Tithe Applotment Books: Ballee Parish, County Down

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Tithe Applotment Records in Ballee Parish

The Tithe Applotment Books in Ballee parish and throughout the entire country record the results of a unique land survey taken to determine the amount of tax payable by landholders to the Church of Ireland. They are known as the Tithe Applotment Books because the results of this land survey were originally compiled in nearly 2,000 hand-written books. This data set represents a virtual census for pre-Famine Ireland and as it covered most of the country it is very important for historians and genealogists researching family origins or the history of specific areas.

The Tithe Applotments created a lot of civil unrest in Ireland especially from the Catholic population as they vigorously disagreed to paying taxes to a Protestant church. The Tithe Applotments were carried out in Ballee Parish in 1834.


Tithe Applotment Books: Ballee Parish

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Allen, John Townland: Ballynagross Upper Year: 1834
Armour, Thomas Townland: Ballycruttle Year: 1834
Bailie, John Townland: Loughmoney Year: 1834
Bangor, Lord Townland: Carnecaw Year: 1834
Bell, Henry Townland: Dillon Year: 1834
Blainey, Hg. Townland: Ballysallagh Year: 1834
Blainey, James Townland: Ballywalter Year: 1834
Blainey, Jas. Townland: Ballysallagh Year: 1834
Blainey, Wm. Townland: Ballytrustin Year: 1834
Boal, James Townland: Ballee Year: 1834
Boyd, John Townland: Killdares Crew Year: 1834
Brown, Jno. Townland: Ballyclender Year: 1834
Cahir, Patrick Townland: Carrowbahern Year: 1834
Carr, John Townland: Ballyclender Year: 1834
Cavan, Hugh Townland: Ballee Year: 1834
Cavan, Hugh Townland: Ballybranagh Year: 1834
Cavan, James Townland: Ballee Year: 1834
Cavan, Jas., Jr. Townland: Ballybranagh Year: 1834
Cavan, Jno. Townland: Ballee Year: 1834
Cavanagh, James Townland: Ballybranagh Year: 1834
Cavena, Michl. Townland: Carnecaw Year: 1834
Cavena, Patk. Townland: Carnecaw Year: 1834
Chambers, John Townland: Ballybranagh Year: 1834
Chambers, Wm. Townland: Ballyclender Year: 1834
Coals, Henry Townland: Slievengriddle Year: 1834
Conn, Edward Townland: Ballyclender Year: 1834
Connolly, Jno. Townland: Ballee Year: 1834
Connor, Bernard Townland: Ballywalter Year: 1834
Conogher, Widow Townland: Ballynagross Upper Year: 1834
Crangle, John Townland: Jordans Crew Year: 1834
Crangle, Patk. Townland: Ballynagross Year: 1834
Crangle, Wm. Townland: Jordans Crew Year: 1834
Crickard, Bern. Townland: Ballytrustin Year: 1834
Crickard, Wm. Townland: Ballytrustin Year: 1834
Cultragh, Willm. Townland: Ballysallagh Year: 1834
Cultragh, Wm. Townland: Ballybranagh Year: 1834
Curray, Francis Townland: Carnecaw Year: 1834
Denvir, Jno. Townland: Ballytrustin Year: 1834
Denvir, John Townland: Ballywalter Year: 1834
Denvir, Peter Townland: Ballywalter Year: 1834
Denvir, Willm. Townland: Ballywalter Year: 1834
Dickson, James Townland: Ballysallagh Year: 1834
Dickson, John Townland: Ballynagross Upper Year: 1834
Dickson, Thomas Townland: Ballysallagh Year: 1834
Dickson, Wm. Townland: Ballymurray Year: 1834
Donaghey, Jno. Townland: Ballee Year: 1834
