Tithe Applotment Books: Leckpatrick Parish, County Tyrone

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Tithe Applotment Books in Leckpatrick Parish

The Tithe Applotment Books in Leckpatrick parish and throughout the entire country record the results of a unique land survey taken to determine the amount of tax payable by landholders to the Church of Ireland. They are known as the Tithe Applotment Books because the results of this land survey were originally compiled in nearly 2,000 hand-written books. This data set represents a virtual census for pre-Famine Ireland and as it covered most of the country it is very important for historians and genealogists researching family origins or the history of specific areas.

The Tithe Applotments created a lot of civil unrest in Ireland especially from the Catholic population as they vigorously disagreed to paying taxes to a Protestant church. The Tithe Applotments were carried out in Leckpatrick Parish in 1826.


Tithe Applotment Books: Leckpatrick Parish

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LEGEND: T: = Townland Y: = Year

Adams, James T: Townparks Y: 1826
Andrew, Robt. T: Ballymagorry Y: 1826
Arbuckle, Archyb. T: Tenements Y: 1826
Arbuckle, Art. T: Roundhill Y: 1826
Arbuckle, Jas. T: Roundhill Y: 1826
Arbuckle, Joseph T: Roundhill Y: 1826
Arbuckle, Josh T: Roundhill Y: 1826
Austin, Andrew T: Boydshill Y: 1826
Austin, Andrew T: Milltown Y: 1826
Austin, Andw. T: Artagarvan Y: 1826
Austin, Andw. T: Fyfinn Y: 1826 Notes: Mill
Auston, Andrew T: Liscurry Y: 1826
Barnhill, Thos. T: Backfence Y: 1826
Barnhill, Thos. T: Townparks Y: 1826
Begley, Patk. T: Knocknabrack Y: 1826
Bickett, John T: Townparks Y: 1826
Black, Thos. T: Backfence Y: 1826
Black, Thos. T: Townparks Y: 1826
Blair, Robt. T: Castletown Y: 1826
Boak, Robt. T: Ballylaw Y: 1826
Boak, Robt., Jr. T: Ballylaw Y: 1826
Boak, Rt. T: Ballylaw Y: 1826
Boake, Widow T: Killynaught Y: 1826
Boake, Wm. T: Killynaught Y: 1826
Bogle, Saml. T: Loughnease Y: 1826
Bogs, Jno. T: Loughnease Y: 1826
Bole, Jno. T: Loughnease Y: 1826
Boyce, Widow T: Townparks Y: 1826
Boyd, John T: Milltown Y: 1826
Boyd, John T: Townparks Y: 1826
Boyd, Wm. T: Milltown Y: 1826
Bradley, George T: Kenaghan Y: 1826
Bradley, Jno. T: Ballydonaghy Y: 1826
Bradley, John T: Kenaghan Y: 1826
Bradley, Wm. T: Kenaghan Y: 1826
Branaghan, Danl. T: Ballylaw Y: 1826
Bratton, Wm. T: Woodend Y: 1826
Brennan, Patk. T: Townparks Y: 1826
Brigs, Wm. T: Ballymagorry Y: 1826
Brigs, Wm. T: Leck Y: 1826
Brodie, Jas. T: Townparks Y: 1826
Brown, Jas. T: Altnagerag Y: 1826
Brown, Thomas T: Townparks Y: 1826
Browne, Alex. T: Ballylaw Y: 1826
