KEY: L: = Location N: = Notes V: = Village T: = Town
Abbott, James
L: Ballycollin
Abbott, John
L: Bovolcan
Abbott, John
L: Island Kelly
Abbott, Thomas
L: Bovolcan
Adams, Robert
L: Ballymacward Lower
Addis, Thomas
L: Aghalislone
Alderdice, Charles
L: Magheralave
Alderdice, Matthew
L: Derryaghy
Alderdice, William
L: Aghalislone
Alderdice, William
L: Derryaghy
Alexander, John
L: Lagmore
Allen, John
L: Derryaghy
Anderson, William
L: Ballymacward Upper
Andrews, Michael
L: Clogher
Annett, James
L: Island Kelly
Armour, Alexander
L: Derryaghy
Armstrong, David
L: White Mountain
Armstrong, Dorcas
L: Aghnahough
Armstrong, Hans
L: White Mountain
Armstrong, Robert
L: Aghnahough
Atkinson, Moses
L: Island Kelly
Aylmer, Ralph
L: Magheralave
Bain, James
L: Kilmakee
Bain, Ralph
L: Bovolcan
Bamford, Alexander
L: Ballymacward Lower
Bamford, Samuel
L: Ballymacward Lower
Bannister, Alexander
L: Clogher
Bannister, James
L: Clogher
Barnes, Thomas
L: Magheralave
Belchy, William
L: Magheralave
Bell, Henry
L: Clogher
Bell, William
L: Derryaghy
Belsby, Richard
L: Magheralave
Belshaw, David
L: Aghnahough
Belshaw, Joseph
L: White Mountain
Belshaw, William J.
L: Aghnahough
Berry, James
L: Ballymacward Lower
Betty, Margaret
L: Ballymacward Lower
Black, Helena Florence
L: Aghnahough
Black, Joseph
L: Derryaghy
Blackburne, Adam
L: Ballymacoss
Blackburne, Adam
L: Clogher
Blackburne, Alexander
L: Ballymacoss
Blackburne, Alexander
L: Clogher
Blackburne, Charlotte
L: Clogher
Blackly, William John
L: Magheralave
Boomer, Benjamin
L: Derryaghy
Boomer, Edward
L: Aghalislone
Boomer, Henry
L: Derryaghy
Boomer, John
L: Magheralave
Boomer, Jonathan
L: Aghnahough
Boomer, Joseph
L: Derryaghy
Boomer, Reney
L: Aghalislone
Boomer, Reney
L: Ballymacward Upper
Boomer, Reney
L: Clogher
Boomer, Reney
L: Mullaghglass
Borris, William
L: Aghnahough
Boyd, William J.
L: Kilmakee
Boyle, Jane
L: Tornaroy
Bradley, Richard
L: Ballymacward Lower
Bradley, William John
L: Aghnahough
Bradshaw, George
L: Aghalislone
Bradshaw, Joseph
L: Ballycollin
Bradshaw, Joseph
L: Lagmore
Bradshaw, Robert
L: Ballycollin
Brady, David
L: Ballymacoss
Braithwaite, James
L: Magheralave
Braithwaite, Joseph
L: Drumankelly
Braithwaite, Richard
L: Ballymacoss
Brannock, Jane
L: Aghnahough
Breathwait, David
L: Derryaghy
Breathwait, Richard
L: Ballycollin
Breathwait, Richard
L: Derryaghy
Briggs, Eliza
L: Ballymacoss
Briggs, John
L: Clogher
Briggs, Ralph
L: Ballymacoss
Briggs, Thomas
L: Ballymacoss
Briggs, William
L: Aghnahough
Broughton, Frederick
L: Derryaghy N: Secretary
Broughton, Frederick
L: Kilmakee N: Secretary
Broughton, Frederick
L: Magheralave N: Secretary
Browne, Adam
L: Tornaroy
Browne, Andrew, Jr.
L: Tornaroy
Browne, Eleanor
L: Ballycollin
Browne, Francis
L: Aghalislone
Browne, Henry
L: Poleglass
Browne, Hugh
L: Magheralave
Browne, John
L: Magheralave
Browne, Margaret
L: Aghalislone
Browne, Mary
L: Ballymacward Upper
Browne, Smyley
L: Magheralave
Browne, William
L: Poleglass
Browne, William
L: Tornaroy
Bruce, Letitia
L: Kilmakee
Bruce, Mary Anne
L: Kilmakee
Bruce, Thomas
L: Derryaghy
Bryan, James
L: Drumankelly
Bryan, James
L: Mullaghglass
Buckles, Elizabeth
L: Ballymacward Upper
Bunting, Susan
L: Aghnahough
Burns, John
L: Tornaroy
Burroughs, John
L: Poleglass
Burrowes, John
L: Kilmakee
Burrowes, Stephen
L: Magheralave
Butler, James
L: Clogher
Byrne, Catherine
L: Tornagrough
Byrne, Collins
L: Tornagrough
Byrne, James
L: Aghnahough
Byrne, James
L: White Mountain
Byrne, James, Jr.
L: Aghnahough
Byrne, John
L: Tornagrough
Cahill, Patrick
L: Mullaghglass
Calvert, John
L: Magheralave
Campbell, Francis
L: Aghalislone
Campbell, Joseph
L: Drumankelly
Campbell, William
L: Ballymacoss
Canmer, Roderick
L: Ballymacward Upper
Carr, James
L: Magheralave
Carr, John
L: Ballymacward Lower
Carr, Michael
L: Bovolcan
Carson, James
L: Aghalislone
Carson, Robert
L: Aghalislone
Chambers, Charlotte
L: Derryaghy
Chapman, Edward
L: Magheralave
Chapman, John R.