Donaghey, John Townland: Carrowbahern Year: 1834
Dorman, James Townland: Killdares Crew Year: 1834
Dougherty, Mary Townland: Slievengriddle Year: 1834
Fallona, Patrick Townland: Ballytrustin Year: 1834
Falloona, Jas. Townland: Ballybranagh Year: 1834
Falloona, Neal Townland: Ballybranagh Year: 1834
Falona, Patk. Townland: Ballytrustin Year: 1834
Fitzsimmon, James Townland: Kildares Crew Year: 1834
Fitzsimmon, Michael Townland: Kildares Crew Year: 1834
Fitzsimmons, James Townland: Ballynagross Upper Year: 1834
Fitzsimmons, Robert Townland: Ballee Year: 1834
Fitzsimons, Ann Townland: Ballyhossett Year: 1834
Fitzsimons, Bernd. Townland: Ballynagross Year: 1834
Fitzsimons, Bernd. Townland: Ballynagross Upper Year: 1834
Fitzsimons, Harry Townland: Ballysallagh Year: 1834
Fitzsimons, Jas. Townland: Ballynagross Year: 1834
Fitzsimons, Jas. Townland: Ballysallagh Year: 1834
Fitzsimons, Jas. Townland: Ballytrustin Year: 1834
Fitzsimons, Jno. Townland: Ballysallagh Year: 1834
Fitzsimons, Jno. Townland: Ballytrustin Year: 1834
Fitzsimons, Margt. Townland: Ballynagross Lower Year: 1834
Fitzsimons, Mary Townland: Slievengriddle Year: 1834
Fitzsimons, Patk. Townland: Ballysallagh Year: 1834
Fitzsimons, Richd. Townland: Killdares Crew Year: 1834
Fitzsimons, Widow Townland: Ballynagross Year: 1834
Fitzsimons, Wm. Townland: Ballynagross Year: 1834
Fitzsimons, Wm. Townland: Kildares Crew Year: 1834
Flinn, John Townland: Ballybranagh Year: 1834
Fowler, Thomas Townland: Ballytrustin Year: 1834
Gilchrist, Mary Townland: Ballee Year: 1834
Gracey, Thomas, Esq. Townland: Ballyhossett Year: 1834
Halpin, Thomas Townland: Ballystokes Year: 1834
Hanna, Townland: Slievegriddle Year: 1834
Hanna, Edward Townland: Ballystokes Year: 1834
Hanna, Isabella Townland: Loughmoney Year: 1834
Hanna, James Townland: Loughmoney Year: 1834
Hanna, John Townland: Ballee Year: 1834
Hanna, John Townland: Loughmoney Year: 1834
Hanna, John Townland: Slievengriddle Year: 1834
Hanna, Patrick Townland: Ballynagross Upper Year: 1834
Hanna, Patrick Townland: Ballysallagh Year: 1834
Hanna, Robert Townland: Ballyhossett Year: 1834
Hanna, Widow Townland: Loughmoney Year: 1834
Hanvey, Wm. Townland: Loughmoney Year: 1834
Harrison, Geo. Townland: Ballysallagh Year: 1834
Harrison, Richd. Townland: Ballysallagh Year: 1834
Harvey, Hugh Townland: Ballystokes Year: 1834
Harvey, John Townland: Ballee Year: 1834
Harvey, John Townland: Ballystokes Year: 1834
Harvey, Patrick Townland: Ballycruttle Year: 1834
Hasting, Robt. Townland: Ballymurray Year: 1834
Henry, Willm. Townland: Ballyhossett Year: 1834
Henvey, John, Jr. Townland: Ballee Year: 1834
Hill, Robert Townland: Ballyhossett Year: 1834
Hill, Sarrah Townland: Killdares Crew Year: 1834
Hill, Thomas Townland: Ballyhossett Year: 1834
Holland, Thomas Townland: Ballytrustin Year: 1834
Holland, Thos. Townland: Ballytrustin Year: 1834
Hughes, Adam Townland: Carnecaw Year: 1834
Hughes, Bernard Townland: Ballywalter Year: 1834
Hughes, Johnston Townland: Ballyrerman Year: 1834
Hughes, Johnston Townland: Carnecaw Year: 1834
Hughes, Johnston Townland: Loughmoney Year: 1834
Hunter, James Townland: Ballynagross Upper Year: 1834
Hunter, James Townland: Dillon Year: 1834
