KEY: L: = Location N: = Notes V: = Village T: = Town
Adams, John
L: Monkstown
Adams, Robert
L: Croghfern
Agnew, Edward
L: Whiteabbey V: Whiteabbey
Agnew, Eliza
L: Ballyhowne
Agnew, William
L: Dunanney
Agnew, William
L: Monkstown V: Monkstown
Ahearn, Simon
L: White House V: White House Lower -
Aiken, Margaret
L: Croghfern
Aitken, James
L: Ballygolan
Aitken, James
L: Drumnadrough
Aitkin, James
L: Drumnadrough V: White House Upper
Alexander, Thomas
L: Monkstown
Alexander, William
L: Ballyhowne
Allen, Eliza
L: Drumnadrough V: White House Lower - Et. Side
Allen, John
L: Collinward
Allen, Mary
L: Ballygolan V: Whitehouse Upper - East Side
Allison, Robert
L: Ballyhenry
Anderson, Robert
L: Whiteabbey V: Whiteabbey
Anderson, Samuel
L: Carnmoney Glebe
Anderson, Samuel
L: Croghfern
Anderson, Samuel
L: Glengormly
Anderson, Thomas
L: Glengormly
Anderson, William
L: Ballyhenry
Anderson, William
L: White House V: White House Lower -
Andrew, Anne
L: Ballygolan V: Whitehouse Upper - Garden Sq.
Archbold, Robert
L: Carnmoney
Archbold, Thomas
L: Carnmoney
Ardiss, Jane
L: Croghfern
Armstrong, James
L: Croghfern
Armstrong, Jane
L: Ballyduff
Armstrong, Wm. John
L: Drumnadrough V: White House Lower - Et. Side N: and Others
Arnold, Isaac
L: Jordanstown V: Whiteabbey
Aston, Samuel
L: Monkstown V: Monkstown
Auld, James
L: Monkstown
Auld, Joseph
L: Monkstown
Auld, Josias
L: Ballyhowne
Auld, Robert
L: Ballyhowne
Auld, Thomas
L: Ballyduff
Auld, Thomas
L: Ballyhowne
Bailey, Mary Anne
L: Drumnadrough
Barber, Johnston
L: Whiteabbey V: Whiteabbey
Barclay, James
L: Glengormly
Barclay, Rev. Joseph
L: Ballyduff
Barklimore, James
L: Ballyhenry
Barklimore, Robert
L: Ballyhenry
Barklimore, Samuel
L: Collinward
Barnes, John
L: Carnmoney Glebe
Barnes, Mary
L: Ballygolan V: Whitehouse Upper - Maiden Row
Barr, Robert
L: Ballycraigy
Bartholomew, Elizabeth
L: White House V: White House Lower -
Barton, Hugh
L: Jordanstown V: Whiteabbey
Battersby, Andrew
L: Monkstown V: Monkstown
Bayle, James
L: Drumnadrough
Bayle, Margaret
L: Ballygolan V: Whitehouse Upper - North Sq.
Bayle, Thomas
L: Ballygolan
Beattie, Charles
L: Ballygolan V: Whitehouse Upper - North Sq.
Beattie, Isabella
L: Jordanstown V: Whiteabbey
Beattie, John
L: Monkstown V: Monkstown
Beattie, Nathaniel
L: Monkstown
Beatty, Sarah M.
L: Drumnadrough
Bell, Alex. Mccullough
L: Drumnadrough
Bell, Mrs. Helen
L: White House
Bell, John
L: Ballygolan V: Whitehouse Upper - North Sq.
Bell, John
L: Drumnadrough
Bell, Richard
L: Drumnadrough
Bell, Richard
L: White House
Bell, Robert
L: White House
Bell, William
L: Ballyvesey
Belshaw, William
L: Ballygolan V: Whitehouse Upper - West Side
Benson, Mary
L: Jordanstown V: Whiteabbey
Bernie, Mary
L: Monkstown
Bickersteth, James
L: Jordanstown
Bigger, James
L: Carnmoney Bog
Bigger, Thomas
L: Ballyvesey
Bill, John
L: Ballyduff V: Carnmoney
Bingham, Agnes
L: Ballygolan V: Whitehouse Upper - North Sq.
Bingham, William
L: Ballygolan V: Whitehouse Upper - Derry Row
Birkmyre, James
L: Ballycraigy
Birkmyre, William
L: Ballycraigy
Black, Andrew
L: Ballyhowne
Black, Bridget
L: Croghfern
Black, Francis
L: Ballygolan V: Whitehouse Upper - Garden Sq.
Black, John
L: Ballycraigy
Black, John
L: Whiteabbey V: Whiteabbey
Black, Margaret
L: Whiteabbey V: Whiteabbey
Black, Samuel
L: Carnmoney
Black, Rev. Thomas
L: White House
Black, William J.
L: Drumnadrough
Blair, James
L: Carnmoney
Blair, Jane
L: Whiteabbey V: Whiteabbey
Blair, John
L: Ballycraigy
Blair, John
L: Ballygolan V: Whitehouse Upper - Maiden Row
Blair, Margaret
L: Ballycraigy
Blair, Robert
L: Carnmoney
Blair, Samuel
L: Ballygolan V: Whitehouse Upper - Derry Row
Blair, Samuel
L: Ballygolan V: Whitehouse Upper - East Side
Blair, Samuel
L: Ballygolan V: Whitehouse Upper - Maiden Row
Blair, William
L: Drumnadrough V: White House Lower - Et. Side
Blair, William
L: Jordanstown V: Whiteabbey
Blake, Christopher
L: Croghfern
Bland, Rev. Robt. W.
L: Whiteabbey
Bodee, James
L: Jordanstown
Bonar, Robert
L: Ballyvesey
Bowan, Susan
L: White House V: White House Lower -
Boyce, Jane
L: Ballyduff
Boyce, Robert
L: Croghfern
Boyd, Andrew
L: Whiteabbey V: Whiteabbey
Boyd, Anthony
L: Ballyvesey
Boyd, David
L: Jordanstown
Boyd, David
L: White House
Boyd, Isabella
L: Ballyduff V: Carnmoney
Boyd, Isabella
L: Carnmoney
Boyd, James
L: Ballyduff
Boyd, James
L: Ballyhenry
Boyd, James
L: Ballyvesey
Boyd, John
L: Drumnadrough V: White House Lower - Et. Side
Boyd, John
L: Glengormly
Boyd, John
L: Whiteabbey V: Whiteabbey
Boyd, Margaret
L: Drumnadrough
Boyd, Mary
L: Ballyduff
Boyd, Nathaniel
L: Drumnadrough
Boyd, Richard
L: Croghfern
Boyd, Samuel
L: Drumnadrough
Boyd, Thomas
L: Ballyhowne
Boyd, Thomas
L: Jordanstown
Boyd, William
L: Ballygolan V: Whitehouse Upper - Maiden Row
Boyd, William
L: Carnmoney
Boyle, Bridget
L: Whiteabbey V: Whiteabbey
Boyle, James
L: White House
Boyle, John
L: Ballyduff
Boyle, John
L: Ballyhenry
Boyle, John
L: Drumnadrough
Boyle, Mary
L: Ballygolan
Boyle, William
L: Ballygolan
Boyle, William
L: White House V: White House Lower -
Bradford, James
L: Ballygolan
Bradford, James
L: Jordanstown
Bradford, James
L: Jordanstown V: Whiteabbey
Brady, Bernard
L: Drumnadrough V: White House Upper
Brady, Sarah
L: Ballygolan V: Whitehouse Upper - Derry Row
Bragg, Henry
L: Croghfern
Bragg, Henry
L: Whiteabbey
Brennan, James
L: Monkstown
Bridges, Maria
L: Jordanstown V: Whiteabbey
Bright, Edward B.
L: Drumnadrough V: White House Upper N: Secretary
Brittain, Ellen
L: Ballygolan
Britton, Charles
L: Ballygolan V: Whitehouse Upper - Garden Sq.
Browne, Agnes
L: Monkstown V: Monkstown
Browne, James
L: Whiteabbey V: Whiteabbey
Browne, John
L: Ballycraigy
Browne, Mary
L: Monkstown V: Monkstown
Browne, Robert
L: Jordanstown
Browne, Robert
L: Monkstown
Browne, Sarah
L: Whiteabbey V: Whiteabbey
Browne, Thomas
L: Ballyhowne
Bryson, James
L: Jordanstown
Buckles, Joseph
L: Whiteabbey V: Whiteabbey
Bull, Geo.
L: Whiteabbey N: Very Rev.