Browne, Neal T: Knocknahorn Y: 1826
Burgoyne, Sir J. S. T: Artagarvan Y: 1826
Burgoyne, Sir Jn. Jas. T: Townparks Y: 1826
Burgoyne, Sir John J. T: Clogheon Y: 1826
Burnes, Philip T: Kenaghan Y: 1826
Campbell, T. T: Tullyard Lower Y: 1826
Carland, Philp. T: Backfence Y: 1826 Notes: Black
Carland, Philp. T: Backfence Y: 1826 Notes: White
Carland, Philp. T: Townparks Y: 1826
Carnwaith, Jas. T: Stonypath Y: 1826
Carnwaith, Thos. T: Stonypath Y: 1826
Carroll, John T: Townparks Y: 1826
Cathers, Wm. T: Killynaught Y: 1826
Caulfield, Philip T: Townparks Y: 1826
Cavanagh, James T: Ballymagorry Y: 1826
Cavanagh, Jas. T: Greenlaw Y: 1826
Christy, Jno. T: Altnagerag Y: 1826
Christy, Mihl. T: Poolateely Y: 1826
Christy, Patk. T: Knocknavor Y: 1826
Clindinan, Jas. T: Killynaught Y: 1826
Colhoun, Francis T: Clogheon Y: 1826
Colhoun, Saml. T: Townparks Y: 1826
Collins, Daniel T: Kenaghan Y: 1826
Collins, Jas. T: Townparks Y: 1826
Collins, John T: Stranisk Y: 1826
Collins, Robert T: Kenaghan Y: 1826
Cooke, Danl. T: Townparks Y: 1826
Cooke, Thos. T: Loughnease Y: 1826
Cummins, Mr. T: Clogheon Y: 1826
Cummins, Thos. T: Poakstown Y: 1826
Cummins, Widow T: Woodend Y: 1826
Cunningham, Jas. T: Cullermoney Upper Y: 1826
Cunningham, Jno. T: Cullermoney Upper Y: 1826
Cunningham, Jo. T: Cullermoney Upper Y: 1826
Cunningham, Joseph T: Cullermoney Lower Y: 1826
Cunningham, Robt. T: Townparks Y: 1826
Curtis, Jeremiah T: Kenaghan Y: 1826
Curtis, W. T: Woodend Y: 1826
D Yermott, Francis T: Tenements Y: 1826
Daragh, T: Tullyard Upper Y: 1826 Notes: Riley and Daragh
Denniston, Wm. T: Clogheon Y: 1826
Dery, Wm. T: Fyfinn Y: 1826
Dicks, Alex. T: Townparks Y: 1826
Divin, Anne T: Owen Reagh Y: 1826
Divin, Anth. T: Owen Reagh Y: 1826
Divin, Jas. T: Brownhill Y: 1826
Divine, T: Townparks Y: 1826
Divine, Br. T: Knocknahorn Y: 1826
Divine, Edwd. T: Tullyard Lower Y: 1826
Divine, Felix T: Townparks Y: 1826
Divine, Hugh T: Altnagerag Y: 1826
Divine, James T: Kenaghan Y: 1826
Divine, John T: Kenaghan Y: 1826
Divine, Manus T: Altnagerag Y: 1826
Divine, Widow T: Kenaghan Y: 1826
Divine, William T: Stranisk Y: 1826
Doherty, H. T: Townparks Y: 1826
Doherty, James T: Desart Lower Y: 1826
Doherty, Jas. T: Knocknavor Y: 1826
Doherty, Neal T: Backfence Y: 1826
Doherty, Patk. T: Castletown Y: 1826
Doherty, Wm. T: Knocknavor Y: 1826
Doherty, Wm. T: Strabane Bog Y: 1826
Doherty, Wm. T: Tullyard Upper Y: 1826
Doherty, Wm. T: Woodend Y: 1826
Donaghey, Bryan T: Ballyskeagh Y: 1826
Donaghey, Bryan T: Gorticrum Scotch Y: 1826
Donaghey, Bryan T: Townparks Y: 1826
Donaghey, Bryn. T: Brownhill Y: 1826
Donaghey, Hugh T: Ballymagorry Y: 1826
