Tithe Applotment Books: Longfield East Parish, County Tyrone

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Tithe Applotment Books in Longfield East Parish

The Tithe Applotment Books in Longfield East parish and throughout the entire country record the results of a unique land survey taken to determine the amount of tax payable by landholders to the Church of Ireland. They are known as the Tithe Applotment Books because the results of this land survey were originally compiled in nearly 2,000 hand-written books. This data set represents a virtual census for pre-Famine Ireland and as it covered most of the country it is very important for historians and genealogists researching family origins or the history of specific areas.

The Tithe Applotments created a lot of civil unrest in Ireland especially from the Catholic population as they vigorously disagreed to paying taxes to a Protestant church. The Tithe Applotments were carried out in Longfield East Parish in 1829.


Tithe Applotment Books: Longfield East Parish

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LEGEND: T: = Townland Y: = Year

Alexander, James T: Drumrain Y: 1829
Alexander, John T: Segully Caldwell Y: 1829
Alexander, Jos. T: Drumrain Y: 1829
Alexander, Joseph T: Segully Caldwell Y: 1829
Alexander, Robert T: Drumhonish Y: 1829
Anthony, Jane T: Drumnaforbe Y: 1829
Barret, Roger T: Dressog Y: 1829
Boyle, Capt. T: Drumnaforbe Y: 1829
Boyle, Capt. T: Drumrain Y: 1829
Boyle, Bryan T: Garvahullion Y: 1829
Boyle, James T: Garvahullion Y: 1829
Bradley, Alxd. T: Drumnaforbe Y: 1829
Breen, Micl. T: Coolkeragh Y: 1829
Breen, Widow T: Dressog Y: 1829
Caldwell, Chas. T: Drumrain Y: 1829
Caldwell, Thos. T: Drumrain Y: 1829
Callan, John T: Legfreshey Y: 1829
Cameron, Robt. T: Drumnaforbe Y: 1829
Cane, Pat. T: Legfreshey Y: 1829
Cassiday, Daniel T: Dressog Y: 1829
Cassiday, Micl. T: Dressog Y: 1829
Cassiday, Paul T: Dressog Y: 1829
Cavanagh, Terence T: Cornavanon Y: 1829
Coll, Arthur T: Laught Y: 1829
Coll, Bernard T: Magharenny Y: 1829
Coll, Bryan T: Claraghmore Y: 1829
Coll, James T: Dressog Y: 1829
Coll, John T: Dressog Y: 1829
Coll, Owen T: Dressog Y: 1829
Coll, Owen T: Unchenagh Y: 1829
Coll, Pat. T: Dressog Y: 1829
Coll, Thos. T: Dressog Y: 1829
Coll, Widow T: Dressog Y: 1829
Crawford, Jas. T: Coolkeragh Y: 1829
Crawford, Jas. T: Dressog Y: 1829
Cunningham, Chas. T: Drumnaforbe Y: 1829
Davis, James T: Laught Y: 1829
Davis, James T: Unchenagh Y: 1829
Donelly, Peter, Jr. T: Cornavanon Y: 1829
Donelly, Peter, Sr. T: Cornavanon Y: 1829
Donnelly, Daniel T: Cornavanon Y: 1829
Donnelly, James T: Cornavanon Y: 1829
Donnelly, Mich. T: Cornavanon Y: 1829
Donnelly, Owen T: Cornavanon Y: 1829
Donnelly, Patrick T: Cornavanon Y: 1829
Doohan, Hugh T: Legfreshey Y: 1829
Doohan, Owen T: Legfreshey Y: 1829
Doran, Wm. T: Cornavanon Y: 1829
Dougherty, Andw. T: Garvahullion Y: 1829
Dougherty, Danl. T: Coolkeragh Y: 1829