Huston, Wm. Townland: Ballynagross Upper Year: 1834
Hynds, Patrick Townland: Ballymurray Year: 1834
Hynds, Richard Townland: Ballywalter Year: 1834
Jennings, Ann Townland: Ballybranagh Year: 1834
Johnston, Adam Townland: Ballee Year: 1834
Johnston, Adam Townland: Carrowbahern Year: 1834
Johnston, James Townland: Ballee Year: 1834
Johnston, James Townland: Ballysallagh Year: 1834
Johnston, James Townland: Carrowbahern Year: 1834
Johnston, Jas. Townland: Carrowbahern Year: 1834
Johnston, Robt. Townland: Ballee Year: 1834
Johnston, Robt. Townland: Carrowbahern Year: 1834
Johnston, Wm. Townland: Carrowbahern Year: 1834
Johnston Magee, P. Townland: Ballycruttle Year: 1834
Kearney, Arthur Townland: Ballystokes Year: 1834
Kearney, Bernd. Townland: Ballybranagh Year: 1834
Kearney, Patk. Townland: Ballybranagh Year: 1834
Kelly, Jas. Townland: Ballyallen Year: 1834
Kelly, William Townland: Ballybranagh Year: 1834
Kelly, Wm. Townland: Ballyallen Year: 1834
Keown, John Townland: Ballyhossett Year: 1834
Keown, Wm. Townland: Ballyhossett Year: 1834
King, Arthur Townland: Ballysallagh Year: 1834
King, Denis Townland: Ballysallagh Year: 1834
Leivers, William Townland: Ballyclender Year: 1834
Leivers, Willm. Townland: Ballee Year: 1834
Logan, James Townland: Ballybranagh Year: 1834
Lowey, Charles Townland: Ballyhossett Year: 1834
Lowey, Jno., Jr. Townland: Ballyhossett Year: 1834
Lowey, John Townland: Ballyhossett Year: 1834
Macaveia, P. Townland: Churchwalls Year: 1834
Macaveia, R. Townland: Churchalls Year: 1834
Macdonald, Jas. Townland: Dillon Year: 1834
Macreedy, Thomas Townland: Ballee Year: 1834
Magee, James Townland: Ballyrerman Year: 1834
Magee, John Townland: Ballyallen Year: 1834
Magee, Margret Townland: Ballycruttle Year: 1834
Magee, Thomas Townland: Jordans Crew Year: 1834
Magee, Widow Townland: Ballycruttle Year: 1834
Magee, Widow Townland: Ballynagross Year: 1834
Maglennan, Edwd. Townland: Ballystokes Year: 1834
Maglennan, Hu. Townland: Ballystokes Year: 1834
Maglennan, Hu., Sr. Townland: Ballystokes Year: 1834
Maglennan, Jas. Townland: Ballystokes Year: 1834
Maglennan, Jas. Townland: Loughmoney Year: 1834
Maglennan, Jno. Townland: Ballystokes Year: 1834
Maglennan, Jno. Townland: Loughmoney Year: 1834
Maglennan, John Townland: Loughmoney Year: 1834
Maglennan, Neal Townland: Slievengriddle Year: 1834
Maglennan, Patk. Townland: Ballystokes Year: 1834
Maglennan, Patk. Townland: Loughmoney Year: 1834
Maglennan, Patrick Townland: Ballystokes Year: 1834
Maglennan, Wm. Townland: Ballystokes Year: 1834
Magoran, Ann Townland: Dillon Year: 1834
Magoran, Jno. Townland: Dillon Year: 1834
Magorian, Edwd. Townland: Ballee Year: 1834
Magrady, Mary Townland: Ballyclender Year: 1834
Magraw, Patk. Townland: Ballytrustin Year: 1834
Magraw, Patrick Townland: Ballycruttle Year: 1834
Magreevey, Edwd. Townland: Ballybranagh Year: 1834
Magreevey, Jas. Townland: Ballybranagh Year: 1834
Magreevey, John Townland: Ballybranagh Year: 1834
Magreevey, P. Townland: Ballybranagh Year: 1834
Magreevey, Patk. Townland: Ballybranagh Year: 1834
Martin, Joseph Townland: Ballyclender Year: 1834
Maxwell, John, Esq. Townland: Ballybranagh Year: 1834
Maxwell, William Townland: Ballybranagh Year: 1834
