KEY: L: = Location N: = Notes V: = Village T: = Town
Adair, Henry
L: Muckamore
Adair, William
L: Balloo
Agar, Jas.
L: Balloo N: Hon. and Rev.
Agar, Jas.
L: Oldstone N: Hon. and Rev.
Agar, Jas.
L: Tirgracey N: Hon. and Rev.
Aiken, James
L: Shaneoguestown
Aiken, Matthew
L: Shaneoguestown
Allison, James
L: T: Antrim - Massereene
Armstrong, Thomas
L: Muckamore
Bailie, Robert H.
L: Shaneoguestown
Barr, Robert
L: Tirgracey
Baxter, Mary
L: Ballyarnot
Beatly, Lilly
L: Oldstone
Beattie, John
L: T: Antrim - Massereene
Beatty, John
L: Islandbane
Bell, Margaret
L: Ballyarnot
Bernie, Samuel
L: Balloo
Black, John
L: Tirgracey
Blair, William
L: Balloo
Boyd, James
L: Muckamore
Boyd, Robert
L: Shaneoguestown
Boyd, Thomas
L: Islandbane
Bradley, Thomas
L: T: Antrim - Massereene
Brooks, William
L: Islandbane
Browne, Elizabeth
L: Shaneoguestown
Browne, James G.
L: Shaneoguestown
Burns, William
L: Tirgracey
Byrne, James
L: T: Antrim - Massereene
Campbell, Anne
L: Shaneoguestown
Carson, James
L: Shaneoguestown
Cassidy, Edward
L: Shaneoguestown
Cassidy, Jane
L: Oldstone
Catson, Matthew
L: Tirgracey
Caulfield, Thomas
L: Ballyarnot
Chaine, William
L: Islandbane
Chaine, William
L: Muckamore
Chaine, William
L: Tirgracey
Chaine, William, Sr.
L: Shaneoguestown
Charters, John
L: Oldstone
Christy, Isabella
L: Tirgracey
Christy, Thomas
L: Tirgracey
Cinamond, Joseph
L: Ballyarnot
Cinnamond, William
L: Shaneoguestown
Clotworthy, Catherine
L: Tirgracey
Clotworthy, Charles
L: Tirgracey
Clotworthy, George
L: Tirgracey
Clyde, John
L: Muckamore
Coates, George
L: Oldstone
Condron, William
L: T: Antrim - Massereene
Cooke, John
L: Ballyharvey Lower
Corry, James
L: Ballyharvey Lower
Craig, James
L: Islandbane
Crawford, Anne
L: T: Antrim - Massereene
Crawford, David
L: Ballyharvey Lower
Crawford, Elizabeth
L: T: Antrim - Massereene
Crawford, Margaret
L: Oldstone
Crawford, Thomas
L: T: Antrim - Massereene
Creery, Charles A.
L: Islandbane
Curry, George J.
L: T: Antrim - Massereene
Darragh, William
L: T: Antrim - Massereene
Daven, Charles
L: Ballyarnot
Davison, Andrew
L: Shaneoguestown
Davison, Francis
L: Balloo
Davivson, David
L: Islandbane
Devitt, Alexander
L: Tirgracey
Dickey, William
L: Balloo
Dobbin, George
L: Oldstone
Dogherty, John
L: Shaneoguestown
Donaldson, John
L: Balloo
Douglas, Margaret
L: Shaneoguestown
Downey, Jane
L: Oldstone
Egglesby, William
L: Oldstone
Ellison, James
L: Ballyharvey Upper
Ellison, James
L: Oldstone
Ellison, Sarah
L: Ballyharvey Upper
Farley, Margaret
L: T: Antrim - Massereene
Faulkner, William
L: Muckamore
Faulkner, William
L: Shaneoguestown
Ferguson, Francis
L: Tirgracey
Ferguson, James
L: Muckamore
Ferguson, John
L: Muckamore
Ferguson, Joseph
L: Tirgracey
Ferguson, William
L: Shaneoguestown
Ferris, Bernard
L: Shaneoguestown
Finlay, James
L: Balloo
Finlay, Samuel
L: Oldstone
Finlay, William John
L: Tirgracey
Fisher, James
L: Islandbane
Fleming, Alexander
L: T: Antrim - Massereene
Forsyth, James
L: Ballyarnot
Fryar, Archibald
L: Islandbane
Gardiner, William
L: Shaneoguestown
George, Thomas
L: Ballyarnot
Getty, Hannah
L: T: Antrim - Massereene
Giffin, Thomas
L: Islandbane
Giffin, Thomas