Bull, George
L: Whiteabbey N: Very Rev.
Burney, Agnes
L: Whiteabbey V: Whiteabbey
Burney, John
L: Ballygolan V: Whitehouse Upper - North Sq.
Burney, John
L: Carnmoney Bog
Burney, Robert
L: Drumnadrough
Burns, John
L: Ballygolan V: Whitehouse Upper - North Sq.
Burns, Margaret
L: Jordanstown V: Whiteabbey
Burns, William
L: Ballycraigy
Busby, Agnes
L: Carnmoney
Busby, Isaac
L: Ballycraigy
Butler, Martin
L: Whiteabbey
Caldwell, James
L: Carnmoney
Caldwell, William
L: Monkstown
Calvert, Joseph
L: Ballygolan
Calvert, Joseph
L: Drumnadrough
Campbell, Andrew
L: Monkstown
Campbell, Archibald
L: Ballyduff
Campbell, Archibald
L: Ballygolan V: Whitehouse Upper - North Sq.
Campbell, Felix
L: Ballygolan V: Whitehouse Upper - Garden Sq.
Campbell, Henry
L: Ballyduff
Campbell, Henry
L: Ballyhenry
Campbell, Henry
L: White House V: White House Lower -
Campbell, John
L: Ballycraigy
Campbell, John
L: Ballyduff
Campbell, John
L: Ballyhenry
Campbell, John
L: Ballyvesey
Campbell, Joseph
L: Croghfern
Campbell, Mary
L: Ballycraigy
Campbell, Michael
L: Croghfern
Campbell, William
L: Ballygolan V: Whitehouse Upper - East Side
Campbell, William
L: Monkstown V: Monkstown
Carally, Bernard
L: Ballygolan V: Whitehouse Upper - East Side
Carlisle, John
L: Whiteabbey V: Whiteabbey
Carlisle, Robert
L: Ballyhenry
Carlisle, William
L: Ballyhenry
Carlisle, William
L: Ballyvesey
Carmichael, Margaret
L: Glengormly
Carson, Anne
L: Whiteabbey V: Whiteabbey
Carson, Samuel
L: Ballyvesey
Carson, William
L: Whiteabbey
Carter, John T.
L: Monkstown
Caruth, William
L: Ballyvesey
Chambers, Robert
L: Monkstown V: Monkstown
Chapman, Joseph
L: Ballyhenry
Chisholm, John
L: Croghfern
Chisholm, William
L: Croghfern
Chisholm, William
L: White House
Clarke, Jane
L: Whiteabbey V: Whiteabbey
Classen, Anne
L: White House
Clements, David
L: White House
Clements, William
L: Ballycraigy
Close, John
L: White House V: White House Lower -
Cluff, James
L: Ballygolan V: Whitehouse Upper - Maiden Row
Coates, Thomas
L: Monkstown V: Monkstown
Cochran, John
L: Whiteabbey
Cochrane, Andrew
L: Drumnadrough V: White House Lower - Et. Side
Coey, Archibald
L: Ballyhowne
Coey, Sir Edward
L: Drumnadrough
Coey, Robert
L: Ballyhowne
Coey, William
L: Glengormly
Colwell, James
L: Ballygolan
Connell, Alexander
L: Jordanstown V: Whiteabbey
Connery, Richard
L: Whiteabbey
Connolly, Jackson
L: Whiteabbey V: Whiteabbey
Connor, James
L: Glengormly
Connor, James
L: Jordanstown
Connor, William
L: Ballyvesey
Conolly, Catherine
L: Ballygolan V: Whitehouse Upper - West Side
Cooley, Hannah
L: Ballycraigy
Corr, Daniel
L: Ballygolan V: Whitehouse Upper - East Side
Corvan, Rep. William
L: Ballyhowne
Courtney, Samuel
L: Whiteabbey
Courtney, Thomas
L: Ballygolan V: Whitehouse Upper - East Side
Cowan, Jane
L: Whiteabbey V: Whiteabbey
Cowan, Mary
L: Ballyvesey
Cowan, Rep. William
L: Whiteabbey
Cowan, Rep. William
L: Whiteabbey V: Whiteabbey
Cowan, Rep. Wm.
L: Ballyduff
Cowden, Sarah
L: Ballyhenry
Craig, John
L: Jordanstown V: Whiteabbey
Craig, Margaret
L: Drumnadrough V: White House Upper
Cranmer, Anne
L: Carnmoney
Crawford, Arthur
L: Jordanstown
Crawford, James
L: Collinward
Creelan, James
L: Whiteabbey V: Whiteabbey
Cromwell, Benjamin
L: Ballyhenry
Crowe, Mary
L: Whiteabbey V: Whiteabbey
Cunningham, Anne
L: White House
Cunningham, Isabella
L: Monkstown V: Monkstown
Cunningham, Wm. C.
L: Jordanstown V: Whiteabbey
Curley, Anne
L: Carnmoney
Curran, John
L: Drumnadrough
Curran, Thomas
L: Carnmoney Bog
Currell, Mary
L: White House
Curry, Andrew
L: Monkstown V: Monkstown
Curry, John
L: Whiteabbey V: Whiteabbey
Dalton, John
L: Monkstown
Daly, James
L: Croghfern
Daly, James
L: Drumnadrough V: White House Upper
Daly, William
L: Drumnadrough V: White House Lower - Et. Side
Darragh, Henry
L: Whiteabbey V: Whiteabbey
Davison, James
L: Whiteabbey V: Whiteabbey
Davison, Richard
L: Whiteabbey
Dawson, Alexander
L: Ballyduff
Dawson, John
L: Drumnadrough V: White House Lower - Et. Side
Dawson, Richard
L: Croghfern
Dawson, Richard
L: Monkstown
Deery, John
L: Ballygolan V: Whitehouse Upper - East Side
Dempsey, Martha
L: Monkstown
Dempsey, Mary
L: Monkstown
Devenny, John
L: Croghfern
Devenny, William
L: Ballyduff V: Carnmoney
Devine, Bridget
L: Ballygolan V: Whitehouse Upper - North Sq.
Devlin, Bernard
L: Whiteabbey V: Whiteabbey
Dickson, Joseph
L: Whiteabbey
Dixon, Benjamin
L: Ballyvesey
Doherty, John
L: Monkstown V: Monkstown
Donaghy, Anne
L: Ballygolan V: Whitehouse Upper - North Sq.
Donnelly, Ellen
L: Ballygolan V: Whitehouse Upper - Maiden Row
Doran, Nora
L: Drumnadrough V: White House Upper
Doran, Sarah
L: Drumnadrough V: White House Upper
Dornan, James
L: Croghfern
Dornin, John
L: Ballygolan
Douglas, David
L: Ballygolan
Douglas, John
L: Whiteabbey
Douglas, Paul
L: Ballyhenry
Douglas, Samuel
L: Whiteabbey V: Whiteabbey
Dowd, Charles
L: Ballygolan V: Whitehouse Upper - North Sq.
Dowdal, John
L: Ballyduff
Downey, William
L: Drumnadrough
Duboyce, Robert
L: Carnmoney
Duboyse, Hugh
L: Ballyhenry
Duff, William
L: Ballyduff
Duffin, Charles
L: Ballygolan
Duffin, Charles
L: Ballyhowne
Duffin, Charles
L: Monkstown
Duffin, Michael
L: Whiteabbey V: Whiteabbey
Duffy, Michael
L: Ballygolan V: Whitehouse Upper - East Side
Duncan, Anne
L: Ballyduff
Duncan, James
L: White House V: White House Lower -
Duncan, John
L: Ballyvesey
Dundee, John
L: Ballyduff
Dundee, John
L: Ballyhenry
Dundee, John
L: Carnmoney
Dunlap, Jane
L: Ballyhenry
Dunlap, Mary
L: Ballyhenry
Dunnan, Anne
L: Ballygolan V: Whitehouse Upper - East Side
Dunne, Alexander
L: Drumnadrough V: White House Lower - Et. Side
Ellis, Archibald
L: Ballygolan V: Whitehouse Upper - Garden Sq.
Ellis, Henry
L: Ballygolan V: Whitehouse Upper - Maiden Row
Ellis, James
L: Ballygolan
Ellis, Robert
L: Ballygolan V: Whitehouse Upper - Derry Row
Ellis, William J.
L: Ballygolan V: Whitehouse Upper - North Sq.
Esler, Anne
L: Ballygolan V: Whitehouse Upper - East Side
Esler, James
L: Ballygolan
Esler, William
L: Ballygolan
Evans, John
L: Jordanstown
Farnan, Patrick
L: White House V: White House Lower -
Farquhar, John
L: Carnmoney
Farquhar, John
L: Jordanstown
Farquhar, William
L: Carnmoney
Faulkner, David
L: Ballygolan V: Whitehouse Upper - Garden Sq.
