Griffith's Valuation: Muckamore Grange Parish, County Antrim

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Griffith's Valuation in Muckamore Grange Parish

Griffith ’s Valuation that took place in Muckamore Grange parish and every other parish in county Antrim and throughout Ireland. Griffith's valuation is the name widely given to the Primary Valuation of Ireland, a property tax survey carried out in the mid-nineteenth century under the supervision of Sir Richard Griffith. The survey involved the detailed valuation of every taxable piece of agricultural or built property on the island of Ireland and was published county-by-county between the years 1847 and 1864.

The process of valuation was painstakingly thorough, involving multiple visits by valuation teams to analyse all of the factors influencing the economic status of the property: average rents paid in the area; distance from the nearest market town. The aim was to get as accurate as possible an estimate of the annual income that each property should produce. The Griffiths Valuation was carried out in county Antrim in 1861 and 1862.


Griffiths Valuation: Muckamore Grange Parish 1861 and 1862

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You should also check the records of Muckamore Grange parish from the Tithe Applotment books in the 1820's and 1830's



KEY:   L: = Location     N: = Notes     V: = Village     T: = Town

Adair, Henry L: Muckamore
Adair, William L: Balloo
Agar, Jas. L: Balloo N: Hon. and Rev.
Agar, Jas. L: Oldstone N: Hon. and Rev.
Agar, Jas. L: Tirgracey N: Hon. and Rev.
Aiken, James L: Shaneoguestown
Aiken, Matthew L: Shaneoguestown
Allison, James L: T: Antrim - Massereene
Armstrong, Thomas L: Muckamore
Bailie, Robert H. L: Shaneoguestown
Barr, Robert L: Tirgracey
Baxter, Mary L: Ballyarnot
Beatly, Lilly L: Oldstone
Beattie, John L: T: Antrim - Massereene
Beatty, John L: Islandbane
Bell, Margaret L: Ballyarnot
Bernie, Samuel L: Balloo
Black, John L: Tirgracey
Blair, William L: Balloo
Boyd, James L: Muckamore
Boyd, Robert L: Shaneoguestown
Boyd, Thomas L: Islandbane
Bradley, Thomas L: T: Antrim - Massereene
Brooks, William L: Islandbane
Browne, Elizabeth L: Shaneoguestown
Browne, James G. L: Shaneoguestown
Burns, William L: Tirgracey
Byrne, James L: T: Antrim - Massereene
Campbell, Anne L: Shaneoguestown
Carson, James L: Shaneoguestown
Cassidy, Edward L: Shaneoguestown
Cassidy, Jane L: Oldstone
Catson, Matthew L: Tirgracey
Caulfield, Thomas L: Ballyarnot
Chaine, William L: Islandbane
Chaine, William L: Muckamore
Chaine, William L: Tirgracey
Chaine, William, Sr. L: Shaneoguestown
Charters, John L: Oldstone
Christy, Isabella L: Tirgracey
Christy, Thomas L: Tirgracey
Cinamond, Joseph L: Ballyarnot
Cinnamond, William L: Shaneoguestown
Clotworthy, Catherine L: Tirgracey
Clotworthy, Charles L: Tirgracey
Clotworthy, George L: Tirgracey
Clyde, John L: Muckamore
Coates, George L: Oldstone
Condron, William L: T: Antrim - Massereene
Cooke, John L: Ballyharvey Lower
Corry, James L: Ballyharvey Lower
Craig, James L: Islandbane
Crawford, Anne L: T: Antrim - Massereene
Crawford, David L: Ballyharvey Lower
Crawford, Elizabeth L: T: Antrim - Massereene
Crawford, Margaret L: Oldstone
Crawford, Thomas L: T: Antrim - Massereene
Creery, Charles A. L: Islandbane
Curry, George J. L: T: Antrim - Massereene
Darragh, William L: T: Antrim - Massereene
Daven, Charles L: Ballyarnot
Davison, Andrew L: Shaneoguestown
Davison, Francis L: Balloo