McCann, James Townland: Ballyallen Year: 1834
McCeartane, James Townland: Dillon Year: 1834
McConvey, Henry Townland: Jordans Crew Year: 1834
McCullin, Robert Townland: Ballysallagh Year: 1834
McCullogh, Jno. Townland: Ballyclender Year: 1834
McCullogh, Wm. Townland: Ballyclender Year: 1834
McDonald, Widow Townland: Churchwalls Year: 1834
McHerron, Danl. Townland: Ballymurray Year: 1834
McHoin, Johh Townland: Slievengriddle Year: 1834
McHugh, Denis Townland: Ballynagross Upper Year: 1834
McIldon, John Townland: Carnecaw Year: 1834
McKeating, Bernd. Townland: Ballytrustin Year: 1834
McKeating, Jas. Townland: Ballytrustin Year: 1834
McKeating, Wm. Townland: Ballytrustin Year: 1834
McKnab, Patk. Townland: Ballyclender Year: 1834
McKnab, Wm. Townland: Ballyclender Year: 1834
McKnight, Alex. Townland: Dillon Year: 1834
McKnight, Jas. Townland: Dillon Year: 1834
McKnight, Robert Townland: Slievengriddle Year: 1834
McKnight, Robt. Townland: Ballynagross Upper Year: 1834
McKnight, Robt. Townland: Dillon Year: 1834
McKnight, Robt., Jr. Townland: Dillon Year: 1834
McKnight, Saml. Townland: Dillon Year: 1834
McLoughlin, Jno. Townland: Ballynagross Upper Year: 1834
McMahon, John Townland: Kildares Crew Year: 1834
McMahon, Michael Townland: Kildares Crew Year: 1834
McMahon, Wm. Townland: Killdares Crew Year: 1834
McMair, Jno. Townland: Killdares Crew Year: 1834
McMair, Michl. Townland: Kildares Crew Year: 1834
McMeckan, Jas. Townland: Ballynagross Year: 1834
McMeekan, Mrs. Jean Townland: Ballybranagh Year: 1834
McMeekan, Jno. Townland: Ballybranagh Year: 1834
McMullan, Hu. Townland: Jordans Crew Year: 1834
McMullan, Patk. Townland: Ballynagross Year: 1834
McMullan, Patk. Townland: Jordans Crew Year: 1834
McMurray, James. Townland: Carnecaw Year: 1834
McMurray, Saml. Townland: Carnecaw Year: 1834
McMurray, Saml. Townland: Loughmoney Year: 1834
McQuoid, James Townland: Ballybranagh Year: 1834
Megraw, Danl. Townland: Slievengriddle Year: 1834
Megraw, Henry Townland: Slievengriddle Year: 1834
Menown, Jas. Townland: Ballymurray Year: 1834
Miller, Mary Townland: Ballyclender Year: 1834
Money, James Townland: Jordans Crew Year: 1834
Money, John Townland: Slievengriddle Year: 1834
Moore, Francis Townland: Ballyhossett Year: 1834
Moore, James Townland: Ballynagross Year: 1834
Moore, James Townland: Ballytrustin Year: 1834
Moore, Jas. Townland: Ballynagross Lower Year: 1834
Moore, Jno. Townland: Ballynagross Year: 1834
Moore, John Townland: Ballynagross Year: 1834
Moore, Nicholas Townland: Ballynagross Year: 1834
Moore, Nichs. Townland: Ballynagross Lower Year: 1834
Moore, Peter Townland: Ballynagross Year: 1834
Moreland, Wm. Townland: Ballymurray Year: 1834
Munce, Geo. Townland: Ballynagross Upper Year: 1834
Munce, James Townland: Kildares Crew Year: 1834
Munce, Jno. Townland: Kildares Crew Year: 1834
Munce, Jos. Townland: Ballynagross Upper Year: 1834
Munce, Jos. Townland: Killdares Crew Year: 1834
Munce, Joseph Townland: Ballynagross Upper Year: 1834
Murphy, Denis Townland: Ballytrustin Year: 1834
Murphy, Edwd. Townland: Ballytrustin Year: 1834
Murphy, Mary Townland: Ballee Year: 1834
Murphy, Patk. Townland: Ballynagross Upper Year: 1834
