mulholland, James Tl: Derrygarve Yr: 1825
Mulholland, John Tl: Ballimaquiggan Yr: 1825
Mulholland, John Tl: Mulholland's Meadows Yr: 1825
Mulholland, Joseph Tl: Ballinagarve Yr: 1825
Mulholland, Murtagh Tl: Ballineal More Yr: 1825
Mulholland, Rodger Tl: Derrygarve Yr: 1825
Mulholland, Widow Tl: Ballineal More Yr: 1825
Mulholland, William Tl: Derrygarve Yr: 1825
Mulholland, Wm. Tl: And. Torrens's Meadows Yr: 1825
Mullan, Anthony Tl: Derrygarve Yr: 1825
Mullan, Michael Tl: Ballirogley Yr: 1825
Mullan, Rodger Tl: Derrygarve Yr: 1825
Mullen, Jno. Tl: Ballinenagh Yr: 1825
Mullholland, John Tl: Ballinagarve Yr: 1825
Murphy, Bernard Tl: Anahorish McLernon Yr: 1825
Murphy, Bernard Tl: Ballimaquiggan Yr: 1825
Murphy, Daniel Tl: Anahorish McLernon Yr: 1825
Murphy, Hugh Tl: Ballimaquiggan Yr: 1825
Murphy, John Tl: Aughrim Bates and Donnelly Yr: 1825
Murphy, Patrick Tl: Ballimaquiggan Yr: 1825
Murray, Dennis Tl: A. Tracy's Land Yr: 1825
Murray, James Tl: Ballimulderg More Yr: 1825
Murray, Neal Tl: Ballimaquiggan Yr: 1825
Neeson, John Tl: Robt. Bolton's Land Yr: 1825
Neeson, Michael Tl: Robt. Bolton's Land Yr: 1825
Neeson, Patrick Tl: Robt. Bolton's Land Yr: 1825
Nesbitt, Archy Tl: Ballinahone Yr: 1825
Nielson, Joseph Tl: Derrygarve Yr: 1825
Nodwell, John Tl: Ballimaquiggan Yr: 1825
Nodwell, John Tl: Ballimaquiggan Yr: 1825 Notes: 2 Farms
Nodwell, John Tl: Mr. Dawson's Meadows Yr: 1825
Nodwell, Mathew Tl: Mr. Dawson's Meadows Yr: 1825
Nodwell, Mathew, Jr. Tl: Mr. Dawson's Meadows Yr: 1825
Nodwell, Robert Tl: Mr. Dawson's Meadows Yr: 1825
O'Brien, Jas. Tl: Mowillian Yr: 1825
O'Brien, Tole Tl: Mowillian Yr: 1825
O'Neale, Neale Tl: Mowillian Yr: 1825
O'Neill, Tl: Ballinaquiggan Yr: 1825
O'Neill, Art. Tl: Maghadone Yr: 1825
O'Neill, Arthur Tl: Liscausey Yr: 1825
O'Neill, Charles Tl: Ballimaquiggan Yr: 1825
O'Neill, Charles Tl: Ballinagarve Yr: 1825
O'Neill, Chas. Tl: Balliriff Yr: 1825
O'Neill, Chas. Tl: Maghadone Yr: 1825
O'Neill, Con. Tl: Anahorish McLernon Yr: 1825
O'Neill, Con. Tl: Balliriff Yr: 1825
O'Neill, Condy Tl: Maghadone Yr: 1825
O'Neill, Felix Tl: Anamorish McLernon Yr: 1825
O'Neill, Felix Tl: Balliriff Yr: 1825
O'Neill, Fras Tl: Maghadone Yr: 1825
O'Neill, Fras. Tl: Maghadone Yr: 1825
O'Neill, George Tl: Balliriff Yr: 1825
O'Neill, Henry Tl: Ballimaquiggan Yr: 1825
O'Neill, Henry Tl: Ballimilligan Yr: 1825
O'Neill, Henry Tl: Balliriff Yr: 1825
O'Neill, Henry, Jr. Tl: Ballimilligan Yr: 1825
O'Neill, Hugh Tl: Anahorish-Stuart Yr: 1825 Notes: and Partners
O'Neill, Hugh Tl: Balligillian More Yr: 1825
O'Neill, Hugh Tl: Ballimaquiggan Yr: 1825
O'Neill, Hugh Tl: Ballineal Beg Yr: 1825
O'Neill, Hugh Tl: Balliriff Yr: 1825
O'Neill, James Tl: Ballimaquiggan Yr: 1825
O'Neill, James Tl: Graves's Strand Yr: 1825
O'Neill, John Tl: Anahorish-Stuart Yr: 1825