L: Ballymacward Lower
Chapman, John R.
L: Island Kelly
Chapman, Matthew
L: Ballymacward Upper
Chapman, Philip
L: Magheralave
Charley, Edward
L: Kilmakee
Charley, Jno.
L: Kilmakee N: and Co, Jno. and Wm.
Charley, William
L: Kilmakee
Charley, William
L: Lagmore
Charley, Wm.
L: Kilmakee N: and Co, Jno. and Wm.
Christian, John
L: Aghalislone
Christian, Robert
L: Derryaghy
Christy, Robert
L: Drumankelly
Christy, Thomas
L: Bovolcan
Clarke, Hill
L: Aghalislone
Clarke, Hill
L: Lagmore
Clarke, James
L: Aghnahough
Clarke, Mary
L: Island Kelly
Clarke, Robert
L: Derryaghy
Close, Bryan
L: Ballymacward Upper
Close, Francis
L: Derryaghy
Close, Hugh
L: Bovolcan
Close, John
L: Ballymacward Upper
Close, Patrick
L: Island Kelly
Close, William
L: Ballymacward Upper
Clyde, John
L: Derryaghy
Coburn, William J.
L: Poleglass
Coburn, William John
L: Ballycollin
Colburne, Francis
L: Derryaghy
Cole, Jane
L: Kilmakee
Collins, Edmund
L: Ballymacward Upper
Collins, Edmund
L: Slievenacloy
Collins, John
L: Ballymacward Upper
Collins, Thomas
L: Ballymacward Upper
Colter, Rev. William
L: Aghalislone
Commins, Catherine
L: Derryaghy
Conn, Francis
L: Derryaghy
Connor, Eleanor
L: Aghnahough
Connor, John
L: Ballymacward Lower
Connor, John
L: Island Kelly
Conway, Thomas
L: Mullaghglass
Corbett, Alexander
L: Derryaghy
Corbett, John
L: Magheralave
Corcoran, James
L: Clogher
Corcoran, Joshua
L: Aghalislone
Corkan, Francis
L: Ballymacoss
Corkan, George
L: Ballymacoss
Corkan, James
L: Ballymacoss
Corkan, John
L: Ballymacoss
Corkan, Joshua, Jr.
L: Ballymacoss
Corkan, Joshua, Sr.
L: Ballymacoss
Corkan, Mary
L: Ballymacoss
Corkan, William
L: Ballymacoss
Corken, Snowden
L: Magheralave
Cotter, Matthew
L: Derryaghy
Craig, Edward
L: Derryaghy
Craig, Joseph
L: Magheralave
Crawford, John
L: White Mountain
Crockan, William
L: Derryaghy
Crockard, Thomas
L: Kilmakee
Crocket, Robert
L: Derryaghy
Crolly, John
L: White Mountain
Croly, John
L: Aghnahough
Crone, James
L: Magheralave
Crone, William
L: Aghalislone
Crone, William
L: Lagmore
Crone, William
L: Magheralave
Crossen, Sarah
L: Tornaroy
Crossy, Hugh
L: Derryaghy
Crossy, Robert
L: Aghnahough
Crow, Samuel
L: Ballycollin
Crowe, Anne
L: Lagmore
Crowe, David
L: Island Kelly
Crowe, Edward
L: Ballycollin
Crowe, Isaac
L: Poleglass
Crowe, James
L: Derryaghy
Crowe, John
L: Ballycollin
Crowe, John
L: Lagmore
Crowe, Mary
L: Ballycollin
Crowe, Mary
L: Lagmore
Crowe, Richard
L: White Mountain
Crowe, Samuel
L: Ballycollin
Crowe, Thomas
L: Lagmore
Crowe, William
L: Ballycollin
Crowe, William
L: Poleglass
Cullen, Darby
L: Ballycollin
Cullen, Matilda
L: Magheralave
Curran, Thomas
L: Ballymacoss
Curry, Robert
L: Kilmakee
Cushnan, Patrick
L: Ballymacward Lower
Dawson, John
L: Ballymacward Upper
Dawson, John
L: Bovolcan
Dawson, William
L: Ballymacward Upper
Dawson, William
L: Slievenacloy
Dean, Catherine
L: Tornagrough
Dempsey, William
L: Kilmakee
Desmond, John
L: Derryaghy
Dickey, John
L: Kilmakee
Dimond, Hugh
L: Poleglass
Dineley, Josiah
L: Derryaghy
Dixon, Abraham
L: Ballymacoss
Dixon, Abraham
L: Bovolcan
Dixon, John
L: Bovolcan
Dobbs, George
L: Magheralave
Dodd, Elizabeth
L: Aghalislone
Dodd, Elizabeth
L: Magheralave
Dodd, James
L: Clogher
Dodd, James
L: Magheralave
Dornan, John
L: Tornaroy
Dowden, James
L: Derryaghy
Drain, Richard
L: Tornagrough
Drennan, Jane
L: Poleglass
Dubourdieu, Somers
L: Aghnahough
Duff, John
L: Aghnahough
Duff, Thomas
L: Derryaghy
Dufferin, Eliza
L: Ballymacoss
Duffield, Samuel
L: Derryaghy
Duffield, Samuel
L: Killeaton
Duffield, Samuel
L: Lagmore
Duncan, David
L: Derryaghy N: and Others