Faulkner, Ellen
L: Ballygolan V: Whitehouse Upper - North Sq.
Fee, Elizabeth
L: Ballyhenry
Feeley, James
L: Ballyhenry
Ferguson, Arthur
L: Ballygolan V: Whitehouse Upper - East Side
Ferguson, James
L: Ballyvesey
Ferguson, Jane
L: Carnmoney
Ferguson, John
L: Monkstown
Ferguson, Martha
L: Glengormly
Ferguson, Robert
L: Whiteabbey V: Whiteabbey
Ferguson, Thomas
L: Ballygolan V: Whitehouse Upper - North Sq.
Ferguson, Thomas
L: Ballygolan V: Whitehouse Upper - West Side
Ferguson, Thomas
L: Ballyhenry
Finegan, Mary
L: Ballygolan V: Whitehouse Upper - West Side
Finlay, James
L: Monkstown V: Monkstown
Finlay, John
L: Whiteabbey
Finlay, Thomas
L: Ballyduff
Finnegan, Thomas
L: Ballygolan
Finney, Joseph
L: Ballyhenry
Fisher, George
L: Whiteabbey V: Whiteabbey
Fitzgerald, Thomas
L: Ballyduff
Fitzgerald, William, Jr.
L: Ballyduff
Fitzgerald, William, Sr.
L: Ballyduff
Fitzsimons, George
L: Jordanstown V: Whiteabbey
Fletcher, Samuel
L: Drumnadrough
Folan, Margaret
L: Carnmoney
Forbes, James
L: Jordanstown
Forbes, John
L: Jordanstown
Foster, James
L: White House V: White House Lower -
Foster, Thomas
L: Ballyvesey
Francis, John
L: Ballyhenry
Frazer, John
L: Glengormly
Frew, John
L: Drumnadrough V: White House Lower - Et. Side
Fullerton, Patrick
L: Croghfern
Fulton, David
L: Ballyduff
Fulton, David
L: Whiteabbey
Fulton, Jane
L: Carnmoney
Fulton, John
L: Collinward
Fulton, John
L: Glengormly
Fulton, Matilda
L: Whiteabbey V: Whiteabbey
Fulton, Nathaniel
L: Dunanney
Fulton, Samuel
L: Croghfern
Gallagher, David
L: Drumnadrough V: White House Upper
Gallagher, Edward
L: Ballygolan V: Whitehouse Upper - North Sq.
Gardner, William
L: Jordanstown V: Whiteabbey
Gault, Hugh
L: Monkstown
Gaw, Mary E.
L: Whiteabbey V: Whiteabbey
Gaw, Thomas
L: Croghfern
Gelston, Samuel
L: Jordanstown V: Whiteabbey
Getty, Jane
L: Carnmoney
Gibb, Robert
L: Dunanney
Gibbs, Samuel
L: Croghfern
Gibson, John
L: Ballyhowne
Giffen, Samuel
L: Ballyduff
Giffen, William
L: Ballyhenry
Gillespie, Elizabeth
L: Ballyduff V: Carnmoney
Gillespie, John
L: Ballygolan V: Whitehouse Upper - West Side
Gilliland, Francis Shaw
L: Ballyhenry
Gilliland, John
L: Monkstown
Gilliland, John
L: Monkstown V: Monkstown
Gilmour, Robert
L: Ballyvesey
Girvan, Anne
L: Monkstown
Girvan, William
L: Ballyduff
Girvin, James
L: Ballyhenry
Glass, John
L: Carnmoney Bog
Glover, James
L: Ballygolan V: Whitehouse Upper - Garden Sq.
Gordon, Henry
L: Monkstown V: Monkstown
Gordon, James
L: Drumnadrough
Gordon, James
L: Whiteabbey
Gorman, Samuel
L: Whiteabbey V: Whiteabbey
Gough, Michael
L: Whiteabbey V: Whiteabbey
Gourley, Robert
L: Monkstown
Graham, John
L: Croghfern
Graham, Patrick
L: Ballygolan V: Whitehouse Upper - North Sq.
Grainger, Belinda Maria
L: Whiteabbey
Gray, Agnes
L: Ballycraigy
Gray, James
L: Whiteabbey
Gray, William
L: Whiteabbey V: Whiteabbey
Greene, James
L: Croghfern
Greene, James
L: Drumnadrough
Greene, John
L: Drumnadrough
Greenfield, Eliza
L: White House V: White House Lower -
Greenfield, James
L: White House V: White House Lower - N: and Another
Greenlees, John
L: Ballycraigy
Greer, Samuel
L: Ballygolan V: Whitehouse Upper - East Side
Gregg, Ellen
L: White House V: White House Lower -
Grey, Robert
L: Ballycraigy
Grimshaw, James
L: Ballygolan
Grimshaw, James
L: Ballygolan V: Whitehouse Upper - East Side
Grimshaw, James
L: Drumnadrough
Grimshaw, James
L: Drumnadrough V: White House Upper
Grimshaw, John T.
L: Ballygolan
Grimshaw, John T.
L: Drumnadrough
Grimshaw, John T.
L: Drumnadrough V: White House Upper
Grimshaw, Robert
L: Ballygolan
Grimshaw, Robert
L: Ballygolan V: Whitehouse Upper - West Side
Grimshaw, Robert
L: Drumnadrough
Grimshaw, Robert
L: Drumnadrough V: White House Upper
Grimshaw, William P.
L: Ballygolan
Grimshaw, William P.
L: Ballygolan V: Whitehouse Upper - Derry Row
Grimshaw, William P.
L: Drumnadrough V: White House Upper
Hackney, John
L: Whiteabbey V: Whiteabbey
Hagan, Thomas
L: Carnmoney
Halliday, Alex. H.
L: Ballyhowne
Halliday, John H.
L: Jordanstown V: Whiteabbey
Halliday, William R.
L: Ballyhowne
Hamill, Charles
L: Dunanney
Hamill, Charles
L: White House
Hamill, Charles
L: Whiteabbey
Hamill, Charles
L: Whiteabbey V: Whiteabbey
Hamill, Cornelius
L: Drumnadrough V: White House Upper
Hamill, Cornelius
L: White House
Hamill, Elizabeth
L: Whiteabbey
Hamill, Jane
L: Ballycraigy
Hamill, Samuel
L: Ballycraigy
Hamilton, James
L: White House V: White House Lower -
Hamilton, James
L: Whiteabbey
Hamilton, Thomas
L: Jordanstown V: Whiteabbey
Hamilton, William
L: Jordanstown
Hanley, Valentine
L: Croghfern
Hanley, William
L: Ballycraigy
Hanna, James
L: Whiteabbey V: Whiteabbey
Hanna, John
L: Carnmoney
Hanna, John
L: Jordanstown
Hanna, Longford
L: Ballygolan V: Whitehouse Upper - Derry Row
Hanna, Longford
L: Dunanney
Hannan, Owen
L: Monkstown
Hannan, Thomas
L: Drumnadrough V: White House Lower - Et. Side
Hanston, John
L: Jordanstown
Harper, David
L: Carnmoney
Harper, David
L: White House V: White House Lower -
Harper, George
L: Ballyduff
Harper, George
L: White House V: White House Lower -
Harper, Hugh
L: Ballyduff
Harper, James
L: Ballyduff
Harper, James
L: Carnmoney
Harper, Jane
L: Ballyduff
Harper, John
L: Drumnadrough V: White House Upper
Harper, Joseph
L: Ballyduff
Harper, Margaret
L: White House V: White House Lower -
Harper, Robert
L: Ballyduff
Harper, Samuel
L: Whiteabbey
Harper, Stephen
L: Whiteabbey V: Whiteabbey
Harper, Wilson
L: Ballyduff
Harvey, John
L: Ballygolan V: Whitehouse Upper - East Side
Harvey, Robert
L: Ballycraigy
Harvey, Thomas
L: Ballygolan
Haslett, Margaret
L: Ballycraigy
Hay, John
L: Ballygolan V: Whitehouse Upper - Maiden Row
Hayes, John
L: White House V: White House Lower -
Hayes, John
L: Whiteabbey V: Whiteabbey
Hayes, Joseph
L: Ballyhowne
Heany, David
L: Glengormly
Henderson, Edward
L: Ballyduff
Henderson, Edward
L: Ballyhowne
Henderson, James
L: Ballyhowne
Henderson, Jane
L: Ballyhowne
Heney, Susan
L: Whiteabbey V: Whiteabbey
Henry, Anne
L: White House V: White House Lower -
Henry, David
L: White House V: White House Lower -
Heron, Robert
L: Ballygolan V: Whitehouse Upper - West Side
Heron, Samuel
L: Ballyhowne
Herron, Elizabeth
L: Ballyduff V: Carnmoney
Herron, Robert
L: Ballygolan V: Whitehouse Upper - East Side
Hicks, William
L: Ballygolan
Higgins, David
L: Ballygolan V: Whitehouse Upper - East Side
Hill, Anne
L: Ballyhenry
Hill, George
L: Ballygolan V: Whitehouse Upper - Derry Row
Hill, John
L: Carnmoney
Hill, Robert
L: Whiteabbey N: and Another
Hill, William
L: Ballygolan V: Whitehouse Upper - North Sq.