O'Neill, John Tl: Ballimulderg Beg Yr: 1825
O'Neill, John Tl: Ballineal Beg Yr: 1825
O'Neill, John Tl: Graves's Land Yr: 1825
O'Neill, John Tl: Mr. Dawson's Meadows Yr: 1825
O'Neill, John, Sr. Tl: Ballineal Beg Yr: 1825
O'Neill, Lawrence Tl: Ballimilligan Yr: 1825
O'Neill, Michl. Tl: Maghadone Yr: 1825
O'Neill, Neal Tl: Ballineal Beg Yr: 1825
O'Neill, Patrick Tl: Ballimaquiggan Yr: 1825
O'Neill, Paul Tl: Ballineal Beg Yr: 1825
Oneill, Paul Tl: Maghadone Yr: 1825
O'Neill, Peter Tl: Ballimilligan Yr: 1825
O'Neill, Roger Tl: Maghadone Yr: 1825
O'Neill, Thomas Tl: Anahorish McLernon Yr: 1825
O'Neill, Thomas Tl: Anahorish-Stuart Yr: 1825
O'Neill, Widow Tl: Anahorish McLernon Yr: 1825
Oneill, Widow Tl: Ballineal Beg Yr: 1825
O'Neill, Wm. Tl: Ballimaquiggan Yr: 1825 Notes: Heirs
Orr, George Tl: Lisnamorrow Yr: 1825
Orr, John Tl: Drumminagh Yr: 1825
Orr, Joseph Tl: Lisnamorrow Yr: 1825
Orr, Robert Tl: Lisnamorrow Yr: 1825
Orr, Samuel Tl: Lisnamorrow Yr: 1825
Osburn, Widow Tl: Ballironan Yr: 1825
Otterson, John Tl: Ballinagarve Yr: 1825
Patterson, Jno. Tl: Cross Patrick Yr: 1825
Patterson, Robt. Tl: Cross Patrick Yr: 1825
Patterson, Wm. Tl: Claggan Yr: 1825
Pearce, Wm. Tl: Ballygruby Yr: 1825
Pickram, Jas. Tl: Ballimaquiggan Yr: 1825
Pickram, John Tl: Ballinaquiggan Yr: 1825
Pickring, Francis Tl: Aughrim-Garve Yr: 1825
Pickring, James Tl: Aughrim-Garve Yr: 1825
Pickring, John Tl: Aughrim-Garve Yr: 1825
Port, David Tl: Balligillian More Yr: 1825
Porter, Oliver Tl: Derrigonnigal Yr: 1825
Porter, Wm. Tl: Derrigonnigal Yr: 1825
Purdy, Robert Tl: Ballimulderg Beg Yr: 1825 Notes: and Partners
Purvis, Edwd. Tl: Derrigonnigal Yr: 1825
Purvis, Oliver Tl: Tulliveagh Yr: 1825
Purvis, Sam. Tl: Derrigonnigal Yr: 1825
Purvis, Thos. Tl: Derrigonnigal Yr: 1825
Quigley, William Tl: Ballimulderg Beg Yr: 1825
Quin, Felix Tl: Ballirogley Yr: 1825
Quin, Jno. Tl: Moneymore Yr: 1825
Quin, Patrick Tl: Ballimilligan Yr: 1825
Quin, Patrick Tl: Ballimulderg More Yr: 1825
Rainey, Jas. Tl: Ballirogley Yr: 1825
Rainey, William Tl: Alex. Boyle's Land Yr: 1825
Rainey, William Tl: Ballimilligan Yr: 1825
Ramsay, Jno. Tl: Cross Patrick Yr: 1825
Rankin, Jas. Tl: Ballindrum Yr: 1825
Ray, Jas. Tl: Ballygruby Yr: 1825
Ray, Jno. Tl: Ballygruby Yr: 1825
Reed, Samuel Tl: Anahorish-Stuart Yr: 1825
Reenan, Michl. Tl: Maghadone Yr: 1825
Reynolds, Jas. Tl: Enniskillen Yr: 1825
Rice, James Tl: Anahorish-Stuart Yr: 1825
Rice, Pierce Tl: Ballironan Yr: 1825
Richardson, James Tl: Ballinagarve Yr: 1825
Richey, Dennis Tl: Sam Crawford's Land Yr: 1825
Richey, Jared Tl: Sam Crawford's Land Yr: 1825
Richey, John Tl: A. Tracy's Land Yr: 1825
Richey, John Tl: Sam Crawford's Land Yr: 1825
Richey, Michael Tl: A. Tracy's Land Yr: 1825
Richey, Mih. Tl: A. Tracy's Land Yr: 1825 Notes: and Sons