Duncan, John
L: Ballymacoss
Duncan, Samuel
L: Clogher
Duncan, Samuel
L: Magheralave
Dunlop, Rev. Samuel
L: Derryaghy
Dunlop, Rev. Samuel
L: Magheralave
Dunn, Margaret
L: Island Kelly
Eaton, James
L: Aghalislone
Edens, James
L: Ballymacward Upper
Edgar, James
L: Killeaton
Elliott, Alice
L: Aghnahough
Elliott, Edward
L: Aghnahough
Elliott, John
L: Aghalislone
Elliott, Robert
L: Bovolcan
Elliott, Robert
L: Drumankelly
Elliott, William
L: White Mountain
Ellis, James
L: Ballymacward Upper
Elwood, Egar
L: Slievenagravery
Elwood, James
L: Ballymacward Upper
Elwood, Matthew
L: Ballymacward Upper
Evans, Richard
L: Ballycollin
Evans, Thomas
L: Slievenacloy
Evans, William
L: Tornagrough
Fair, James
L: Lagmore
Fair, John
L: Lagmore
Fair, Richard
L: Killeaton
Fair, Richard
L: Lagmore
Fair, Robert
L: Lagmore
Fair, William
L: Killeaton
Fannin, James
L: White Mountain
Fanning, William
L: Aghnahough
Faughan, John
L: Mullaghglass
Ferguson, James
L: Derryaghy
Finlay, Robert
L: Poleglass
Finnegan, John
L: Ballycollin
Finnegan, Patrick
L: Ballycollin
Finnegan, Robert
L: Ballycollin
Fitzsimons, John
L: Kilmakee
Fitzsimons, Margaret
L: Kilmakee
Fleck, James
L: Derryaghy
Fleck, John
L: Kilmakee
Fleming, Thomas
L: Aghalislone
Fleming, William
L: Aghalislone
Fletcher, James
L: Aghnahough
Fletcher, John
L: Mullaghglass
Fletcher, William
L: Aghnahough
Foreman, Alexander
L: Kilmakee
Foreman, Catherine
L: Derryaghy
Foreman, James
L: Aghalislone
Foreman, James
L: Magheralave
Foreman, John
L: Derryaghy
Forsythe, George
L: Aghalislone
Forsythe, James
L: Aghnahough
Forsythe, John
L: Aghalislone
Forsythe, John
L: Derryaghy
Forsythe, John
L: Magheralave
Forsythe, Robert
L: Aghnahough
Forsythe, Robert, Jr.
L: Ballycollin
Forsythe, Robert, Sr.
L: Ballycollin
Forsythe, Samuel
L: Aghnahough
Gaddis, James
L: Ballymacward Upper
Gaddis, Lennox
L: Ballymacward Upper
Galbraith, Joseph
L: Magheralave
Galway, Hugh
L: Bovolcan
Galway, Isaac
L: Bovolcan
Galway, Thomas
L: Bovolcan
Galway, Thomas
L: Drumankelly
Galway, Thomas
L: White Mountain
Gardner, Thomas
L: Kilmakee
Gaudy, John
L: Magheralave
George, William
L: Ballymacward Upper
Gibson, Sarah
L: Derryaghy
Gillespie, George
L: Kilmakee N: and Another
Gilliland, George W.
L: Killeaton
Girvin, Eleanor
L: Derryaghy
Glover, James
L: Kilmakee
Gordon, Edward
L: Killeaton
Gordon, James
L: Derryaghy
Gordon, James
L: Mullaghglass
Gordon, Jane
L: Kilmakee
Gordon, John
L: Ballycollin
Gordon, John
L: Slievenacloy
Gordon, Sarah
L: Ballymacward Lower
Gordon, Thomas
L: Derryaghy
Gore, David
L: Slievenacloy
Gorman, Daniel
L: Aghalislone
Goudy, James
L: Magheralave
Goudy, William
L: Magheralave
Gowdy, Eliza
L: Ballymacoss
Graham, Felix
L: Ballymacward Lower
Graham, James
L: Derryaghy
Graham, John
L: White Mountain
Graham, Joseph
L: Killeaton
Graham, Margaret
L: Aghnahough
Graham, Martha
L: Island Kelly
Graham, William
L: Bovolcan
Graham, William
L: Clogher
Graham, William
L: Mullaghglass
Graham, William
L: Slievenacloy
Granger, James
L: Lagmore
Granger, John
L: Lagmore
Granger, William
L: Lagmore
Grant, John
L: Magheralave
Gray, James
L: Magheralave
Greene, James
L: Aghalislone
Greene, Morough
L: Clogher
Greenfield, James
L: Aghnahough
Greenfield, Samuel
L: Aghalislone
Greenfield, Samuel
L: Aghnahough
Greenfield, William
L: Aghalislone
Gribbin, Bernard
L: Tornaroy
Gribbin, Henry
L: Aghnahough
Gribbin, James
L: Drumankelly
Gribbin, Owen
L: Tornaroy
Gribbin, Samuel
L: Mullaghglass
Gribbin, William
L: Aghnahough
Grier, Thomas
L: Aghnahough
Grogan, Charlotte
L: Lagmore
Grogan, William, Jr.