Donaghey, Jno. T: Knocknabrack Y: 1826
Donaghey, Wm. T: Knocknabrack Y: 1826
Donald, Robt. T: Ballymagorry Y: 1826
Donald, Sarah T: Tullyard Upper Y: 1826
Donald, Thos. T: Artagarvan Y: 1826
Donald, Widow T: Ballymagorry Y: 1826
Donelly, Charles T: Tullyard Lower Y: 1826
Donelly, Jas. T: Castletown Y: 1826
Donelly, Thos. T: Castletown Y: 1826
Donnell, Eliza. T: Woodend Y: 1826
Donnell, Wm. T: Woodend Y: 1826
Doragh, Thos. T: Milltown Y: 1826
Doragh, Thos. T: Tullyard Upper Y: 1826
Doragh, William T: Kenaghan Y: 1826
Doragh, Wm. T: Milltown Y: 1826
Doragh, Wm. T: Tullyard Lower Y: 1826
Doragh, Wm. T: Tullyard Upper Y: 1826
Dorass, Widow T: Tullyard Lower Y: 1826
Douglass, Jas. T: Loughnease Y: 1826
Douglass, Rt. T: Loughnease Y: 1826
Dunn, Jno. T: Ballyskeagh Y: 1826
Dyermott, Jas. T: Hollyhill Y: 1826
Dyermott, Jas. T: Kenaghan Y: 1826
Early, Jas. T: Legnagulloglagh Y: 1826
Edie, Mr. T: Townparks Y: 1826
Elliot, William T: Townparks Y: 1826
Ellis, Thomas T: Kenaghan Y: 1826
Ewing, James T: Tenements Y: 1826
Ewing, Jas. T: Roundhill Y: 1826
Falkinder, James T: Tullyard Lower Y: 1826
Farquher, James T: Townparks Y: 1826
Farrell, Bryan T: Kenaghan Y: 1826
Farrell, Jno. T: Ballydonaghy Y: 1826
Fleming, John T: Kenaghan Y: 1826
Flynn, Davd. T: Castletown Y: 1826
Foster, Mr. T: Townparks Y: 1826
Gaff, Mr. T: Townparks Y: 1826
Galagher, Hugh T: Kenaghan Y: 1826
Galagher, Jas. T: Leck Y: 1826
Galagher, William T: Townparks Y: 1826
Galbraith, Joseph T: Cullermoney Upper Y: 1826
Gallagher, J. T: Ballee Y: 1826
Gamble, Rev. T: Townparks Y: 1826
Gault, Leslie T: Townparks Y: 1826
Gibson, Davd. T: Artagarvan Y: 1826
Gibson, Joseph T: Strabane Bog Y: 1826
Gibson, Moses T: Ballyskeagh Y: 1826
Gibson, William T: Ballyskeagh Y: 1826
Gibson, Wm. T: Legnagulloglagh Y: 1826
Glackin, Chas. T: Kenaghan Y: 1826
Glackin, Hugh T: Kenaghan Y: 1826
Gordon, A. T: Ballyskeagh Y: 1826
Gordon, Aaron T: Ballyskeagh Y: 1826
Gordon, Aaron T: Liscurry Y: 1826
Gordon, Aaron T: Woodend Y: 1826
Gordon, Alex. T: Ballyskeagh Y: 1826
Gordon, William T: Kenaghan Y: 1826
Gordon, Wm. T: Ballee Y: 1826
Gormley, Hugh T: Leck Y: 1826
Gormley, John T: Desart Lower Y: 1826
Gormley, P. T: Townparks Y: 1826
Gormley, Widow T: Desart Lower Y: 1826
Gormley, Widow T: Townparks Y: 1826
Gormly, Eliza T: Woodend Y: 1826
Gourley, Andw. T: Milltown Y: 1826
Gourley, Jas. T: Kenaghan Y: 1826
Gourley, Jno. T: Gorticrum Scotch Y: 1826
Gourley, John T: Leck Y: 1826
Gourley, John T: Milltown Y: 1826
Gourley, Thos. T: Kenaghan Y: 1826
Gourley, Wm. T: Gorticrum Scotch Y: 1826
Gourley, Wm. T: Legnagulloglagh Y: 1826
Graham, Mr. T: Townparks Y: 1826
Graham, Dony. T: Woodend Y: 1826