Richey, Nicholas Tl: A. Tracy's Land Yr: 1825
Richey, Peter Tl: And. Torrens's Meadows Yr: 1825
Rickey, Denis Tl: Derrygarve Yr: 1825
Rickley, John Tl: Ballironan Yr: 1825
Riddagh, Jas. Tl: Ballygruby Yr: 1825
Riddagh, Robt. Tl: Ballygruby Yr: 1825
Rodgers, George Tl: Ballironan Yr: 1825
Rodgers, John Tl: Ballironan Yr: 1825
Rodgers, Robert Tl: Ballironan Yr: 1825
Rodgers, Thos. Tl: Ballironan Yr: 1825
Rodney, Jno. Tl: Maghadone Yr: 1825
Rowlins, Widow Tl: Knockingrow Yr: 1825
Sampson, Robert Tl: Caraloon Yr: 1825
Samson, And. Tl: Maghadone Yr: 1825
Sandford, Alexander Tl: Drumminagh Yr: 1825
Sandford, Jas. Tl: Ballieglish Yr: 1825
Sandford, Wm. Tl: Ballinenagh Yr: 1825
Sands, James Tl: Ballineal Beg Yr: 1825
Scott, Benjamin Tl: Ballironan Yr: 1825
Scott, Benjamin Tl: Drumminagh Yr: 1825
Scott, Edward Tl: Ballironan Yr: 1825
Scott, George Tl: Ballironan Yr: 1825
Scott, George Tl: Drumminagh Yr: 1825
Scott, Isaac Tl: Drumminagh Yr: 1825
Scott, John Tl: Drumminagh Yr: 1825
Scott, John, Jr. Tl: Drumminagh Yr: 1825
Scott, Joseph Tl: Drumminagh Yr: 1825
Scott, Mary Tl: Moneymore Yr: 1825
Scott, Robert Tl: Ballironan Yr: 1825
Scott, Thomas Tl: Drumminagh Yr: 1825
Scott, William Tl: Drumminagh Yr: 1825
Scullion, Tl: Alex. Boyle's Land Yr: 1825 Notes: Bradley and Scullion
Scullion, Bernd. Tl: Ballimilligan Yr: 1825 Notes: and Partners
Scullion, Felix Tl: Anahorish McLernon Yr: 1825
Scullion, Felix Tl: Anahorish-Stuart Yr: 1825
Scullion, Hugh Tl: Ballimilligan Yr: 1825
Scullion, John Tl: Ballimilligan Yr: 1825
Scullion, Neal Tl: Anahorish-Stuart Yr: 1825
Scullion, William Tl: Ballimilligan Yr: 1825
Searson, Francis Tl: Derrygarve Yr: 1825
Searson, James Tl: Derrygarve Yr: 1825
Searson, Robert Tl: Derrygarve Yr: 1825
Seaton, Jno. Tl: Lisnahall Yr: 1825
Seaton, Robt. Tl: Lisnahall Yr: 1825
Sergeant, Edwd. Tl: Ballineal More Yr: 1825
Shaw, Jas. Tl: Derrygarve Yr: 1825
Sheil, James Tl: A. Tracy's Land Yr: 1825
Sheil, James Tl: Bolton Boyle's Meadows Yr: 1825
Sheil, Jas. Tl: And. Torrens's Meadows Yr: 1825 Notes: for Wm. Steen
Sheppard, Richard Tl: Ballimaquiggan Yr: 1825
Sheppard, Richard Tl: Ballironan Yr: 1825
Sheppard, Thomas Tl: Ballimaquiggan Yr: 1825
Sherry, Bernard Tl: Ballimilligan Yr: 1825
Sherry, Bernd. Tl: Ballinenagh Yr: 1825
Sherry, Jno. Tl: Ballimilligan Yr: 1825 Notes: and Partners
Sherry, Widow Tl: Ballironan Yr: 1825
Shiel, James Tl: Henry Mulholland's Land Yr: 1825
Shields, Bryan Tl: Balligruby Yr: 1825
Shiels, James Tl: Aughrim Bates and Donnelly Yr: 1825
Shippard, John Tl: Ballineal More Yr: 1825
Simpson, Jas. Tl: Edernagh Yr: 1825
Simpson, John Tl: Ballironan Yr: 1825
Simpson, Joseph Tl: Ballironan Yr: 1825
Simpson, Robert Tl: Lisnamorrow Yr: 1825
Simpson, Widow Tl: Ballimaquiggan Yr: 1825
Sloane, James Tl: Tullyconnell Yr: 1825
Sloane, Samuel Tl: Tullyconnell Yr: 1825