Dougherty, Danl. T: Dressog Y: 1829
Dougherty, Danl. T: Garvahullion Y: 1829
Dougherty, Edward T: Cornavanon Y: 1829
Dougherty, Jas. T: Cornavanon Y: 1829
Dougherty, Jas. T: Dressog Y: 1829
Dougherty, John T: Cornavanon Y: 1829
Dougherty, Pat. T: Dressog Y: 1829
Earley, Bryan T: Garvahullion Y: 1829
Earley, Cormac T: Segully Caldwell Y: 1829
Elkin, Francis T: Coolkeragh Y: 1829
Fairy, Hugh T: Dressog Y: 1829
Fairy, Owen T: Dressog Y: 1829
Freil, Jas. T: Cornavanon Y: 1829
Galagher, Francis T: Magharenny Y: 1829
Galeese, Chas. T: Dressog Y: 1829
Gibson, John T: Drumbarley Y: 1829
Gibson, Saml. T: Drumbarley Y: 1829
Gillis, Wm., Jr. T: Drumrain Y: 1829
Gillis, Wm., Sr. T: Drumrain Y: 1829
Gipson, Robt. T: Coolkeragh Y: 1829
Given, William T: Caroney Y: 1829
Goan, Teague T: Caroney Y: 1829
Gormley, Edwd. T: Claraghmore Y: 1829
Gormley, James T: Claraghmore Y: 1829
Gormley, Micl. T: Claraghmore Y: 1829
Gormley, Patrick T: Claraghmore Y: 1829
Gormley, Roger T: Claraghmore Y: 1829
Gormly, Bernard T: Laught Y: 1829
Gormly, James T: Laught Y: 1829
Gormly, Jas. T: Laught Y: 1829
Gormly, Widow T: Laught Y: 1829
Gormly, Wm. T: Laught Y: 1829
Irwin, Chas. T: Cornavanon Y: 1829
Johnston, Edwd. T: Unchenagh Y: 1829
Johnston, Gearard T: Legenvey Y: 1829
Johnston, Jas. T: Drumnaforbe Y: 1829
Johnston, John T: Drumnaforbe Y: 1829
Johnston, John T: Segully Caldwell Y: 1829
Johnston, Robt. T: Claraghmore Y: 1829
Johnston, Wm. T: Drumrain Y: 1829
Johnston, Wm., Jr. T: Drumnaforbe Y: 1829
Johnston, Wm., Sr. T: Drumnaforbe Y: 1829
Kane, Thos. T: Drumrain Y: 1829
Lammey, Andw. T: Drumnaforbe Y: 1829
Lammey, George T: Drumnaforbe Y: 1829
Lammey, John T: Legfreshey Y: 1829
Lammey, Robert T: Legfreshey Y: 1829
Lammey, Solomon T: Legfreshey Y: 1829
Lammey, Wm. T: Segully Boyle Y: 1829
Levingston, Jas. T: Magharenny Y: 1829
Lunney, Edwd. T: Dressog Y: 1829
Lunney, John T: Dressog Y: 1829
Marley, Pat. T: Magharenny Y: 1829
Martin, Henry T: Laught Y: 1829
Martin, Robt. T: Caroney Y: 1829
Mathews, Dr. T: Drumnaforbe Y: 1829
Maxwell, Dr. T: Drumnaforbe Y: 1829
McAleer, Chas. T: Unchenagh Y: 1829
McAleer, Edwd. T: Unchenagh Y: 1829
McAleer, Francis T: Caroney Y: 1829
McAleer, Francis T: Garvahullion Y: 1829
McAlin, Pat. T: Claraghmore Y: 1829
McBride, Edwd. T: Drumhonish Y: 1829
McBride, Robt. T: Caroney Y: 1829
McBride, Robt. T: Drumnaforbe Y: 1829
McBryan, Neal T: Legfreshey Y: 1829
McCallan, D. T: Garvahullion Y: 1829
McCallan, Edwd. T: Garvahullion Y: 1829
McCallan, Micl. T: Carvahullion Y: 1829
McCane, Archy T: Cornavanon Y: 1829
McCane, Jas. T: Dressog Y: 1829
McCane, Owen T: Cornavanon Y: 1829
McCane, Thos. T: Claraghmore Y: 1829
McCanna, Bryan T: Garvahullion Y: 1829
McCanny, Francis T: Legfreshey Y: 1829
McCanny, John T: Unchenagh Y: 1829
McCanny, Michl. T: Segully Boyle Y: 1829
McCanny, Pat. T: Drumrain Y: 1829
McCanny, Patrick T: Cornavanon Y: 1829
McCanny, Patrick T: Unchenagh Y: 1829
McCanny, Peter T: Cornavanon Y: 1829