L: Ballycollin
Hackett, Moses
L: Clogher
Hall, James
L: Derryaghy
Hall, Sarah
L: Mullaghglass
Hamill, Catherine
L: Lagmore
Hamill, James
L: Ballycollin
Hamill, James
L: Kilmakee
Hamill, James
L: Lagmore
Hamill, John
L: Aghalislone
Hamill, John
L: Ballycollin
Hamill, John
L: Derryaghy
Hamill, John
L: Island Kelly
Hamill, John
L: Poleglass
Hamill, John
L: Slievenagravery
Hamill, John
L: Tornagrough
Hamill, Robert
L: Aghalislone
Hamill, Sarah
L: Island Kelly
Hamilton, William
L: Derryaghy
Hanna, Robert
L: Derryaghy
Hannon, Alexander
L: Ballymacward Upper
Harbuson, John
L: Clogher
Harris, Oliver
L: Ballymacoss
Hart, Francis
L: Magheralave
Hart, Henry
L: Magheralave
Havern, Arthur
L: Mullaghglass
Heany, William
L: Derryaghy
Heard, St. John
L: Derryaghy
Hellix, Elizabeth
L: Derryaghy
Hendron, John
L: Bovolcan
Hendron, John Edwd.
L: Slievenacloy
Herdman, Edward
L: Ballycollin
Hertford, Marquis
L: Aghnahough N: Marquis of Hertford
Hertford, Marquis
L: Ballycollin N: Marquis of Hertford
Hertford, Marquis
L: Ballymacoss N: Marquis of Hertford
Hertford, Marquis
L: Kilmakee N: Marquis of Hertford
Hertford, Marquis
L: Magheralave N: Marquis of Hertford
Hertford, Marquis
L: Mullaghglass N: Marquis of Hertford
Hertford, Marquis
L: Slievenacloy N: Marquis of Hertford
Hertford, Marquis
L: White Mountain N: Marquis of Hertford
Hewitt, Alexander
L: Ballymacward Lower
Hillerks, Edward
L: Magheralave
Hillock, Rebecca
L: Magheralave
Hinchy, John
L: Kilmakee
Hodgen, Mary
L: Ballycollin
Hodgins, Isaac
L: Ballymacoss
Hodgins, John
L: Aghnahough
Hodgins, Matthew
L: Aghnahough
Hodgins, William
L: Ballymacoss
Hodsmith, James
L: Mullaghglass
Hood, Isabella
L: Ballymacward Lower
Hood, James
L: Island Kelly
Hood, Jane
L: Island Kelly
Hood, Richard
L: Ballymacward Lower
Hood, Thomas
L: Ballymacward Lower
Hoole, James
L: Magheralave
Howey, Robert
L: Bovolcan
Hudson, Rev. Hartley
L: Bovolcan
Hudson, William
L: Derryaghy
Hudson, William
L: Mullaghglass
Hull, Henry
L: Lagmore
Hull, Jones
L: Magheralave
Hunter, Eliza
L: Ballymacward Upper
Hunter, James
L: Tornaroy
Hunter, John
L: Bovolcan
Hunter, John
L: Island Kelly
Hunter, John
L: Killeaton
Hutcheson, James
L: Mullaghglass
Hutchinson, James
L: Derryaghy
Ireland, James
L: Poleglass
Ireland, Joseph
L: Kilmakee
Ireland, Robert
L: Kilmakee
Irvine, William
L: Lagmore
Irwin, William
L: Bovolcan
Jackson, Dinah
L: White Mountain
Jameson, Mary
L: Poleglass
Jefferson, Anne Jane
L: Aghnahough
Jefferson, Edward
L: Aghnahough
Jefferson, George
L: Aghnahough
Jefferson, Ralph
L: Aghnahough
Jefferson, Ralph
L: Ballymacoss
Jefferson, Richard
L: Aghalislone
Jefferson, Richard
L: Aghnahough
Jefferson, Robert
L: Aghnahough
Jefferson, Sarah
L: Ballymacoss
Jefferson, William
L: Aghnahough
Jenkins, John
L: Ballymacward Lower
Johnson, George P.
L: Aghnahough
Johnston, George P.
L: Ballymacoss
Johnston, Henry
L: Aghalislone
Johnston, James
L: Derryaghy
Johnston, James
L: Drumankelly
Johnston, Jane
L: Aghalislone
Johnston, John
L: Ballymacoss
Johnston, William
L: White Mountain
Jones, Edward
L: Derryaghy
Jones, Michael
L: Derryaghy
Jones, Michael
L: Magheralave
Jordan, Robert
L: Ballymacward Lower
Kane, Alexander
L: Derryaghy
Kane, John
L: Derryaghy
Kane, Robert
L: Island Kelly
Kearns, John
L: Bovolcan
Kelly, John
L: Lagmore
Kelsey, William
L: Ballycollin
Kennedy, Andrew
L: Kilmakee
Kennedy, Hugh
L: Derryaghy
Kernaghan, Andrew
L: Slievenacloy N: and Son
Kerr, William
L: Derryaghy
King, Isaac
L: Magheralave
King, John
L: Magheralave
King, Matthew
L: Ballymacward Lower
King, Matthew
L: Derryaghy
Kinnelly, Anne
L: Ballymacward Lower
Kirkwood, John
L: Magheralave
Kirkwood, Robert
L: Aghalislone
Laffan, Sarah
L: Magheralave
Lahan, Allan
L: Magheralave
Lann, Crossley
L: Aghnahough
Larkin, John
L: Derryaghy
Larkin, Thomas
L: Aghalislone
Larkin, Thomas
L: Lagmore
Larmer, Sarah
L: Aghnahough
Larmer, William
L: Aghnahough
Larmer, William
L: Clogher
Lavelle, William
L: Derryaghy
Lavery, James
L: Ballymacoss
Lecky, James
L: Bovolcan
Lecky, William
L: Mullaghglass
Lecky, William John
L: White Mountain
Lennon, Luke
L: Magheralave
Lewers, David
L: Drumankelly
Lewers, Joseph
L: Bovolcan
Lewers, Joseph
L: Drumankelly
Lewers, Robert
L: Bovolcan
Lewers, Thomas
L: Drumankelly
Lewers, William
L: Bovolcan
Lewers, William
L: Drumankelly
Lewis, John
L: Island Kelly
Linn, Henry
L: Island Kelly
Linn, Joseph
L: Island Kelly
Loan, Charles
L: Aghnahough
Loan, William J.