Hill, William
L: Drumnadrough
Hillick, Jane
L: Ballygolan V: Whitehouse Upper - West Side
Hobson, John
L: Drumnadrough
Hodgens, Joseph
L: Monkstown
Hogan, Mary
L: Whiteabbey V: Whiteabbey
Holditch, John
L: Whiteabbey V: Whiteabbey
Holmes, David
L: Dunanney
Holmes, Hugh
L: Ballygolan V: Whitehouse Upper - West Side
Hooke, Robert
L: Whiteabbey V: Whiteabbey
Hope, James
L: Monkstown V: Monkstown
Hopkins, Alexander
L: Ballycraigy
Horner, Mary
L: Ballyvesey
Horner, William
L: White House V: White House Lower -
Houston, Jane
L: Whiteabbey V: Whiteabbey
Houston, Samuel
L: Whiteabbey V: Whiteabbey
Huddlestone, John
L: Ballygolan
Hughes, Edward
L: Ballygolan V: Whitehouse Upper - Garden Sq.
Hughes, Elizabeth
L: Ballyduff
Hughes, James
L: Ballyduff
Hughes, James
L: Whiteabbey V: Whiteabbey
Hughes, Thomas
L: Jordanstown
Hume, Charles
L: Ballyduff V: Carnmoney
Humphry, Letitia
L: White House V: White House Lower -
Hunter, Andrew
L: Ballycraigy
Hunter, John
L: Dunanney
Hunter, William
L: Monkstown V: Monkstown
Hunter, William
L: Whiteabbey V: Whiteabbey
Hurl, Francis
L: Drumnadrough
Hurl, John
L: Drumnadrough
Hurl, Michael
L: Ballygolan V: Whitehouse Upper - East Side
Hutchinson, William
L: Ballyduff V: Carnmoney
Hutchinson, William
L: Drumnadrough
Hyndman, John
L: Glengormly
Hyndman, Maria
L: Whiteabbey V: Whiteabbey
Ireland, James
L: Drumnadrough
Irwin, Hannah
L: White House V: White House Lower -
Ivers, Henry
L: Ballygolan V: Whitehouse Upper - East Side
Ivers, James
L: Ballygolan V: Whitehouse Upper - East Side
Jackson, George
L: Whiteabbey
Jackson, Mary
L: Ballyhenry
Jackson, Robert
L: Ballygolan V: Whitehouse Upper - East Side
Johnson, Eliza
L: Ballyvesey
Johnson, James
L: Ballygolan V: Whitehouse Upper - East Side
Johnston, Edward
L: Ballygolan V: Whitehouse Upper - Garden Sq.
Johnston, George
L: Ballygolan V: Whitehouse Upper - West Side
Johnston, James
L: Whiteabbey V: Whiteabbey
Johnston, John
L: Drumnadrough V: White House Upper
Johnston, John
L: Whiteabbey
Johnston, Philip
L: Jordanstown
Johnston, Sarah
L: Ballyhenry
Johnston, William
L: Ballygolan
Johnston, William
L: Ballygolan V: Whitehouse Upper - East Side N: President
Jordan, John
L: Ballygolan V: Whitehouse Upper - West Side
Joynt, Robert
L: White House
Kane, Martha
L: Whiteabbey V: Whiteabbey
Kane, Samuel
L: Ballyvesey
Keegan, Patrick
L: Drumnadrough
Keenan, Edward
L: Ballyhowne
Keenan, John
L: Jordanstown
Keenan, Samuel
L: Ballyhenry
Keenan, William
L: Ballygolan
Keenan, William
L: Ballyhowne
Kelly, John
L: Ballygolan V: Whitehouse Upper - East Side
Kelso, James
L: Glengormly
Kelso, John
L: Ballygolan V: Whitehouse Upper - North Sq.
Kennedy, John
L: Glengormly
Kennedy, John
L: Whiteabbey
Kennedy, Matthew
L: Ballyhenry
Kennedy, Robert
L: Ballycraigy
Kennedy, Robert
L: Ballyvesey
Keown, Matthew
L: Whiteabbey V: Whiteabbey
Kernaghan, Richard
L: Drumnadrough
Kerr, Alexander
L: Ballyhenry
Kerr, Andrew
L: Ballyhenry
Kerr, Andrew
L: Ballyvesey
Kerr, David
L: Ballyhenry
Kerr, John
L: Ballycraigy
Kerr, Patrick
L: Ballygolan
Kerr, Patrick
L: Carnmoney Bog
Kerr, Patrick
L: Whiteabbey V: Whiteabbey
Kerr, Samuel
L: Ballyhenry
Kerr, Samuel
L: Carnmoney
Kerr, William
L: Ballygolan V: Whitehouse Upper - North Sq.
Kilpatrick, Robert
L: Monkstown
King, Samuel
L: Carnmoney
Kinley, Thomas
L: Whiteabbey V: Whiteabbey
Kirk, Alexander
L: Monkstown
Kirk, Andrew
L: Ballygolan
Kirk, Thomas
L: Glengormly
Kirkpatrick, Andrew
L: Dunanney
Kirkpatrick, Catherine
L: Ballyhenry
Kirkpatrick, John
L: Ballyhenry
Kirkpatrick, John
L: Croghfern
Kirkpatrick, Margaret
L: Glengormly
Kirkpatrick, Mary
L: Whiteabbey V: Whiteabbey
Kirkpatrick, Robert
L: Croghfern
Kirkpatrick, William
L: Ballyvesey
Knox, John
L: Croghfern
Knox, John
L: Drumnadrough V: White House Upper
Knox, William
L: Ballyduff
Kyle, Hugh
L: Glengormly
Lamb, Martha
L: Jordanstown
Lamb, Peter
L: Ballygolan V: Whitehouse Upper - Derry Row
Lamb, Thomas
L: Jordanstown
Lamerton, Sarah
L: Ballyduff
Larmour, Anne
L: Ballyhowne
Lather, Jane
L: Monkstown V: Monkstown
Lather, Robert
L: Glengormly
Lattimer, William
L: Ballycraigy
Lawther, Edward
L: Monkstown
Lawther, Thomas
L: Drumnadrough V: White House Upper
Leech, John
L: Ballycraigy
Legge, John
L: Whiteabbey V: Whiteabbey
Lewis, David
L: Drumnadrough
Lewis, Robert
L: Dunanney
Lilly, James
L: Monkstown
Lindsay, James
L: Ballycraigy
Lindsay, James
L: White House V: White House Lower -
Lindsay, John
L: White House V: White House Lower -
Lindsay, Samuel
L: Ballycraigy
Lindsay, Samuel
L: Monkstown V: Monkstown
Lindsay, William
L: Ballyvesey
Lindsay, William
L: White House V: White House Lower -
Little, James
L: Whiteabbey V: Whiteabbey
Little, Jane
L: Ballyduff
Little, Mary
L: Ballyhenry
Lockhart, John
L: Collinward
Logan, Alexander
L: Ballyduff
Logan, Alexander
L: Ballyduff V: Carnmoney
Logan, James
L: White House V: White House Lower -
Londen, John
L: White House
London, John
L: Dunanney
Long, John
L: White House V: White House Lower -
Long, William John
L: White House V: White House Lower -
Looney, John
L: Ballygolan
Louden, James
L: Ballyhenry
Loughlin, Henry
L: Ballyhenry
Loughlin, James
L: Croghfern
Loughlin, John
L: Monkstown
Loughlin, John
L: Whiteabbey V: Whiteabbey
Loughran, James
L: Ballyvesey
Lowrey, Robert
L: Croghfern
Luney, James
L: Ballygolan V: Whitehouse Upper - East Side
Luney, Manasseh
L: White House V: White House Lower -
Luney, Thomas
L: Ballygolan V: Whitehouse Upper - East Side
Luny, Rose
L: Croghfern
Lyle, James
L: Ballycraigy
Lyle, James
L: Ballyvesey
Lyle, Jane
L: Ballycraigy
Lyle, William
L: Ballyhenry
Lynas, Charles
L: Monkstown
Lynas, Hugh
L: Monkstown
Lyons, Robert
L: Jordanstown
Lyons, William T. B.