Murphy, Widow Hy Townland: Ballytrustin Year: 1834
Murray, James Townland: Jordans Crew Year: 1834
Neeper, Alexr., Esq. Townland: Ballybranagh Year: 1834
Neeper, James Townland: Ballybranagh Year: 1834
Neeper, Richard Townland: Carrowbahern Year: 1834
Neeper, Richd. Townland: Ballybranagh Year: 1834
Nelson, Stephen Townland: Ballyclender Year: 1834
Nevin, Mrs. Townland: Ballyallen Year: 1834
Newell, Francis Townland: Ballyclender Year: 1834
Newell, Thomas Townland: Ballyclender Year: 1834
Newman, James Townland: Ballybranagh Year: 1834
Patterson, Adam Townland: Ballynagross Upper Year: 1834
Patterson, Thos. Townland: Loughmoney Year: 1834
Patterson, Willm. Townland: Ballyrerman Year: 1834
Peake, Neal Townland: Ballynagross Year: 1834
Polly, Jno. Townland: Ballywalter Year: 1834
Polly, John Townland: Churchwalls Year: 1834
Polly, Wm. Townland: Ballywalter Year: 1834
Quin, Jno. Townland: Ballyclender Year: 1834
Richey, Andrew Townland: Ballyhossett Year: 1834
Rogers, Hugh Townland: Ballynagross Year: 1834
Roney, Charles Townland: Ballyrerman Year: 1834
Roney, Charles Townland: Ballywalter Year: 1834
Roney, Danl. Townland: Ballyclender Year: 1834
Roney, James Townland: Ballyallen Year: 1834
Roney, James Townland: Ballycruttle Year: 1834
Roney, Patk. Townland: Slievengriddle Year: 1834
Russell, Wm. Townland: Ballyclender Year: 1834
Savage, Townland: Ballysallagh Year: 1834
Savage, Henry Townland: Ballysallagh Year: 1834
Seed, Andrew Townland: Ballyhossett Year: 1834
Seeds, William Townland: Ballyhossett Year: 1834
Sharven, Thomas Townland: Ballytrustin Year: 1834
Sheals, Patk. Townland: Ballynagross Year: 1834
Sheals, Peter Townland: Ballynagross Year: 1834
Sheals, Peter Townland: Ballynagross Lower Year: 1834
Sheals, William Townland: Ballynagross Year: 1834
Sheals, Wm. Townland: Ballynagross Lower Year: 1834
Smith, Denis Townland: Ballynagross Year: 1834
Smith, Denis Townland: Ballynagross Lower Year: 1834
Smyth, Edw. Townland: Ballyrerman Year: 1834
Smyth, Edward Townland: Churchwalls Year: 1834
Smyth, Margret Townland: Ballee Year: 1834
Smyth, Widow Townland: Ballee Year: 1834
Starkey, Mrs. Townland: Ballytrustin Year: 1834
Starkey, Bern. Townland: Ballyclender Year: 1834
Starkey, William Townland: Ballytrustin Year: 1834
Still, Richard, Esq. Townland: Ballee Year: 1834
Stockdale, Edwd. Townland: Ballyrerman Year: 1834
Stockdale, Hugh Townland: Ballywalter Year: 1834
Taggart, Thomas Townland: Ballytrustin Year: 1834
Teggart, Townland: Ballytrustin Year: 1834
Teggart, Danl. Townland: Ballywalter Year: 1834
Teggart, James Townland: Ballywalter Year: 1834
Teggart, John Townland: Ballywalter Year: 1834
Teggart, Patk. Townland: Ballynagross Year: 1834
Teggart, Patrick Townland: Ballytrustin Year: 1834
Teggart, Richd. Townland: Ballywalter Year: 1834
Torney, Patk. Townland: Ballywalter Year: 1834
Wallace, Thomas Townland: Ballyrerman Year: 1834
Wallace, Wm. Townland: Ballyrerman Year: 1834
Watterson, Hugh Townland: Ballysallagh Year: 1834
Watterson, Willm. Townland: Carnecaw Year: 1834
Watterson, Wm. Townland: Ballyallen Year: 1834
White, Rev. David Townland: Dillon Year: 1834
Willson, Joseph Townland: Jordans Crew Year: 1834
Wright, Wm. Townland: Ballyclender Year: 1834