Griffith's Valuation: Tullyrusk Parish, County Antrim

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Griffith's Valuation in Tullyrusk Parish

Griffith ’s Valuation that took place in Tullyrusk parish and every other parish in county Antrim and throughout Ireland. Griffith's valuation is the name widely given to the Primary Valuation of Ireland, a property tax survey carried out in the mid-nineteenth century under the supervision of Sir Richard Griffith. The survey involved the detailed valuation of every taxable piece of agricultural or built property on the island of Ireland and was published county-by-county between the years 1847 and 1864.

The process of valuation was painstakingly thorough, involving multiple visits by valuation teams to analyse all of the factors influencing the economic status of the property: average rents paid in the area; distance from the nearest market town. The aim was to get as accurate as possible an estimate of the annual income that each property should produce. The Griffiths Valuation was carried out in county Antrim in 1861 and 1862.


Griffiths Valuation: Tullyrusk Parish 1861 and 1862

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You should also check the records of Tullyrusk parish from the Tithe Applotment books in the 1820's and 1830's



KEY:   L: = Location     N: = Notes     V: = Village     T: = Town

Adgey, David L: Knockcairn
Adgey, Eliza L: Knockcairn
Adgey, John L: Knockcairn
Agey, David L: Dundrod
Alexander, Maria L: Knockcairn
Armstrong, Alexander L: Knockcairn
Armstrong, James L: Budore
Armstrong, Shaw L: Dundrod
Armstrong, Shaw L: Knockcairn
Armstrong, Thomas L: Knockcairn
Armstrong, William L: Knockcairn
Bamford, Charles L: Tullyrusk
Barclay, Patrick L: Dundrod
Blackwood, Henry L: Budore
Blair, William L: Dundrod
Blaney, John L: Budore
Boomer, Sarah L: Dundrod
Boomer, Thomas L: Dundrod
Bradley, Francis L: Dundrod
Bradley, Hugh L: Dundrod
Browne, David L: Dundrod
Browne, Thomas L: Dundrod
Canmer, Anne L: Budore
Carlile, James L: Budore
Carlile, John L: Budore
Chapman, John R. L: Knockcairn
Colburn, Francis L: Tullyrusk
Collier, William L: Knockcairn
Connolly, John L: Budore
Cooke, William L: Dundrod
Cormican, Egar L: Tullyrusk
Cormican, Francis L: Dundrod
Craig, James L: Budore
Craig, Robert, Sr. L: Budore
Crawford, James L: Budore
Crawford, John L: Budore
Culbert, John L: Tullyrusk
Dixon, Joseph L: Tullyrusk
Duffield, George L: Budore
Easton, William John L: Dundrod
Farrell, Martin L: Dundrod
Fletcher, William L: Budore
Frazer, Andrew L: Budore
Gill, Mary Jane L: Knockcairn
Graham, James L: Budore
Graham, John L: Budore
Graham, Joseph L: Budore
Greene, Thomas L: Knockcairn
Greene, Thomas L: Tullyrusk
Greer, James L: Dundrod
Hamill, James L: Budore
Hamill, John L: Budore
Hamill, Patrick L: Knockcairn
Herdman, James L: Knockcairn
Herdman, Thomas L: Dundrod
Higginson, John L: Budore
Higginson, William L: Budore
Hillen, John L: Tullyrusk
Hillen, Mary L: Tullyrusk
Horner, Robert L: Tullyrusk
Ireland, Alexander L: Dundrod
Ireland, Isabella L: Dundrod
Ireland, James L: Dundrod
Ireland, John L: Budore
Ireland, John L: Dundrod
Ireland, Thomas L: Dundrod