L: Jordanstown
Mackel, Patrick
L: Ballygolan V: Whitehouse Upper - West Side
Madill, Elizabeth
L: Monkstown V: Monkstown
Magan, Joseph
L: Ballyvesey
Magan, William John
L: Ballyvesey
Magan, William Orr
L: Ballyvesey
Magee, Anne
L: Ballygolan V: Whitehouse Upper - East Side
Magee, Edmund
L: Drumnadrough V: White House Upper
Magee, Grace
L: Whiteabbey V: Whiteabbey
Magee, John
L: White House
Magill, Alexander
L: Drumnadrough V: White House Upper
Magill, Hugh
L: Croghfern
Magill, James
L: Jordanstown V: Whiteabbey
Magill, Jane
L: Whiteabbey V: Whiteabbey
Magill, John
L: Drumnadrough
Maginness, Edward
L: Ballygolan V: Whitehouse Upper - East Side
Magready, Sarah
L: Ballygolan V: Whitehouse Upper - Maiden Row
Maguire, Helena
L: Ballygolan V: Whitehouse Upper - East Side
Maguire, Maryanne
L: Whiteabbey V: Whiteabbey
Major, Fanny
L: Ballyhenry
Malcolm, John
L: Whiteabbey V: Whiteabbey
Manna, Andrew
L: Monkstown V: Monkstown
Marks, Benjamin
L: White House V: White House Lower -
Marshall, Thomas
L: Jordanstown
Martin, Anne
L: Ballyduff
Martin, James
L: White House
Martin, John
L: Carnmoney Bog
Martin, Margaret
L: Ballygolan
Martin, Margaret
L: Jordanstown V: Whiteabbey
Martin, Mary
L: White House
Martin, William
L: Jordanstown
Martin, William
L: Monkstown
Mathews, Robert
L: Jordanstown
Mawhinney, Robert
L: Ballyhenry
Mawhinny, Robert
L: Ballyduff
Maxwell, John
L: Croghfern
Maxwell, William
L: Jordanstown
Mayberry, Samuel
L: Monkstown V: Monkstown
Mc Afee, James
L: Ballyhowne
Mc Alarney, Hugh
L: Ballygolan V: Whitehouse Upper - Derry Row
Mc Alarney, Hugh
L: Ballygolan V: Whitehouse Upper - East Side
Mc Alarney, Hugh
L: Ballygolan V: Whitehouse Upper - Maiden Row
Mc Alister, John
L: Ballycraigy
Mc Ananny, James
L: Drumnadrough
Mc Andrew, James
L: Ballygolan V: Whitehouse Upper - East Side
Mc Anespy, Michael
L: Ballygolan
Mc Ardle, Mary
L: Whiteabbey V: Whiteabbey
Mc Ardle, William J.
L: Whiteabbey V: Whiteabbey
Mc Auley, John
L: Ballygolan V: Whitehouse Upper - Garden Sq.
Mc Auley, John
L: Whiteabbey V: Whiteabbey
Mc Auley, Samuel
L: Ballygolan V: Whitehouse Upper - Garden Sq.
Mc Auley, William
L: Monkstown
Mc Bride, Patrick
L: Ballygolan
Mc Bride, Robert
L: Ballygolan
Mc Bride, Thomas
L: Monkstown V: Monkstown
Mc Cabe, Isabella
L: Ballyduff
Mc Caffrey, John
L: Ballygolan V: Whitehouse Upper - East Side
Mc Caig, Jane
L: Ballyhenry
Mc Calmont, Elizabeth
L: Whiteabbey
Mc Calmont, Hugh
L: Whiteabbey
Mc Calmont, James
L: Ballyhowne
Mc Calmont, Robert
L: Carnmoney
Mc Calmont, Robert
L: Whiteabbey V: Whiteabbey
Mc Calpin, John
L: Glengormly
Mc Calpin, Mary
L: Carnmoney
Mc Calpin, Mary
L: Carnmoney Bog
Mc Cammon, David
L: Jordanstown
Mc Camphill, Stephen
L: Whiteabbey
Mc Carroll, Agnes
L: Ballycraigy
Mc Carroll, Hugh
L: White House
Mc Carroll, William
L: Drumnadrough
Mc Carthy, Edward
L: Ballygolan V: Whitehouse Upper - East Side
Mc Cartney, Hugh
L: Ballygolan V: Whitehouse Upper - West Side
Mc Cartney, Jane
L: White House V: White House Lower -
Mc Causland, James
L: White House V: White House Lower -
Mc Clarnon, John
L: Ballygolan V: Whitehouse Upper - East Side
Mc Clay, John
L: Ballygolan V: Whitehouse Upper - East Side
Mc Cleary, Robert
L: Ballyhenry
Mc Cleary, Robert
L: Monkstown V: Monkstown
Mc Clelland, Andrew
L: Whiteabbey V: Whiteabbey N: and Others
Mc Clelland, Hugh
L: Croghfern
Mc Clelland, James
L: Drumnadrough V: White House Lower - Wt. Side
Mc Clelland, John
L: Drumnadrough
Mc Clelland, Thomas
L: Monkstown
Mc Clements, David
L: Ballyduff V: Carnmoney
Mc Clenaghan, Gilbert
L: Ballycraigy
Mc Clenaghan, James
L: Ballycraigy
Mc Clenaghan, John
L: Ballycraigy
Mc Cleverty, Arthur
L: Ballyduff V: Carnmoney
Mc Clintock, Jane
L: Ballyvesey
Mc Clintock, Joseph
L: White House V: White House Lower -
Mc Clune, David
L: Whiteabbey V: Whiteabbey
Mc Clung, John
L: Carnmoney
Mc Clure, Charles
L: Ballygolan V: Whitehouse Upper - North Sq.
Mc Clure, John
L: Ballygolan V: Whitehouse Upper - East Side
Mc Clure, John
L: Jordanstown V: Whiteabbey
Mc Comb, Andrew
L: Ballyvesey
Mc Comb, Mary
L: White House V: White House Lower -
Mc Comb, Thomas
L: Ballyvesey
Mc Comb, William
L: Jordanstown
Mc Conkey, Samuel
L: Whiteabbey V: Whiteabbey
Mc Conkey, Thomas
L: Drumnadrough
Mc Conkey, William
L: Whiteabbey V: Whiteabbey
Mc Connell, Agnes
L: Ballyhowne
Mc Connell, Margaret
L: Monkstown
Mc Cormick, Agnes
L: Ballycraigy
Mc Cormick, David
L: White House V: White House Lower -
Mc Cormick, Edward
L: Drumnadrough
Mc Cormick, James
L: Carnmoney
Mc Cormick, James
L: Monkstown
Mc Cormick, John
L: Carnmoney
Mc Cormick, John
L: Drumnadrough
Mc Cormick, Margaret
L: Monkstown V: Monkstown
Mc Cormick, Sarah
L: Carnmoney
Mc Cormick, William
L: Carnmoney
Mc Cosker, John
L: Ballygolan V: Whitehouse Upper - North Sq.
Mc Cracken, Henry
L: White House V: White House Lower -
Mc Cracken, James
L: Ballygolan
Mc Crea, Abraham
L: Croghfern
Mc Crea, Richard
L: Jordanstown V: Whiteabbey
Mc Crea, William
L: Ballygolan
Mc Cready, James
L: Ballygolan V: Whitehouse Upper - East Side
Mc Credy, Mary
L: Ballyduff
Mc Credy, Samuel
L: Ballycraigy
Mc Creigh, James
L: Jordanstown V: Whiteabbey
Mc Crudden, James
L: Ballyhenry
Mc Crum, Alexander
L: Ballygolan V: Whitehouse Upper - Maiden Row
Mc Crum, David
L: Ballycraigy
Mc Crum, Hugh
L: Ballycraigy
Mc Crum, Hugh
L: Ballyvesey
Mc Crum, James
L: Ballyvesey
Mc Crum, John
L: Ballyhenry
Mc Crum, Robert
L: Ballycraigy
Mc Crum, Samuel
L: Ballycraigy
Mc Crum, Sarah
L: Ballygolan V: Whitehouse Upper - Garden Sq.