McCanny, Widow T: Legfreshey Y: 1829
McCaraghan, James T: Cornavanon Y: 1829
McCaskey, Jas. T: Coolkeragh Y: 1829
McCaskey, Jas. T: Coolke Notes: Mountain
McCaskey, Jas. T: Dressog Y: 1829
McCausland, Alxr. T: Drumnaforbe Y: 1829
McCavil, Patk. T: Magharenny Y: 1829
McClean, Alxr. T: Claraghmore Y: 1829
McClean, Jas. T: Unchenagh Y: 1829
McClean, Neal T: Drumnaforbe Y: 1829
McConnel, Arthur T: Garvahullion Y: 1829
McConnel, Francis T: Garvahullion Y: 1829
McCormack, Saml. T: Drumhonish Y: 1829
McCrossin, Thos. T: Drumnaforbe Y: 1829
McDaid, Denis T: Claraghmore Y: 1829
McDaid, Jas. T: Garvahullion Y: 1829
McGlaughlin, Jno. T: Drumnaforbe Y: 1829
McGlaughlin, Owen T: Dressog Y: 1829
McGlaughlin, Peter T: Coolkeragh Y: 1829
McGlaughlin, Peter T: Dressog Y: 1829
McGowan, Patrick T: Garvahullion Y: 1829
McGrath, James T: Legfreshey Y: 1829
McIlholm, Felix T: Caroney Y: 1829
McMaghan, Arthur T: Garvahullion Y: 1829
McMaghan, Jas. T: Garvahullion Y: 1829
McMearty, Bartley T: Cornavanon Y: 1829
McMearty, Thos. T: Cornavanon Y: 1829
McNab, Francis T: Segully Boyle Y: 1829
McNab, Jas. T: Segully Caldwell Y: 1829
McNab, Michl. T: Segully Boyle Y: 1829
McNab, Owen T: Segully Caldwell Y: 1829
McNab, William T: Segully Caldwell Y: 1829
McNamee, Cormac T: Caroney Y: 1829
McNight, John T: Legenvey Y: 1829
McNight, Wm. T: Legenvey Y: 1829
McPhelomy, Jno. T: Cornavanon Y: 1829
McPike, Henry T: Unchenagh Y: 1829
McQuade, Micl. T: Caroney Y: 1829
McQuade, Neal T: Legfreshey Y: 1829
McQuade, Redmond T: Unchenagh Y: 1829
McSorley, Hugh T: Laught Y: 1829
McTagart, Edwd. T: Legfreshey Y: 1829
McTagart, Jas. T: Magharenny Y: 1829
McWilliams, F. T: Caroney Y: 1829
McWilliams, Felix, Sr. T: Caroney Y: 1829
McWilliams, Jno. T: Caroney Y: 1829
Mimnagh, Hugh T: Legfreshey Y: 1829
Mimnagh, James T: Laught Y: 1829
Mimnagh, Jas., Jr. T: Cornavanon Y: 1829
Mimnagh, Jas., Sr. T: Cornavanon Y: 1829
Mimnagh, Micl. T: Legfreshey Y: 1829
Mimnagh, Neal T: Legfreshey Y: 1829
Mimnagh, Owen T: Drumrain Y: 1829
Mimnagh, Roger T: Cornavanon Y: 1829
Mimnagh, Saml. T: Caroney Y: 1829
Moffet, Andw. T: Legfreshey Y: 1829
Moore, James T: Drumrain Y: 1829
Moore, William T: Caroney Y: 1829
Morris, Bryan T: Dressog Y: 1829
Morris, James T: Legfreshey Y: 1829
Morris, Jas. T: Cornavanon Y: 1829
Morris, Jas. T: Dressog Y: 1829
Morris, Jno. T: Cornavanon Y: 1829
Morris, Lawrence T: Cornavanon Y: 1829
Morris, Pat. T: Cornavanon Y: 1829
Morris, Pat. T: Dressog Y: 1829
Morrow, William T: Laught Y: 1829
Mullan, Bryan T: Garvahullion Y: 1829
Mullan, Chas. T: Laught Y: 1829
Mullan, Cormac T: Claraghmore Y: 1829
Mullan, Cormac T: Garvahullion Y: 1829
Mullan, Cormac T: Laught Y: 1829
Mullan, Edwd. T: Garvahullion Y: 1829
Mullan, Henry T: Garvahullion Y: 1829
Mullan, Henry T: Laught Y: 1829
Mullan, John T: Segully Boyle Y: 1829
Mullan, Owen T: Garvahullion Y: 1829
Mungan, Owen T: Legfreshey Y: 1829
Netherey, James T: Magharenny Y: 1829