Graham, Jas. T: Woodend Y: 1826
Graham, John T: Woodend Y: 1826
Graham, Robert T: Leck Y: 1826
Graham, Thos. T: Townparks Y: 1826
Gwynne, Richd. T: Leck Y: 1826
Hagerty, Danl. T: Townparks Y: 1826
Hall, Jas. T: Cullermoney Upper Y: 1826
Hamilton, Mr. T: Townparks Y: 1826
Hamilton, Hgh. T: Townparks Y: 1826
Hamilton, Jas. T: Townparks Y: 1826
Hamilton, Saml. T: Townparks Y: 1826
Hamilton, Thos. T: Castletown Y: 1826
Hamilton, Widow Eliza. T: Woodend Y: 1826
Hamilton, William T: Townparks Y: 1826
Hastey, George T: Artagarvan Y: 1826
Hauchop, Danl. T: Townparks Y: 1826
Hawthorn, William T: Kenaghan Y: 1826
Henderson, John T: Kenaghan Y: 1826
Herron, Edwd. T: Leck Y: 1826
Holmes, Gabriel T: Loughnease Y: 1826
Holmes, John T: Townparks Y: 1826
Hooey, James T: Kenaghan Y: 1826
Hughes, Mihl. T: Townparks Y: 1826
Hunter, James T: Ballymagorry Y: 1826
Hunter, Jas. T: Ballymagorry Y: 1826
Huston, Thomas T: Woodend Y: 1826
Jamison, Math. T: Woodend Y: 1826
Jamison, Robt. T: Woodend Y: 1826
Kane, Lawrence T: Kenaghan Y: 1826
Kane, Thomas T: Kenaghan Y: 1826
Keasey, Jno. T: Kenaghan Y: 1826
Kee, Gustavis T: Kenaghan Y: 1826
Kee, James T: Clogheon Y: 1826
Kee, John T: Clogheon Y: 1826
Kelly, Bryan T: Lisdoo Y: 1826
Kelly, Danl. T: Ballymagorry Y: 1826
Kelly, Hugh T: Ballymagorry Y: 1826
Kelly, Hugh T: Clogheon Y: 1826
Kelly, Hugh T: Poakstown Y: 1826
Kelly, James T: Lisdoo Y: 1826
Kelly, Jas. T: Poakstown Y: 1826
Kelly, John T: Tullyard Lower Y: 1826
Kelly, Robt. T: Poakstown Y: 1826
Kelly, Wm. T: Ballymagorry Y: 1826
Kerr, Patrick T: Kenaghan Y: 1826
Kerr, Wm. T: Killynaught Y: 1826
Kilgore, G. T: Ballyskeagh Y: 1826
Killy, Hugh T: Altnagerag Y: 1826
Kilpatrick, James T: Cullermoney Lower Y: 1826
King, Peter T: Woodend Y: 1826
Kinkead, William T: Kenaghan Y: 1826
Kirk, Mr. T: Tullyard Upper Y: 1826
Kirk, H. T: Ballee Y: 1826
Kirk, Patrick T: Lisdoo Y: 1826
Kirk, Wm. T: Lisdoo Y: 1826
Knox, James T: Liscurry Y: 1826
Knox, Jas. T: Ballyskeagh Y: 1826
Knox, Jno. T: Ballyskeagh Y: 1826
Knox, John T: Liscurry Y: 1826
Knox, Thomas T: Ballyskeagh Y: 1826
Knox, Thomas T: Liscurry Y: 1826
Kyle, Jas. T: Ballee Y: 1826
Leaney, Dr. Wm. T: Townparks Y: 1826
Lennon, Wm. T: Townparks Y: 1826
Lepper, John T: Townparks Y: 1826
Lewis, Jas. T: Clogheon Y: 1826
Lindsay, Ab. T: Woodend Y: 1826
Lindsay, James T: Ballymagorry Y: 1826
Lindsay, Wm. T: Woodend Y: 1826
Loague, Edward T: Desart Middle Y: 1826
Loague, Edwd. T: Desart Upper Y: 1826
Loague, J. T: Ballydonaghy Y: 1826
Loague, Jno. T: Gorticrum Irish Y: 1826
Loague, Jno. T: Knocknavor Y: 1826
Loague, John T: Loughnease Y: 1826
Loague, Patk. T: Townparks Y: 1826