Irvine, Arthur L: Budore
Irvine, James L: Budore
Irvine, John L: Budore
Irvine, John L: Knockcairn
Irvine, Thomas L: Knockcairn
Irwin, John L: Dundrod
Johnston, Anthony L: Tullyrusk
Johnston, Samuel L: Dundrod
Johnston, Samuel L: Knockcairn
Jordon, Andrew L: Budore
Jordon, Henry L: Budore
Jordon, Sarah L: Tullyrusk
Kelly, Patrick L: Knockcairn
Kilpatrick, John L: Tullyrusk
Kilpatrick, William L: Knockcairn
Kurley, Anne L: Tullyrusk
Lavery, Arthur L: Knockcairn
Lavery, Jas. L: Knockcairn
Leslie, Andrew L: Knockcairn
Lewers, Ellen L: Knockcairn
Loughran, Margaret L: Tullyrusk
Loughran, Michael L: Budore
Lowrey, Robert L: Tullyrusk
Magee, Adair L: Dundrod
Magee, Philip L: Tullyrusk
Magill, Rev. William L: Dundrod
Mairs, Ciarges L: Dundrod
Mairs, James L: Dundrod
Mairs, John L: Dundrod
Mallin, Henry L: Budore
Mallin, Hugh L: Budore
Mallin, Michael L: Budore
Maniece, Arthur L: Dundrod
Maniece, William L: Knockcairn
Martin, John L: Dundrod
May, William R. L: Budore
McCarry, James L: Tullyrusk
McClarnan, Henry L: Budore
McClarnan, James L: Tullyrusk
McClarnan, Joseph L: Tullyrusk
McClarnan, Matthew L: Tullyrusk
McClarnan, Robert L: Budore
McClure, George L: Budore
McClure, Rebecca L: Budore
McClure, William L: Budore
McClurg, Mary L: Knockcairn
McConnell, William J. L: Budore
McCullagh, Archibald L: Dundrod
McCullagh, David L: Dundrod
McCullagh, David L: Knockcairn
McCullagh, Joseph L: Dundrod
McCullagh, Joseph L: Tullyrusk
McCullagh, William L: Dundrod
McGowan, Jane L: Budore
McHenry, William L: Dundrod
McIlroy, John L: Budore
McKee, John L: Dundrod
McNally, Iver L: Budore
McNeice, David L: Dundrod
McNeight, Elizabeth L: Tullyrusk
McNeight, John L: Tullyrusk
McNeight, Roger L: Tullyrusk
McNeight, William L: Tullyrusk
McWaters, David L: Tullyrusk
McWaters, James, Jr. L: Budore
McWaters, James, Sr. L: Budore
McWilliams, Hugh Jas. L: Knockcairn
McWilliams, James L: Knockcairn
Moat, John L: Tullyrusk
Moffitt, Anne L: Dundrod
Moore, James L: Dundrod
Mulholland, Daniel L: Tullyrusk
Mullen, Patrick L: Tullyrusk
Neeson, Henry L: Tullyrusk
Neeson, James L: Budore
Parkinson, Sarah L: Budore
Patrick, Anne L: Dundrod
Patterson, David L: Budore
Potts, Robert L: Dundrod
Potts, Robert L: Knockcairn
Ramsey, Archibald L: Budore
Ramsey, Thomas L: Budore
Rea, John L: Budore N: Master
Read, James L: Tullyrusk
Rice, Margaret L: Tullyrusk
Scales, Samuel L: Dundrod
Scott, William L: Tullyrusk
Shannon, William L: Dundrod
Sharpe, Joseph L: Tullyrusk
Sheppard, William L: Knockcairn
Smith, Edward L: Dundrod
Smith, Jane L: Budore
Smith, Martha L: Budore
Smith, Thomas L: Budore
Spratt, James L: Knockcairn
Stewart, Matthew L: Dundrod
Thompson, Robert L: Budore
Thompson, Thomas L: Dundrod
Toland, Daniel L: Dundrod
Trowlin, Daniel L: Tullyrusk
Upton, John L: Budore
Walker, Hugh L: Budore
Waters, Alexander L: Tullyrusk
Waters, Robert L: Dundrod
Waters, Thomas L: Dundrod
Waters, William L: Budore
Waters, William L: Dundrod
Wheeler, Thomas L: Tullyrusk
White, John L: Dundrod
White, Mary L: Dundrod
Willis, John L: Dundrod
Willis, Robert L: Dundrod
Wilson, James L: Knockcairn
Wilson, Nathaniel L: Knockcairn
Wilson, Thomas L: Knockcairn
Young, Anne L: Dundrod