Sloane, Thos. Tl: Cross Patrick Yr: 1825
Slofs, Moses Tl: Balligillian More Yr: 1825
Smith, Bernard Tl: Ballimulderg More Yr: 1825
Smith, Francis Tl: Ballimilligan Yr: 1825
Smith, George Tl: Ballimulderg Beg Yr: 1825
Smith, George Tl: Ballimulderg More Yr: 1825
Smith, James Tl: Ballimulderg Beg Yr: 1825
Smith, John Tl: Ballimaquiggan Yr: 1825
Snipe, Geo. Tl: Ballindrum Yr: 1825
Snipe, Jno. Tl: Ballindrum Yr: 1825
Snipe, Jno. Tl: Cross Patrick Yr: 1825
Snipe, John Tl: Balliriff Yr: 1825
Snipe, Thos. Tl: Ballindrum Yr: 1825
Snipe, Widow Tl: Ballindrum Yr: 1825
Speers, Soloman Tl: Ballineal More Yr: 1825
Speil, James Tl: Sam Crawford's Land Yr: 1825
Sprate, Hugh Tl: Ballindrum Yr: 1825
Stanley, Richard Tl: Caraloon Yr: 1825
Steel, James Tl: Caraloon Yr: 1825
Steele, Widow Tl: Ballinenagh Yr: 1825
Steenson, Hugh Tl: Caraloon Yr: 1825
Stenson, Laurence Tl: Anahorish-Stuart Yr: 1825
Stewart, Jas. Tl: Ballindrum Yr: 1825
Stewart, John Tl: Mr. Dawson's Meadows Yr: 1825
Stewart, Robert Tl: Mr. Dawson's Meadows Yr: 1825
Stinson, James Tl: Anahorish-Stuart Yr: 1825
Stinson, Thomas Tl: Anahorish-Stuart Yr: 1825
Stinton, John Tl: Graves's Land Yr: 1825
Stintons, Robert Tl: Aughrim-Garve Yr: 1825
Strains, Samuel Tl: Balliriff Yr: 1825
Striahorn, William Tl: Caraloon Yr: 1825
Taggart, Peter Tl: Ballirogley Yr: 1825
Taylor, John Tl: Caraloon Yr: 1825
Taylor, Thos. Tl: Derrygarve Yr: 1825
Teaney, Bern. Tl: Ballinuey Yr: 1825
Teaney, Jno. Tl: Ballinuey Yr: 1825
Teaney, Pat. Tl: Ballinuey Yr: 1825
Thompson, Tl: Derrygarve Yr: 1825
Thompson, John Tl: And. Torrens's Meadows Yr: 1825
Thompson, John Tl: Ballimaquiggan Yr: 1825
Thompson, Mifs Sarah Tl: Ballimaquiggan Yr: 1825
Thompson, Wm. Tl: Mowillian Yr: 1825
Thomson, Jas. Tl: Ballindrum Yr: 1825
Thomson, Jno. Tl: Ballindrum Yr: 1825
Thomson, Jno. Tl: Ballinuey Yr: 1825
Thomson, Wm. Tl: Ballinuey Yr: 1825
Tilly, John Tl: Mr. Dawson's Meadows Yr: 1825
Timony, William Tl: Ballimulderg Beg Yr: 1825
Toal, Henry Tl: Sam Crawford's Land Yr: 1825
Toner, Danl. Tl: Ballygruby Yr: 1825
Toner, George Tl: Ballimaquiggan Yr: 1825
Tracey, Jno. Tl: Balligillian More Yr: 1825
Tracy, Francis Tl: Ballineal Beg Yr: 1825
Tracy, Humphry Tl: Ballineal Beg Yr: 1825
Tracy, James Tl: Ballineal Beg Yr: 1825
Trimble, Jno. Tl: Liscausey Yr: 1825
Trimble, Joseph Tl: Liscausey Yr: 1825
Trimble, Josh. Tl: Lisbuy Yr: 1825
Trimble, Matthew Tl: Claggan Yr: 1825
Trimble, Matthew Tl: Edernagh Yr: 1825
Wagh, Joseph Tl: Ballimaquiggan Yr: 1825
Walker, Thos. Tl: Ballindrum Yr: 1825
Walls, Arthur Tl: Ballimulderg More Yr: 1825
Walls, Arthur Tl: Balliriff Yr: 1825
Walls, Brian Tl: Ballimaquiggan Yr: 1825
Walls, Henry Tl: Ballineal More Yr: 1825
Walls, Hugh Tl: Ballimaquiggan Yr: 1825
Walls, James Tl: Ballineal More Yr: 1825