Davivson, David L: Islandbane
Devitt, Alexander L: Tirgracey
Dickey, William L: Balloo
Dobbin, George L: Oldstone
Dogherty, John L: Shaneoguestown
Donaldson, John L: Balloo
Douglas, Margaret L: Shaneoguestown
Downey, Jane L: Oldstone
Egglesby, William L: Oldstone
Ellison, James L: Ballyharvey Upper
Ellison, James L: Oldstone
Ellison, Sarah L: Ballyharvey Upper
Farley, Margaret L: T: Antrim - Massereene
Faulkner, William L: Muckamore
Faulkner, William L: Shaneoguestown
Ferguson, Francis L: Tirgracey
Ferguson, James L: Muckamore
Ferguson, John L: Muckamore
Ferguson, Joseph L: Tirgracey
Ferguson, William L: Shaneoguestown
Ferris, Bernard L: Shaneoguestown
Finlay, James L: Balloo
Finlay, Samuel L: Oldstone
Finlay, William John L: Tirgracey
Fisher, James L: Islandbane
Fleming, Alexander L: T: Antrim - Massereene
Forsyth, James L: Ballyarnot
Fryar, Archibald L: Islandbane
Gardiner, William L: Shaneoguestown
George, Thomas L: Ballyarnot
Getty, Hannah L: T: Antrim - Massereene
Giffin, Thomas L: Islandbane
Giffin, Thomas L: Shaneoguestown
Gilchrist, Rep. Arthur L: Oldstone
Gilmore, Daniel L: Shaneoguestown
Gilmore, Joseph L: Ballyharvey Lower
Gott, William L: Ballyarnot
Gray, James L: Balloo
Gray, John L: Shaneoguestown
Gray, Sarah L: T: Antrim - Massereene
Greer, Henry L: Muckamore
Greer, Hugh L: Muckamore
Greer, Hugh L: Shaneoguestown
Greer, John L: Muckamore
Greer, Mary L: Islandbane
Hamilton, Thomas L: Balloo
Hannan, James L: Balloo
Harper, Ellen L: Tirgracey
Hatton, John L: Shaneoguestown
Hazlett, Jacob L: Shaneoguestown
Heron, Mary L: Ballyharvey Lower
Higginson, Edward L: Ballyharvey Lower
Holmes, Thomas L: Tirgracey
Hope, Robert L: Shaneoguestown
Hume, Alexander L: Oldstone
Hume, Alice L: Ballyharvey Lower
Hunter, Alexander L: Shaneoguestown
Hunter, John L: Muckamore
Hunter, Joseph L: Ballyarnot
Hunter, Joseph L: Oldstone
Hurl, Margaret L: T: Antrim - Massereene
Ingram, John L: Tirgracey
Irwin, James L: Oldstone
Jack, Samuel L: Ballyarnot
Jackson, James L: Tirgracey
Jackson, Jane L: Ballyarnot
Jackson, Samuel L: Ballyarnot
Jackson, William L: Ballyarnot
Jameson, Andrew L: Islandbane
Jameson, James L: Tirgracey
Jennings, Matthew L: Shaneoguestown
Johnston, Alexander L: Oldstone
Johnston, Henry L: Ballyarnot
Johnston, Henry L: Shaneoguestown
Johnston, Margaret L: Shaneoguestown
Kelly, John L: Balloo
Kennedy, James L: Ballyharvey Lower
Kerr, Sarah L: Shaneoguestown
Kilpatrick, Thomas L: Balloo
Kilpatrick, Thomas L: Islandbane
Kilpatrick, William L: Shaneoguestown
Kirkpatrick, Henry L: Shaneoguestown
Knox, Maurice W. L: Oldstone
Leggins, Hugh L: Oldstone
Logan, Thomas L: Tirgracey
Lynas, Anne L: Shaneoguestown
Mackin, William L: Balloo
Magill, John L: Muckamore
Magill, Samuel L: Ballyharvey Lower
Mallaghan, Bernard L: T: Antrim - Massereene
Marcus, James L: Tirgracey
Martin, James L: Islandbane
Massereene, Viscount L: Balloo
Massereene, Viscount L: Deerpark
McAteer, Thomas L: Balloo
McBride, John L: Shaneoguestown
McBride, Thomas L: Shaneoguestown
McBurney, William L: T: Antrim - Massereene
McCann, John L: Balloo
McCartney, Thomas L: Oldstone
McCartney, Wm. John L: Ballyarnot
McCawley, Francis L: Shaneoguestown
McCleery, James L: Shaneoguestown
McCleery, John L: Shaneoguestown
McClintock, James L: Tirgracey
McClugen, Agnes L: Ballyarnot
McConaghy, Patrick L: T: Antrim - Massereene
McCreagh, Eliza L: Muckamore
McFall, John L: T: Antrim - Massereene
McFeddries, James L: Muckamore