L: Ballymacoss
Logan, Margaret
L: Derryaghy
Logan, Patrick
L: Derryaghy
Long, George
L: Derryaghy
Lowry, Hugh
L: Magheralave
Lowry, John
L: Derryaghy
Lunn, Francis
L: Derryaghy
Lunn, James
L: Derryaghy
Lunn, Joseph
L: Derryaghy
Lunn, Robert
L: Derryaghy
Macartney, Arthur
L: Derryaghy
Mack, David
L: Aghnahough
Mack, Robert
L: Derryaghy
Maclean, James
L: Ballymacward Upper
Magee, Abraham
L: Ballymacward Upper
Magee, Alexander
L: Poleglass
Magee, Daniel
L: Ballymacward Lower
Magee, Daniel
L: Ballymacward Upper
Magee, Edward
L: Derryaghy
Magee, Eliza
L: Ballymacward Lower
Magee, Eliza
L: Ballymacward Upper
Magee, Eliza
L: Derryaghy
Magee, James
L: Ballymacward Upper
Magee, Jane
L: Ballymacward Upper
Magee, John
L: Ballymacward Upper
Magee, John
L: Lagmore
Magee, Michael
L: Ballymacward Lower
Magee, Michael
L: Ballymacward Upper
Magee, Owen
L: Ballymacward Lower
Magee, Patrick
L: Ballymacward Upper
Magee, Philip
L: Ballymacward Lower
Magee, William
L: Mullaghglass
Maguire, Roger
L: Clogher
Mahair, James
L: Magheralave
Mahair, Margaret
L: Magheralave
Major, John
L: Ballymacoss
Malcolmson, Robert
L: Island Kelly
Markey, Thomas
L: Derryaghy
Mathews, James
L: Mullaghglass
Mathews, Joseph
L: Mullaghglass
Maxwell, George
L: White Mountain
Maxwell, John
L: Ballymacward Upper
Maxwell, Ralph
L: Ballymacward Upper
Maxwell, Thomas
L: Ballymacward Upper
Maxwell, William
L: Slievenacloy
May, William
L: Magheralave
Maze, Jacob
L: Ballymacward Upper
Maze, James
L: Magheralave
Maze, Rep. James
L: Magheralave
Maze, John
L: Island Kelly
Maze, Margaret
L: Magheralave
Maze, William
L: Ballymacward Lower
McAfee, Archibald
L: Derryaghy
McAfee, Eleanor
L: Magheralave
McAfee, James
L: Kilmakee
McAfee, John
L: Derryaghy
McAfee, John
L: Magheralave
McAfee, John, Sr.
L: Derryaghy
McAfee, William
L: Derryaghy
McAleece, Margaret
L: Ballymacoss
McAlister, Robert
L: Derryaghy
McAreavy, Daniel
L: Tornagrough
McAreavy, Henry
L: Tornagrough
McBride, Agnes
L: Kilmakee
McBride, Andrew
L: Aghnahough
McBride, Edward
L: Aghnahough
McBride, Esther
L: Derryaghy
McBride, Frances
L: Aghnahough
McBride, James
L: Derryaghy
McBride, James
L: Kilmakee
McBride, Jane
L: Derryaghy
McBride, John
L: Derryaghy
McBride, John
L: Magheralave
McBride, Robert
L: Aghnahough
McBride, Robert
L: Magheralave
McBride, Thomas
L: Aghalislone
McBride, Thomas
L: Derryaghy
McBride, William J.