Loague, Wm. T: Killynaught Y: 1826
Long, Jno. T: Poolateely Y: 1826
Long, Neal T: Poolateely Y: 1826
Luke, Wm. T: Ballydonaghy Y: 1826
Lynch, Jas. T: Lisdoo Y: 1826
Lynch, Jno. T: Ballylaw Y: 1826
Lyons, John T: McCrackens Y: 1826
Lyons, Wm. T: Townparks Y: 1826
Madden, James T: Townparks Y: 1826
Magee, Mr. T: Townparks Y: 1826
Magilkin, Mr. T: Tullyard Upper Y: 1826
Malone, Joseph T: Liscurry Y: 1826
Marshall, Joseph T: Ballymagorry Y: 1826
McAna, James T: Tullyard Lower Y: 1826
McAna, John T: Townparks Y: 1826
McBay, Widow T: Desart Lower Y: 1826
McBride, T: Roundhill Y: 1826
McCadam, Danl. T: Townparks Y: 1826
McCane, Moses T: Ballyskeagh Y: 1826
McCarter, Jno. T: Brownhill Y: 1826
McCarter, T. T: Ballee Y: 1826
McCay, Jas. T: Kenaghan Y: 1826
McCay, Jas. T: Stranisk Y: 1826
McCay, Jno. T: Brownhill Y: 1826
McCinney, Mihl. T: Townparks Y: 1826
McCleary, Wm. T: Ballylaw Y: 1826
McCloskey, James T: Roundhill Y: 1826
McClosky, James T: Townparks Y: 1826
McClosky, Thomas T: Townparks Y: 1826
McConaghy, Widow T: Gorticrum Irish Y: 1826
McCorkill, James T: Townparks Y: 1826
McCormick, James T: Gorticrum Scotch Y: 1826
McCormick, Widow T: Gorticrum Scotch Y: 1826
McCrea, James T: Kenaghan Y: 1826
McCrea, Mr. Jas. T: Ballydonaghy Y: 1826
McCrea, Jas. T: Leck Y: 1826
McCrea, John T: Hollyhill Y: 1826
McCrea, John T: Kenaghan Y: 1826
McCrea, Robert T: Leck Y: 1826
McCrea, Mr. Robt. T: Stonypath Y: 1826
McCrosson, Donaghey T: Kenaghan Y: 1826
McCrosson, James T: Kenaghan Y: 1826
McCruiston, Hugh T: Backfence Y: 1826
McDade, Jas. T: Legavadder Y: 1826
McDade, John T: Kenaghan Y: 1826
McDade, Neal T: Kenaghan Y: 1826
McDonald, Danl. T: Ballee Y: 1826
McDonald, Wm. J. T: Ballee Y: 1826
McEllhare, Widow T: Kenaghan Y: 1826
McFarland, Daniel T: Kenaghan Y: 1826
McFarland, Francis T: Kenaghan Y: 1826
McFeely, Dennis T: Cullermoney Lower Y: 1826
McFeely, Owen T: Killynaught Y: 1826
McGilegan, Hugh T: Kenaghan Y: 1826
McGilegan, Rt. T: Kenaghan Y: 1826
McGill, Danl. T: Castletown Y: 1826
McGill, Henry T: Castletown Y: 1826
McGinley, Chas. T: Castletown Y: 1826
McGinley, Jas. T: Legavadder Y: 1826
McGonagle, Edward T: Kenaghan Y: 1826
McGonagle, Wm. T: Legavittal Y: 1826
McGonigal, M. T: Fyfinn Y: 1826
McGonigal, Michl. T: Fyfinn Y: 1826
McGonigle, M. T: Brownhill Y: 1826
McGowan, Daniel T: Roundhill Y: 1826
McGrath, John T: Townparks Y: 1826
McGuire, Andw. T: Townparks Y: 1826
McGuire, Jno. T: Castletown Y: 1826
McGuire, William T: Ballylaw Y: 1826
McIntire, Gustavis T: Kenaghan Y: 1826
McIntire, John T: Kenaghan Y: 1826
McLaughlin, Chas. T: Kenaghan Y: 1826
McLaughlin, Chas. T: Killynaught Y: 1826