Mc Crum, Thomas
L: Ballyhenry
Mc Cullagh, Adam
L: White House V: White House Lower -
Mc Cullagh, James
L: Ballyhenry
Mc Cullagh, Robert
L: Whiteabbey V: Whiteabbey
Mc Cune, Jane
L: Ballyvesey
Mc Cutcheon, William
L: Carnmoney
Mc Dade, John
L: Whiteabbey
Mc Donald, Anne
L: Ballygolan V: Whitehouse Upper - North Sq.
Mc Donnell, William
L: Ballyduff
Mc Dowell, Benjamin
L: Ballygolan V: Whitehouse Upper - East Side
Mc Dowell, Gideon
L: Ballygolan
Mc Dowell, Hugh
L: Carnmoney
Mc Dowell, Richard
L: Ballygolan
Mc Dowell, Samuel
L: Ballyvesey
Mc Dowell, William
L: Ballygolan V: Whitehouse Upper - West Side
Mc Dowell, Wm. John
L: White House
Mc Duff, Michael
L: Whiteabbey V: Whiteabbey
Mc Elwain, Mary Eleanor
L: Ballyduff
Mc Fall, Alexander
L: White House V: White House Lower -
Mc Fall, David
L: Ballycraigy
Mc Fall, Patrick
L: Whiteabbey
Mc Fee, Anne
L: Monkstown
Mc Fee, Anne
L: Monkstown V: Monkstown
Mc Ferran, George
L: Collinward
Mc Ferran, James
L: Monkstown V: Monkstown
Mc Garry, Sarah
L: Ballygolan
Mc Garvey, Letitia
L: Whiteabbey V: Whiteabbey
Mc Gaw, John
L: Croghfern
Mc Gaw, William
L: Dunanney
Mc Gee, Redmond
L: Ballygolan V: Whitehouse Upper - Maiden Row
Mc Gee, William
L: Ballygolan V: Whitehouse Upper - East Side
Mc Gee, William
L: Ballyvesey
Mc Geogh, James
L: White House V: White House Lower -
Mc Gill, John
L: Carnmoney Glebe
Mc Ginley, Daniel
L: Whiteabbey V: Whiteabbey
Mc Gladdery, James
L: Ballyduff
Mc Gladdery, Samuel
L: Ballyvesey
Mc Gladdery, Sarah
L: Ballyvesey
Mc Gribben, James
L: White House V: White House Lower - N: and Another
Mc Gucken, Catherine
L: Carnmoney
Mc Guckian, Samuel
L: Drumnadrough
Mc Guckian, William
L: Whiteabbey V: Whiteabbey
Mc Guigan, John
L: Whiteabbey
Mc Guire, Eleanor
L: White House V: White House Lower -
Mc Ilhinny, Mary
L: Carnmoney
Mc Ilrath, Hugh
L: Drumnadrough V: White House Lower - Wt. Side
Mc Ilrath, John
L: Monkstown V: Monkstown
Mc Ilroy, John
L: Ballygolan V: Whitehouse Upper - Derry Row
Mc Ilroy, John
L: Ballygolan V: Whitehouse Upper - East Side
Mc Ilroy, John
L: Drumnadrough
Mc Ilroy, John
L: Whiteabbey V: Whiteabbey
Mc Ilvenny, Catherine
L: Ballygolan V: Whitehouse Upper - Garden Sq.
Mc Ilwain, Andrew
L: Ballycraigy
Mc Ilwain, Robert
L: Ballyduff
Mc Ilwaine, Andrew
L: Ballyhenry
Mc Ilwaine, Andrew
L: Carnmoney
Mc Ilwaine, David
L: Ballyvesey
Mc Ilwaine, Hugh
L: Monkstown
Mc Ilwaine, John
L: Ballycraigy
Mc Ilwaine, Matthew
L: Ballyhenry
Mc Ilwaine, Robert
L: Ballyvesey
Mc Intyre, Anthony
L: Ballygolan V: Whitehouse Upper - North Sq.
Mc Intyre, Elizabeth
L: Monkstown V: Monkstown
Mc Intyre, Thomas
L: Whiteabbey
Mc Kay, Cornelius
L: Ballygolan V: Whitehouse Upper - East Side
Mc Kee, James
L: Glengormly
Mc Kee, William
L: Whiteabbey
Mc Kee, William J.
L: Monkstown V: Monkstown
Mc Kegherty, Hugh
L: Carnmoney
Mc Kegherty, Hugh
L: Carnmoney Glebe
Mc Kegherty, Samuel
L: Ballygolan
Mc Kelvey, James
L: Ballygolan V: Whitehouse Upper - West Side
Mc Kelvey, James
L: Drumnadrough
Mc Kelvy, Alexander
L: Monkstown
Mc Kenna, Mary
L: Whiteabbey V: Whiteabbey
Mc Keown, Francis
L: White House V: White House Lower -
Mc Keown, John
L: Ballyhenry
Mc Kernan, Michael
L: Ballygolan V: Whitehouse Upper - North Sq.
Mc Kimm, Henry
L: Whiteabbey V: Whiteabbey
Mc Kinney, Thos. Geo.
L: Ballyvesey
Mc Kinny, Catherine
L: Carnmoney
Mc Kinstry, Samuel
L: Carnmoney
Mc Knight, Thomas
L: Whiteabbey V: Whiteabbey
Mc Laughlin, George
L: Croghfern
Mc Laughlin, James
L: Whiteabbey V: Whiteabbey
Mc Loughlin, Mary
L: Monkstown V: Monkstown
Mc Mally, James
L: Ballygolan V: Whitehouse Upper - North Sq.
Mc Manus, John
L: Carnmoney Bog
Mc Meehan, John, M.D.
L: White House
Mc Micken, James
L: Croghfern
Mc Millen, George
L: Ballyvesey
Mc Millen, James
L: Ballyhenry
Mc Millen, James
L: Jordanstown
Mc Millen, Robert
L: Ballygolan V: Whitehouse Upper - East Side
Mc Millen, William
L: Ballyduff
Mc Millin, James
L: Whiteabbey V: Whiteabbey
Mc Mullen, Thomas
L: Jordanstown V: Whiteabbey
Mc Mullen, William
L: Ballycraigy
Mc Mullin, Charles
L: White House V: White House Lower -
Mc Murray, James
L: Ballyduff
Mc Nally, Bridget
L: Whiteabbey V: Whiteabbey
Mc Namee, Michael
L: Whiteabbey V: Whiteabbey
Mc Naught, John
L: White House V: White House Lower -
Mc Neill, Hugh
L: Whiteabbey V: Whiteabbey
Mc Neilly, James
L: Ballyvesey
Mc Ribbin, Anne
L: Ballygolan V: Whitehouse Upper - East Side
Mc Stocker, James
L: White House
Mc Stocker, John
L: Dunanney
Mc Tear, Fanny
L: Whiteabbey
Mc Waters, David
L: Ballygolan
Mc Williams, John
L: Ballyvesey
Mc Williams, Joseph
L: Ballyhenry
Mc Williams, Richard
L: Ballyhenry
Mc Williams, Robert
L: Ballygolan V: Whitehouse Upper - Derry Row
Mc Williams, Robert
L: Ballygolan V: Whitehouse Upper - East Side
Mc Williams, Thomas
L: Ballycraigy
Mee, Alexander
L: White House
Melville, James
L: White House V: White House Lower -
Millar, John
L: Whiteabbey V: Whiteabbey
Miller, Robert
L: Carnmoney
Miller, Robert
L: Whiteabbey
Milliken, Eliza
L: Whiteabbey V: Whiteabbey
Minaghan, Andrew
L: Ballygolan V: Whitehouse Upper - North Sq.
Minnis, John
L: Ballygolan
Miskimmin, Mary
L: Whiteabbey V: Whiteabbey
Miskimmins, James
L: Monkstown
Mitchell, George
L: Croghfern
Moffat, Matilda
L: Ballygolan
Molloy, Edward
L: Monkstown
Molyneux, Charlotte
L: Jordanstown V: Whiteabbey
Montgomery, Eliza
L: Jordanstown V: Whiteabbey
Montgomery, Elizabeth
L: Whiteabbey V: Whiteabbey
Montgomery, Isaac
L: Ballyvesey
Montgomery, John
L: Croghfern
Montgomery, Joseph
L: Ballyvesey
Montgomery, Mary
L: Whiteabbey V: Whiteabbey
Montgomery, Robert
L: Jordanstown V: Whiteabbey
Moore, Alexander
L: Ballyvesey
Moore, Anne
L: Ballyduff V: Carnmoney
Moore, James
L: Ballycraigy
Moore, James
L: Ballyduff
Moore, James
L: Ballyhenry
Moore, James
L: Ballyhowne
Moore, John
L: Ballycraigy
Moore, Joseph
L: Ballyhowne
Moore, Maryanne
L: Glengormly
Moore, William J.