L: Derryaghy
McCaherry, John
L: Island Kelly
McCance, Eleanor
L: Ballycollin
McCann, Daniel
L: Derryaghy
McCappin, John
L: Poleglass
McCargor, John
L: Magheralave
McCarroll, Bridget
L: Poleglass
McCaul, Eleanor
L: Lagmore
McCaul, John
L: White Mountain
McCaul, Murtagh
L: Magheralave
McCauley, John
L: Tornagrough
McClaire, Joseph
L: Magheralave
McClean, Daniel
L: Poleglass
McCleary, Mary
L: Bovolcan
McClernan, Daniel
L: Aghalislone
McClernan, Samuel
L: Derryaghy
McCloghan, William
L: Derryaghy
McClughan, William
L: Magheralave
McClure, Henry
L: Ballymacoss
McClure, John
L: Aghalislone
McClure, Robert
L: Magheralave
McClurg, Samuel
L: Derryaghy
McClurgh, Elizabeth
L: Tornaroy
McComb, George
L: Magheralave
McComb, Thomas
L: Derryaghy
McCombs, George
L: Magheralave
McCombs, James
L: Magheralave
McConnell, Arthur
L: Ballymacward Lower
McConnell, Henry
L: Magheralave
McConnell, James
L: Ballymacward Lower
McConnell, James
L: Bovolcan
McConnell, John
L: Bovolcan
McConnell, Joseph
L: Aghnahough
McConnell, Margaret
L: Clogher
McCormack, Archibald
L: Poleglass
McCormack, Hugh
L: Derryaghy
McCormack, Thomas
L: Magheralave
McCouber, Robert
L: Derryaghy N: and Others
McCourt, George
L: White Mountain
McCourt, William
L: Aghnahough
McCoy, Patrick
L: Derryaghy
McCracken, Margaret
L: Magheralave
McCreight, Anne
L: Derryaghy
McCrory, Thomas
L: Derryaghy
McCullagh, Hugh
L: Derryaghy
McCullagh, James
L: Ballymacward Upper
McCurragh, Henry
L: Aghnahough
McCusker, James
L: Aghnahough
McDonnell, Agnes
L: Slievenacloy
McDonnell, David
L: Poleglass
McDonnell, Samuel
L: Ballycollin
McDonnell, Samuel
L: Slievenacloy
McDowell, James
L: White Mountain
McDowell, John
L: White Mountain
McElroy, Bernard
L: Derryaghy
McElroy, Bernard
L: Magheralave
McFarland, Francis
L: Poleglass
McFarland, John
L: Slievenagravery
McFarland, William
L: Slievenagravery
McGahy, James
L: Magheralave
McGarry, Bennett
L: Aghnahough
McGeraghty, Edward
L: Ballymacward Lower
McGeraghty, Edward
L: Ballymacward Upper
McGeraghty, John
L: Island Kelly
McGeraghty, Mary Jane
L: Ballymacward Lower
McGeraghty, Mary Jane
L: Island Kelly
McGeraghty, Patk., Jr.
L: Ballymacward Upper
McGeraghty, Patrick
L: Ballymacward Upper
McGowan, Mary
L: Poleglass
McGowen, Martha
L: Kilmakee
McGrady, Patrick
L: Ballymacward Lower
McGurnaghan, Patrick
L: Aghnahough
McGurnaghan, Peter
L: Aghnahough
McGurnaghan, Peter
L: Ballymacoss
McGurnahan, John
L: Ballymacoss
McGurnahan, Peter, Jr.
L: Ballymacoss
McGurnahan, Peter, Sr.
L: Ballymacoss
McGurnahan, Wm.
L: Ballymacoss
McHenry, Edward
L: Derryaghy
McHenry, Edward
L: Lagmore
McHenry, John
L: Derryaghy
McHenry, Paul
L: Derryaghy
McHenry, Paul
L: Lagmore
McHenry, Paul, Jr.
L: Derryaghy
McHenry, Paul, Jr.
L: Lagmore
McIlrath, Andrew
L: Island Kelly
McIlrath, Anne
L: Magheralave
McIlrath, Charles
L: Magheralave
McIlvanny, Alice
L: Ballycollin
McKee, David
L: Ballymacward Upper
McKee, James
L: Ballymacward Upper
McKeever, John
L: Ballymacward Upper
McKeogh, Michael
L: Derryaghy
McKeon, Alice
L: Derryaghy
McKeon, Arthur
L: Ballymacward Upper
McKeon, James
L: White Mountain
McKeon, William John
L: Ballymacward Upper
McKimmon, James
L: Magheralave
McKinstry, James
L: White Mountain
McKinstry, James, Sr.
L: White Mountain
McKnight, James
L: Killeaton
McKnight, Roger
L: Ballymacward Lower
McLoughlin, James
L: Ballymacward Lower
McMaster, Mary
L: Kilmakee
McMurray, Hugh
L: Derryaghy
McMurray, William
L: Derryaghy
McQuillen, Jenkin
L: Slievenagravery
McVicker, Anne J.
L: Derryaghy
Mears, John
L: Kilmakee
Miller, James
L: Ballymacward Lower
Miller, James
L: Island Kelly
Minnett, John
L: Mullaghglass
Moate, Robert
L: Poleglass
Moffett, William
L: Magheralave
Mooney, David
L: Ballymacward Lower
Moore, William
L: Kilmakee
Morgan, Edward
L: Bovolcan
Morough, Arran
L: Lagmore
Morrison, Alexander
L: Aghalislone
Morrison, Alexander
L: Derryaghy
Morrough, James
L: Drumankelly
Morrough, John
L: White Mountain
Morrough, Joseph
L: Aghalislone
Morrough, Robert
L: White Mountain
Morrough, William
L: Ballymacward Lower
Morrough, William
L: Lagmore
Morrow, James
L: Mullaghglass
Mould, Joseph
L: Killeaton
Mulholland, George
L: Derryaghy
Mullen, William
L: Magheralave
Murdock, Samuel
L: Aghalislone
Murphy, Alexander
L: Derryaghy
Murphy, Thomas
L: Aghalislone
Murphy, Thomas
L: Lagmore
Mussen, James
L: Derryaghy
Mussen, Samuel
L: Derryaghy
Neal, James
L: Slievenacloy
Neal, John
L: Aghnahough
Neal, Samuel
L: Aghnahough
Neal, Thos.