McLaughlin, Hugh T: Legavittal Y: 1826
McLaughlin, James T: Legavittal Y: 1826
McLaughlin, Jno. T: Backfence Y: 1826
McLaughlin, John T: Killynaught Y: 1826
McLaughlin, John T: Tenements Y: 1826
McLaughlin, John T: Townparks Y: 1826
McLaughlin, Patk. T: Legavittel Y: 1826
McLaughlin, Thos. T: Backfence Y: 1826
McLaughlin, Thos. T: Castletown Y: 1826
McLaughlin, Wm. T: Brownhill Y: 1826
McLean, Jas. T: Townparks Y: 1826
McManus, James T: Woodend Y: 1826
McManus, Jno. T: Gorticrum Irish Y: 1826
McManus, John T: Tullyard Lower Y: 1826
McMoris, Danl. T: Loughnease Y: 1826
McMoris, Jas. T: Loughnease Y: 1826
McMoris, Rt. T: Loughnease Y: 1826
McMoris, Widow T: Loughnease Y: 1826
McNamee, James T: Tullyard Lower Y: 1826
McNulty, Mr. T: Altnagerag Y: 1826
McNulty, Chas. T: Knocknavor Y: 1826
McNulty, Jno. T: Knocknavor Y: 1826
McShane, Byrn. T: Ballydonaghy Y: 1826
McShene, Danl. T: Owen Reagh Y: 1826
McShene, Widow T: Stranisk Y: 1826
McWard, John T: Craignagappeel Y: 1826
Miller, John T: Ballylaw Y: 1826
Molarkey, Mihl. T: Leck Y: 1826
Monaghan, Patk. T: Backfence Y: 1826
Monteith, Dd. T: Leck Y: 1826
Monteith, Robt. T: Leck Y: 1826
Monteith, Wm. T: Leck Y: 1826
Moore, Jacb. T: Castletown Y: 1826
Moore, Jacob T: Desart Upper Y: 1826
Moore, Widow Sarah T: Loughnease Y: 1826
Mount, John T: Kenaghan Y: 1826
Mullen, John T: Townparks Y: 1826
Mullen, Mihl. T: Stranisk Y: 1826
Mulloy, Chas. T: Stonypath Y: 1826
Mulloy, John T: Tenements Y: 1826
Murphy, Edw. T: Townparks Y: 1826
Murphy, James T: Tenements Y: 1826
Murphy, P. T: Ballee Y: 1826
Nailis, John T: Milltown Y: 1826
Nesbitt, Widow T: Woodend Y: 1826
Nickle, Andw. T: Leck Y: 1826
Nickle, Mathew. T: Tullyard Lower Y: 1826
O'Gilbay, John T: Tenements Y: 1826
O'Neill, Dennis T: Cullermoney Lower Y: 1826
O'Neill, James T: Kenaghan Y: 1826
O'Neill, James T: Townparks Y: 1826
O'Neill, Owen T: Cullermoney Lower Y: 1826
Paterson, James T: Ballymagorry Y: 1826
Paterson, Wm. T: Leck Y: 1826
Perry, John T: Townparks Y: 1826
Pickerys, Wm. T: Townparks Y: 1826
Pollock, Cath. T: Killynaught Y: 1826
Pollock, Ephrm. T: Killynaught Y: 1826
Pollock, Isaac T: Killynaught Y: 1826
Pollock, J. T: Ballydonaghy Y: 1826
Pollock, Jas. T: Killynaught Y: 1826
Pollock, Jas. T: Killywaught Y: 1826
Pollock, Jas. T: Loughnease Y: 1826
Porter, James T: Ballymagorry Y: 1826
Porter, Jas. T: Artagarvan Y: 1826
Porter, Jas. T: Ballee Y: 1826
Porter, Jas. T: Killynaught Y: 1826
Porter, Jno. T: Tullyard Upper Y: 1826
Porter, Wm. T: Ballee Y: 1826
Porterfield, Wm. T: Leck Y: 1826
Powel, Mr. T: Leck Y: 1826
Quigley, Bryan T: Strabane Bog Y: 1826
Quinn, Jno. T: Kenaghan Y: 1826
Quinn, John T: Kenaghan Y: 1826