L: Ballyhenry
Moreland, Andrew, Jr.
L: Ballyduff
Moreland, Andrew, Sr.
L: Ballyduff
Moreland, James
L: Ballyduff
Moreland, James
L: Croghfern
Moreland, James
L: Whiteabbey V: Whiteabbey
Moreland, Mary
L: Carnmoney
Moreland, William
L: Ballyduff
Morgan, Bryan
L: Whiteabbey V: Whiteabbey
Morgan, James
L: Drumnadrough
Morgan, John
L: Drumnadrough
Morgan, John
L: White House V: White House Lower -
Morrison, John
L: Ballygolan
Morrison, John
L: Ballygolan V: Whitehouse Upper - East Side
Morrow, Alexander
L: Carnmoney
Morrow, Henry
L: Ballyvesey
Morrow, John
L: Glengormly
Morrow, Samuel
L: Whiteabbey
Morrow, Sarah
L: Carnmoney
Mulcahy, Ellen
L: Whiteabbey V: Whiteabbey
Mulholland, Charles
L: White House
Mulholland, Jane
L: Glengormly
Mulholland, John
L: Glengormly
Mulholland, Robert
L: Ballygolan V: Whitehouse Upper - East Side
Mulholland, Sarah
L: Monkstown
Mullan, Thomas
L: Ballyvesey
Mulligan, Martha
L: Whiteabbey V: Whiteabbey
Murdock, Samuel
L: Ballyhenry
Murphy, Anne
L: Ballyvesey
Murphy, William
L: Ballygolan V: Whitehouse Upper - East Side
Murphy, William
L: Drumnadrough V: White House Upper
Murray, Henry
L: Ballygolan V: Whitehouse Upper - North Sq.
Murray, James
L: Ballygolan V: Whitehouse Upper - North Sq.
Murray, Laurence
L: Whiteabbey V: Whiteabbey
Neill, Thomas
L: Ballyhowne
Nelson, William
L: Ballygolan
Nelson, William
L: Jordanstown V: Whiteabbey
Nesbitt, Dorothea
L: Ballyhenry
Nesbitt, John
L: Ballyduff
Nesbitt, John
L: Ballygolan V: Whitehouse Upper - East Side
Nesbitt, Thomas
L: Glengormly
Nesbitt, William
L: Monkstown
Nimack, Hugh
L: Jordanstown V: Whiteabbey
Noble, John
L: Ballyduff
Nougher, Edward
L: White House V: White House Lower -
Nougher, John
L: White House V: White House Lower -
O'Hara, Hugh
L: Whiteabbey V: Whiteabbey
O'Neill, Cornelius
L: Ballygolan V: Whitehouse Upper - East Side
O'Neill, David
L: Drumnadrough V: White House Upper
O'Neill, Francis
L: White House
O'Neill, James
L: Ballygolan V: Whitehouse Upper - Maiden Row
O'Neill, Sarah
L: Jordanstown V: Whiteabbey
Orr, James
L: Ballygolan V: Whitehouse Upper - West Side
Owens, Jane
L: White House
Paisley, Peter
L: White House V: White House Lower -
Parkinson, John
L: Collinward
Pasco, Henry
L: Ballygolan V: Whitehouse Upper - West Side
Patrick, Eliza
L: Croghfern
Patrick, Jane
L: Ballyduff
Patrick, John
L: Ballyduff
Patrick, Nancy
L: Ballyhowne
Patrick, William
L: Ballyduff
Patterson, Richard
L: Whiteabbey V: Whiteabbey
Patterson, William
L: Ballyduff V: Carnmoney
Peacock, Anne
L: Whiteabbey
Percy, Hugh F.
L: Ballygolan V: Whitehouse Upper - West Side
Percy, Margaret
L: Ballygolan V: Whitehouse Upper - West Side
Pollock, Eliza
L: Whiteabbey V: Whiteabbey
Pollock, James
L: Ballygolan
Poole, Mary Anne
L: Whiteabbey V: Whiteabbey
Porter, Alexander
L: Ballycraigy
Prince, David
L: White House V: White House Lower -
Prince, Thomas
L: Carnmoney Glebe
Procter, James
L: Drumnadrough V: White House Lower - Wt. Side
Purcell, Charles
L: Whiteabbey V: Whiteabbey
Purvis, Alexander
L: Ballyhenry
Quern, Rev. David
L: Ballycraigy
Quinn, Ellen
L: Monkstown
Quirey, Andrew
L: Ballyduff
Quirey, Jane
L: Monkstown V: Monkstown
Quirey, John, Jr.
L: Monkstown V: Monkstown
Quirey, John, Sr.
L: Monkstown V: Monkstown
Quirey, Joseph
L: Monkstown V: Monkstown
Quirey, Robert
L: Ballyhowne
Quirey, Robert
L: Croghfern
Quirey, Robert
L: Jordanstown
Quirey, Robert
L: Monkstown V: Monkstown
Quirey, Samuel
L: Jordanstown
Quirey, William
L: Monkstown V: Monkstown
Quirey, William
L: Whiteabbey V: Whiteabbey
Ramsay, David
L: Carnmoney
Ramsay, Hugh
L: Ballyduff
Rankin, Joseph
L: Whiteabbey V: Whiteabbey
Rankin, Thomas
L: Monkstown V: Monkstown
Rantin, Edward
L: Whiteabbey V: Whiteabbey
Rea, Jane
L: Ballyvesey
Rea, Mary
L: Ballygolan V: Whitehouse Upper - East Side
Reid, Andrew
L: Ballycraigy
Renton, John
L: Whiteabbey
Riddell, Thomas
L: Drumnadrough V: White House Upper
Rigney, Thomas
L: White House
Ring, William
L: Ballygolan V: Whitehouse Upper - Derry Row
Ritchie, Daniel
L: Dunanney
Ritchie, Hugh
L: Croghfern
Robinson, John
L: Drumnadrough
Robinson, John
L: Monkstown V: Monkstown
Robinson, Margaret
L: Ballyduff
Robinson, Mary
L: Ballycraigy
Robinson, Robert
L: Ballyvesey
Robinson, Saml.
L: Drumnadrough
Robinson, Samuel
L: Carnmoney
Robinson, Samuel
L: Monkstown
Robinson, Thomas
L: Ballyvesey
Robinson, Timothy
L: Jordanstown V: Whiteabbey
Rodgers, John
L: Monkstown
Rodgers, William
L: Carnmoney Glebe
Rodgers, William
L: Glengormly
Rogers, John
L: Ballyduff
Rogers, Thomas
L: Monkstown V: Monkstown
Rolleston, William
L: Monkstown V: Monkstown
Ross, Andrew
L: Monkstown
Ross, James
L: Ballygolan V: Whitehouse Upper - Garden Sq.
Ross, Mary Anne
L: Whiteabbey V: Whiteabbey
Rossbotham, Alexander
L: Ballyvesey
Rowan, John
L: Jordanstown
Russell, Anne
L: Drumnadrough
Russell, George
L: Ballygolan
Russell, Jane
L: Ballygolan V: Whitehouse Upper - East Side
Russell, John
L: Dunanney
Russell, William
L: Ballygolan
Rutherford, John
L: Collinward
Ryan, Rev. Patrick
L: White House
Sanders, Robert
L: Carnmoney Bog
Sandes, John
L: Whiteabbey V: Whiteabbey
Savage, John
L: Ballygolan
Scale, James
L: Ballygolan V: Whitehouse Upper - Garden Sq.