L: Slievenacloy
Neeson, Daniel
L: Tornaroy
Neill, Francis
L: Derryaghy
Neill, Richard
L: Kilmakee
Neill, William
L: Kilmakee
Nelson, Margaret
L: Magheralave
Nelson, William
L: Derryaghy
Nesbitt, Margaret
L: Ballymacward Upper
Nesbitt, Sarah
L: Island Kelly
Nevin, Richard
L: Magheralave
Newell, William
L: Derryaghy
Nuckle, Thomas
L: Ballymacoss
Nugent, John
L: Magheralave
Nugent, Matthew
L: Kilmakee
O'Brien, Peter
L: Magheralave
O'Neill, John
L: Derryaghy
Orr, David
L: Ballymacward Lower
Orr, Henry
L: Lagmore
Orr, John
L: Ballymacward Lower
Orr, Robert
L: Mullaghglass
Orr, Thomas
L: Ballymacward Lower
Orr, William
L: Ballymacward Lower
Orr, William
L: Ballymacward Upper
Orr, William
L: Bovolcan
Orr, William
L: Island Kelly
L: Magheralave
Parkinson, Henry
L: Magheralave
Parkinson, John
L: Aghnahough
Parkinson, Moses
L: Magheralave
Parkinson, Solomon
L: Ballymacoss
Partridge, John
L: Aghalislone
Partridge, Thomas
L: Aghalislone
Patten, William J.
L: Derryaghy
Patterson, James
L: Magheralave
Patterson, Robert
L: Ballymacoss
Patterson, Thomas
L: Ballymacoss
Pattison, William
L: Derryaghy
Pattridge, Rep. Thos. H.
L: Lagmore
Perse, John
L: Drumankelly
Perse, John
L: Mullaghglass
Perse, John
L: White Mountain
Phair, Richard
L: Aghalislone
Phelix, William
L: Aghnahough
Phillips, James
L: Derryaghy
Phillips, James
L: Kilmakee
Phillips, John
L: Derryaghy
Phillips, John
L: Drumankelly
Phillips, Patrick
L: Bovolcan
Phillips, Robert
L: Bovolcan
Phillips, Thomas
L: Mullaghglass
Quail, David
L: Aghnahough
Quinn, James
L: Aghalislone
Quinn, James
L: Drumankelly
Quinn, Samuel
L: Ballymacward Upper
Ralfs, William
L: Lagmore
Ralfs, William J.
L: Poleglass
Re Fasse, Anthony
L: Aghalislone
Rea, Joseph
L: Magheralave
Read, James
L: Lagmore
Read, James
L: Slievenacloy
Read, William
L: Ballycollin
Reid, James
L: Ballymacward Lower
Reynolds, Rev. John
L: Poleglass
Rice, Bernard
L: Ballymacward Lower
Rice, Enos
L: Island Kelly
Rice, James
L: Ballymacward Lower
Rice, Margaret
L: Ballymacward Lower
Rice, Patrick
L: Ballymacward Lower
Richardson, Edward
L: Aghalislone
Richardson, George
L: Magheralave
Richardson, J. N.
L: Magheralave N: Sons
Richardson, John
L: Aghnahough
Richardson, Jonathan
L: Derryaghy
Richardson, Jonathan
L: Derryaghy N: Of Glenmore
Richardson, Jonathan
L: Magheralave
Richardson, Mary
L: Lagmore
Richardson, Robert
L: Magheralave
Richey, Benjamin
L: Derryaghy
Roberts, John
L: Poleglass
Rosbotham, Anna
L: Derryaghy
Rossbotham, Anne
L: Derryaghy
Rossbotham, John
L: Lagmore
Russell, Hewit
L: Poleglass
Russell, Hugh
L: Lagmore
Russell, Ralph
L: Derryaghy
Sales, Edward
L: Magheralave
Salter, Thomas
L: Ballymacward Lower
Savage, Francis
L: Derryaghy
Savage, John
L: Bovolcan
Savage, William
L: Slievenacloy
Scally, John
L: Magheralave
Scott, Edward
L: Ballymacward Lower
Scott, Edward
L: Ballymacward Upper
Scott, John
L: Ballymacward Upper
Scott, John
L: Bovolcan
Scott, Richard
L: Ballymacward Lower
Scott, Samuel
L: Ballymacward Lower
Scott, Thomas
L: Kilmakee
Scott, William
L: Bovolcan
Scott, William
L: Mullaghglass
Seals, Edward
L: Magheralave
Seals, Hugh
L: Aghalislone
Seals, John
L: Aghalislone
Seals, John
L: White Mountain
Sederick, Robert
L: Aghnahough
Seeds, James
L: Magheralave
Sewers, Joseph
L: Mullaghglass
Shanks, William
L: Magheralave
Shannon, Elizabeth
L: Derryaghy
Simpson, George
L: Bovolcan
Simpson, James
L: Bovolcan
Sinclair, John
L: Derryaghy
Sinclair, Robert
L: Lagmore
Sinclair, Thomas
L: Lagmore
Sinclair, Thomas, Jr.
L: Ballycollin
Sinclair, Thomas, Sr.
L: Ballycollin
Sinclair, William
L: Lagmore
Sloan, Margaret
L: Magheralave
Smith, Anne J.
L: Derryaghy
Smith, James
L: Lagmore
Smith, Mary
L: Tornagrough
Smith, Samuel
L: Drumankelly
Smyth, James
L: Magheralave
Spence, Jane
L: Aghnahough
Stannus, Jas.
L: Clogher N: Very Rev.
Stannus, Jas.
L: Derryaghy N: Very Rev.