Walls, James Tl: Balliriff Yr: 1825
Walls, James, Sr. Tl: Balliriff Yr: 1825
Walls, John Tl: Graves's Land Yr: 1825
Walls, Patrick Tl: Graves's Land Yr: 1825
Walls, Terence Tl: Balliriff Yr: 1825
Walls, Thomas Tl: Ballimaquiggan Yr: 1825
Walls, Thomas Tl: Graves's Land Yr: 1825
Walsh, Mark Tl: Graves's Strand Yr: 1825
Walsh, Michael Tl: Derrygarve Yr: 1825
Walsh, Patrick Tl: Anahorish-Stuart Yr: 1825
Walsh, Widow Tl: Ballimulderg More Yr: 1825
Waterson, Benjamin Tl: Lisnamorrow Yr: 1825
Waterson, George Tl: Ballimulderg Beg Yr: 1825
Waterson, George Tl: Caraloon Yr: 1825
Waterson, Ignatius Tl: Lisnamorrow Yr: 1825
Waterson, John Tl: Lisnamorrow Yr: 1825
Waterson, Joseph Tl: Ballimulderg Beg Yr: 1825
Waterson, Leonard Tl: Lisnamorrow Yr: 1825
Waterson, Richard Tl: Ballimulderg More Yr: 1825
Waterson, Widow Tl: Ballimulderg More Yr: 1825
Waterson, William Tl: Caraloon Yr: 1825
Watersons, Wm. Tl: Ballimulderg More Yr: 1825
Watson, Sam. Tl: Ballieglish Yr: 1825
Weir, Jno. Tl: Liscausey Yr: 1825
Weir, Robt. Tl: Liscausey Yr: 1825
Wiley, Sampson Tl: Ballineal More Yr: 1825
Wiley, Samson Tl: Ballygruby Yr: 1825
Wiley, William Tl: Ballineal More Yr: 1825
Wiley, Wm. Tl: Enniskillen Yr: 1825
Williamson, Archd. Tl: Ballimaquiggan Yr: 1825
Willson, Edward Tl: Ballimaquiggan Yr: 1825
Willson, James Tl: Drumminagh Yr: 1825
Willson, John Tl: Ballimaquiggan Yr: 1825
Willson, John Tl: Ballimulderg More Yr: 1825
Willson, Joseph Tl: Ballimulderg More Yr: 1825
Willson, Robert Tl: Ballineal More Yr: 1825
Willson, Robert Tl: Drumminagh Yr: 1825
Willson, Thomas Tl: Ballimulderg More Yr: 1825
Willson, Widow Tl: Ballimaquiggan Yr: 1825
Willsons, Tl: Ballimulderg More Yr: 1825 Notes: McKeown and Willsons
Willsons, John Tl: Ballimulderg Beg Yr: 1825
Willsons, William Tl: Ballimulderg Beg Yr: 1825
Wilson, David Tl: Balligillian More Yr: 1825
Wilson, George Tl: Maghadone Yr: 1825
Wilson, Jno. Tl: Maghadone Yr: 1825
Wilson, Robt. Tl: Ballygruby Yr: 1825
Wilson, Robt. Tl: Lisbuy Yr: 1825
Wilson, Wm. Tl: Ballinenagh Yr: 1825
Wilson, Wm. Tl: Tullyconnell Yr: 1825
Winning, Robt. Tl: Duffless Yr: 1825
Winning, Robt. Tl: Knockingrow Yr: 1825
Woods, David Tl: Mowillian Yr: 1825
Woods, Edward Tl: Ballineal More Yr: 1825
Woods, Hamilton Tl: Mowillian Yr: 1825
Woods, Hamilton, Jr. Tl: Mowillian Yr: 1825
Woods, Hugh Tl: Lisnamorrow Yr: 1825
Woods, Jas. Tl: Balligruby Yr: 1825
Woods, Joseph Tl: Mowillian Yr: 1825
Woods, Robert Tl: Caraloon Yr: 1825
Woods, Robert Tl: Lisnamorrow Yr: 1825
Woods, Robt. Tl: Mowillian Yr: 1825
Wright, And. Tl: Mowillian Yr: 1825
Wright, Robert Tl: Ballironan Yr: 1825
Wright, Samuel Tl: Ballineal More Yr: 1825
York, Alexander Tl: Derrygarve Yr: 1825
Young, James Tl: Ballimaquiggan Yr: 1825
Young, James Tl: Ballimilligan Yr: 1825
Young, Jno. Tl: Balligillian More Yr: 1825