Scott, Anne
L: Jordanstown V: Whiteabbey
Scott, Eliza
L: Ballygolan
Scott, Eliza
L: Monkstown
Scott, Henry
L: Croghfern
Scott, Janet
L: Ballyvesey
Scott, John
L: Whiteabbey V: Whiteabbey
Scott, Samuel
L: Ballycraigy
Scullion, Patrick
L: Monkstown V: Monkstown
Seaton, Wm. John
L: White House
Semple, Hugh
L: Jordanstown V: Whiteabbey
Semple, John
L: White House
Semple, Sarah
L: Jordanstown V: Whiteabbey
Shannon, Alexander
L: Ballygolan
Shannon, Alexander
L: Ballygolan V: Whitehouse Upper - East Side
Shannon, Alexander
L: Ballygolan V: Whitehouse Upper - West Side
Shannon, Alexander
L: Dunanney
Sharkey, Margaret
L: Ballygolan V: Whitehouse Upper - Maiden Row
Sharpe, Robert
L: Croghfern
Shaw, Jacob
L: Ballygolan V: Whitehouse Upper - West Side
Shaw, John
L: Drumnadrough V: White House Lower - Et. Side
Shaw, Martha
L: Drumnadrough V: White House Lower - Et. Side
Shaw, Robert
L: Monkstown V: Monkstown
Shearer, John
L: Whiteabbey V: Whiteabbey
Sheils, James
L: Ballygolan V: Whitehouse Upper - West Side
Shelly, John
L: Whiteabbey
Shepherd, William
L: Ballygolan
Sherrard, David
L: Croghfern
Sherrard, Robert
L: Ballyvesey
Simms, Isabella
L: Ballycraigy
Simms, Robert
L: Ballygolan
Simonton, David
L: Whiteabbey V: Whiteabbey
Simpson, Jane
L: Ballyhowne
Sims, Sarah
L: Ballycraigy
Skelton, Samuel
L: White House V: White House Lower -
Skelton, Thomas
L: White House V: White House Lower -
Sloan, Arthur
L: Ballygolan V: Whitehouse Upper - Garden Sq.
Sloan, Rosanna
L: Ballygolan V: Whitehouse Upper - Maiden Row
Sloan, William
L: Ballyduff
Smith, Andrew
L: Ballyduff
Smith, George K.
L: White House
Smith, Jane
L: Jordanstown V: Whiteabbey
Smyth, Anne
L: Ballygolan V: Whitehouse Upper - West Side
Smyth, Rev. George C.
L: Carnmoney
Smyth, James
L: Dunanney
Smyth, James
L: Whiteabbey V: Whiteabbey
Smyth, John, Jr.
L: Carnmoney
Smyth, John, Sr.
L: Carnmoney
Smyth, Mary
L: Ballygolan V: Whitehouse Upper - North Sq.
Smyth, Sarah
L: Carnmoney
Smyth, William
L: Ballyhenry
Smyth, William
L: Carnmoney
Smyth, William
L: Dunanney
Smyth, William C.
L: Ballygolan
Smythe, Rev. George C.
L: Carnmoney Glebe
Spear, Gordon
L: Ballycraigy
Spears, William
L: Monkstown
Speers, George
L: Whiteabbey V: Whiteabbey
Speers, Robert
L: Ballygolan
Spence, David
L: Whiteabbey V: Whiteabbey
Spence, Hugh
L: Ballygolan V: Whitehouse Upper - West Side
Spence, Letitia
L: Whiteabbey V: Whiteabbey
Spence, Patrick
L: Ballygolan V: Whitehouse Upper - East Side
Starkey, Samuel
L: Ballygolan V: Whitehouse Upper - East Side N: and Another
Steed, Margaret
L: Ballygolan V: Whitehouse Upper - North Sq.
Steele, Thomas
L: Croghfern
Sterne, James
L: Jordanstown V: Whiteabbey
Stevenson, Anne
L: Croghfern
Stevenson, James
L: Ballyvesey
Stewart, Charles
L: Ballycraigy N: Secretary
Stewart, Charles
L: Ballygolan N: Secretary
Stewart, Charles
L: Drumnadrough N: Secretary
Stewart, Charles
L: Jordanstown N: Secretary
Stewart, Charles
L: Monkstown N: Secretary
Stewart, Charles
L: White House N: Secretary
Stewart, Charles
L: Whiteabbey N: Secretary
Stewart, James
L: Ballyhowne
Stewart, John
L: Jordanstown V: Whiteabbey
Stewart, Matthew
L: Jordanstown V: Whiteabbey
Stewart, Samuel
L: White House V: White House Lower -
Stewart, Sarah
L: Jordanstown
Stewart, Thomas
L: Glengormly
Still, Maria
L: Whiteabbey V: Whiteabbey
Stockman, Robert
L: Jordanstown V: Whiteabbey
Storey, Patrick
L: Croghfern
Stothard, Matthew
L: Jordanstown
Stott, John
L: Whiteabbey V: Whiteabbey
Strahan, Jane
L: Ballycraigy
Strahan, John
L: Ballycraigy
Strain, Hugh
L: Jordanstown V: Whiteabbey
Tate, George
L: Jordanstown
Tate, Thomas
L: Ballygolan V: Whitehouse Upper - East Side
Tate, William
L: Carnmoney
Taylor, Mary Anne
L: Monkstown V: Monkstown
Templeton, James
L: Jordanstown
Templeton, Mary
L: Monkstown
Templeton, Robert
L: Croghfern
Templeton, Samuel
L: Jordanstown
Templeton, William
L: Monkstown
Tennent, Robert Jas.
L: White House
Thoburn, Rebecca
L: Ballyvesey
Thompson, Agnes
L: Ballyvesey
Thompson, Elias
L: Jordanstown
Thompson, Elias
L: Jordanstown V: Whiteabbey
Thompson, James
L: Ballyhenry
Thompson, James
L: Croghfern
Thompson, John
L: Collinward
Thompson, John
L: Dunanney
Thompson, Patrick
L: Croghfern
Thompson, William
L: Ballygolan V: Whitehouse Upper - East Side
Thomson, Hugh
L: Ballyduff V: Carnmoney
Thomson, James
L: Monkstown
Thomson, James
L: White House
Thomson, John
L: Ballygolan
Thomson, John
L: Drumnadrough
Thomson, John
L: Dunanney
Thomson, John
L: White House
Thomson, John
L: White House V: White House Lower -
Thomson, Mary
L: Ballygolan
Thomson, Robert
L: Ballygolan
Thunberry, Edward
L: Ballyduff V: Carnmoney
Todd, Alexander
L: Ballygolan V: Whitehouse Upper - West Side
Todd, Alexander
L: Glengormly
Tolan, James
L: Ballyvesey
Torrens, James
L: Jordanstown V: Whiteabbey
Townsley, John
L: Drumnadrough
Townsley, Joseph
L: Ballygolan
Tully, Andrew
L: Drumnadrough V: White House Upper
Turnly, Dorothea
L: Ballycraigy
Valentine, William
L: Jordanstown
Valentine, William
L: Jordanstown V: Whiteabbey
Vallentine, William
L: Drumnadrough V: White House Upper
Vance, Gilbert
L: Jordanstown
Verner, Thomas
L: Croghfern
Villers, Andrew
L: Ballycraigy
Vint, Agnes
L: Ballyduff
Vint, James
L: Ballyduff
Vint, James
L: Ballyhowne
Vint, James
L: Monkstown V: Monkstown
Vint, John
L: Ballyduff
Walker, James
L: Ballygolan V: Whitehouse Upper - East Side
Walker, Robert
L: Ballygolan
Wallace, Hugh
L: Collinward
Wallace, Hugh
L: Glengormly
Wallace, Margaret
L: Collinward
Walsh, James
L: Drumnadrough
Warwick, John
L: Whiteabbey V: Whiteabbey
Watt, John
L: Drumnadrough V: White House Lower - Et. Side
Webb, William
L: Ballygolan V: Whitehouse Upper - East Side
Weir, James
L: Jordanstown V: Whiteabbey
Wetherspoon, James
L: Glengormly
White, Francis
L: Croghfern
White, John
L: White House
White, Robert
L: Ballyhenry
Whitla, Valentine
L: Ballygolan
Whittle, William
L: Ballycraigy
Williamson, James
L: Jordanstown
Williamson, John
L: Ballycraigy
Williamson, William
L: Ballyduff
Williamson, William
L: Ballygolan
Wilson, George
L: Drumnadrough V: White House Lower - Wt. Side
Wilson, Isabella
L: Croghfern
Wilson, James
L: Ballygolan
Wilson, Jane
L: Ballycraigy
Wilson, Janet
L: Ballyduff V: Carnmoney
Wilson, John
L: Collinward
Wright, James
L: Ballygolan V: Whitehouse Upper - Garden Sq.
Wright, John
L: Ballyvesey
Wright, Robert
L: Jordanstown
Wright, Robert
L: Jordanstown V: Whiteabbey
Wright, William
L: Ballygolan V: Whitehouse Upper - North Sq.
Yeo, William
L: White House V: White House Lower -
Young, John
L: Ballygolan V: Whitehouse Upper - Maiden Row
Young, Margaret
L: Whiteabbey V: Whiteabbey
Young, Samuel
L: Ballygolan V: Whitehouse Upper - East Side
Young, Samuel
L: White House
Young, Thomas
L: Ballycraigy