Rea, James T: Cullermoney Lower Y: 1826
Rea, John T: Cullermoney Lower Y: 1826
Regan, B. T: Townparks Y: 1826
Reily, Jas. T: Knocknahorn Y: 1826
Reily, Jno. T: Knocknahorn Y: 1826
Reily, Wm. T: Knocknahorn Y: 1826
Riley, Chas. T: Tullyard Upper Y: 1826 Notes: Riley and Daragh
Robinson, Jno. T: Backfence Y: 1826
Rodgers, Mr. T: Tullyard Lower Y: 1826
Ross, Jas. T: Artagarvan Y: 1826
Roulston, R. T: Clogheon Y: 1826
Rouse, John T: Owen Reagh Y: 1826
Rutherford, Mary T: Strabane Bog Y: 1826
Scott, John T: Townparks Y: 1826
Scott, Patk. T: Ballymagorry Y: 1826
Scully, James T: Townparks Y: 1826
Scully, Jas. T: Townparks Y: 1826
Sheeran, James T: Cullermoney Lower Y: 1826
Shene, P. T: Fyfinn Y: 1826
Sinclair, James, Esq. T: Kenaghan Y: 1826
Sinclair, Jas., Esq. T: Blackhill Y: 1826
Sinclair, Jas., Esq. T: Hollyhill Y: 1826
Smyth, Henry T: Roundhill Y: 1826
Smyth, James T: Ballee Y: 1826
Smyth, James T: Tenements Y: 1826
Smyth, Jas. T: Desart Upper Y: 1826
Smyth, John T: Townparks Y: 1826
Smyth, Widow T: Tenements Y: 1826
Smyth, Wm. T: Desart Middle Y: 1826
Sproule, Mr. T: Townparks Y: 1826
Stephenson, Wm. T: Townparks Y: 1826
Story, Widow T: Loughnease Y: 1826
Sweney, Jno. T: Castletown Y: 1826
Sweney, Miles T: Kenaghan Y: 1826
Thompson, Andw. T: Leck Y: 1826
Thompson, Wm. T: Kenaghan Y: 1826
Thomson, David T: Woodend Y: 1826
Toland, Chas. T: Kenaghan Y: 1826
Toland, Ds. T: Kenaghan Y: 1826
Toland, W. T: Ballee Y: 1826
Toland, Wm. T: Ballee Y: 1826
Tomson, D. T: Woodend Y: 1826
Trainer, John T: Townparks Y: 1826
Treaner, Bryan T: Townparks Y: 1826
Vance, James T: Townparks Y: 1826
Vance, John T: Townparks Y: 1826
Walsh, Widow T: Gorticrum Irish Y: 1826
Ward, Danl. T: Craignagappeel Y: 1826
Ward, Danl. T: Legavadder Y: 1826
Ward, Jno. T: Craignagappeel Y: 1826
Ward, John T: Legavadder Y: 1826
Ward, John T: Poolateely Y: 1826
Ward, Owen T: Townparks Y: 1826
Wark, William T: Townparks Y: 1826
Warnock, Leighton T: Townparks Y: 1826
Warnock, Lighton T: Roundhill Y: 1826
Watson, Jno. T: Backfence Y: 1826
Watson, John T: Townparks Y: 1826
Whaley, James T: Kenaghan Y: 1826
White, B. T: Townparks Y: 1826
White, Davd. T: Derart Lower Y: 1826
White, John T: Ballymagorry Y: 1826
White, John T: Desart Lower Y: 1826
White, John T: Milltown Y: 1826
White, John T: Poakstown Y: 1826
Wier, David T: Leck Y: 1826
Wier, James T: Greenlaw Y: 1826
Wier, Jas. T: Greenlaw Y: 1826
Wier, Dr. Jas. T: Leck Y: 1826
Wier, John T: Leck Y: 1826
Wier, Wm. T: Greenlaw Y: 1826
Wight, Jas. T: Killynaught Y: 1826
Williamson, Widow T: Leck Y: 1826
Wilson, John T: Desart Middle Y: 1826
Woods, William T: Cullermoney Lower Y: 1826