L: Shaneoguestown
Gilchrist, Rep. Arthur
L: Oldstone
Gilmore, Daniel
L: Shaneoguestown
Gilmore, Joseph
L: Ballyharvey Lower
Gott, William
L: Ballyarnot
Gray, James
L: Balloo
Gray, John
L: Shaneoguestown
Gray, Sarah
L: T: Antrim - Massereene
Greer, Henry
L: Muckamore
Greer, Hugh
L: Muckamore
Greer, Hugh
L: Shaneoguestown
Greer, John
L: Muckamore
Greer, Mary
L: Islandbane
Hamilton, Thomas
L: Balloo
Hannan, James
L: Balloo
Harper, Ellen
L: Tirgracey
Hatton, John
L: Shaneoguestown
Hazlett, Jacob
L: Shaneoguestown
Heron, Mary
L: Ballyharvey Lower
Higginson, Edward
L: Ballyharvey Lower
Holmes, Thomas
L: Tirgracey
Hope, Robert
L: Shaneoguestown
Hume, Alexander
L: Oldstone
Hume, Alice
L: Ballyharvey Lower
Hunter, Alexander
L: Shaneoguestown
Hunter, John
L: Muckamore
Hunter, Joseph
L: Ballyarnot
Hunter, Joseph
L: Oldstone
Hurl, Margaret
L: T: Antrim - Massereene
Ingram, John
L: Tirgracey
Irwin, James
L: Oldstone
Jack, Samuel
L: Ballyarnot
Jackson, James
L: Tirgracey
Jackson, Jane
L: Ballyarnot
Jackson, Samuel
L: Ballyarnot
Jackson, William
L: Ballyarnot
Jameson, Andrew
L: Islandbane
Jameson, James
L: Tirgracey
Jennings, Matthew
L: Shaneoguestown
Johnston, Alexander
L: Oldstone
Johnston, Henry
L: Ballyarnot
Johnston, Henry
L: Shaneoguestown
Johnston, Margaret
L: Shaneoguestown
Kelly, John
L: Balloo
Kennedy, James
L: Ballyharvey Lower
Kerr, Sarah
L: Shaneoguestown
Kilpatrick, Thomas
L: Balloo
Kilpatrick, Thomas
L: Islandbane
Kilpatrick, William
L: Shaneoguestown
Kirkpatrick, Henry
L: Shaneoguestown
Knox, Maurice W.
L: Oldstone
Leggins, Hugh
L: Oldstone
Logan, Thomas
L: Tirgracey
Lynas, Anne
L: Shaneoguestown
Mackin, William
L: Balloo
Magill, John
L: Muckamore
Magill, Samuel
L: Ballyharvey Lower
Mallaghan, Bernard
L: T: Antrim - Massereene
Marcus, James
L: Tirgracey
Martin, James
L: Islandbane
Massereene, Viscount
L: Balloo
Massereene, Viscount
L: Deerpark
McAteer, Thomas
L: Balloo
McBride, John
L: Shaneoguestown
McBride, Thomas
L: Shaneoguestown
McBurney, William
L: T: Antrim - Massereene
McCann, John
L: Balloo
McCartney, Thomas
L: Oldstone
McCartney, Wm. John
L: Ballyarnot
McCawley, Francis
L: Shaneoguestown
McCleery, James
L: Shaneoguestown
McCleery, John
L: Shaneoguestown
McClintock, James
L: Tirgracey
McClugen, Agnes
L: Ballyarnot
McConaghy, Patrick
L: T: Antrim - Massereene
McCreagh, Eliza
L: Muckamore
McFall, John
L: T: Antrim - Massereene
McFeddries, James
L: Muckamore
McGarry, Henry
L: Ballyarnot
McGarry, James
L: Oldstone
McIlwrath, Deborah
L: Ballyarnot
McIlwrath, James
L: Balloo
McKee, Thomas
L: Shaneoguestown
McKeen, Alexander
L: Islandbane
McKeon, Ellen
L: Oldstone
McKeon, Henry
L: Oldstone
McLarnon, Robert
L: Muckamore
McMarty, Jane
L: Shaneoguestown
McMullan, John
L: Shaneoguestown
McMullen, Alexander
L: Shaneoguestown
McQuillan, William
L: Shaneoguestown
McQuilty, James
L: Ballyharvey Upper
McShane, Hugh
L: Islandbane
Mewha, Samuel
L: Tirgracey
Millar, John
L: Tirgracey
Millar, William
L: T: Antrim - Massereene
Miller, David
L: Shaneoguestown
Milliken, Alexander
L: Shaneoguestown
Milliken, Mary Anne
L: Shaneoguestown
Molyneux, Jane
L: Ballyharvey Lower
Molyneux, Samuel F.