McGarry, Henry L: Ballyarnot
McGarry, James L: Oldstone
McIlwrath, Deborah L: Ballyarnot
McIlwrath, James L: Balloo
McKee, Thomas L: Shaneoguestown
McKeen, Alexander L: Islandbane
McKeon, Ellen L: Oldstone
McKeon, Henry L: Oldstone
McLarnon, Robert L: Muckamore
McMarty, Jane L: Shaneoguestown
McMullan, John L: Shaneoguestown
McMullen, Alexander L: Shaneoguestown
McQuillan, William L: Shaneoguestown
McQuilty, James L: Ballyharvey Upper
McShane, Hugh L: Islandbane
Mewha, Samuel L: Tirgracey
Millar, John L: Tirgracey
Millar, William L: T: Antrim - Massereene
Miller, David L: Shaneoguestown
Milliken, Alexander L: Shaneoguestown
Milliken, Mary Anne L: Shaneoguestown
Molyneux, Jane L: Ballyharvey Lower
Molyneux, Samuel F. L: Shaneoguestown
Montgomery, George L: Shaneoguestown
Moore, Hugh L: Ballyharvey Upper
Moore, James L: Balloo
Moore, Mary L: Islandbane
Moore, Robert L: Oldstone
Morrow, Catherine L: Islandbane
Morrow, Rev. Thos. K. M. L: Muckamore
Mulholland, Hugh L: Shaneoguestown
Mulholland, Patrick L: Ballyharvey Upper
Mullan, David L: Shaneoguestown
Mullen, Thomas L: Balloo
Mullen, William L: Balloo
Mullen, William L: Oldstone
Murdock, James L: T: Antrim - Massereene
Murdock, James L: Tirgracey
Murphy, Daniel L: Balloo
Murphy, Daniel L: Ballyarnot
Murphy, Esther L: Oldstone
Murphy, Jane L: Oldstone
Murphy, John L: Oldstone
Murphy, Mary L: Muckamore
Murphy, Robert L: Oldstone
Murphy, William L: Muckamore
Murphy, William L: Oldstone
Neill, Margaret L: Islandbane
Neill, Maria J. L: Oldstone
Nelson, James L: Oldstone
Nesbitt, Matthew L: Oldstone
Nicholls, James L: Muckamore
Nixon, John L: Islandbane
Norton, Michael L: Balloo
O'Neill, Ellen L: T: Antrim - Massereene
O'Neill, Geroge L: T: Antrim - Massereene
O'Neill, John L: Balloo
O'Neill, John L: T: Antrim - Massereene
O'Neill, Mary Anne L: T: Antrim - Massereene
Palmer, John L: Islandbane
Palmer, Samuel L: Islandbane
Palmer, Samuel L: Tirgracey
Parker, William L: Shaneoguestown
Patterson, Thomas L: Shaneoguestown
Payne, James L: Oldstone
Peddin, Samuel L: Shaneoguestown
Rankin, James L: Muckamore
Rea, James L: Muckamore
Rea, Letitia L: Oldstone
Redmond, John L: Shaneoguestown
Reid, Mary L: Ballyarnot
Richardson, James L: Muckamore
Richmond, Charles L: Shaneoguestown
Scott, Alexander L: Shaneoguestown
Semple, William L: Muckamore
Sloan, James L: Islandbane
Smart, John L: Ballyarnot
Smith, James L: Islandbane
Stephenson, Hannah L: Islandbane
Stephenson, Wm. John L: Tirgracey
Stewart, Mary L: Oldstone
Stewart, Robert L: Tirgracey
Strain, Andrew L: Ballyharvey Upper
Taaffe, Alexander L: Tirgracey
Taaffe, Joseph L: Tirgracey
Taggart, John L: Balloo
Taylor, William L: Oldstone
Thompson, John L: Oldstone
Thompson, Mary L: Oldstone
Thompson, Sarah L: Muckamore
Thomson, Thomas L: T: Antrim - Massereene
Toner, David L: Muckamore
Tosh, John L: Muckamore
Tracy, John L: Muckamore
Tracy, William L: Shaneoguestown
Tully, James L: Oldstone
Wallace, David L: T: Antrim - Massereene
Wallace, James L: T: Antrim - Massereene
Wallace, William L: T: Antrim - Massereene
Walsh, Patrick L: Islandbane
Watson, John L: Tirgracey
White, Hercules L: Shaneoguestown
White, James L: Muckamore
White, Nathaniel L: Oldstone
Whiteside, Rev. James L: Muckamore
Whittle, Stafford L: Muckamore
Wilson, George L: Shaneoguestown
Wilson, John L: Islandbane
Wilson, John L: Shaneoguestown
Wilson, William L: Shaneoguestown
Young, George L: Shaneoguestown
Young, Joseph L: Islandbane
Young, Robert L: Balloo