Stannus, Thomas
L: Magheralave
Steed, John
L: Ballymacward Lower
Steed, Margaret
L: Aghalislone
Steed, Richard
L: Island Kelly
Steel, James
L: White Mountain
Steel, John
L: White Mountain
Steele, Isabella
L: Poleglass
Stenson, John
L: Derryaghy
Stenson, Thomas
L: Lagmore
Stenton, Thomas
L: Mullaghglass
Stevenson, Isaac
L: Magheralave
Stevenson, James
L: Magheralave
Stevenson, Margaret
L: Magheralave
Stevenson, Robert
L: White Mountain
Stevenson, William
L: Lagmore
Stewart, Alexander
L: Ballymacward Lower
Stewart, Rev. Henry
L: Poleglass
Stewart, Matthew
L: Lagmore
Stewart, Robert
L: Ballymacward Lower
Stewart, William
L: Magheralave
Strain, John
L: Poleglass
Symes, Matthew
L: Poleglass
Taggart, James
L: Kilmakee
Tanahill, James
L: Kilmakee
Tate, James
L: Lagmore
Tate, James
L: Tornaroy
Tatten, Joseph
L: Derryaghy
Taylor, Elizabeth
L: Derryaghy
Taylor, William
L: Magheralave
Taylor, William John
L: Ballymacward Upper
Thompson, Adam
L: Poleglass
Thompson, Alexander
L: Aghalislone
Thompson, Alexander
L: Magheralave
Thompson, Anne
L: Killeaton
Thompson, Rep. Benjamin
L: Lagmore
Thompson, Rep. Benjamin
L: Slievenagravery
Thompson, George
L: Magheralave
Thompson, Henry
L: Kilmakee
Thompson, James
L: Ballymacoss
Thompson, James
L: Lagmore
Thompson, John
L: Aghnahough
Thompson, John
L: Lagmore
Thompson, Joseph
L: Ballymacoss
Thompson, Mary
L: Derryaghy
Thompson, Ross
L: Lagmore
Thompson, William
L: Ballymacward Upper
Thompson, William
L: Island Kelly
Thompson, William
L: Lagmore
Thompson, William J.
L: Poleglass
Tinsley, Isaac
L: Island Kelly
Tinsley, James
L: Ballymacward Upper
Tinsley, Mary
L: Ballymacward Upper
Tinsley, Robert
L: Ballymacward Upper
Tinsley, William
L: Ballymacward Upper
Tolan, John
L: Island Kelly
Toland, James
L: Tornagrough
Totten, Alexander
L: Magheralave
Townsley, Jane
L: Poleglass
Tranlaverry, Hugh
L: Aghalislone
Trimble, William
L: Derryaghy
Usher, Joseph
L: Ballymacoss
Walker, Henry
L: Magheralave
Walker, William
L: Ballycollin
Walker, William
L: Island Kelly
Wallace, James
L: Lagmore
Wallace, John
L: Island Kelly
Walsh, Henry
L: Derryaghy
Walsh, Henry
L: Lagmore
Ward, Michael
L: Ballymacward Lower
Waring, Edward
L: Derryaghy
Waring, Edward
L: Mullaghglass
Waring, Henry
L: Mullaghglass
Waring, John
L: Bovolcan
Waring, John
L: Lagmore
Waring, John, Jr.
L: Mullaghglass
Waring, John, Sr.
L: Bovolcan
Waring, John, Sr.
L: Mullaghglass
Waring, Philip
L: Mullaghglass
Waring, Richard
L: Aghalislone
Waring, Richard
L: Mullaghglass
Waring, Robert
L: Aghalislone
Waring, Robert
L: Ballycollin
Waring, Robert
L: Mullaghglass
Waring, Robert
L: Poleglass
Waring, William
L: Derryaghy
Warren, Dorothea
L: Aghalislone
Waters, John
L: Aghalislone
Waters, Maria
L: Tornagrough
Watson, Anthony
L: White Mountain
Watson, Hugh
L: Drumankelly
Watson, Isabella
L: Magheralave
Watson, James
L: Lagmore
Watson, John
L: Magheralave
Webb, Isaac
L: Aghalislone
Webb, John
L: Poleglass
White, Eleanor
L: Aghalislone
White, Hugh
L: Island Kelly
White, Peter
L: Kilmakee
White, William
L: Bovolcan
Williamson, Arthur
L: Magheralave
Williamson, John
L: Kilmakee
Williamson, Moses
L: Magheralave
Willis, Abraham
L: Derryaghy
Willis, Abraham
L: Poleglass
Willis, John
L: Mullaghglass
Willis, John
L: White Mountain
Willis, Richard
L: Lagmore
Willis, Richard
L: White Mountain
Willis, Roger
L: Drumankelly
Willis, Sarah
L: Aghalislone
Willis, Sarah
L: Magheralave
Willis, William
L: Mullaghglass
Willis, William
L: White Mountain
Wilson, James
L: Ballymacward Lower
Wilson, Samuel
L: Aghalislone
Wilson, Samuel
L: Clogher
Wilson, William
L: Ballymacoss
Wilson, William
L: Magheralave
Winters, Thomas
L: Ballycollin
Woods, George
L: Ballycollin
Woods, George
L: Poleglass
Woods, William
L: Ballycollin
Wright, John
L: Derryaghy
Wright, John
L: Kilmakee
Yarr, Thomas
L: Ballymacward Lower
Yarr, Thomas
L: Ballymacward Upper
Young, William
L: Ballymacward Upper