L: Shaneoguestown
Montgomery, George
L: Shaneoguestown
Moore, Hugh
L: Ballyharvey Upper
Moore, James
L: Balloo
Moore, Mary
L: Islandbane
Moore, Robert
L: Oldstone
Morrow, Catherine
L: Islandbane
Morrow, Rev. Thos. K. M.
L: Muckamore
Mulholland, Hugh
L: Shaneoguestown
Mulholland, Patrick
L: Ballyharvey Upper
Mullan, David
L: Shaneoguestown
Mullen, Thomas
L: Balloo
Mullen, William
L: Balloo
Mullen, William
L: Oldstone
Murdock, James
L: T: Antrim - Massereene
Murdock, James
L: Tirgracey
Murphy, Daniel
L: Balloo
Murphy, Daniel
L: Ballyarnot
Murphy, Esther
L: Oldstone
Murphy, Jane
L: Oldstone
Murphy, John
L: Oldstone
Murphy, Mary
L: Muckamore
Murphy, Robert
L: Oldstone
Murphy, William
L: Muckamore
Murphy, William
L: Oldstone
Neill, Margaret
L: Islandbane
Neill, Maria J.
L: Oldstone
Nelson, James
L: Oldstone
Nesbitt, Matthew
L: Oldstone
Nicholls, James
L: Muckamore
Nixon, John
L: Islandbane
Norton, Michael
L: Balloo
O'Neill, Ellen
L: T: Antrim - Massereene
O'Neill, Geroge
L: T: Antrim - Massereene
O'Neill, John
L: Balloo
O'Neill, John
L: T: Antrim - Massereene
O'Neill, Mary Anne
L: T: Antrim - Massereene
Palmer, John
L: Islandbane
Palmer, Samuel
L: Islandbane
Palmer, Samuel
L: Tirgracey
Parker, William
L: Shaneoguestown
Patterson, Thomas
L: Shaneoguestown
Payne, James
L: Oldstone
Peddin, Samuel
L: Shaneoguestown
Rankin, James
L: Muckamore
Rea, James
L: Muckamore
Rea, Letitia
L: Oldstone
Redmond, John
L: Shaneoguestown
Reid, Mary
L: Ballyarnot
Richardson, James
L: Muckamore
Richmond, Charles
L: Shaneoguestown
Scott, Alexander
L: Shaneoguestown
Semple, William
L: Muckamore
Sloan, James
L: Islandbane
Smart, John
L: Ballyarnot
Smith, James
L: Islandbane
Stephenson, Hannah
L: Islandbane
Stephenson, Wm. John
L: Tirgracey
Stewart, Mary
L: Oldstone
Stewart, Robert
L: Tirgracey
Strain, Andrew
L: Ballyharvey Upper
Taaffe, Alexander
L: Tirgracey
Taaffe, Joseph
L: Tirgracey
Taggart, John
L: Balloo
Taylor, William
L: Oldstone
Thompson, John
L: Oldstone
Thompson, Mary
L: Oldstone
Thompson, Sarah
L: Muckamore
Thomson, Thomas
L: T: Antrim - Massereene
Toner, David
L: Muckamore
Tosh, John
L: Muckamore
Tracy, John
L: Muckamore
Tracy, William
L: Shaneoguestown
Tully, James
L: Oldstone
Wallace, David
L: T: Antrim - Massereene
Wallace, James
L: T: Antrim - Massereene
Wallace, William
L: T: Antrim - Massereene
Walsh, Patrick
L: Islandbane
Watson, John
L: Tirgracey
White, Hercules
L: Shaneoguestown
White, James
L: Muckamore
White, Nathaniel
L: Oldstone
Whiteside, Rev. James
L: Muckamore
Whittle, Stafford
L: Muckamore
Wilson, George
L: Shaneoguestown
Wilson, John
L: Islandbane
Wilson, John
L: Shaneoguestown
Wilson, William
L: Shaneoguestown
Young, George
L: Shaneoguestown
Young, Joseph
L: Islandbane
Young, Robert
L: Balloo