Netherey, Robt. T: Magharenny Y: 1829
Netherey, Thos. T: Magharenny Y: 1829
Netherey, Thos. T: Segully Caldwell Y: 1829
Nethery, Isac T: Drumrain Y: 1829
Nethery, Thos. T: Unchenagh Y: 1829
Nugent, Jas. T: Laught Y: 1829
O'Cane, Micl. T: Claraghmore Y: 1829
O'Kane, James T: Drumnaforbe Y: 1829
O'Kane, Micl. T: Garvahullion Y: 1829
O'Nail, Andw. T: Drumnaforbe Y: 1829
O'Nail, Arthur T: Segully Boyle Y: 1829
O'Nail, Danl. T: Legfreshey Y: 1829
O'Nail, Francis T: Legfreshey Y: 1829
O'Nail, George T: Unchenagh Y: 1829
O'Nail, Jas. T: Garvahullion Y: 1829
O'Nail, Widow T: Drumhonish Y: 1829
O'Neal, Chas. T: Caroney Y: 1829
O'Neal, Edwd., Jr. T: Claraghmore Y: 1829
O'Neal, Edwd., Sr. T: Claraghmore Y: 1829
O'Neal, James T: Caroney Y: 1829
O'Neil, Danl. T: Cornavanon Y: 1829
O'Neil, Denis T: Cornavanon Y: 1829
O'Neill, Bryan T: Claraghmore Y: 1829
O'Neill, Henry T: Claraghmore Y: 1829
O'Neill, John T: Claraghmore Y: 1829
O'Neill, Micl., Jr. T: Cornavanon Y: 1829
O'Neill, Micl., Sr. T: Cornavanon Y: 1829
O'Neill, Roger T: Claraghmore Y: 1829
Pattin, John T: Coolkeragh Y: 1829
Percy, Pat. T: Magharenny Y: 1829
Pilkington, Rev. J. T: Magharenny Y: 1829
Quigley, Edwd. T: Caroney Y: 1829
Quigley, Edwd. T: Drumnaforbe Y: 1829
Quin, Hugh T: Claraghmore Y: 1829
Quin, John T: Legfreshey Y: 1829
Rab, James T: Drumbarley Y: 1829
Rab, James T: Magharenny Y: 1829
Robinson, James T: Legenvey Y: 1829
Robinson, John T: Drumrain Y: 1829
Robinson, John T: Legenvey Y: 1829
Robinson, William T: Claraghmore Y: 1829
Scallan, Cormac T: Cornavanon Y: 1829
Scallan, Wm. T: Cornavanon Y: 1829
Shenan, Bryan T: Unchenagh Y: 1829
Shenan, Neal T: Drumnaforbe Y: 1829
Shenan, Owen T: Unchenagh Y: 1829
Sheridan, Jas. T: Segully Boyle Y: 1829
Sluddan, Patrick T: Cornavanon Y: 1829
Smith, Robt. T: Drumnaforbe Y: 1829
Sproul, Edwd., Esq. T: Drumnaforbe Y: 1829
Sproul, Henry T: Cornavanon Y: 1829
Sproul, Wm. T: Coolkeragh Y: 1829
Sproule, Robt. T: Legenvey Y: 1829
Stuart, Rev. G. T: Drumnaforbe Y: 1829
Sweeney, Neal T: Cornavanon Y: 1829
Sweeney, Owen T: Garvahullion Y: 1829
Tanney, Widow T: Legfreshey Y: 1829
Todd, John T: Segully Caldwell Y: 1829
Tomany, Francis T: Legfreshey Y: 1829
Tomany, John T: Legfreshey Y: 1829
Turner, James T: Drumnaforbe Y: 1829
Turner, Jas. T: Magharenny Y: 1829
Turner, John T: Drumrain Y: 1829
Turner, Joseph T: Drumrain Y: 1829
Turner, Robt. T: Magharenny Y: 1829
Turner, Saml. T: Drumnaforbe Y: 1829
Turner, Wm. T: Magharenny Y: 1829
Varty, Jas. T: Caroney Y: 1829
White, Thos. T: Claraghmore Y: 1829
Wilson, Chas. T: Segully Boyle Y: 1829
Wilson, Henry T: Laught Y: 1829
Wilson, Hugh T: Drumbarley Y: 1829
Wilson, James T: Coolkeragh Y: 1829
Wilson, James T: Drumbarley Y: 1829
Wilson, John T: Drumrain Y: 1829
Wilson, Robert T: Drumbarley Y: 1829
Wilson, Robert T: Drumrain Y: 1829
Wilson, Robt. T: Segully Boyle Y: 1829
Winter, Arthur T: Drumnaforbe Y: 1829
Woods, Saml. T: Caroney Y: 1829